/* eslint-disable no-console */ const fs = require('fs'); const _ = require('lodash'); const packageJson = require('./package.json'); const defaultConfig = require('./config/default.json'); function checkValue(object, objectPath, expected) { const actual = _.get(object, objectPath); if (actual !== expected) { throw new Error(`${objectPath} was ${actual}; expected ${expected}`); } } // You might be wondering why this file is necessary. We have some very specific // requirements around our import-flavor builds. They need to look exactly the same as // normal builds, but they must immediately open into import mode. So they need a // slight config tweak, and then a change to the .app/.exe name (note: we do NOT want to // change where data is stored or anything, since that would make these builds // incompatible with the mainline builds) So we just change the artifact name. // // Another key thing to know about these builds is that we should not upload the // latest.yml (windows) and latest-mac.yml (mac) that go along with the executables. // This would interrupt the normal install flow for users installing from // signal.org/download. So any release script will need to upload these files manually // instead of relying on electron-builder, which will upload everything. // ------- console.log('prepare_import_build: updating config/default.json'); const IMPORT_PATH = 'import'; const IMPORT_START_VALUE = false; const IMPORT_END_VALUE = true; checkValue(defaultConfig, IMPORT_PATH, IMPORT_START_VALUE); _.set(defaultConfig, IMPORT_PATH, IMPORT_END_VALUE); // ------- console.log('prepare_import_build: updating package.json'); const MAC_ASSET_PATH = 'build.mac.artifactName'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string const MAC_ASSET_START_VALUE = '${name}-mac-${version}.${ext}'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string const MAC_ASSET_END_VALUE = '${name}-mac-${version}-import.${ext}'; const WIN_ASSET_PATH = 'build.win.artifactName'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string const WIN_ASSET_START_VALUE = '${name}-win-${version}.${ext}'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string const WIN_ASSET_END_VALUE = '${name}-win-${version}-import.${ext}'; checkValue(packageJson, MAC_ASSET_PATH, MAC_ASSET_START_VALUE); checkValue(packageJson, WIN_ASSET_PATH, WIN_ASSET_START_VALUE); _.set(packageJson, MAC_ASSET_PATH, MAC_ASSET_END_VALUE); _.set(packageJson, WIN_ASSET_PATH, WIN_ASSET_END_VALUE); // --- fs.writeFileSync( './config/default.json', JSON.stringify(defaultConfig, null, ' ') ); fs.writeFileSync('./package.json', JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, ' '));