import { _electron, Page, test } from '@playwright/test'; import { beforeAllClean, forceCloseAllWindows } from './setup/beforeEach'; import { newUser } from './setup/new_user'; import { openAppAndWait } from './setup/open'; import { clickOnMatchingText, clickOnTestIdWithText, typeIntoInput, waitForMatchingText, waitForTestIdWithText, } from './utils'; let window: Page | undefined; test.beforeEach(beforeAllClean); test.afterEach(async () => { if (window) { await forceCloseAllWindows([window]); } }); const testPassword = '123456'; const newTestPassword = '789101112'; test.describe('Password checks', () => { test('Set Password', async () => { // open Electron window = await openAppAndWait('1'); // Create user await newUser(window, 'userA'); // Click on settings tab await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'settings-section'); // Click on privacy await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'privacy-settings-menu-item'); // Click set password await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'set-password-button'); // Enter password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-input', testPassword); await'Delete'); // Confirm password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-input-confirm', testPassword); await'Delete'); // Click OK await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'OK'); // await'Enter'); // Check toast notification await waitForTestIdWithText( window, 'session-toast', 'Your password has been set. Please keep it safe' ); // Type password into input field await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-lock-input', testPassword); // Click OK await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'OK'); // Change password await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'Change Password'); // Enter old password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-input', testPassword); await'Delete'); // Enter new password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-input-confirm', newTestPassword); await'Delete'); // await window.fill('#password-modal-input-confirm', newTestPassword); await'Tab'); // Confirm new password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-input-reconfirm', newTestPassword); await'Delete'); // await window.fill('#password-modal-input-reconfirm', newTestPassword); // Press enter on keyboard await'Enter'); // Select OK await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'OK'); // Check toast notification for 'changed password' await waitForTestIdWithText( window, 'session-toast', 'Your password has been changed. Please keep it safe.' ); }); test('Wrong password', async () => { // Check if incorrect password works window = await openAppAndWait('1'); // Create user await newUser(window, 'userA'); // Click on settings tab await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'settings-section'); // Click on privacy await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'Privacy'); // Click set password await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'Set Password'); // Enter password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-input', testPassword); await'Delete'); // Confirm password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-input-confirm', testPassword); await'Delete'); // Click OK await'Enter'); // Type password into input field await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-lock-input', testPassword); await'Delete'); // Click OK await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'OK'); // Navigate away from settings tab await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'message-section'); // // Click on settings tab await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'settings-section'); // // Try with incorrect password await typeIntoInput(window, 'password-lock-input', '0000'); await'Delete'); // Confirm await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'OK'); // // invalid password banner showing? await waitForMatchingText(window, 'Invalid password'); // // Empty password // // Navigate away from settings tab await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'message-section'); // // Click on settings tab await clickOnTestIdWithText(window, 'settings-section'); // // No password entered await clickOnMatchingText(window, 'OK'); // // Banner should ask for password to be entered await waitForMatchingText(window, 'Please enter your password'); }); });