package signalservice; message Envelope { enum Type { SESSION_MESSAGE = 6; CLOSED_GROUP_MESSAGE = 7; } // @required required Type type = 1; optional string source = 2; // @required required uint64 timestamp = 5; optional bytes content = 8; } message TypingMessage { enum Action { STARTED = 0; STOPPED = 1; } // @required required uint64 timestamp = 1; // @required required Action action = 2; } message Unsend { // @required required uint64 timestamp = 1; // @required required string author = 2; } message Content { optional DataMessage dataMessage = 1; optional CallMessage callMessage = 3; optional ReceiptMessage receiptMessage = 5; optional TypingMessage typingMessage = 6; optional ConfigurationMessage configurationMessage = 7; optional DataExtractionNotification dataExtractionNotification = 8; optional Unsend unsendMessage = 9; } message KeyPair { // @required required bytes publicKey = 1; // @required required bytes privateKey = 2; } message DataExtractionNotification { enum Type { SCREENSHOT = 1; // no way to know this on Desktop MEDIA_SAVED = 2; // timestamp } // @required required Type type = 1; optional uint64 timestamp = 2; } message DataMessage { enum Flags { EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE = 2; } message Quote { message QuotedAttachment { optional string contentType = 1; optional string fileName = 2; optional AttachmentPointer thumbnail = 3; } // @required required uint64 id = 1; // @required required string author = 2; optional string text = 3; repeated QuotedAttachment attachments = 4; } message Preview { // @required required string url = 1; optional string title = 2; optional AttachmentPointer image = 3; } message LokiProfile { optional string displayName = 1; optional string profilePicture = 2; } message OpenGroupInvitation { // @required required string url = 1; // @required required string name = 3; } message ClosedGroupControlMessage { enum Type { NEW = 1; // publicKey, name, encryptionKeyPair, members, admins, expireTimer ENCRYPTION_KEY_PAIR = 3; // publicKey, wrappers NAME_CHANGE = 4; // name MEMBERS_ADDED = 5; // members MEMBERS_REMOVED = 6; // members MEMBER_LEFT = 7; ENCRYPTION_KEY_PAIR_REQUEST = 8; } message KeyPairWrapper { // @required required bytes publicKey = 1; // The public key of the user the key pair is meant for // @required required bytes encryptedKeyPair = 2; // The encrypted key pair } // @required required Type type = 1; optional bytes publicKey = 2; optional string name = 3; optional KeyPair encryptionKeyPair = 4; repeated bytes members = 5; repeated bytes admins = 6; repeated KeyPairWrapper wrappers = 7; optional uint32 expireTimer = 8; } optional string body = 1; repeated AttachmentPointer attachments = 2; optional GroupContext group = 3; optional uint32 flags = 4; optional uint32 expireTimer = 5; optional bytes profileKey = 6; optional uint64 timestamp = 7; optional Quote quote = 8; repeated Preview preview = 10; optional LokiProfile profile = 101; optional OpenGroupInvitation openGroupInvitation = 102; optional ClosedGroupControlMessage closedGroupControlMessage = 104; optional string syncTarget = 105; } message CallMessage { enum Type { PRE_OFFER = 6; OFFER = 1; ANSWER = 2; PROVISIONAL_ANSWER = 3; ICE_CANDIDATES = 4; END_CALL = 5; } // @required required Type type = 1; repeated string sdps = 2; repeated uint32 sdpMLineIndexes = 3; repeated string sdpMids = 4; // @required required string uuid = 5; } message ConfigurationMessage { message ClosedGroup { optional bytes publicKey = 1; optional string name = 2; optional KeyPair encryptionKeyPair = 3; repeated bytes members = 4; repeated bytes admins = 5; } message Contact { // @required required bytes publicKey = 1; // @required required string name = 2; optional string profilePicture = 3; optional bytes profileKey = 4; optional bool isApproved = 5; optional bool isBlocked = 6; } repeated ClosedGroup closedGroups = 1; repeated string openGroups = 2; optional string displayName = 3; optional string profilePicture = 4; optional bytes profileKey = 5; repeated Contact contacts = 6; } message ReceiptMessage { enum Type { READ = 1; } // @required required Type type = 1; repeated uint64 timestamp = 2; } message AttachmentPointer { enum Flags { VOICE_MESSAGE = 1; } // @required required fixed64 id = 1; optional string contentType = 2; optional bytes key = 3; optional uint32 size = 4; optional bytes thumbnail = 5; optional bytes digest = 6; optional string fileName = 7; optional uint32 flags = 8; optional uint32 width = 9; optional uint32 height = 10; optional string caption = 11; optional string url = 101; } message GroupContext { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; UPDATE = 1; DELIVER = 2; QUIT = 3; REQUEST_INFO = 4; } // @required optional bytes id = 1; // @required optional Type type = 2; optional string name = 3; repeated string members = 4; optional AttachmentPointer avatar = 5; repeated string admins = 6; }