import { Constants } from '../../session'; import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { getConversationController } from '../../session/conversations'; import { getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation, getMessagesByConversation } from '../../data/data'; import { ConversationNotificationSettingType, ConversationTypeEnum, } from '../../models/conversation'; import { MessageDeliveryStatus, MessageModelType, PropsForDataExtractionNotification, } from '../../models/messageType'; import { LightBoxOptions } from '../../components/session/conversation/SessionConversation'; import { ReplyingToMessageProps } from '../../components/session/conversation/composition/CompositionBox'; import { QuotedAttachmentType } from '../../components/conversation/Quote'; import { perfEnd, perfStart } from '../../session/utils/Performance'; import { omit } from 'lodash'; export type PropsForMissedCallNotification = { isMissedCall: boolean; messageId: string; receivedAt: number; isUnread: boolean; }; export type MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps = { propsForMessage: PropsForMessageWithoutConvoProps; propsForGroupInvitation?: PropsForGroupInvitation; propsForTimerNotification?: PropsForExpirationTimer; propsForDataExtractionNotification?: PropsForDataExtractionNotification; propsForGroupNotification?: PropsForGroupUpdate; propsForMissedCall?: PropsForMissedCallNotification; }; export type MessageModelPropsWithConvoProps = SortedMessageModelProps & { propsForMessage: PropsForMessageWithConvoProps; }; export type ContactPropsMessageDetail = { status: string | undefined; pubkey: string; name?: string | null; profileName?: string | null; avatarPath?: string | null; isOutgoingKeyError: boolean; errors?: Array; }; export type MessagePropsDetails = { sentAt: number; receivedAt: number; errors: Array; contacts: Array; convoId: string; messageId: string; direction: MessageModelType; }; export type LastMessageStatusType = MessageDeliveryStatus | undefined; export type FindAndFormatContactType = { pubkey: string; avatarPath: string | null; name: string | null; profileName: string | null; title: string | null; isMe: boolean; }; export type PropsForExpirationTimer = { timespan: string; disabled: boolean; pubkey: string; avatarPath: string | null; name: string | null; profileName: string | null; title: string | null; type: 'fromMe' | 'fromSync' | 'fromOther'; messageId: string; isUnread: boolean; receivedAt: number | undefined; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateGeneral = { type: 'general'; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateAdd = { type: 'add'; contacts?: Array; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateKicked = { type: 'kicked'; isMe: boolean; contacts?: Array; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateRemove = { type: 'remove'; isMe: boolean; contacts?: Array; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateName = { type: 'name'; newName: string; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateType = | PropsForGroupUpdateGeneral | PropsForGroupUpdateAdd | PropsForGroupUpdateKicked | PropsForGroupUpdateName | PropsForGroupUpdateRemove; export type PropsForGroupUpdateArray = Array; export type PropsForGroupUpdate = { changes: PropsForGroupUpdateArray; messageId: string; receivedAt: number | undefined; isUnread: boolean; }; export type PropsForGroupInvitation = { serverName: string; url: string; direction: MessageModelType; acceptUrl: string; messageId: string; receivedAt?: number; isUnread: boolean; }; export type PropsForAttachment = { id: number; contentType: string; caption?: string; size: number; width?: number; height?: number; url: string; path: string; fileSize: string | null; isVoiceMessage: boolean; pending: boolean; fileName: string; screenshot: { contentType: string; width: number; height: number; url?: string; path?: string; } | null; thumbnail: { contentType: string; width: number; height: number; url?: string; path?: string; } | null; }; export type PropsForMessageWithoutConvoProps = { id: string; // messageId direction: MessageModelType; timestamp: number; authorPhoneNumber: string; // this is the sender convoId: string; // this is the conversation in which this message was sent text?: string; receivedAt?: number; serverTimestamp?: number; serverId?: number; status?: LastMessageStatusType; attachments?: Array; previews?: Array; quote?: { text?: string; attachment?: QuotedAttachmentType; isFromMe?: boolean; authorPhoneNumber: string; authorProfileName?: string; authorName?: string; messageId?: string; referencedMessageNotFound?: boolean; } | null; messageHash?: string; isDeleted?: boolean; isUnread?: boolean; expirationLength?: number; expirationTimestamp?: number | null; isExpired?: boolean; isTrustedForAttachmentDownload?: boolean; }; export type PropsForMessageWithConvoProps = PropsForMessageWithoutConvoProps & { authorName: string | null; authorProfileName: string | null; conversationType: ConversationTypeEnum; authorAvatarPath: string | null; isPublic: boolean; isOpenGroupV2: boolean; isKickedFromGroup: boolean; weAreAdmin: boolean; isSenderAdmin: boolean; isDeletable: boolean; isDeletableForEveryone: boolean; isBlocked: boolean; isDeleted?: boolean; }; export type LastMessageType = { status: LastMessageStatusType; text: string | null; }; export interface ReduxConversationType { id: string; name?: string; profileName?: string; hasNickname?: boolean; activeAt?: number; lastMessage?: LastMessageType; type: ConversationTypeEnum; isMe?: boolean; isPublic?: boolean; isGroup?: boolean; isPrivate?: boolean; weAreAdmin?: boolean; unreadCount?: number; mentionedUs?: boolean; isSelected?: boolean; expireTimer?: number; isTyping?: boolean; isBlocked?: boolean; isKickedFromGroup?: boolean; subscriberCount?: number; left?: boolean; avatarPath?: string | null; // absolute filepath to the avatar groupAdmins?: Array; // admins for closed groups and moderators for open groups members?: Array; // members for closed groups only /** * If this is undefined, it means all notification are enabled */ currentNotificationSetting?: ConversationNotificationSettingType; isPinned?: boolean; isApproved?: boolean; } export interface NotificationForConvoOption { name: string; value: ConversationNotificationSettingType; } export type ConversationLookupType = { [key: string]: ReduxConversationType; }; export type ConversationsStateType = { conversationLookup: ConversationLookupType; selectedConversation?: string; messages: Array; firstUnreadMessageId: string | undefined; messageDetailProps?: MessagePropsDetails; showRightPanel: boolean; selectedMessageIds: Array; lightBox?: LightBoxOptions; quotedMessage?: ReplyingToMessageProps; areMoreMessagesBeingFetched: boolean; haveDoneFirstScroll: boolean; showScrollButton: boolean; animateQuotedMessageId?: string; nextMessageToPlayId?: string; mentionMembers: MentionsMembersType; }; export type MentionsMembersType = Array<{ id: string; authorPhoneNumber: string; authorProfileName: string; }>; async function getMessages( conversationKey: string, numMessagesToFetch: number ): Promise> { const conversation = getConversationController().get(conversationKey); if (!conversation) { // no valid conversation, early return window?.log?.error('Failed to get convo on reducer.'); return []; } let msgCount = numMessagesToFetch; msgCount = msgCount > Constants.CONVERSATION.MAX_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT ? Constants.CONVERSATION.MAX_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT : msgCount; if (msgCount < Constants.CONVERSATION.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT) { msgCount = Constants.CONVERSATION.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT; } const messageSet = await getMessagesByConversation(conversationKey, { limit: msgCount, }); const messageProps: Array = => m.getMessageModelProps() ); return messageProps; } export type SortedMessageModelProps = MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps & { firstMessageOfSeries: boolean; lastMessageOfSeries: boolean; }; type FetchedMessageResults = { conversationKey: string; messagesProps: Array; }; export const fetchMessagesForConversation = createAsyncThunk( 'messages/fetchByConversationKey', async ({ conversationKey, count, }: { conversationKey: string; count: number; }): Promise => { const beforeTimestamp =; // tslint:disable-next-line: no-console perfStart('fetchMessagesForConversation'); const messagesProps = await getMessages(conversationKey, count); const afterTimestamp =; // tslint:disable-next-line: no-console perfEnd('fetchMessagesForConversation', 'fetchMessagesForConversation'); const time = afterTimestamp - beforeTimestamp; window?.log?.info(`Loading ${messagesProps.length} messages took ${time}ms to load.`); return { conversationKey, messagesProps, }; } ); // Reducer export function getEmptyConversationState(): ConversationsStateType { return { conversationLookup: {}, messages: [], messageDetailProps: undefined, showRightPanel: false, selectedMessageIds: [], areMoreMessagesBeingFetched: false, showScrollButton: false, mentionMembers: [], firstUnreadMessageId: undefined, haveDoneFirstScroll: false, }; } function handleMessageAdded( state: ConversationsStateType, payload: { conversationKey: string; messageModelProps: MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps; } ) { const { messages } = state; const { conversationKey, messageModelProps: addedMessageProps } = payload; if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { const messageInStoreIndex = state?.messages?.findIndex( m => === ); if (messageInStoreIndex >= 0) { // we cannot edit the array directly, so slice the first part, insert our edited message, and slice the second part const editedMessages = [ ...state.messages.slice(0, messageInStoreIndex), addedMessageProps, ...state.messages.slice(messageInStoreIndex + 1), ]; return { ...state, messages: editedMessages, }; } return { ...state, messages: [...messages, addedMessageProps], // sorting happens in the selector }; } return state; } function handleMessageChanged( state: ConversationsStateType, changedMessage: MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps ) { const messageInStoreIndex = state?.messages?.findIndex( m => === ); if (messageInStoreIndex >= 0) { // we cannot edit the array directly, so slice the first part, insert our edited message, and slice the second part const editedMessages = [ ...state.messages.slice(0, messageInStoreIndex), changedMessage, ...state.messages.slice(messageInStoreIndex + 1), ]; return { ...state, messages: editedMessages, }; } return state; } function handleMessagesChanged( state: ConversationsStateType, payload: Array ) { payload.forEach(element => { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-parameter-reassignment state = handleMessageChanged(state, element); }); return state; } function handleMessageExpiredOrDeleted( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction<{ messageId: string; conversationKey: string; }> ): ConversationsStateType { const { conversationKey, messageId } = action.payload; if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { // search if we find this message id. // we might have not loaded yet, so this case might not happen const messageInStoreIndex = state?.messages.findIndex(m => === messageId); if (messageInStoreIndex >= 0) { // we cannot edit the array directly, so slice the first part, and slice the second part, // keeping the index removed out const editedMessages = [ ...state.messages.slice(0, messageInStoreIndex), ...state.messages.slice(messageInStoreIndex + 1), ]; // FIXME two other thing we have to do: // * update the last message text if the message deleted was the last one // * update the unread count of the convo if the message was the one counted as an unread return { ...state, messages: editedMessages, firstUnreadMessageId: state.firstUnreadMessageId === messageId ? undefined : state.firstUnreadMessageId, }; } return state; } return state; } function handleConversationReset(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { const conversationKey = action.payload; if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { // just empty the list of messages return { ...state, messages: [], }; } return state; } const conversationsSlice = createSlice({ name: 'conversations', initialState: getEmptyConversationState(), reducers: { showMessageDetailsView( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction ) { // force the right panel to be hidden when showing message detail view return { ...state, messageDetailProps: action.payload, showRightPanel: false }; }, closeMessageDetailsView(state: ConversationsStateType) { return { ...state, messageDetailProps: undefined }; }, openRightPanel(state: ConversationsStateType) { return { ...state, showRightPanel: true }; }, closeRightPanel(state: ConversationsStateType) { return { ...state, showRightPanel: false }; }, addMessageIdToSelection(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { if (state.selectedMessageIds.some(id => id === action.payload)) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedMessageIds: [...state.selectedMessageIds, action.payload] }; }, removeMessageIdFromSelection(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { const index = state.selectedMessageIds.findIndex(id => id === action.payload); if (index === -1) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedMessageIds: state.selectedMessageIds.splice(index, 1) }; }, toggleSelectedMessageId(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { const index = state.selectedMessageIds.findIndex(id => id === action.payload); if (index === -1) { state.selectedMessageIds = [...state.selectedMessageIds, action.payload]; } else { state.selectedMessageIds.splice(index, 1); } return state; }, resetSelectedMessageIds(state: ConversationsStateType) { return { ...state, selectedMessageIds: [] }; }, conversationAdded( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction<{ id: string; data: ReduxConversationType; }> ) { const { conversationLookup } = state; return { ...state, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, []:, }, }; }, conversationChanged( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction<{ id: string; data: ReduxConversationType; }> ) { const { payload } = action; const { id, data } = payload; const { conversationLookup, selectedConversation } = state; const existing = conversationLookup[id]; // In the change case we only modify the lookup if we already had that conversation if (!existing) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedConversation, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, }; }, conversationRemoved(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { const { payload: conversationId } = action; const { conversationLookup, selectedConversation } = state; return { ...state, conversationLookup: omit(conversationLookup, [conversationId]), selectedConversation: selectedConversation === conversationId ? undefined : selectedConversation, }; }, removeAllConversations() { return getEmptyConversationState(); }, messageAdded( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction<{ conversationKey: string; messageModelProps: MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps; }> ) { return handleMessageAdded(state, action.payload); }, messagesAdded( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction< Array<{ conversationKey: string; messageModelProps: MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps; }> > ) { perfStart('messagesAdded'); action.payload.forEach(added => { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-parameter-reassignment state = handleMessageAdded(state, added); }); perfEnd('messagesAdded', 'messagesAdded'); return state; }, messageChanged( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction ) { return handleMessageChanged(state, action.payload); }, messagesChanged( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction> ) { return handleMessagesChanged(state, action.payload); }, messageExpired( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction<{ messageId: string; conversationKey: string; }> ) { return handleMessageExpiredOrDeleted(state, action); }, messageDeleted( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction<{ messageId: string; conversationKey: string; }> ) { return handleMessageExpiredOrDeleted(state, action); }, conversationReset(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { return handleConversationReset(state, action); }, markConversationFullyRead(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { if (state.selectedConversation !== action.payload) { return state; } // keep the unread visible just like in other apps. It will be shown until the user changes convo return { ...state, firstUnreadMessageId: undefined, }; }, openConversationExternal( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction<{ id: string; firstUnreadIdOnOpen: string | undefined; initialMessages: Array; messageId?: string; }> ) { if (state.selectedConversation === { return state; } return { conversationLookup: state.conversationLookup, selectedConversation:, areMoreMessagesBeingFetched: false, messages: action.payload.initialMessages, showRightPanel: false, selectedMessageIds: [], lightBox: undefined, messageDetailProps: undefined, quotedMessage: undefined, nextMessageToPlay: undefined, showScrollButton: false, animateQuotedMessageId: undefined, mentionMembers: [], firstUnreadMessageId: action.payload.firstUnreadIdOnOpen, haveDoneFirstScroll: false, }; }, updateHaveDoneFirstScroll(state: ConversationsStateType) { state.haveDoneFirstScroll = true; return state; }, showLightBox( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction ) { state.lightBox = action.payload; return state; }, showScrollToBottomButton(state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) { state.showScrollButton = action.payload; return state; }, quoteMessage( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction ) { state.quotedMessage = action.payload; return state; }, quotedMessageToAnimate( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction ) { state.animateQuotedMessageId = action.payload; return state; }, setNextMessageToPlayId( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction ) { state.nextMessageToPlayId = action.payload; return state; }, updateMentionsMembers( state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction ) { window?.log?.info('updating mentions input members length', action.payload?.length); state.mentionMembers = action.payload; return state; }, }, extraReducers: (builder: any) => { // Add reducers for additional action types here, and handle loading state as needed builder.addCase( fetchMessagesForConversation.fulfilled, (state: ConversationsStateType, action: PayloadAction) => { // this is called once the messages are loaded from the db for the currently selected conversation const { messagesProps, conversationKey } = action.payload; // double check that this update is for the shown convo if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { return { ...state, messages: messagesProps, areMoreMessagesBeingFetched: false, }; } return state; } ); builder.addCase(fetchMessagesForConversation.pending, (state: ConversationsStateType) => { state.areMoreMessagesBeingFetched = true; }); builder.addCase(fetchMessagesForConversation.rejected, (state: ConversationsStateType) => { state.areMoreMessagesBeingFetched = false; }); }, }); // destructures export const { actions, reducer } = conversationsSlice; export const { // conversation and messages list conversationAdded, conversationChanged, conversationRemoved, removeAllConversations, messageExpired, messageAdded, messagesAdded, messageDeleted, conversationReset, messageChanged, messagesChanged, updateHaveDoneFirstScroll, markConversationFullyRead, // layout stuff showMessageDetailsView, closeMessageDetailsView, openRightPanel, closeRightPanel, addMessageIdToSelection, resetSelectedMessageIds, toggleSelectedMessageId, showLightBox, quoteMessage, showScrollToBottomButton, quotedMessageToAnimate, setNextMessageToPlayId, updateMentionsMembers, } = actions; export async function openConversationWithMessages(args: { conversationKey: string; messageId?: string; }) { const { conversationKey, messageId } = args; perfStart('getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation'); const firstUnreadIdOnOpen = await getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation(conversationKey); perfEnd('getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation', 'getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation'); // preload 30 messages perfStart('getMessages'); const initialMessages = await getMessages(conversationKey, 30); perfEnd('getMessages', 'getMessages'); window.inboxStore?.dispatch( actions.openConversationExternal({ id: conversationKey, firstUnreadIdOnOpen, messageId, initialMessages, }) ); }