import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import { Data } from '../data/data'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/message'; import { SignalService } from '../protobuf'; import { getUsBlindedInThatServer, isUsAnySogsFromCache, } from '../session/apis/open_group_api/sogsv3/knownBlindedkeys'; import { ToastUtils, UserUtils } from '../session/utils'; import { Action, OpenGroupReactionList, ReactionList, RecentReactions } from '../types/Reaction'; import { getRecentReactions, saveRecentReations } from '../util/storage'; const SOGSReactorsFetchCount = 5; const rateCountLimit = 20; const rateTimeLimit = 60 * 1000; const latestReactionTimestamps: Array = []; function hitRateLimit(): boolean { const now =; latestReactionTimestamps.push(now); if (latestReactionTimestamps.length > rateCountLimit) { const firstTimestamp = latestReactionTimestamps[0]; if (now - firstTimestamp < rateTimeLimit) { latestReactionTimestamps.pop(); window.log.warn(`Only ${rateCountLimit} reactions are allowed per minute`); return true; } else { latestReactionTimestamps.shift(); } } return false; } /** * Retrieves the original message of a reaction */ const getMessageByReaction = async ( reaction: SignalService.DataMessage.IReaction, openGroupConversationId?: string ): Promise => { let originalMessage = null; const originalMessageId = Number(; const originalMessageAuthor =; if (openGroupConversationId && !isEmpty(openGroupConversationId)) { originalMessage = await Data.getMessageByServerId(openGroupConversationId, originalMessageId); } else { const collection = await Data.getMessagesBySentAt(originalMessageId); originalMessage = collection.find((item: MessageModel) => { const messageTimestamp = item.get('sent_at'); const author = item.get('source'); return Boolean( messageTimestamp && messageTimestamp === originalMessageId && author && author === originalMessageAuthor ); }); } if (!originalMessage) { window?.log?.warn(`Cannot find the original reacted message ${originalMessageId}.`); return null; } return originalMessage; }; /** * Sends a Reaction Data Message */ const sendMessageReaction = async (messageId: string, emoji: string) => { const found = await Data.getMessageById(messageId); if (found) { const conversationModel = found?.getConversation(); if (!conversationModel) { window.log.warn(`Conversation for ${messageId} not found in db`); return; } if (!conversationModel.hasReactions()) { window.log.warn("This conversation doesn't have reaction support"); return; } if (hitRateLimit()) { ToastUtils.pushRateLimitHitReactions(); return; } let me = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache(); let id = Number(found.get('sent_at')); if (found.get('isPublic')) { if (found.get('serverId')) { id = found.get('serverId') || id; me = getUsBlindedInThatServer(conversationModel) || me; } else { window.log.warn(`Server Id was not found in message ${messageId} for opengroup reaction`); return; } } const author = found.get('source'); let action: Action = Action.REACT; const reacts = found.get('reacts'); if (reacts?.[emoji]?.senders?.includes(me)) {'Found matching reaction removing it'); action = Action.REMOVE; } else { const reactions = getRecentReactions(); if (reactions) { await updateRecentReactions(reactions, emoji); } } const reaction = { id, author, emoji, action, }; await conversationModel.sendReaction(messageId, reaction); `You ${action === Action.REACT ? 'added' : 'removed'} a`, emoji, 'reaction for message', id, found.get('isPublic') ? `on ${conversationModel.toOpenGroupV2().serverUrl}/${ conversationModel.toOpenGroupV2().roomId }` : '' ); return reaction; } else { window.log.warn(`Message ${messageId} not found in db`); return; } }; /** * Handle reactions on the client by updating the state of the source message * Used in OpenGroups for sending reactions only, not handling responses */ const handleMessageReaction = async ({ reaction, sender, you, openGroupConversationId, }: { reaction: SignalService.DataMessage.IReaction; sender: string; you: boolean; openGroupConversationId?: string; }) => { if (!reaction.emoji) { window?.log?.warn(`There is no emoji for the reaction ${reaction}.`); return; } const originalMessage = await getMessageByReaction(reaction, openGroupConversationId); if (!originalMessage) { return; } const reacts: ReactionList = originalMessage.get('reacts') ?? {}; reacts[reaction.emoji] = reacts[reaction.emoji] || { count: null, senders: [] }; const details = reacts[reaction.emoji] ?? {}; const senders = details.senders; let count = details.count || 0; if ( && senders.includes(sender)) { if (reaction.action === Action.REACT) { window.log.warn('Received duplicate message for your reaction. Ignoring it'); return; } else { = false; } } else { = you; } switch (reaction.action) { case Action.REACT: if (senders.includes(sender)) { window.log.warn('Received duplicate reaction message. Ignoring it', reaction, sender); return; } details.senders.push(sender); count += 1; break; case Action.REMOVE: default: if (senders?.length > 0) { const sendersIndex = senders.indexOf(sender); if (sendersIndex >= 0) { details.senders.splice(sendersIndex, 1); count -= 1; } } } if (count > 0) { reacts[reaction.emoji].count = count; reacts[reaction.emoji].senders = details.senders; reacts[reaction.emoji].you =; if (details && details.index === undefined) { reacts[reaction.emoji].index = originalMessage.get('reactsIndex') ?? 0; originalMessage.set('reactsIndex', (originalMessage.get('reactsIndex') ?? 0) + 1); } } else { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-dynamic-delete delete reacts[reaction.emoji]; } originalMessage.set({ reacts: !isEmpty(reacts) ? reacts : undefined, }); await originalMessage.commit(); if (!you) { `${sender} ${reaction.action === Action.REACT ? 'added' : 'removed'} a ${ reaction.emoji } reaction` ); } return originalMessage; }; /** * Handles updating the UI when clearing all reactions for a certain emoji * Only usable by moderators in opengroups and runs on their client */ const handleClearReaction = async (conversationId: string, serverId: number, emoji: string) => { const originalMessage = await Data.getMessageByServerId(conversationId, serverId); if (!originalMessage) { window?.log?.warn( `Cannot find the original reacted message ${serverId} in conversation ${conversationId}.` ); return; } const reacts: ReactionList | undefined = originalMessage.get('reacts'); if (reacts) { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-dynamic-delete delete reacts[emoji]; } originalMessage.set({ reacts: !isEmpty(reacts) ? reacts : undefined, }); await originalMessage.commit();`You cleared all ${emoji} reactions on message ${serverId}`); return originalMessage; }; /** * Handles all message reaction updates/responses for opengroups * serverIds are not unique so we need the conversationId */ const handleOpenGroupMessageReactions = async ( conversationId: string, serverId: number, reactions: OpenGroupReactionList ) => { const originalMessage = await Data.getMessageByServerId(conversationId, serverId); if (!originalMessage) { window?.log?.warn( `Cannot find the original reacted message ${serverId} in conversation ${conversationId}.` ); return; } if (!originalMessage.get('isPublic')) { window.log.warn('handleOpenGroupMessageReactions() should only be used in opengroups'); return; } if (isEmpty(reactions)) { if (originalMessage.get('reacts')) { originalMessage.set({ reacts: undefined, }); } } else { const reacts: ReactionList = {}; Object.keys(reactions).forEach(key => { const emoji = decodeURI(key); const you = reactions[key].you || false; if (you) { if (reactions[key]?.reactors.length > 0) { const reactorsWithoutMe = reactions[key].reactors.filter( reactor => !isUsAnySogsFromCache(reactor) ); // If we aren't included in the reactors then remove the extra reactor to match with the SOGSReactorsFetchCount. if (reactorsWithoutMe.length === SOGSReactorsFetchCount) { reactorsWithoutMe.pop(); } const conversationModel = originalMessage?.getConversation(); if (conversationModel) { const me = getUsBlindedInThatServer(conversationModel) || UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache(); reactions[key].reactors = [me, ...reactorsWithoutMe]; } } } const senders: Array = []; reactions[key].reactors.forEach(reactor => { senders.push(reactor); }); if (reactions[key].count > 0) { reacts[emoji] = { count: reactions[key].count, index: reactions[key].index, senders, you, }; } else { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-dynamic-delete delete reacts[key]; } }); originalMessage.set({ reacts, }); } await originalMessage.commit(); return originalMessage; }; const updateRecentReactions = async (reactions: Array, newReaction: string) => { window?.log?.info('updating recent reactions with', newReaction); const recentReactions = new RecentReactions(reactions); const foundIndex = recentReactions.items.indexOf(newReaction); if (foundIndex === 0) { return; } if (foundIndex > 0) { recentReactions.swap(foundIndex); } else { recentReactions.push(newReaction); } await saveRecentReations(recentReactions.items); }; // exported for testing purposes export const Reactions = { SOGSReactorsFetchCount, hitRateLimit, sendMessageReaction, handleMessageReaction, handleClearReaction, handleOpenGroupMessageReactions, updateRecentReactions, };