import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { PubKey } from '../session/types'; import { UserUtils } from '../session/utils'; import { StateType } from '../state/reducer'; export function useAvatarPath(pubkey: string | undefined) { return useSelector((state: StateType) => { if (!pubkey) { return null; } return state.conversations.conversationLookup[pubkey]?.avatarPath || null; }); } export function useOurAvatarPath() { return useAvatarPath(UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache()); } /** * * @returns convo.profileName || || or undefined if the convo is not found */ export function useConversationUsername(pubkey?: string) { return useSelector((state: StateType) => { if (!pubkey) { return undefined; } const convo = state.conversations.conversationLookup[pubkey]; if (!convo) { return pubkey; } return convo?.profileName || convo?.name ||; }); } /** * Returns either the nickname, profileName, or the shorten pubkey */ export function useConversationUsernameOrShorten(pubkey?: string) { return useSelector((state: StateType) => { if (!pubkey) { return undefined; } const convo = state.conversations.conversationLookup[pubkey]; if (!convo) { return PubKey.shorten(pubkey); } return convo?.profileName || convo?.name || PubKey.shorten(; }); } export function useOurConversationUsername() { return useConversationUsername(UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache()); } export function useIsMe(pubkey?: string) { return pubkey && pubkey === UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache(); } export function useIsClosedGroup(convoId?: string) { return useSelector((state: StateType) => { if (!convoId) { return false; } const convo = state.conversations.conversationLookup[convoId]; if (!convo) { return false; } return (convo.isGroup && !convo.isPublic) || false; }); } export function useConversationPropsById(convoId?: string) { return useSelector((state: StateType) => { if (!convoId) { return null; } const convo = state.conversations.conversationLookup[convoId]; if (!convo) { return null; } return convo; }); }