import _, { omit } from 'lodash'; import { Constants } from '../../session'; import { createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { getConversationController } from '../../session/conversations'; import { MessageModel } from '../../models/message'; import { getMessagesByConversation } from '../../data/data'; import { ConversationNotificationSettingType, ConversationTypeEnum, } from '../../models/conversation'; import { MessageDeliveryStatus, MessageModelType, MessageRegularProps, PropsForDataExtractionNotification, } from '../../models/messageType'; import { NotificationForConvoOption } from '../../components/conversation/ConversationHeader'; export type MessageModelProps = { propsForMessage: PropsForMessage; propsForSearchResult: PropsForSearchResults | null; propsForGroupInvitation: PropsForGroupInvitation | null; propsForTimerNotification: PropsForExpirationTimer | null; propsForDataExtractionNotification: PropsForDataExtractionNotification | null; propsForGroupNotification: PropsForGroupUpdate | null; }; export type ContactPropsMessageDetail = { status: string | null; phoneNumber: string; name?: string | null; profileName?: string | null; avatarPath?: string | null; isOutgoingKeyError: boolean; errors?: Array; }; export type MessagePropsDetails = { sentAt: number; receivedAt: number; message: MessageRegularProps; errors: Array; contacts: Array; }; export type LastMessageStatusType = MessageDeliveryStatus | null; export type FindAndFormatContactType = { phoneNumber: string; avatarPath: string | null; name: string | null; profileName: string | null; title: string | null; isMe: boolean; }; export type PropsForExpirationTimer = { timespan: string; disabled: boolean; phoneNumber: string; avatarPath: string | null; name: string | null; profileName: string | null; title: string | null; type: 'fromMe' | 'fromSync' | 'fromOther'; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateGeneral = { type: 'general'; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateAdd = { type: 'add'; contacts?: Array; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateKicked = { type: 'kicked'; isMe: boolean; contacts?: Array; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateRemove = { type: 'remove'; isMe: boolean; contacts?: Array; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateName = { type: 'name'; newName: string; }; export type PropsForGroupUpdateType = | PropsForGroupUpdateGeneral | PropsForGroupUpdateAdd | PropsForGroupUpdateKicked | PropsForGroupUpdateName | PropsForGroupUpdateRemove; export type PropsForGroupUpdateArray = Array; export type PropsForGroupUpdate = { changes: PropsForGroupUpdateArray; }; export type PropsForGroupInvitation = { serverName: string; url: string; direction: MessageModelType; acceptUrl: string; messageId: string; }; export type PropsForSearchResults = { from: FindAndFormatContactType; to: FindAndFormatContactType; id: string; conversationId: string; receivedAt: number | undefined; snippet?: string; //not sure about the type of snippet }; export type PropsForAttachment = { id?: string; contentType: string; size: number; width?: number; height?: number; url: string; path?: string; fileSize: string | null; isVoiceMessage: boolean; pending: boolean; fileName: string; screenshot: { contentType: string; width: number; height: number; url?: string; path?: string; } | null; thumbnail: { contentType: string; width: number; height: number; url?: string; path?: string; } | null; }; export type PropsForMessage = { text: string | null; id: string; direction: MessageModelType; timestamp: number; receivedAt: number | undefined; serverTimestamp: number | undefined; serverId: number | undefined; status: LastMessageStatusType; authorName: string | null; authorProfileName: string | null; authorPhoneNumber: string; conversationType: ConversationTypeEnum; convoId: string; attachments: Array; previews: any; quote: any; authorAvatarPath: string | null; isUnread: boolean; expirationLength: number; expirationTimestamp: number | null; isPublic: boolean; isOpenGroupV2: boolean; isKickedFromGroup: boolean | undefined; isTrustedForAttachmentDownload: boolean; weAreAdmin: boolean; isSenderAdmin: boolean; isDeletable: boolean; isExpired: boolean; }; export type LastMessageType = { status: LastMessageStatusType; text: string | null; }; export interface ReduxConversationType { id: string; name?: string; profileName?: string; hasNickname: boolean; activeAt?: number; lastMessage?: LastMessageType; phoneNumber: string; type: ConversationTypeEnum; isMe: boolean; isPublic: boolean; isGroup: boolean; isPrivate: boolean; weAreAdmin: boolean; unreadCount: number; mentionedUs: boolean; isSelected: boolean; expireTimer: number; isTyping: boolean; isBlocked: boolean; isKickedFromGroup: boolean; subscriberCount: number; left: boolean; avatarPath?: string; // absolute filepath to the avatar groupAdmins?: Array; // admins for closed groups and moderators for open groups members: Array; // members for closed groups only currentNotificationSetting: ConversationNotificationSettingType; notificationForConvo: Array; isPinned: boolean; } export type ConversationLookupType = { [key: string]: ReduxConversationType; }; export type ConversationsStateType = { conversationLookup: ConversationLookupType; selectedConversation?: string; messages: Array; }; async function getMessages( conversationKey: string, numMessages: number ): Promise> { const conversation = getConversationController().get(conversationKey); if (!conversation) { // no valid conversation, early return window?.log?.error('Failed to get convo on reducer.'); return []; } const unreadCount = await conversation.getUnreadCount(); let msgCount = numMessages || Number(Constants.CONVERSATION.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT) + unreadCount; msgCount = msgCount > Constants.CONVERSATION.MAX_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT ? Constants.CONVERSATION.MAX_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT : msgCount; if (msgCount < Constants.CONVERSATION.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT) { msgCount = Constants.CONVERSATION.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNT; } const messageSet = await getMessagesByConversation(conversationKey, { limit: msgCount, }); // Set first member of series here. const messageModelsProps: Array = []; messageSet.models.forEach(m => { messageModelsProps.push({ ...m.getProps(), firstMessageOfSeries: true }); }); const isPublic = conversation.isPublic(); const sortedMessageProps = sortMessages(messageModelsProps, isPublic); // no need to do that `firstMessageOfSeries` on a private chat if (conversation.isPrivate()) { return sortedMessageProps; } return updateFirstMessageOfSeries(sortedMessageProps); } export type SortedMessageModelProps = MessageModelProps & { firstMessageOfSeries: boolean; }; const updateFirstMessageOfSeries = ( messageModelsProps: Array ): Array => { // messages are got from the more recent to the oldest, so we need to check if // the next messages in the list is still the same author. // The message is the first of the series if the next message is not from the same author const sortedMessageProps: Array = []; for (let i = 0; i < messageModelsProps.length; i++) { // Handle firstMessageOfSeries for conditional avatar rendering let firstMessageOfSeries = true; const currentSender = messageModelsProps[i].propsForMessage?.authorPhoneNumber; const nextSender = i < messageModelsProps.length - 1 ? messageModelsProps[i + 1].propsForMessage?.authorPhoneNumber : undefined; if (i >= 0 && currentSender === nextSender) { firstMessageOfSeries = false; } sortedMessageProps.push({ ...messageModelsProps[i], firstMessageOfSeries }); } return sortedMessageProps; }; type FetchedMessageResults = { conversationKey: string; messagesProps: Array; }; export const fetchMessagesForConversation = createAsyncThunk( 'messages/fetchByConversationKey', async ({ conversationKey, count, }: { conversationKey: string; count: number; }): Promise => { const beforeTimestamp =; const messagesProps = await getMessages(conversationKey, count); const afterTimestamp =; const time = afterTimestamp - beforeTimestamp; window?.log?.info(`Loading ${messagesProps.length} messages took ${time}ms to load.`); const mapped = => { return { ...m, firstMessageOfSeries: true, }; }); return { conversationKey, messagesProps: mapped, }; } ); // Actions type ConversationAddedActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_ADDED'; payload: { id: string; data: ReduxConversationType; }; }; type ConversationChangedActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED'; payload: { id: string; data: ReduxConversationType; }; }; type ConversationRemovedActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED'; payload: { id: string; }; }; export type RemoveAllConversationsActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL'; payload: null; }; export type MessageExpiredActionType = { type: 'MESSAGE_EXPIRED'; payload: { messageId: string; conversationKey: string; }; }; export type MessageChangedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGE_CHANGED'; payload: MessageModelProps; }; export type MessagesChangedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGES_CHANGED'; payload: Array; }; export type MessageAddedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGE_ADDED'; payload: { conversationKey: string; messageModelProps: MessageModelProps; }; }; export type MessageDeletedActionType = { type: 'MESSAGE_DELETED'; payload: { conversationKey: string; messageId: string; }; }; export type ConversationResetActionType = { type: 'CONVERSATION_RESET'; payload: { conversationKey: string; }; }; export type SelectedConversationChangedActionType = { type: 'SELECTED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED'; payload: { id: string; messageId?: string; }; }; export type FetchMessagesForConversationType = { type: 'messages/fetchByConversationKey/fulfilled'; payload: { conversationKey: string; messages: Array; }; }; export type ConversationActionType = | ConversationAddedActionType | ConversationChangedActionType | ConversationRemovedActionType | ConversationResetActionType | RemoveAllConversationsActionType | MessageExpiredActionType | MessageAddedActionType | MessageDeletedActionType | MessageChangedActionType | MessagesChangedActionType | SelectedConversationChangedActionType | SelectedConversationChangedActionType | FetchMessagesForConversationType; // Action Creators export const actions = { conversationAdded, conversationChanged, conversationRemoved, removeAllConversations, messageExpired, messageAdded, messageDeleted, conversationReset, messageChanged, messagesChanged, fetchMessagesForConversation, openConversationExternal, }; function conversationAdded(id: string, data: ReduxConversationType): ConversationAddedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_ADDED', payload: { id, data, }, }; } function conversationChanged( id: string, data: ReduxConversationType ): ConversationChangedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED', payload: { id, data, }, }; } function conversationRemoved(id: string): ConversationRemovedActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED', payload: { id, }, }; } function removeAllConversations(): RemoveAllConversationsActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL', payload: null, }; } function messageExpired({ conversationKey, messageId, }: { conversationKey: string; messageId: string; }): MessageExpiredActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_EXPIRED', payload: { conversationKey, messageId, }, }; } function messageChanged(messageModelProps: MessageModelProps): MessageChangedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_CHANGED', payload: messageModelProps, }; } function messagesChanged(messageModelsProps: Array): MessagesChangedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGES_CHANGED', payload: messageModelsProps, }; } function messageAdded({ conversationKey, messageModelProps, }: { conversationKey: string; messageModelProps: MessageModelProps; }): MessageAddedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_ADDED', payload: { conversationKey, messageModelProps, }, }; } function messageDeleted({ conversationKey, messageId, }: { conversationKey: string; messageId: string; }): MessageDeletedActionType { return { type: 'MESSAGE_DELETED', payload: { conversationKey, messageId, }, }; } export function conversationReset({ conversationKey, }: { conversationKey: string; }): ConversationResetActionType { return { type: 'CONVERSATION_RESET', payload: { conversationKey, }, }; } export function openConversationExternal( id: string, messageId?: string ): SelectedConversationChangedActionType { window?.log?.info(`openConversationExternal with convoId: ${id}; messageId: ${messageId}`); return { type: 'SELECTED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED', payload: { id, messageId, }, }; } // Reducer function getEmptyState(): ConversationsStateType { return { conversationLookup: {}, messages: [], }; } function sortMessages( messages: Array, isPublic: boolean ): Array { // we order by serverTimestamp for public convos // be sure to update the sorting order to fetch messages from the DB too at getMessagesByConversation if (isPublic) { return messages.sort((a, b) => { return (b.propsForMessage.serverTimestamp || 0) - (a.propsForMessage.serverTimestamp || 0); }); } if (messages.some(n => !n.propsForMessage.timestamp && !n.propsForMessage.receivedAt)) { throw new Error('Found some messages without any timestamp set'); } // for non public convos, we order by sent_at or received_at timestamp. // we assume that a message has either a sent_at or a received_at field set. const messagesSorted = messages.sort( (a, b) => (b.propsForMessage.timestamp || b.propsForMessage.receivedAt || 0) - (a.propsForMessage.timestamp || a.propsForMessage.receivedAt || 0) ); return messagesSorted; } function handleMessageAdded(state: ConversationsStateType, action: MessageAddedActionType) { const { messages } = state; const { conversationKey, messageModelProps: addedMessageProps } = action.payload; if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { const messagesWithNewMessage = [ ...messages, { ...addedMessageProps, firstMessageOfSeries: true }, ]; const convo = state.conversationLookup[state.selectedConversation]; const isPublic = convo?.isPublic || false; if (convo) { const sortedMessage = sortMessages(messagesWithNewMessage, isPublic); const updatedWithFirstMessageOfSeries = updateFirstMessageOfSeries(sortedMessage); return { ...state, messages: updatedWithFirstMessageOfSeries, }; } } return state; } function handleMessageChanged(state: ConversationsStateType, action: MessageChangedActionType) { const { payload } = action; const messageInStoreIndex = state?.messages?.findIndex( m => === ); if (messageInStoreIndex >= 0) { const changedMessage = { ...payload, firstMessageOfSeries: true }; // we cannot edit the array directly, so slice the first part, insert our edited message, and slice the second part const editedMessages = [ ...state.messages.slice(0, messageInStoreIndex), changedMessage, ...state.messages.slice(messageInStoreIndex + 1), ]; const convo = state.conversationLookup[payload.propsForMessage.convoId]; const isPublic = convo?.isPublic || false; // reorder the messages depending on the timestamp (we might have an updated serverTimestamp now) const sortedMessage = sortMessages(editedMessages, isPublic); const updatedWithFirstMessageOfSeries = updateFirstMessageOfSeries(sortedMessage); return { ...state, messages: updatedWithFirstMessageOfSeries, }; } return state; } function handleMessagesChanged(state: ConversationsStateType, action: MessagesChangedActionType) { const { payload } = action; payload.forEach(element => { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-parameter-reassignment state = handleMessageChanged(state, { payload: element, type: 'MESSAGE_CHANGED', }); }); return state; } function handleMessageExpiredOrDeleted( state: ConversationsStateType, action: MessageDeletedActionType | MessageExpiredActionType ) { const { conversationKey, messageId } = action.payload; if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { // search if we find this message id. // we might have not loaded yet, so this case might not happen const messageInStoreIndex = state?.messages.findIndex(m => === messageId); if (messageInStoreIndex >= 0) { // we cannot edit the array directly, so slice the first part, and slice the second part, // keeping the index removed out const editedMessages = [ ...state.messages.slice(0, messageInStoreIndex), ...state.messages.slice(messageInStoreIndex + 1), ]; const updatedWithFirstMessageOfSeries = updateFirstMessageOfSeries(editedMessages); // FIXME two other thing we have to do: // * update the last message text if the message deleted was the last one // * update the unread count of the convo if the message was the one counted as an unread return { ...state, messages: updatedWithFirstMessageOfSeries, }; } return state; } return state; } function handleConversationReset( state: ConversationsStateType, action: ConversationResetActionType ) { const { conversationKey } = action.payload; if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { // just empty the list of messages return { ...state, messages: [], }; } return state; } // tslint:disable: cyclomatic-complexity // tslint:disable: max-func-body-length export function reducer( state: ConversationsStateType = getEmptyState(), action: ConversationActionType ): ConversationsStateType { if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_ADDED') { const { payload } = action; const { id, data } = payload; const { conversationLookup } = state; return { ...state, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_CHANGED') { const { payload } = action; const { id, data } = payload; const { conversationLookup, selectedConversation } = state; const existing = conversationLookup[id]; // In the change case we only modify the lookup if we already had that conversation if (!existing) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedConversation, conversationLookup: { ...conversationLookup, [id]: data, }, }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_REMOVED') { const { payload } = action; const { id } = payload; const { conversationLookup, selectedConversation } = state; return { ...state, conversationLookup: omit(conversationLookup, [id]), selectedConversation: selectedConversation === id ? undefined : selectedConversation, }; } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATIONS_REMOVE_ALL') { return getEmptyState(); } if (action.type === 'SELECTED_CONVERSATION_CHANGED') { const { payload } = action; const { id } = payload; const oldSelectedConversation = state.selectedConversation; const newSelectedConversation = id; if (newSelectedConversation !== oldSelectedConversation) { // empty the message list return { ...state, messages: [], selectedConversation: id, }; } return { ...state, selectedConversation: id, }; } // this is called once the messages are loaded from the db for the currently selected conversation if (action.type === fetchMessagesForConversation.fulfilled.type) { const { messagesProps, conversationKey } = action.payload as FetchedMessageResults; // double check that this update is for the shown convo if (conversationKey === state.selectedConversation) { return { ...state, messages: messagesProps, }; } return state; } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_CHANGED') { return handleMessageChanged(state, action); } if (action.type === 'MESSAGES_CHANGED') { return handleMessagesChanged(state, action); } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_ADDED') { return handleMessageAdded(state, action); } if (action.type === 'MESSAGE_EXPIRED' || action.type === 'MESSAGE_DELETED') { return handleMessageExpiredOrDeleted(state, action); } if (action.type === 'CONVERSATION_RESET') { return handleConversationReset(state, action); } return state; }