// eslint:disable: no-require-imports no-var-requires const { clipboard, ipcRenderer, webFrame } = require('electron/main'); const { Storage } = require('./ts/util/storage'); const url = require('url'); const _ = require('lodash'); const config = url.parse(window.location.toString(), true).query; const configAny = config; let title = config.name; if (config.environment !== 'production') { title += ` - ${config.environment}`; } if (config.appInstance) { title += ` - ${config.appInstance}`; } window.platform = process.platform; window.getTitle = () => title; window.getEnvironment = () => configAny.environment; window.getAppInstance = () => configAny.appInstance; window.getVersion = () => configAny.version; window.isDev = () => config.environment === 'development'; window.getCommitHash = () => configAny.commitHash; window.getNodeVersion = () => configAny.node_version; window.sessionFeatureFlags = { useOnionRequests: true, useTestNet: Boolean( process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE && process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE.includes('testnet') ), integrationTestEnv: Boolean( process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE && process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE.includes('test-integration') ), useClosedGroupV3: false || process.env.USE_CLOSED_GROUP_V3, debug: { debugLogging: !_.isEmpty(process.env.SESSION_DEBUG), debugLibsessionDumps: !_.isEmpty(process.env.SESSION_DEBUG_LIBSESSION_DUMPS), debugFileServerRequests: false, debugNonSnodeRequests: false, debugOnionRequests: false, }, }; window.versionInfo = { environment: window.getEnvironment(), version: window.getVersion(), commitHash: window.getCommitHash(), appInstance: window.getAppInstance(), }; const ipc = ipcRenderer; const localeMessages = ipc.sendSync('locale-data'); window.updateZoomFactor = () => { const zoomFactor = window.getSettingValue('zoom-factor-setting') || 100; window.setZoomFactor(zoomFactor / 100); }; window.setZoomFactor = number => { webFrame.setZoomFactor(number); }; // Set the password for the database window.setPassword = async (passPhrase, oldPhrase) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipc.once('set-password-response', (_event, error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(undefined); return; }); ipc.send('set-password', passPhrase, oldPhrase); }); window.setStartInTray = async startInTray => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipc.once('start-in-tray-on-start-response', (_event, error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); return; }); ipc.send('start-in-tray-on-start', startInTray); }); window.getStartInTray = async () => { return new Promise(resolve => { ipc.once('get-start-in-tray-response', (_event, value) => { resolve(value); }); ipc.send('get-start-in-tray'); }); }; window.getOpengroupPruning = async () => { return new Promise(resolve => { ipc.once('get-opengroup-pruning-response', (_event, value) => { resolve(value); }); ipc.send('get-opengroup-pruning'); }); }; window.setOpengroupPruning = async opengroupPruning => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipc.once('set-opengroup-pruning-response', (_event, error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); return; }); ipc.send('set-opengroup-pruning', opengroupPruning); }); window._ = require('lodash'); // We never do these in our code, so we'll prevent it everywhere window.open = () => null; // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval, no-multi-assign window.eval = global.eval = () => null; window.drawAttention = () => { // window.log.debug('draw attention'); ipc.send('draw-attention'); }; window.showWindow = () => { window.log.info('show window'); ipc.send('show-window'); }; window.setAutoHideMenuBar = autoHide => { ipc.send('set-auto-hide-menu-bar', autoHide); }; window.setMenuBarVisibility = visibility => { ipc.send('set-menu-bar-visibility', visibility); }; window.restart = () => { window.log.info('restart'); ipc.send('restart'); }; window.closeAbout = () => { ipc.send('close-about'); }; window.readyForUpdates = () => { ipc.send('ready-for-updates'); }; ipc.on('get-theme-setting', () => { const theme = window.Events.getThemeSetting(); ipc.send('get-success-theme-setting', theme); }); window.getSettingValue = (settingID, comparisonValue = null) => { // Comparison value allows you to pull boolean values from any type. // Eg. window.getSettingValue('theme', 'classic-dark') // returns 'false' when the value is 'classic-light'. // We need to get specific settings from the main process if (settingID === 'media-permissions') { return window.getMediaPermissions(); } else if (settingID === 'call-media-permissions') { return window.getCallMediaPermissions(); } else if (settingID === 'auto-update') { return window.getAutoUpdateEnabled(); } const settingVal = Storage.get(settingID); return comparisonValue ? !!settingVal === comparisonValue : settingVal; }; window.setSettingValue = async (settingID, value) => { // For auto updating we need to pass the value to the main process if (settingID === 'auto-update') { window.setAutoUpdateEnabled(value); return; } await Storage.put(settingID, value); }; window.getMediaPermissions = () => ipc.sendSync('get-media-permissions'); window.setMediaPermissions = value => { ipc.send('set-media-permissions', !!value); }; window.getCallMediaPermissions = () => ipc.sendSync('get-call-media-permissions'); window.setCallMediaPermissions = value => { ipc.send('set-call-media-permissions', !!value); }; window.askForMediaAccess = () => { ipc.send('media-access'); }; // Auto update setting window.getAutoUpdateEnabled = () => ipc.sendSync('get-auto-update-setting'); window.setAutoUpdateEnabled = value => { ipc.send('set-auto-update-setting', !!value); }; ipc.on('get-ready-for-shutdown', async () => { const { shutdown } = window.Events || {}; if (!shutdown) { window.log.error('preload shutdown handler: shutdown method not found'); ipc.send('now-ready-for-shutdown'); return; } try { await shutdown(); ipc.send('now-ready-for-shutdown'); } catch (error) { ipc.send('now-ready-for-shutdown', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error); } }); // We pull these dependencies in now, from here, because they have Node.js dependencies require('./ts/util/logging'); if (config.proxyUrl) { window.log.info('Using provided proxy url'); } window.nodeSetImmediate = setImmediate; const data = require('./ts/data/dataInit'); const { setupi18n } = require('./ts/util/i18n'); window.Signal = data.initData(); const { getConversationController } = require('./ts/session/conversations/ConversationController'); window.getConversationController = getConversationController; // Linux seems to periodically let the event loop stop, so this is a global workaround setInterval(() => { window.nodeSetImmediate(() => {}); }, 1000); window.React = require('react'); window.ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); window.clipboard = clipboard; window.getSeedNodeList = () => window.sessionFeatureFlags.useTestNet ? ['http://seed2.getsession.org:38157'] : [ // Note: for each of the seed nodes, the cert pinned is the one provided on the port 4443 and not the 4433, because the 4443 is a 10year one 'https://seed1.getsession.org:4443/', 'https://seed2.getsession.org:4443/', 'https://seed3.getsession.org:4443/', ]; const { locale: localFromEnv } = config; window.i18n = setupi18n(localFromEnv || 'en', localeMessages); window.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => { const editable = e && e.target.closest('textarea, input, [contenteditable="true"]'); const link = e && e.target.closest('a'); const selection = Boolean(window && window.getSelection() && window.getSelection().toString()); if (!editable && !selection && !link) { e.preventDefault(); } });