import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { toNumber } from 'lodash'; import { MessageSender } from '../../../../session/sending'; import LokiMessageAPI from '../../../../../js/modules/loki_message_api'; import { TestUtils } from '../../../test-utils'; import { MessageEncrypter } from '../../../../session/crypto'; import { SignalService } from '../../../../protobuf'; import { OpenGroupMessage } from '../../../../session/messages/outgoing'; import { EncryptionType } from '../../../../session/types/EncryptionType'; import { PubKey } from '../../../../session/types'; import { UserUtils } from '../../../../session/utils'; describe('MessageSender', () => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); TestUtils.restoreStubs(); }); describe('canSendToSnode', () => { it('should return the correct value', () => { const stub = TestUtils.stubWindow('lokiMessageAPI', undefined); expect(MessageSender.canSendToSnode()).to.equal( false, 'We cannot send if lokiMessageAPI is not set' ); stub.set(sandbox.createStubInstance(LokiMessageAPI)); expect(MessageSender.canSendToSnode()).to.equal( true, 'We can send if lokiMessageAPI is set' ); }); }); // tslint:disable-next-line: max-func-body-length describe('send', () => { const ourNumber = '0123456789abcdef'; let lokiMessageAPISendStub: sinon.SinonStub< [string, Uint8Array, number, number], Promise >; let encryptStub: sinon.SinonStub<[PubKey, Uint8Array, EncryptionType]>; beforeEach(() => { // We can do this because LokiMessageAPI has a module export in it lokiMessageAPISendStub = sandbox.stub< [string, Uint8Array, number, number], Promise >(); TestUtils.stubWindow('lokiMessageAPI', { sendMessage: lokiMessageAPISendStub, }); encryptStub = sandbox.stub(MessageEncrypter, 'encrypt').resolves({ envelopeType: SignalService.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER, cipherText: crypto.randomBytes(10), }); sandbox.stub(UserUtils, 'getOurPubKeyStrFromCache').returns(ourNumber); }); describe('retry', () => { const rawMessage = { identifier: '1', device: TestUtils.generateFakePubKey().key, plainTextBuffer: crypto.randomBytes(10), encryption: EncryptionType.Fallback, timestamp:, ttl: 100, }; it('should not retry if an error occurred during encryption', async () => { encryptStub.throws(new Error('Failed to encrypt.')); const promise = MessageSender.send(rawMessage); await expect(promise).is.rejectedWith('Failed to encrypt.'); expect(lokiMessageAPISendStub.callCount).to.equal(0); }); it('should only call lokiMessageAPI once if no errors occured', async () => { await MessageSender.send(rawMessage); expect(lokiMessageAPISendStub.callCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should only retry the specified amount of times before throwing', async () => { lokiMessageAPISendStub.throws(new Error('API error')); const attempts = 2; const promise = MessageSender.send(rawMessage, attempts); await expect(promise).is.rejectedWith('API error'); expect(lokiMessageAPISendStub.callCount).to.equal(attempts); }); it('should not throw error if successful send occurs within the retry limit', async () => { lokiMessageAPISendStub.onFirstCall().throws(new Error('API error')); await MessageSender.send(rawMessage, 3); expect(lokiMessageAPISendStub.callCount).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('logic', () => { let messageEncyrptReturnEnvelopeType = SignalService.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER; beforeEach(() => { encryptStub.callsFake(async (_device, plainTextBuffer, _type) => ({ envelopeType: messageEncyrptReturnEnvelopeType, cipherText: plainTextBuffer, })); }); it('should pass the correct values to lokiMessageAPI', async () => { const device = TestUtils.generateFakePubKey().key; const timestamp =; const ttl = 100; await MessageSender.send({ identifier: '1', device, plainTextBuffer: crypto.randomBytes(10), encryption: EncryptionType.Fallback, timestamp, ttl, }); const args = lokiMessageAPISendStub.getCall(0).args; expect(args[0]).to.equal(device); expect(args[2]).to.equal(timestamp); expect(args[3]).to.equal(ttl); }); it('should correctly build the envelope', async () => { messageEncyrptReturnEnvelopeType = SignalService.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER; // This test assumes the encryption stub returns the plainText passed into it. const device = TestUtils.generateFakePubKey().key; const plainTextBuffer = crypto.randomBytes(10); const timestamp =; await MessageSender.send({ identifier: '1', device, plainTextBuffer, encryption: EncryptionType.Fallback, timestamp, ttl: 1, }); const data = lokiMessageAPISendStub.getCall(0).args[1]; const webSocketMessage = SignalService.WebSocketMessage.decode(data); expect(webSocketMessage.request?.body).to.not.equal( undefined, 'Request body should not be undefined' ); expect(webSocketMessage.request?.body).to.not.equal( null, 'Request body should not be null' ); const envelope = SignalService.Envelope.decode( webSocketMessage.request?.body as Uint8Array ); expect(envelope.type).to.equal( SignalService.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER ); expect(envelope.source).to.equal(''); expect(toNumber(envelope.timestamp)).to.equal(timestamp); expect(envelope.content).to.deep.equal(plainTextBuffer); }); describe('UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER', () => { it('should set the envelope source to be empty', async () => { messageEncyrptReturnEnvelopeType = SignalService.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER; // This test assumes the encryption stub returns the plainText passed into it. const device = TestUtils.generateFakePubKey().key; const plainTextBuffer = crypto.randomBytes(10); const timestamp =; await MessageSender.send({ identifier: '1', device, plainTextBuffer, encryption: EncryptionType.Fallback, timestamp, ttl: 1, }); const data = lokiMessageAPISendStub.getCall(0).args[1]; const webSocketMessage = SignalService.WebSocketMessage.decode(data); expect(webSocketMessage.request?.body).to.not.equal( undefined, 'Request body should not be undefined' ); expect(webSocketMessage.request?.body).to.not.equal( null, 'Request body should not be null' ); const envelope = SignalService.Envelope.decode( webSocketMessage.request?.body as Uint8Array ); expect(envelope.type).to.equal( SignalService.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER ); expect(envelope.source).to.equal( '', 'envelope source should be empty in UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER' ); }); }); }); }); describe('sendToOpenGroup', () => { it('should send the message to the correct server and channel', async () => { // We can do this because LokiPublicChatFactoryAPI has a module export in it const stub = sandbox.stub().resolves({ sendMessage: sandbox.stub(), }); TestUtils.stubWindow('lokiPublicChatAPI', { findOrCreateChannel: stub, }); const group = { server: 'server', channel: 1, conversationId: '0', }; const message = new OpenGroupMessage({ timestamp:, group, }); await MessageSender.sendToOpenGroup(message); const [server, channel, conversationId] = stub.getCall(0).args; expect(server).to.equal(group.server); expect(channel).to.equal(; expect(conversationId).to.equal(group.conversationId); }); }); });