import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { autoUpdater, UpdateInfo } from 'electron-updater'; import { app, BrowserWindow } from 'electron'; import { markShouldQuit } from '../../app/window_state'; import { getPrintableError, LoggerType, MessagesType, showCannotUpdateDialog, showDownloadUpdateDialog, showUpdateDialog, } from './common'; import { gt as isVersionGreaterThan, parse as parseVersion } from 'semver'; let isUpdating = false; let downloadIgnored = false; let interval: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; let stopped = false; const SECOND = 1000; const MINUTE = SECOND * 60; const INTERVAL = MINUTE * 30; export async function start( getMainWindow: () => BrowserWindow, messages: MessagesType, logger: LoggerType ) { if (interval) {'auto-update: Already running'); return; }'auto-update: starting checks...'); autoUpdater.logger = logger; autoUpdater.autoDownload = false; interval = setInterval(async () => { try { await checkForUpdates(getMainWindow, messages, logger); } catch (error) { logger.error('auto-update: error:', getPrintableError(error)); } }, INTERVAL); stopped = false; await checkForUpdates(getMainWindow, messages, logger); } export function stop() { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); interval = undefined; } stopped = true; } async function checkForUpdates( getMainWindow: () => BrowserWindow, messages: MessagesType, logger: LoggerType ) { if (stopped || isUpdating || downloadIgnored) { return; } const canUpdate = await canAutoUpdate(); if (!canUpdate) { return; }'auto-update: checking for update...'); isUpdating = true; try { // Get the update using electron-updater const result = await autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); if (!result.updateInfo) {'auto-update: no update info received'); return; } try { const hasUpdate = isUpdateAvailable(result.updateInfo); if (!hasUpdate) {'auto-update: no update available'); return; }'auto-update: showing download dialog...'); const shouldDownload = await showDownloadUpdateDialog( getMainWindow(), messages ); if (!shouldDownload) { downloadIgnored = true; return; } await autoUpdater.downloadUpdate(); } catch (error) { await showCannotUpdateDialog(getMainWindow(), messages); throw error; } // Update downloaded successfully, we should ask the user to update'auto-update: showing update dialog...'); const shouldUpdate = await showUpdateDialog(getMainWindow(), messages); if (!shouldUpdate) { return; }'auto-update: calling quitAndInstall...'); markShouldQuit(); autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); } finally { isUpdating = false; } } function isUpdateAvailable(updateInfo: UpdateInfo): boolean { const latestVersion = parseVersion(updateInfo.version); if (!latestVersion) { return false; } // We need to convert this to string because typescript won't let us use types across submodules .... const currentVersion = autoUpdater.currentVersion.toString(); return isVersionGreaterThan(latestVersion, currentVersion); } /* Check if we have the required files to auto update. These files won't exist inside certain formats such as a linux deb file. */ async function canAutoUpdate(): Promise { const isPackaged = app.isPackaged; // On a production app, we need to use resources path to check for the file if (isPackaged && !process.resourcesPath) { return false; } // Taken from: const updateFile = isPackaged ? 'app-update.yml' : 'dev-app-update.yml'; const basePath = isPackaged && process.resourcesPath ? process.resourcesPath : app.getAppPath(); const appUpdateConfigPath = path.join(basePath, updateFile); return new Promise(resolve => { try { // tslint:disable-next-line: non-literal-fs-path const exists = fs.existsSync(appUpdateConfigPath); resolve(exists); } catch (e) { resolve(false); } }); }