/* global _, $, Whisper */ describe('NetworkStatusView', () => { describe('getNetworkStatus', () => { let networkStatusView; let socketStatus = WebSocket.OPEN; let oldGetSocketStatus; /* BEGIN stubbing globals */ before(() => { oldGetSocketStatus = window.getSocketStatus; window.getSocketStatus = () => socketStatus; }); after(() => { window.getSocketStatus = oldGetSocketStatus; // It turns out that continued calls to window.getSocketStatus happen // because we host NetworkStatusView in three mock interfaces, and the view // checks every N seconds. That results in infinite errors unless there is // something to call. window.getSocketStatus = () => WebSocket.OPEN; }); /* END stubbing globals */ beforeEach(() => { networkStatusView = new Whisper.NetworkStatusView(); $('.network-status-container').append(networkStatusView.el); }); afterEach(() => { // prevents huge number of errors on console after running tests clearInterval(networkStatusView.renderIntervalHandle); networkStatusView = null; }); describe('initialization', () => { it('should have an empty interval', () => { assert.equal( networkStatusView.socketReconnectWaitDuration.asSeconds(), 0 ); }); }); describe('network status with no connection', () => { beforeEach(() => { networkStatusView.navigatorOnLine = () => false; }); it('should be interrupted', () => { networkStatusView.update(); const status = networkStatusView.getNetworkStatus(); assert(status.hasInterruption); assert.equal(status.instructions, 'Check your network connection.'); }); it('should display an offline message', () => { networkStatusView.update(); assert.match(networkStatusView.$el.text(), /Offline/); }); it('should override socket status', () => { _([ WebSocket.CONNECTING, WebSocket.OPEN, WebSocket.CLOSING, WebSocket.CLOSED, ]).forEach(socketStatusVal => { socketStatus = socketStatusVal; networkStatusView.update(); assert.match(networkStatusView.$el.text(), /Offline/); }); }); it('should override registration status', () => { Whisper.Registration.remove(); networkStatusView.update(); assert.match(networkStatusView.$el.text(), /Offline/); }); }); describe('network status when registration is done', () => { beforeEach(() => { networkStatusView.navigatorOnLine = () => true; Whisper.Registration.markDone(); networkStatusView.update(); }); it('should not display an unlinked message', () => { networkStatusView.update(); assert.notMatch(networkStatusView.$el.text(), /Relink/); }); }); describe('network status when socket is connecting', () => { beforeEach(() => { Whisper.Registration.markDone(); socketStatus = WebSocket.CONNECTING; networkStatusView.update(); }); it('it should display a connecting string if connecting and not in the connecting grace period', () => { networkStatusView.withinConnectingGracePeriod = false; networkStatusView.getNetworkStatus(); assert.match(networkStatusView.$el.text(), /Connecting/); }); it('it should not be interrupted if in connecting grace period', () => { assert(networkStatusView.withinConnectingGracePeriod); const status = networkStatusView.getNetworkStatus(); assert.match(networkStatusView.$el.text(), /Connecting/); assert(!status.hasInterruption); }); it('it should be interrupted if connecting grace period is over', () => { networkStatusView.withinConnectingGracePeriod = false; const status = networkStatusView.getNetworkStatus(); assert(status.hasInterruption); }); }); describe('network status when socket is open', () => { before(() => { socketStatus = WebSocket.OPEN; }); it('should not be interrupted', () => { const status = networkStatusView.getNetworkStatus(); assert(!status.hasInterruption); assert.match( networkStatusView.$el .find('.network-status-message') .text() .trim(), /^$/ ); }); }); describe('network status when socket is closed or closing', () => { _([WebSocket.CLOSED, WebSocket.CLOSING]).forEach(socketStatusVal => { it('should be interrupted', () => { socketStatus = socketStatusVal; networkStatusView.update(); const shortCircuit = true; const status = networkStatusView.getNetworkStatus(shortCircuit); assert(status.hasInterruption); }); }); }); describe('the socket reconnect interval', () => { beforeEach(() => { socketStatus = WebSocket.CLOSED; networkStatusView.setSocketReconnectInterval(61000); networkStatusView.update(); }); it('should format the message based on the socketReconnectWaitDuration property', () => { assert.equal( networkStatusView.socketReconnectWaitDuration.asSeconds(), 61 ); assert.match( networkStatusView.$('.network-status-message:last').text(), /Attempting reconnect/ ); }); it('should be reset by changing the socketStatus to CONNECTING', () => {}); }); }); });