import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { animation, Item, Menu, useContextMenu } from 'react-contexify'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useClickAway, useMouse } from 'react-use'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { Data } from '../../../../data/data'; import { MessageInteraction } from '../../../../interactions'; import { replyToMessage } from '../../../../interactions/conversationInteractions'; import { deleteMessagesById, deleteMessagesByIdForEveryone, } from '../../../../interactions/conversations/unsendingInteractions'; import { addSenderAsModerator, removeSenderFromModerator, } from '../../../../interactions/messageInteractions'; import { MessageRenderingProps } from '../../../../models/messageType'; import { pushUnblockToSend } from '../../../../session/utils/Toast'; import { showMessageDetailsView, toggleSelectedMessageId, } from '../../../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { StateType } from '../../../../state/reducer'; import { getMessageContextMenuProps } from '../../../../state/selectors/conversations'; import { saveAttachmentToDisk } from '../../../../util/attachmentsUtil'; import { Reactions } from '../../../../util/reactions'; import { SessionContextMenuContainer } from '../../../SessionContextMenuContainer'; import { SessionEmojiPanel, StyledEmojiPanel } from '../../SessionEmojiPanel'; import { MessageReactBar } from './MessageReactBar'; export type MessageContextMenuSelectorProps = Pick< MessageRenderingProps, | 'attachments' | 'sender' | 'convoId' | 'direction' | 'status' | 'isDeletable' | 'isPublic' | 'isOpenGroupV2' | 'weAreAdmin' | 'isSenderAdmin' | 'text' | 'serverTimestamp' | 'timestamp' | 'isBlocked' | 'isDeletableForEveryone' >; type Props = { messageId: string; contextMenuId: string; enableReactions: boolean }; const StyledMessageContextMenu = styled.div` position: relative; .react-contexify { margin-left: -104px; } `; const StyledEmojiPanelContainer = styled.div<{ x: number; y: number }>` position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 101; ${StyledEmojiPanel} { position: absolute; left: ${props => `${props.x}px`}; top: ${props => `${props.y}px`}; } `; // tslint:disable: max-func-body-length cyclomatic-complexity export const MessageContextMenu = (props: Props) => { const { messageId, contextMenuId, enableReactions } = props; const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { hideAll } = useContextMenu(); const selected = useSelector((state: StateType) => getMessageContextMenuProps(state, messageId)); if (!selected) { return null; } const { attachments, sender, convoId, direction, status, isDeletable, isDeletableForEveryone, isPublic, weAreAdmin, isSenderAdmin, text, serverTimestamp, timestamp, isBlocked, } = selected; const isOutgoing = direction === 'outgoing'; const showRetry = status === 'error' && isOutgoing; const isSent = status === 'sent' || status === 'read'; // a read message should be replyable const emojiPanelRef = useRef(null); const [showEmojiPanel, setShowEmojiPanel] = useState(false); // emoji-mart v5.2.2 default dimensions const emojiPanelWidth = 354; const emojiPanelHeight = 435; const contextMenuRef = useRef(null); const { docX, docY } = useMouse(contextMenuRef); const [mouseX, setMouseX] = useState(0); const [mouseY, setMouseY] = useState(0); const onContextMenuShown = () => { if (showEmojiPanel) { setShowEmojiPanel(false); } window.contextMenuShown = true; }; const onContextMenuHidden = useCallback(() => { // This function will called before the click event // on the message would trigger (and I was unable to // prevent propagation in this case), so use a short timeout setTimeout(() => { window.contextMenuShown = false; }, 100); }, []); const onShowDetail = async () => { const found = await Data.getMessageById(messageId); if (found) { const messageDetailsProps = await found.getPropsForMessageDetail(); dispatch(showMessageDetailsView(messageDetailsProps)); } else { window.log.warn(`Message ${messageId} not found in db`); } }; const selectMessageText = window.i18n('selectMessage'); const deleteMessageJustForMeText = window.i18n('deleteJustForMe'); const unsendMessageText = window.i18n('deleteForEveryone'); const addModerator = useCallback(() => { void addSenderAsModerator(sender, convoId); }, [sender, convoId]); const removeModerator = useCallback(() => { void removeSenderFromModerator(sender, convoId); }, [sender, convoId]); const onReply = useCallback(() => { if (isBlocked) { pushUnblockToSend(); return; } void replyToMessage(messageId); }, [isBlocked, messageId]); const saveAttachment = useCallback( (e: any) => { // this is quite dirty but considering that we want the context menu of the message to show on click on the attachment // and the context menu save attachment item to save the right attachment I did not find a better way for now. let targetAttachmentIndex = e.triggerEvent.path[1].getAttribute('data-attachmentindex'); e.event.stopPropagation(); if (!attachments?.length) { return; } if (!targetAttachmentIndex) { targetAttachmentIndex = 0; } if (targetAttachmentIndex > attachments.length) { return; } const messageTimestamp = timestamp || serverTimestamp || 0; void saveAttachmentToDisk({ attachment: attachments[targetAttachmentIndex], messageTimestamp, messageSender: sender, conversationId: convoId, }); }, [convoId, sender, timestamp, serverTimestamp, convoId, attachments] ); const copyText = useCallback(() => { MessageInteraction.copyBodyToClipboard(text); }, [text]); const onRetry = useCallback(async () => { const found = await Data.getMessageById(messageId); if (found) { await found.retrySend(); } }, [messageId]); const onBan = useCallback(() => { MessageInteraction.banUser(sender, convoId); }, [sender, convoId]); const onUnban = useCallback(() => { MessageInteraction.unbanUser(sender, convoId); }, [sender, convoId]); const onSelect = useCallback(() => { dispatch(toggleSelectedMessageId(messageId)); }, [messageId]); const onDelete = useCallback(() => { void deleteMessagesById([messageId], convoId); }, [convoId, messageId]); const onDeleteForEveryone = useCallback(() => { void deleteMessagesByIdForEveryone([messageId], convoId); }, [convoId, messageId]); const onShowEmoji = () => { hideAll(); setMouseX(docX); setMouseY(docY); setShowEmojiPanel(true); }; const onCloseEmoji = () => { setShowEmojiPanel(false); hideAll(); }; const onEmojiLoseFocus = () => {'closed due to lost focus'); onCloseEmoji(); }; const onEmojiClick = async (args: any) => { const emoji = args.native ?? args; onCloseEmoji(); await Reactions.sendMessageReaction(messageId, emoji); }; const onEmojiKeyDown = (event: any) => { if (event.key === 'Escape' && showEmojiPanel) { onCloseEmoji(); } }; useClickAway(emojiPanelRef, () => { onEmojiLoseFocus(); }); useEffect(() => { if (emojiPanelRef.current && emojiPanelRef.current) { const { innerWidth: windowWidth, innerHeight: windowHeight } = window; if (mouseX + emojiPanelWidth > windowWidth) { let x = mouseX; x = (mouseX + emojiPanelWidth - windowWidth) * 2; if (x === mouseX) { return; } setMouseX(mouseX - x); } if (mouseY + emojiPanelHeight > windowHeight) { const y = mouseY + emojiPanelHeight * 1.25 - windowHeight; if (y === mouseY) { return; } setMouseY(mouseY - y); } } }, [emojiPanelRef.current, emojiPanelWidth, emojiPanelHeight, mouseX, mouseY]); return ( {enableReactions && showEmojiPanel && ( )} {enableReactions && ( )} {attachments?.length ? ( {window.i18n('downloadAttachment')} ) : null} {window.i18n('copyMessage')} {(isSent || !isOutgoing) && ( {window.i18n('replyToMessage')} )} {(!isPublic || isOutgoing) && ( {window.i18n('moreInformation')} )} {showRetry ? {window.i18n('resend')} : null} {isDeletable ? ( <> {selectMessageText} ) : null} {isDeletable && !isPublic ? ( <> {deleteMessageJustForMeText} ) : null} {isDeletableForEveryone ? ( <> {unsendMessageText} ) : null} {weAreAdmin && isPublic ? {window.i18n('banUser')} : null} {weAreAdmin && isPublic ? ( {window.i18n('unbanUser')} ) : null} {weAreAdmin && isPublic && !isSenderAdmin ? ( {window.i18n('addAsModerator')} ) : null} {weAreAdmin && isPublic && isSenderAdmin ? ( {window.i18n('removeFromModerators')} ) : null} ); };