import React from 'react'; import { AutoSizer, List } from 'react-virtualized'; import { MainViewController } from '../MainViewController'; import { ConversationListItem, PropsData as ConversationListItemPropsType, } from '../ConversationListItem'; import { PropsData as SearchResultsProps, SearchResults, } from '../SearchResults'; import { SessionSearchInput } from './SessionSearchInput'; import { debounce } from 'lodash'; import { cleanSearchTerm } from '../../util/cleanSearchTerm'; import { SearchOptions } from '../../types/Search'; import { validateNumber } from '../../types/PhoneNumber'; import { LeftPane, RowRendererParamsType } from '../LeftPane'; import { SessionClosableOverlay } from './SessionClosableOverlay'; import { SessionIconButton, SessionIconSize, SessionIconType } from './icon'; import { SessionButton, SessionButtonColor, SessionButtonType, } from './SessionButton'; import { SessionSpinner } from './SessionSpinner'; import { joinChannelStateManager } from './LeftPaneChannelSection'; export interface Props { searchTerm: string; isSecondaryDevice: boolean; conversations?: Array; searchResults?: SearchResultsProps; updateSearchTerm: (searchTerm: string) => void; search: (query: string, options: SearchOptions) => void; openConversationInternal: (id: string, messageId?: string) => void; clearSearch: () => void; } export class LeftPaneMessageSection extends React.Component { private readonly updateSearchBound: (searchedString: string) => void; private readonly debouncedSearch: (searchTerm: string) => void; public constructor(props: Props) { super(props); const conversations = this.getCurrentConversations(); const renderOnboardingSetting = window.getSettingValue( 'render-message-onboarding' ); const realConversations: Array = []; if (conversations) { conversations.forEach(conversation => { const isRSS = && !!( &&^rss:/)); return !isRSS && realConversations.push(conversation); }); } const length = realConversations.length; this.state = { showComposeView: false, pubKeyPasted: '', shouldRenderMessageOnboarding: length === 0 && renderOnboardingSetting && false, connectSuccess: false, loading: false, }; this.updateSearchBound = this.updateSearch.bind(this); this.handleToggleOverlay = this.handleToggleOverlay.bind(this); this.handleCloseOnboarding = this.handleCloseOnboarding.bind(this); this.handleJoinPublicChat = this.handleJoinPublicChat.bind(this); this.handleOnPasteSessionID = this.handleOnPasteSessionID.bind(this); this.handleMessageButtonClick = this.handleMessageButtonClick.bind(this); this.debouncedSearch = debounce(, 20); } public componentWillUnmount() { this.updateSearch(''); } public getCurrentConversations(): | Array | undefined { const { conversations } = this.props; let conversationList = conversations; if (conversationList !== undefined) { conversationList = conversationList.filter( conversation => !conversation.isSecondary && !conversation.isPendingFriendRequest ); } return conversationList; } public renderRow = ({ index, key, style, }: RowRendererParamsType): JSX.Element => { const { openConversationInternal } = this.props; const conversations = this.getCurrentConversations(); if (!conversations) { throw new Error('renderRow: Tried to render without conversations'); } const conversation = conversations[index]; return ( ); }; public renderList(): JSX.Element | Array { const { openConversationInternal, searchResults } = this.props; const friends = (searchResults && searchResults.contacts.filter(contact => contact.isFriend)) || []; if (searchResults) { return ( ); } const conversations = this.getCurrentConversations(); if (!conversations) { throw new Error( 'render: must provided conversations if no search results are provided' ); } const length = conversations.length; const listKey = 0; // Note: conversations is not a known prop for List, but it is required to ensure that // it re-renders when our conversation data changes. Otherwise it would just render // on startup and scroll. const list = (
{({ height, width }) => ( )}
); return [list]; } public componentDidMount() { MainViewController.renderMessageView(); } public componentDidUpdate() { MainViewController.renderMessageView(); } public renderHeader(): JSX.Element { const labels = [window.i18n('messagesHeader')]; return LeftPane.RENDER_HEADER( labels, null, window.i18n('newSession'), this.handleToggleOverlay ); } public render(): JSX.Element { return (
{this.renderHeader()} {this.state.showComposeView ? this.renderClosableOverlay() : this.renderConversations()}
); } public renderConversations() { return (
{this.state.shouldRenderMessageOnboarding ? ( <>{this.renderMessageOnboarding()} ) : ( <> {this.renderList()} )}
); } public renderMessageOnboarding() { return (


<> {this.state.loading ? (
) : (
); } public handleCloseOnboarding() { window.setSettingValue('render-message-onboarding', false); this.setState({ shouldRenderMessageOnboarding: false, }); } public updateSearch(searchTerm: string) { const { updateSearchTerm, clearSearch } = this.props; if (!searchTerm) { clearSearch(); return; } // reset our pubKeyPasted, we can either have a pasted sessionID or a sessionID got from a search this.setState({ pubKeyPasted: '' }); if (updateSearchTerm) { updateSearchTerm(searchTerm); } if (searchTerm.length < 2) { return; } const cleanedTerm = cleanSearchTerm(searchTerm); if (!cleanedTerm) { return; } this.debouncedSearch(cleanedTerm); } public clearSearch() { this.props.clearSearch(); } public search() { const { search } = this.props; const { searchTerm, isSecondaryDevice } = this.props; if (search) { search(searchTerm, { noteToSelf: window.i18n('noteToSelf').toLowerCase(), ourNumber:, regionCode: '', isSecondaryDevice, }); } } private renderClosableOverlay() { const { searchTerm, searchResults } = this.props; return ( ); } private handleToggleOverlay() { this.setState((state: any) => { return { showComposeView: !state.showComposeView }; }); // empty our generalized searchedString (one for the whole app) this.updateSearch(''); } private handleOnPasteSessionID(value: string) { // reset our search, we can either have a pasted sessionID or a sessionID got from a search this.updateSearch(''); this.setState({ pubKeyPasted: value }); } private handleMessageButtonClick() { const { openConversationInternal } = this.props; if (!this.state.pubKeyPasted && !this.props.searchTerm) { window.pushToast({ title: window.i18n('invalidNumberError'), type: 'error', id: 'invalidPubKey', }); return; } let pubkey: string; pubkey = this.state.pubKeyPasted || this.props.searchTerm; pubkey = pubkey.trim(); const error = validateNumber(pubkey); if (!error) { openConversationInternal(pubkey); } else { window.pushToast({ title: error, type: 'error', id: 'invalidPubKey', }); } } private handleJoinPublicChat() { const serverURL = window.CONSTANTS.DEFAULT_PUBLIC_CHAT_URL; joinChannelStateManager(this, serverURL, this.handleCloseOnboarding); } }