import { _electron, Page, test } from '@playwright/test'; import { forceCloseAllWindows } from './setup/beforeEach'; import { openAppsNoNewUsers } from './setup/new_user'; import { sendNewMessage } from './send_message'; import { logIn } from './setup/log_in'; import { testContactFour, testContactOne, testContactThree, testContactTwo, testUser, } from './setup/test_user'; let windows: Array = []; test.afterEach(() => forceCloseAllWindows(windows)); test.skip('Group upkeep', async () => { const [windowA, windowB, windowC, windowD, windowE] = await openAppsNoNewUsers(5); windows = [windowA, windowB, windowC, windowD, windowE]; await Promise.all([ logIn(windowA, testUser.recoveryPhrase), logIn(windowB, testContactOne.recoveryPhrase), logIn(windowC, testContactTwo.recoveryPhrase), logIn(windowD, testContactThree.recoveryPhrase), logIn(windowE, testContactFour.recoveryPhrase), ]); // Send message from test users to all of it's contacts to maintain contact status // Send message from user A to Whale(TC1) await sendNewMessage( windowA, testContactOne.sessionid, `Test user -> Whale (TC1): ${}` ); // Send message from Whale to user A await sendNewMessage(windowB, testUser.sessionid, `Whale (TC1) -> Test user : ${}`); // Send message from user A to Dragon(TC2) await sendNewMessage( windowA, testContactTwo.sessionid, `Test user -> Dragon (TC2): ${}` ); // Send message from Dragon to user A await sendNewMessage(windowC, testUser.sessionid, `Dragon (TC2) -> Test user : ${}`); // Send message from user A to Fish(TC3) await sendNewMessage( windowA, testContactThree.sessionid, `Test user -> Fish (TC3): ${}` ); // Send message from Fish to user A await sendNewMessage(windowD, testUser.sessionid, `Fish (TC3) -> Test user : ${}`); // Send message from user A to Gopher(TC4) await sendNewMessage( windowA, testContactFour.sessionid, `Test user -> Gopher (TC4): ${}` ); // Send message from Gopher to user A await sendNewMessage(windowE, testUser.sessionid, `Gopher (TC4) -> Test user : ${}`); });