import { Data } from '../../data/data'; import { OpenGroupData } from '../../data/opengroups'; import { ConversationCollection, ConversationModel } from '../../models/conversation'; import { actions as conversationActions } from '../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { BlockedNumberController } from '../../util'; import { getOpenGroupManager } from '../apis/open_group_api/opengroupV2/OpenGroupManagerV2'; import { getSwarmFor } from '../apis/snode_api/snodePool'; import { PubKey } from '../types'; import { ConvoVolatileType } from 'libsession_util_nodejs'; import { deleteAllMessagesByConvoIdNoConfirmation } from '../../interactions/conversationInteractions'; import { CONVERSATION_PRIORITIES, ConversationTypeEnum } from '../../models/conversationAttributes'; import { assertUnreachable } from '../../types/sqlSharedTypes'; import { UserGroupsWrapperActions } from '../../webworker/workers/browser/libsession_worker_interface'; import { leaveClosedGroup } from '../group/closed-group'; import { ConfigurationDumpSync } from '../utils/job_runners/jobs/ConfigurationSyncDumpJob'; import { ConfigurationSync } from '../utils/job_runners/jobs/ConfigurationSyncJob'; import { LibSessionUtil } from '../utils/libsession/libsession_utils'; import { SessionUtilContact } from '../utils/libsession/libsession_utils_contacts'; import { SessionUtilConvoInfoVolatile } from '../utils/libsession/libsession_utils_convo_info_volatile'; import { SessionUtilUserGroups } from '../utils/libsession/libsession_utils_user_groups'; let instance: ConversationController | null; export const getConversationController = () => { if (instance) { return instance; } instance = new ConversationController(); return instance; }; export class ConversationController { private readonly conversations: ConversationCollection; private _initialFetchComplete: boolean = false; private _initialPromise?: Promise; /** * Do not call this constructor. You get the ConversationController through getConversationController() only */ constructor() { this.conversations = new ConversationCollection(); } // FIXME this could return | undefined public get(id: string): ConversationModel { if (!this._initialFetchComplete) { throw new Error('getConversationController().get() needs complete initial fetch'); } return this.conversations.get(id); } public getOrThrow(id: string): ConversationModel { if (!this._initialFetchComplete) { throw new Error('getConversationController().get() needs complete initial fetch'); } const convo = this.conversations.get(id); if (convo) { return convo; } throw new Error(`Conversation ${id} does not exist on getConversationController().get()`); } // Needed for some model setup which happens during the initial fetch() call below public getUnsafe(id: string): ConversationModel | undefined { return this.conversations.get(id); } public getOrCreate(id: string, type: ConversationTypeEnum) { if (typeof id !== 'string') { throw new TypeError("'id' must be a string"); } if ( type !== ConversationTypeEnum.PRIVATE && type !== ConversationTypeEnum.GROUP && type !== ConversationTypeEnum.GROUPV3 ) { throw new TypeError(`'type' must be 'private' or 'group' or 'groupv3' but got: '${type}'`); } if (type === ConversationTypeEnum.GROUPV3 && !PubKey.isClosedGroupV3(id)) { throw new Error( 'required v3 closed group` ` but the pubkey does not match the 03 prefix for them' ); } if (!this._initialFetchComplete) { throw new Error('getConversationController().get() needs complete initial fetch'); } if (this.conversations.get(id)) { return this.conversations.get(id) as ConversationModel; } const conversation = this.conversations.add({ id, type, }); const create = async () => { try { // this saves to DB and to the required wrapper await conversation.commit(); } catch (error) { window?.log?.error( 'Conversation save failed! ', id, type, 'Error:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); throw error; } window?.inboxStore?.dispatch( conversationActions.conversationAdded({ id:, data: conversation.getConversationModelProps(), }) ); if (!conversation.isPublic() && conversation.isActive()) { // NOTE: we request snodes updating the cache, but ignore the result void getSwarmFor(id); } return conversation; }; conversation.initialPromise = create(); return conversation; } public getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(pubKey: string): string { const conversation = getConversationController().get(pubKey); if (!conversation) { return pubKey; } return conversation.getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(); } public async getOrCreateAndWait( id: string | PubKey, type: ConversationTypeEnum ): Promise { const initialPromise = this._initialPromise !== undefined ? this._initialPromise : Promise.resolve(); return initialPromise.then(() => { if (!id) { return Promise.reject(new Error('getOrCreateAndWait: invalid id passed.')); } const pubkey = id && (id as any).key ? (id as any).key : id; const conversation = this.getOrCreate(pubkey, type); if (conversation) { return conversation.initialPromise.then(() => conversation); } return Promise.reject(new Error('getOrCreateAndWait: did not get conversation')); }); } /** * Usually, we want to mark private contact deleted as inactive (active_at = undefined). * That way we can still have the username and avatar for them, but they won't appear in search results etc. * For the blinded contact deletion though, we want to delete it completely because we merged it to an unblinded convo. */ public async deleteBlindedContact(blindedId: string) { if (!this._initialFetchComplete) { throw new Error( 'getConversationController().deleteBlindedContact() needs complete initial fetch' ); } if (!PubKey.hasBlindedPrefix(blindedId)) { throw new Error('deleteBlindedContact allow accepts blinded id'); }`deleteBlindedContact with ${blindedId}`); const conversation = this.conversations.get(blindedId); if (!conversation) { window.log.warn(`deleteBlindedContact no such convo ${blindedId}`); return; } // we remove the messages left in this convo. The caller has to merge them if needed await deleteAllMessagesByConvoIdNoConfirmation(; await conversation.setIsApproved(false, false); await conversation.setDidApproveMe(false, false); await conversation.commit(); } public async deleteContact(id: string, fromSyncMessage: boolean) { if (!this._initialFetchComplete) { throw new Error('getConversationController().deleteContact() needs complete initial fetch'); }`deleteContact with ${id}`); const conversation = this.conversations.get(id); if (!conversation) { window.log.warn(`deleteContact no such convo ${id}`); return; } // those are the stuff to do for all conversation types`deleteContact destroyingMessages: ${id}`); await deleteAllMessagesByConvoIdNoConfirmation(id);`deleteContact messages destroyed: ${id}`); const convoType: ConvoVolatileType = conversation.isClosedGroup() ? 'LegacyGroup' : conversation.isPublic() ? 'Community' : '1o1'; switch (convoType) { case '1o1': // if this conversation is a private conversation it's in fact a `contact` for desktop. // we just set the hidden field to true // so the conversation still exists (needed for that user's profile in groups) but is not shown on the list of conversation. // We also keep the messages for now, as turning a contact as hidden might just be a temporary thing`deleteContact isPrivate, marking as hidden: ${id}`); conversation.set({ priority: CONVERSATION_PRIORITIES.hidden, }); // we currently do not wish to reset the approved/approvedMe state when marking a private conversation as hidden // await conversation.setIsApproved(false, false); await conversation.commit(); // this updates the wrappers content to reflect the hidden state // We don't remove entries from the contacts wrapper, so better keep corresponding convo volatile info for now (it will be pruned if needed) break; case 'Community': window?.log?.info('leaving open group v2',; try { const fromWrapper = await UserGroupsWrapperActions.getCommunityByFullUrl(; await SessionUtilConvoInfoVolatile.removeCommunityFromWrapper(, fromWrapper?.fullUrl || '' ); } catch (e) { window?.log?.info('SessionUtilConvoInfoVolatile.removeCommunityFromWrapper failed:', e); } // remove from the wrapper the entries before we remove the roomInfos, as we won't have the required community pubkey afterwards try { await SessionUtilUserGroups.removeCommunityFromWrapper(,; } catch (e) { window?.log?.info('SessionUtilUserGroups.removeCommunityFromWrapper failed:', e); } const roomInfos = OpenGroupData.getV2OpenGroupRoom(; if (roomInfos) { getOpenGroupManager().removeRoomFromPolledRooms(roomInfos); } // remove the roomInfos locally for this open group room including the pubkey try { await OpenGroupData.removeV2OpenGroupRoom(; } catch (e) { window?.log?.info('removeV2OpenGroupRoom failed:', e); } break; case 'LegacyGroup':`deleteContact ClosedGroup case: ${}`); await leaveClosedGroup(; await SessionUtilUserGroups.removeLegacyGroupFromWrapper(; await SessionUtilConvoInfoVolatile.removeLegacyGroupFromWrapper(; break; default: assertUnreachable(convoType, `deleteContact: convoType ${convoType} not handled`); } if (conversation.isGroup()) {`deleteContact isGroup, removing convo from DB: ${id}`); // not a private conversation, so not a contact for the ContactWrapper await Data.removeConversation(id);`deleteContact isGroup, convo removed from DB: ${id}`); this.conversations.remove(conversation); window?.inboxStore?.dispatch( conversationActions.conversationChanged({ id:, data: conversation.getConversationModelProps(), }) ); window.inboxStore?.dispatch(conversationActions.conversationRemoved(;`deleteContact NOT private, convo removed from store: ${id}`); } if (!fromSyncMessage) { await ConfigurationSync.queueNewJobIfNeeded(); await ConfigurationDumpSync.queueNewJobIfNeeded(); } } /** * * @returns the reference of the list of conversations stored. * Warning: You should not edit things directly from that list. This must only be used for reading things. * If you need to make a change, do the usual getConversationControler().get('the id you want to edit') */ public getConversations(): Array { return this.conversations.models; } public async load() { if (this.conversations.length) { throw new Error('ConversationController: Already loaded!'); } const load = async () => { try { const startLoad =; const convoModels = await Data.getAllConversations(); this.conversations.add(convoModels); const start =; const numberOfVariants = LibSessionUtil.requiredUserVariants.length; for (let index = 0; index < convoModels.length; index++) { const convo = convoModels[index]; for (let wrapperIndex = 0; wrapperIndex < numberOfVariants; wrapperIndex++) { const variant = LibSessionUtil.requiredUserVariants[wrapperIndex]; switch (variant) { case 'UserConfig': break; case 'ContactsConfig': if (SessionUtilContact.isContactToStoreInWrapper(convo)) { await SessionUtilContact.refreshMappedValue(, true); } break; case 'UserGroupsConfig': if (SessionUtilUserGroups.isUserGroupToStoreInWrapper(convo)) { await SessionUtilUserGroups.refreshCachedUserGroup(, true); } break; case 'ConvoInfoVolatileConfig': if (SessionUtilConvoInfoVolatile.isConvoToStoreInWrapper(convo)) { await SessionUtilConvoInfoVolatile.refreshConvoVolatileCached(, Boolean(convo.isClosedGroup() &&'05')), true ); await convo.refreshInMemoryDetails(); } break; default: assertUnreachable( variant, `ConversationController: load() unhandled case "${variant}"` ); } } }`refreshAllWrappersMappedValues took ${ - start}ms`); this._initialFetchComplete = true; window?.log?.info( `ConversationController: done with initial fetch in ${ - startLoad}ms.` ); } catch (error) { window?.log?.error( 'ConversationController: initial fetch failed', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); throw error; } }; await BlockedNumberController.load(); this._initialPromise = load(); return this._initialPromise; } public loadPromise() { return this._initialPromise; } public reset() { this._initialPromise = Promise.resolve(); this._initialFetchComplete = false; if (window?.inboxStore) { window.inboxStore?.dispatch(conversationActions.removeAllConversations()); } this.conversations.reset([]); } }