import React from 'react'; import { useMembersAvatars } from '../../hooks/useMembersAvatars'; import { Avatar, AvatarSize } from '../Avatar'; type Props = { size: number; closedGroupId: string; onAvatarClick?: () => void; }; function getClosedGroupAvatarsSize(size: AvatarSize): AvatarSize { // Always use the size directly under the one requested switch (size) { case AvatarSize.S: return AvatarSize.XS; case AvatarSize.M: return AvatarSize.S; case AvatarSize.L: return AvatarSize.M; case AvatarSize.XL: return AvatarSize.L; case AvatarSize.HUGE: return AvatarSize.XL; default: throw new Error(`Invalid size request for closed group avatar: ${size}`); } } export const ClosedGroupAvatar = (props: Props) => { const { closedGroupId, size, onAvatarClick } = props; const memberAvatars = useMembersAvatars(closedGroupId); const avatarsDiameter = getClosedGroupAvatarsSize(size); const firstMemberId = memberAvatars?.[0]; const secondMemberID = memberAvatars?.[1]; return (
); };