import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { StateType } from '../reducer'; import { ConversationLookupType, ConversationsStateType, MentionsMembersType, MessageModelPropsWithConvoProps, MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps, MessagePropsDetails, ReduxConversationType, SortedMessageModelProps, } from '../ducks/conversations'; import { getIntl, getOurNumber } from './user'; import { BlockedNumberController } from '../../util'; import { ConversationNotificationSetting, ConversationTypeEnum } from '../../models/conversation'; import { LocalizerType } from '../../types/Util'; import { ConversationHeaderProps, ConversationHeaderTitleProps, } from '../../components/conversation/ConversationHeader'; import { LightBoxOptions } from '../../components/session/conversation/SessionConversation'; import { ReplyingToMessageProps } from '../../components/session/conversation/composition/CompositionBox'; import { getConversationController } from '../../session/conversations'; import { UserUtils } from '../../session/utils'; import { MessageAvatarSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageAvatar'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { MessagePreviewSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessagePreview'; import { MessageQuoteSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageQuote'; import { MessageStatusSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageStatus'; import { MessageTextSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageText'; import { MessageContextMenuSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageContextMenu'; import { MessageAuthorSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageAuthorText'; import { MessageAttachmentSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageAttachment'; import { MessageContentSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageContent'; import { MessageContentWithStatusSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/MessageContentWithStatus'; import { GenericReadableMessageSelectorProps } from '../../components/conversation/message/GenericReadableMessage'; import { getIsMessageRequestsEnabled } from './userConfig'; export const getConversations = (state: StateType): ConversationsStateType => state.conversations; export const getConversationLookup = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): ConversationLookupType => { return state.conversationLookup; } ); export const getConversationsCount = createSelector(getConversationLookup, (state): number => { return Object.values(state).length; }); export const getBlockedPubkeys = createSelector( // make sure to extends this selector to we are rerun on conversation changes getConversationLookup, (_state): Array => { return BlockedNumberController.getBlockedNumbers(); } ); export const getSelectedConversationKey = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): string | undefined => { return state.selectedConversation; } ); export const getSelectedConversation = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): ReduxConversationType | undefined => { return state.selectedConversation ? state.conversationLookup[state.selectedConversation] : undefined; } ); export const getSelectedConversationIsPublic = createSelector( getSelectedConversation, (state: ReduxConversationType | undefined): boolean => { return state?.isPublic || false; } ); export const getIsTypingEnabled = createSelector( getConversations, getSelectedConversationKey, (state: ConversationsStateType, selectedConvoPubkey?: string): boolean => { if (!selectedConvoPubkey) { return false; } const selectedConvo = state.conversationLookup[selectedConvoPubkey]; if (!selectedConvo) { return false; } const { isBlocked, isKickedFromGroup, left } = selectedConvo; return !(isBlocked || isKickedFromGroup || left); } ); /** * Returns true if the current conversation selected is a group conversation. * Returns false if the current conversation selected is not a group conversation, or none are selected */ export const isGroupConversation = createSelector( getSelectedConversation, (state: ReduxConversationType | undefined): boolean => { return state?.type === 'group' || false; } ); /** * Returns true if the current conversation selected is a closed group and false otherwise. */ export const isClosedGroupConversation = createSelector( getSelectedConversation, (state: ReduxConversationType | undefined): boolean => { return (state?.type === 'group' && !state.isPublic) || false; } ); /** * Returns true if the current conversation selected is a public group and false otherwise. */ export const isPublicGroupConversation = createSelector( getSelectedConversation, (state: ReduxConversationType | undefined): boolean => { return (state?.type === 'group' && state.isPublic) || false; } ); export const getOurPrimaryConversation = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): ReduxConversationType => state.conversationLookup['primaryDevicePubKey')] ); const getMessagesOfSelectedConversation = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): Array => state.messages ); // Redux recommends to do filtered and deriving state in a selector rather than ourself export const getSortedMessagesOfSelectedConversation = createSelector( getMessagesOfSelectedConversation, (messages: Array): Array => { if (messages.length === 0) { return []; } const convoId = messages[0].propsForMessage.convoId; const convo = getConversationController().get(convoId); if (!convo) { return []; } const isPublic = convo.isPublic() || false; const sortedMessage = sortMessages(messages, isPublic); return updateFirstMessageOfSeries(sortedMessage); } ); export const getFirstUnreadMessageId = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): string | undefined => { return state.firstUnreadMessageId; } ); export type MessagePropsType = | 'group-notification' | 'group-invitation' | 'data-extraction' | 'timer-notification' | 'regular-message' | 'unread-indicator' | 'call-notification'; export const getSortedMessagesTypesOfSelectedConversation = createSelector( getSortedMessagesOfSelectedConversation, getFirstUnreadMessageId, (sortedMessages, firstUnreadId) => { const maxMessagesBetweenTwoDateBreaks = 5; // we want to show the date break if there is a large jump in time // remember that messages are sorted from the most recent to the oldest return, index) => { const isFirstUnread = Boolean(firstUnreadId ===; const messageTimestamp = msg.propsForMessage.serverTimestamp || msg.propsForMessage.timestamp; const previousMessageTimestamp = index + 1 >= sortedMessages.length ? 0 : sortedMessages[index + 1].propsForMessage.serverTimestamp || sortedMessages[index + 1].propsForMessage.timestamp; const showDateBreak = messageTimestamp - previousMessageTimestamp > maxMessagesBetweenTwoDateBreaks * 60 * 1000 ? messageTimestamp : undefined; if (msg.propsForDataExtractionNotification) { return { showUnreadIndicator: isFirstUnread, showDateBreak, message: { messageType: 'data-extraction', props: { ...msg.propsForDataExtractionNotification, messageId: }, }, }; } if (msg.propsForGroupInvitation) { return { showUnreadIndicator: isFirstUnread, showDateBreak, message: { messageType: 'group-invitation', props: { ...msg.propsForGroupInvitation, messageId: }, }, }; } if (msg.propsForGroupNotification) { return { showUnreadIndicator: isFirstUnread, showDateBreak, message: { messageType: 'group-notification', props: { ...msg.propsForGroupNotification, messageId: }, }, }; } if (msg.propsForTimerNotification) { return { showUnreadIndicator: isFirstUnread, showDateBreak, message: { messageType: 'timer-notification', props: { ...msg.propsForTimerNotification, messageId: }, }, }; } if (msg.propsForCallNotification) { return { showUnreadIndicator: isFirstUnread, showDateBreak, message: { messageType: 'call-notification', props: { ...msg.propsForCallNotification, messageId:, }, }, }; } return { showUnreadIndicator: isFirstUnread, showDateBreak, message: { messageType: 'regular-message', props: { messageId: }, }, }; }); } ); function getConversationTitle( conversation: ReduxConversationType, testingi18n?: LocalizerType ): string { if ( { return; } if (conversation.type === 'group') { return (testingi18n || window.i18n)('unknown'); } return; } const collator = new Intl.Collator(); export const _getConversationComparator = (testingi18n?: LocalizerType) => { return (left: ReduxConversationType, right: ReduxConversationType): number => { // Pin is the first criteria to check if (left.isPinned && !right.isPinned) { return -1; } if (!left.isPinned && right.isPinned) { return 1; } // Then if none is pinned, check other criteria const leftActiveAt = left.activeAt; const rightActiveAt = right.activeAt; if (leftActiveAt && !rightActiveAt) { return -1; } if (rightActiveAt && !leftActiveAt) { return 1; } if (leftActiveAt && rightActiveAt && leftActiveAt !== rightActiveAt) { return rightActiveAt - leftActiveAt; } const leftTitle = getConversationTitle(left, testingi18n).toLowerCase(); const rightTitle = getConversationTitle(right, testingi18n).toLowerCase(); return, rightTitle); }; }; export const getConversationComparator = createSelector(getIntl, _getConversationComparator); // export only because we use it in some of our tests // tslint:disable-next-line: cyclomatic-complexity export const _getLeftPaneLists = ( sortedConversations: Array, isMessageRequestEnabled?: boolean ): { conversations: Array; contacts: Array; unreadCount: number; } => { const conversations: Array = []; const directConversations: Array = []; let unreadCount = 0; for (const conversation of sortedConversations) { const excludeUnapproved = isMessageRequestEnabled && window.lokiFeatureFlags?.useMessageRequests; if (conversation.activeAt !== undefined && conversation.type === ConversationTypeEnum.PRIVATE) { directConversations.push(conversation); } if (excludeUnapproved && !conversation.isApproved && !conversation.isBlocked) { // dont increase unread counter, don't push to convo list. continue; } if ( unreadCount < 9 && conversation.unreadCount && conversation.unreadCount > 0 && conversation.currentNotificationSetting !== 'disabled' ) { unreadCount += conversation.unreadCount; } conversations.push(conversation); } return { conversations, contacts: directConversations, unreadCount, }; }; export const _getSortedConversations = ( lookup: ConversationLookupType, comparator: (left: ReduxConversationType, right: ReduxConversationType) => number, selectedConversation?: string ): Array => { const values = Object.values(lookup); const sorted = values.sort(comparator); const sortedConversations: Array = []; for (let conversation of sorted) { if (selectedConversation === { conversation = { ...conversation, isSelected: true, }; } const isBlocked = BlockedNumberController.isBlocked( || BlockedNumberController.isGroupBlocked(; if (isBlocked) { conversation = { ...conversation, isBlocked: true, }; } // Add Open Group to list as soon as the name has been set if (conversation.isPublic && (! || === 'Unknown group')) { continue; } // Remove all invalid conversations and conversatons of devices associated // with cancelled attempted links if (!conversation.isPublic && !conversation.activeAt) { continue; } sortedConversations.push(conversation); } return sortedConversations; }; export const getSortedConversations = createSelector( getConversationLookup, getConversationComparator, getSelectedConversationKey, _getSortedConversations ); export const _getConversationRequests = ( sortedConversations: Array, isMessageRequestEnabled?: boolean ): Array => { const pushToMessageRequests = isMessageRequestEnabled && window?.lokiFeatureFlags?.useMessageRequests; return _.filter(sortedConversations, conversation => { return pushToMessageRequests && !conversation.isApproved && !conversation.isBlocked; }); }; export const getConversationRequests = createSelector( getSortedConversations, getIsMessageRequestsEnabled, _getConversationRequests ); export const getLeftPaneLists = createSelector( getSortedConversations, getIsMessageRequestsEnabled, _getLeftPaneLists ); export const getMe = createSelector( [getConversationLookup, getOurNumber], (lookup: ConversationLookupType, ourNumber: string): ReduxConversationType => { return lookup[ourNumber]; } ); export const getDirectContacts = createSelector( getLeftPaneLists, (state: { conversations: Array; contacts: Array; unreadCount: number; }) => state.contacts ); export const getUnreadMessageCount = createSelector(getLeftPaneLists, (state): number => { return state.unreadCount; }); export const getConversationHeaderTitleProps = createSelector(getSelectedConversation, (state): | ConversationHeaderTitleProps | undefined => { if (!state) { return undefined; } return { isKickedFromGroup: !!state.isKickedFromGroup, conversationKey:, isMe: !!state.isMe, members: state.members || [], isPublic: !!state.isPublic, profileName: state.profileName, name:, subscriberCount: state.subscriberCount, isGroup: state.type === 'group', currentNotificationSetting: state.currentNotificationSetting, }; }); /** * Returns the formatted text for notification setting. */ export const getCurrentNotificationSettingText = createSelector(getSelectedConversation, (state): | string | undefined => { if (!state) { return undefined; } switch (state.currentNotificationSetting) { case 'all': return window.i18n('notificationForConvo_all'); case 'mentions_only': return window.i18n('notificationForConvo_mentions_only'); case 'disabled': return window.i18n('notificationForConvo_disabled'); default: return window.i18n('notificationForConvo_all'); } }); export const getConversationHeaderProps = createSelector(getSelectedConversation, (state): | ConversationHeaderProps | undefined => { if (!state) { return undefined; } const expirationSettingName = state.expireTimer ? window.Whisper.ExpirationTimerOptions.getName(state.expireTimer || 0) : null; return { conversationKey:, isPrivate: !!state.isPrivate, currentNotificationSetting: state.currentNotificationSetting || ConversationNotificationSetting[0], // if undefined, it is 'all' isBlocked: !!state.isBlocked, left: !!state.left, avatarPath: state.avatarPath || null, expirationSettingName: expirationSettingName, hasNickname: !!state.hasNickname, weAreAdmin: !!state.weAreAdmin, isKickedFromGroup: !!state.isKickedFromGroup, isMe: !!state.isMe, members: state.members || [], isPublic: !!state.isPublic, profileName: state.profileName, name:, subscriberCount: state.subscriberCount, isGroup: !!state.isGroup, }; }); export const getIsSelectedPrivate = createSelector( getConversationHeaderProps, (headerProps): boolean => { return headerProps?.isPrivate || false; } ); export const getIsSelectedNoteToSelf = createSelector( getConversationHeaderProps, (headerProps): boolean => { return headerProps?.isMe || false; } ); export const getNumberOfPinnedConversations = createSelector(getConversations, (state): number => { const values = Object.values(state.conversationLookup); return values.filter(conversation => conversation.isPinned).length; }); export const isMessageDetailView = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): boolean => state.messageDetailProps !== undefined ); export const getMessageDetailsViewProps = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): MessagePropsDetails | undefined => state.messageDetailProps ); export const isRightPanelShowing = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): boolean => state.showRightPanel ); export const isMessageSelectionMode = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): boolean => state.selectedMessageIds.length > 0 ); export const getSelectedMessageIds = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): Array => state.selectedMessageIds ); export const getLightBoxOptions = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): LightBoxOptions | undefined => state.lightBox ); export const getQuotedMessage = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): ReplyingToMessageProps | undefined => state.quotedMessage ); export const areMoreMessagesBeingFetched = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): boolean => state.areMoreMessagesBeingFetched || false ); export const getHaveDoneFirstScroll = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): boolean => state.haveDoneFirstScroll ); export const getShowScrollButton = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): boolean => state.showScrollButton || false ); export const getQuotedMessageToAnimate = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): string | undefined => state.animateQuotedMessageId || undefined ); export const getNextMessageToPlayId = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): string | undefined => state.nextMessageToPlayId || undefined ); export const getMentionsInput = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): MentionsMembersType => state.mentionMembers ); /// Those calls are just related to ordering messages in the redux store. function updateFirstMessageOfSeries( messageModelsProps: Array ): Array { // messages are got from the more recent to the oldest, so we need to check if // the next messages in the list is still the same author. // The message is the first of the series if the next message is not from the same author const sortedMessageProps: Array = []; for (let i = 0; i < messageModelsProps.length; i++) { const currentSender = messageModelsProps[i].propsForMessage?.authorPhoneNumber; // most recent message is at index 0, so the previous message sender is 1+index const previousSender = i < messageModelsProps.length - 1 ? messageModelsProps[i + 1].propsForMessage?.authorPhoneNumber : undefined; const nextSender = i > 0 ? messageModelsProps[i - 1].propsForMessage?.authorPhoneNumber : undefined; // Handle firstMessageOfSeries for conditional avatar rendering sortedMessageProps.push({ ...messageModelsProps[i], firstMessageOfSeries: !(i >= 0 && currentSender === previousSender), lastMessageOfSeries: currentSender !== nextSender, }); } return sortedMessageProps; } function sortMessages( messages: Array, isPublic: boolean ): Array { // we order by serverTimestamp for public convos // be sure to update the sorting order to fetch messages from the DB too at getMessagesByConversation if (isPublic) { return messages.slice().sort((a, b) => { return (b.propsForMessage.serverTimestamp || 0) - (a.propsForMessage.serverTimestamp || 0); }); } if (messages.some(n => !n.propsForMessage.timestamp && !n.propsForMessage.receivedAt)) { throw new Error('Found some messages without any timestamp set'); } // for non public convos, we order by sent_at or received_at timestamp. // we assume that a message has either a sent_at or a received_at field set. const messagesSorted = messages .slice() .sort( (a, b) => (b.propsForMessage.timestamp || b.propsForMessage.receivedAt || 0) - (a.propsForMessage.timestamp || a.propsForMessage.receivedAt || 0) ); return messagesSorted; } export const getMostRecentMessageId = createSelector( getSortedMessagesOfSelectedConversation, (messages: Array): string | undefined => { return messages.length ? messages[0] : undefined; } ); export const getOldestMessageId = createSelector( getSortedMessagesOfSelectedConversation, (messages: Array): string | undefined => { const oldest = messages.length > 0 ? messages[messages.length - 1] : undefined; return oldest; } ); export const getLoadedMessagesLength = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): number => { return state.messages.length || 0; } ); export const isFirstUnreadMessageIdAbove = createSelector( getConversations, (state: ConversationsStateType): boolean => { if (!state.firstUnreadMessageId) { return false; } const isNotPresent = !state.messages.some( m => === state.firstUnreadMessageId ); return isNotPresent; } ); const getMessageId = (_whatever: any, id: string) => id; export const getMessagePropsByMessageId = createSelector( getConversations, getSortedMessagesOfSelectedConversation, getConversationLookup, getMessageId, ( _convoState, messages: Array, conversations, id ): MessageModelPropsWithConvoProps | undefined => { const foundMessageProps: SortedMessageModelProps | undefined = messages?.find( m => m?.propsForMessage?.id === id ); if (!foundMessageProps || !foundMessageProps.propsForMessage.convoId) { return undefined; } const authorPhoneNumber = foundMessageProps?.propsForMessage?.authorPhoneNumber; const foundMessageConversation = conversations[foundMessageProps.propsForMessage.convoId]; if (!foundMessageConversation || !authorPhoneNumber) { return undefined; } const foundSenderConversation = conversations[authorPhoneNumber]; if (!foundSenderConversation) { return undefined; } const ourPubkey = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache(); const isGroup = !foundMessageConversation.isPrivate; const isPublic = foundMessageConversation.isPublic; const groupAdmins = (isGroup && foundMessageConversation.groupAdmins) || []; const weAreAdmin = groupAdmins.includes(ourPubkey) || false; // A message is deletable if // either we sent it, // or the convo is not a public one (in this case, we will only be able to delete for us) // or the convo is public and we are an admin const isDeletable = authorPhoneNumber === ourPubkey || !isPublic || (isPublic && !!weAreAdmin); // A message is deletable for everyone if // either we sent it no matter what the conversation type, // or the convo is public and we are an admin const isDeletableForEveryone = authorPhoneNumber === ourPubkey || (isPublic && !!weAreAdmin) || false; const isSenderAdmin = groupAdmins.includes(authorPhoneNumber); const senderIsUs = authorPhoneNumber === ourPubkey; const authorName = || null; const authorProfileName = senderIsUs ? window.i18n('you') : foundSenderConversation.profileName; const messageProps: MessageModelPropsWithConvoProps = { ...foundMessageProps, propsForMessage: { ...foundMessageProps.propsForMessage, isBlocked: !!foundMessageConversation.isBlocked, isPublic: !!isPublic, isOpenGroupV2: !!isPublic, isSenderAdmin, isDeletable, isDeletableForEveryone, weAreAdmin, conversationType: foundMessageConversation.type, authorPhoneNumber, authorAvatarPath: foundSenderConversation.avatarPath || null, isKickedFromGroup: foundMessageConversation.isKickedFromGroup || false, authorProfileName, authorName, }, }; return messageProps; } ); export const getMessageAvatarProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageAvatarSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { authorAvatarPath, authorName, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, conversationType, direction, isPublic, isSenderAdmin, } = props.propsForMessage; const { lastMessageOfSeries } = props; const messageAvatarProps: MessageAvatarSelectorProps = { authorAvatarPath, authorName, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, conversationType, direction, isPublic, isSenderAdmin, lastMessageOfSeries, }; return messageAvatarProps; }); export const getMessagePreviewProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessagePreviewSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { attachments, previews } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: MessagePreviewSelectorProps = { attachments, previews, }; return msgProps; }); export const getMessageQuoteProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageQuoteSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { direction, quote } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: MessageQuoteSelectorProps = { direction, quote, }; return msgProps; }); export const getMessageStatusProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageStatusSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { direction, status } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: MessageStatusSelectorProps = { direction, status, }; return msgProps; }); export const getMessageTextProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageTextSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { conversationType, convoId, direction, status, text, isDeleted } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: MessageTextSelectorProps = { conversationType, convoId, direction, status, text, isDeleted, }; return msgProps; }); export const getMessageContextMenuProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageContextMenuSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { attachments, authorPhoneNumber, convoId, direction, status, isDeletable, isPublic, isOpenGroupV2, weAreAdmin, isSenderAdmin, text, serverTimestamp, timestamp, isBlocked, isDeletableForEveryone, } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: MessageContextMenuSelectorProps = { attachments, authorPhoneNumber, convoId, direction, status, isDeletable, isPublic, isOpenGroupV2, weAreAdmin, isSenderAdmin, text, serverTimestamp, timestamp, isBlocked, isDeletableForEveryone, }; return msgProps; }); export const getMessageAuthorProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageAuthorSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { authorName, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, direction } = props.propsForMessage; const { firstMessageOfSeries } = props; const msgProps: MessageAuthorSelectorProps = { authorName, authorPhoneNumber, authorProfileName, direction, firstMessageOfSeries, }; return msgProps; }); export const getMessageIsDeletable = createSelector( getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): boolean => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return false; } return props.propsForMessage.isDeletable; } ); export const getMessageAttachmentProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageAttachmentSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { attachments, direction, isTrustedForAttachmentDownload, timestamp, serverTimestamp, authorPhoneNumber, convoId, } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: MessageAttachmentSelectorProps = { attachments: attachments || [], direction, isTrustedForAttachmentDownload, timestamp, serverTimestamp, authorPhoneNumber, convoId, }; return msgProps; }); export const getIsMessageSelected = createSelector( getMessagePropsByMessageId, getSelectedMessageIds, (props, selectedIds): boolean => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return false; } const { id } = props.propsForMessage; return selectedIds.includes(id); } ); export const getMessageContentSelectorProps = createSelector(getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): | MessageContentSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { text, direction, timestamp, serverTimestamp, previews, attachments, quote, } = props.propsForMessage; const { firstMessageOfSeries, lastMessageOfSeries } = props; const msgProps: MessageContentSelectorProps = { direction, firstMessageOfSeries, lastMessageOfSeries, serverTimestamp, text, timestamp, previews, quote, attachments, }; return msgProps; }); export const getMessageContentWithStatusesSelectorProps = createSelector( getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): MessageContentWithStatusSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { direction, isDeleted, attachments, isTrustedForAttachmentDownload, } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: MessageContentWithStatusSelectorProps = { direction, isDeleted, hasAttachments: Boolean(attachments?.length) || false, isTrustedForAttachmentDownload, }; return msgProps; } ); export const getGenericReadableMessageSelectorProps = createSelector( getMessagePropsByMessageId, (props): GenericReadableMessageSelectorProps | undefined => { if (!props || _.isEmpty(props)) { return undefined; } const { direction, conversationType, expirationLength, expirationTimestamp, isExpired, isUnread, receivedAt, isKickedFromGroup, isDeleted, } = props.propsForMessage; const msgProps: GenericReadableMessageSelectorProps = { direction, conversationType, expirationLength, expirationTimestamp, isUnread, isExpired, convoId: props.propsForMessage.convoId, receivedAt, isKickedFromGroup, isDeleted, }; return msgProps; } );