lilia 019a9d1fbc Unread counts
Update unreadCounts per-conversation on incoming messages. Render unread
conversations with font-weigh: bold in the inbox view.

To ensure that the inbox and conversation views remain in sync, the
background page now ensures that the same models objects are used for
both views.
2015-03-11 15:13:36 -07:00

528 lines
12 KiB

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border-radius: 10px;
background-color: #2a92e7;
color: white; }
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padding: 0 2px; }
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.new-conversation .last-message, .new-conversation .last-timestamp {
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font-size: small; }
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content: 'Create new contact';
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opacity: 0.7;
padding-right: 8px; }
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background: #eee; }
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margin: 4px 0 0 8px; }
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right: 12px;
color: #888; }
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width: 44px;
background: #f3f3f3;
border-radius: 22px; }
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height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background: red;
display: none; }
.settings-open .settings {
display: block; }
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.conversations .unread .contact-details .last-timestamp {
font-weight: bold; }
.conversation {
padding: 36px 0; }
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overflow: auto; }
.key-verification p {
padding: 1em; }
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padding: 0 1em; }
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padding: 1em 0; }
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display: none; }
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padding: 1em; }
.message-detail .info .label {
text-align: right;
font-weight: bold;
padding-right: 1em; }
.group-update {
font-size: smaller; }
.private .sender,
.outgoing .sender {
display: none; }
.sender {
font-size: smaller;
opacity: 0.8; }
.timestamp {
font-size: smaller; }
.entry .delivered .checkmark {
display: inline; }
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width: 36px;
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border-radius: 18px; }
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float: right; }
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font: small;
font-style: italic;
opacity: 0.8; }
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background: transparent; }
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float: left;
height: 100%; }
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background: url("/images/send.png") no-repeat;
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background-position: center center;
cursor: pointer; }
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content: '+'; }
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