2022-02-18 13:03:47 +11:00

528 lines
19 KiB

import * as Data from '../../../ts/data/data';
import * as SnodePool from '../apis/snode_api/snodePool';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { default as insecureNodeFetch } from 'node-fetch';
import { UserUtils } from '../utils';
import { incrementBadSnodeCountOrDrop, snodeHttpsAgent } from '../apis/snode_api/onions';
import { allowOnlyOneAtATime } from '../utils/Promise';
import pRetry from 'p-retry';
const desiredGuardCount = 3;
const minimumGuardCount = 2;
import { updateOnionPaths } from '../../state/ducks/onion';
import { ERROR_CODE_NO_CONNECT } from '../apis/snode_api/SNodeAPI';
import { getStoragePubKey } from '../types/PubKey';
import { OnionPaths } from './';
export let onionPaths: Array<Array<Data.Snode>> = [];
* Used for testing only
* @returns a copy of the onion path currently used by the app.
// tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
export const TEST_getTestOnionPath = () => {
return _.cloneDeep(onionPaths);
// tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
export const TEST_getTestguardNodes = () => {
return _.cloneDeep(guardNodes);
* Used for testing only. Clears the saved onion paths
export const clearTestOnionPath = () => {
onionPaths = [];
guardNodes = [];
* hold the failure count of the path starting with the snode ed25519 pubkey.
* exported just for tests. do not interact with this directly
export let pathFailureCount: Record<string, number> = {};
// tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
export const resetPathFailureCount = () => {
pathFailureCount = {};
// The number of times a path can fail before it's replaced.
const pathFailureThreshold = 3;
// This array is meant to store nodes will full info,
// so using GuardNode would not be correct (there is
// some naming issue here it seems)
export let guardNodes: Array<Data.Snode> = [];
export const ed25519Str = (ed25519Key: string) => `(...${ed25519Key.substr(58)})`;
export async function buildNewOnionPathsOneAtATime() {
// this function may be called concurrently make sure we only have one inflight
return allowOnlyOneAtATime('buildNewOnionPaths', async () => {
try {
await buildNewOnionPathsWorker();
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn(`buildNewOnionPathsWorker failed with ${e.message}`);
* Once a snode is causing too much trouble, we remove it from the path it is used in.
* If we can rebuild a new path right away (in sync) we do it, otherwise we throw an error.
* The process to rebuild a path is easy:
* 1. remove the snode causing issue in the path where it is used
* 2. get a random snode from the pool excluding all current snodes in use in all paths
* 3. append the random snode to the old path which was failing
* 4. you have rebuilt path
* @param snodeEd25519 the snode pubkey to drop
export async function dropSnodeFromPath(snodeEd25519: string) {
const pathWithSnodeIndex = onionPaths.findIndex(path =>
path.some(snode => snode.pubkey_ed25519 === snodeEd25519)
if (pathWithSnodeIndex === -1) {
window?.log?.warn(`Could not drop ${ed25519Str(snodeEd25519)} as it is not in any paths`);
// this can happen for instance if the snode given is the destination snode.
// like a `retrieve` request returns node not found being the request the snode is made to.
// in this case, nothing bad is happening for the path. We just have to use another snode to do the request
`dropping snode ${ed25519Str(snodeEd25519)} from path index: ${pathWithSnodeIndex}`
// make a copy now so we don't alter the real one while doing stuff here
const oldPaths = _.cloneDeep(onionPaths);
let pathtoPatchUp = oldPaths[pathWithSnodeIndex];
// remove the snode causing issue from this path
const nodeToRemoveIndex = pathtoPatchUp.findIndex(snode => snode.pubkey_ed25519 === snodeEd25519);
// this should not happen, but well...
if (nodeToRemoveIndex === -1) {
pathtoPatchUp = pathtoPatchUp.filter(snode => snode.pubkey_ed25519 !== snodeEd25519);
const ed25519KeysToExclude = _.flattenDeep(oldPaths).map(m => m.pubkey_ed25519);
// this call throws if it cannot return a valid snode.
const snodeToAppendToPath = await SnodePool.getRandomSnode(ed25519KeysToExclude);
// Don't test the new snode as this would reveal the user's IP
onionPaths[pathWithSnodeIndex] = pathtoPatchUp;
export async function getOnionPath({
}: {
toExclude?: Data.Snode;
}): Promise<Array<Data.Snode>> {
let attemptNumber = 0;
// the buildNewOnionPathsOneAtATime will try to fetch from seed if it needs more snodes
while (onionPaths.length < minimumGuardCount) {
`getOnionPath: Must have at least ${minimumGuardCount} good onion paths, actual: ${onionPaths.length}, attempt #${attemptNumber}`
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await buildNewOnionPathsOneAtATime();
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn(`buildNewOnionPathsOneAtATime failed with ${e.message}`);
// should we add a delay? buildNewOnionPathsOneA tATime should act as one
// reload goodPaths now
attemptNumber += 1;
if (attemptNumber >= 10) {
window?.log?.error('Failed to get an onion path after 10 attempts');
throw new Error(`Failed to build enough onion paths, current count: ${onionPaths.length}`);
if (onionPaths.length === 0) {
if (!_.isEmpty(window.inboxStore?.getState().onionPaths.snodePaths)) {
} else {
const ipsOnly = => => {
return { ip: c.ip };
if (!_.isEqual(window.inboxStore?.getState().onionPaths.snodePaths, ipsOnly)) {
if (!toExclude) {
// no need to exclude a node, then just return a random path from the list of path
if (!onionPaths || onionPaths.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No onion paths available');
const randomPathNoExclude = _.sample(onionPaths);
if (!randomPathNoExclude) {
throw new Error('No onion paths available');
return randomPathNoExclude;
// here we got a snode to exclude from the returned path
const onionPathsWithoutExcluded = onionPaths.filter(
path => !_.some(path, node => node.pubkey_ed25519 === toExclude.pubkey_ed25519)
if (!onionPathsWithoutExcluded || onionPathsWithoutExcluded.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No onion paths available after filtering');
const randomPath = _.sample(onionPathsWithoutExcluded);
if (!randomPath) {
throw new Error('No onion paths available after filtering');
return randomPath;
* If we don't know which nodes is causing trouble, increment the issue with this full path.
export async function incrementBadPathCountOrDrop(snodeEd25519: string) {
const pathWithSnodeIndex = onionPaths.findIndex(path =>
path.some(snode => snode.pubkey_ed25519 === snodeEd25519)
if (pathWithSnodeIndex === -1) {
window?.log?.info('incrementBadPathCountOrDrop: Did not find any path containing this snode');
// this might happen if the snodeEd25519 is the one of the target snode, just increment the target snode count by 1
await incrementBadSnodeCountOrDrop({ snodeEd25519 });
const guardNodeEd25519 = onionPaths[pathWithSnodeIndex][0].pubkey_ed25519;
`incrementBadPathCountOrDrop starting with guard ${ed25519Str(guardNodeEd25519)}`
const pathWithIssues = onionPaths[pathWithSnodeIndex];
window?.log?.info('handling bad path for path index', pathWithSnodeIndex);
const oldPathFailureCount = pathFailureCount[guardNodeEd25519] || 0;
// tslint:disable: prefer-for-of
const newPathFailureCount = oldPathFailureCount + 1;
// skip the first one as the first one is the guard node.
// a guard node is dropped when the path is dropped completely (in dropPathStartingWithGuardNode)
for (let index = 1; index < pathWithIssues.length; index++) {
const snode = pathWithIssues[index];
await incrementBadSnodeCountOrDrop({ snodeEd25519: snode.pubkey_ed25519 });
if (newPathFailureCount >= pathFailureThreshold) {
return dropPathStartingWithGuardNode(guardNodeEd25519);
// the path is not yet THAT bad. keep it for now
pathFailureCount[guardNodeEd25519] = newPathFailureCount;
* This function is used to drop a path and its corresponding guard node.
* It writes to the db the updated list of guardNodes.
* @param ed25519Key the guard node ed25519 pubkey
async function dropPathStartingWithGuardNode(guardNodeEd25519: string) {
await SnodePool.dropSnodeFromSnodePool(guardNodeEd25519);
const failingPathIndex = onionPaths.findIndex(p => p[0].pubkey_ed25519 === guardNodeEd25519);
if (failingPathIndex === -1) {
window?.log?.warn('No such path starts with this guard node ');
} else {
`Dropping path starting with guard node ${ed25519Str(
)}; index:${failingPathIndex}`
onionPaths = onionPaths.filter(p => p[0].pubkey_ed25519 !== guardNodeEd25519);
// make sure to drop the guard node even if the path starting with this guard node is not found
guardNodes = guardNodes.filter(g => g.pubkey_ed25519 !== guardNodeEd25519);
// write the updates guard nodes to the db.
await internalUpdateGuardNodes(guardNodes);
// we are dropping it. Reset the counter in case this same guard gets choosen later
pathFailureCount[guardNodeEd25519] = 0;
// trigger path rebuilding for the dropped path. This will throw if anything happens
await buildNewOnionPathsOneAtATime();
async function internalUpdateGuardNodes(updatedGuardNodes: Array<Data.Snode>) {
const edKeys = => n.pubkey_ed25519);
await Data.updateGuardNodes(edKeys);
export async function TEST_testGuardNode(snode: Data.Snode) {
window?.log?.info(`Testing a candidate guard node ${ed25519Str(snode.pubkey_ed25519)}`);
// Send a post request and make sure it is OK
const endpoint = '/storage_rpc/v1';
const url = `https://${snode.ip}:${snode.port}${endpoint}`;
const ourPK = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
const pubKey = getStoragePubKey(ourPK); // truncate if testnet
const method = 'get_snodes_for_pubkey';
const params = { pubKey };
const body = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: '0',
const fetchOptions = {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(body),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'User-Agent': 'WhatsApp',
'Accept-Language': 'en-us',
timeout: 10000, // 10s, we want a smaller timeout for testing
agent: snodeHttpsAgent,
let response;
try {
// Log this line for testing
// curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '"+fetchOptions.body.replace(/"/g, "\\'")+"'", url
window?.log?.info('insecureNodeFetch => plaintext for testGuardNode');
response = await insecureNodeFetch(url, fetchOptions);
} catch (e) {
if (e.type === 'request-timeout') {
window?.log?.warn('test timeout for node,', ed25519Str(snode.pubkey_ed25519));
if (e.code === 'ENETUNREACH') {
window?.log?.warn('no network on node,', snode);
throw new pRetry.AbortError(ERROR_CODE_NO_CONNECT);
return false;
if (!response.ok) {
await response.text();
window?.log?.info('Node failed the guard test:', snode);
return response.ok;
* Only exported for testing purpose.
* If the random snode p
export async function selectGuardNodes(): Promise<Array<Data.Snode>> {
// `getSnodePoolFromDBOrFetchFromSeed` does not refetch stuff. It just throws.
// this is to avoid having circular dependencies of path building, needing new snodes, which needs new paths building...
const nodePool = await SnodePool.getSnodePoolFromDBOrFetchFromSeed();`selectGuardNodes snodePool length: ${nodePool.length}`);
if (nodePool.length < SnodePool.minSnodePoolCount) {
`Could not select guard nodes. Not enough nodes in the pool: ${nodePool.length}`
throw new Error(
`Could not select guard nodes. Not enough nodes in the pool: ${nodePool.length}`
const shuffled = _.shuffle(nodePool);
let selectedGuardNodes: Array<Data.Snode> = [];
let attempts = 0;
// The use of await inside while is intentional:
// we only want to repeat if the await fails
// eslint-disable-next-line-no-await-in-loop
while (selectedGuardNodes.length < desiredGuardCount) {
if (!window.getGlobalOnlineStatus()) {
window?.log?.error('selectedGuardNodes: offline');
throw new Error('selectedGuardNodes: offline');
const candidateNodes = shuffled.splice(0, desiredGuardCount);
if (attempts > 5) {
// too many retries. something is wrong.`selectGuardNodes stopping after attempts: ${attempts}`);
throw new Error(`selectGuardNodes stopping after attempts: ${attempts}`);
}`selectGuardNodes attempts: ${attempts}`);
// Test all three nodes at once, wait for all to resolve or reject
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const idxOk = (
await Promise.allSettled(
).flatMap(p => (p.status === 'fulfilled' ? p.value : null));
const goodNodes =, candidateNodes)
.filter(x => x[0])
.map(x => x[1]) as Array<Data.Snode>;
selectedGuardNodes = _.concat(selectedGuardNodes, goodNodes);
guardNodes = selectedGuardNodes.slice(0, desiredGuardCount);
if (guardNodes.length < desiredGuardCount) {
window?.log?.error(`Cound't get enough guard nodes, only have: ${guardNodes.length}`);
throw new Error(`Cound't get enough guard nodes, only have: ${guardNodes.length}`);
await internalUpdateGuardNodes(guardNodes);
return guardNodes;
* Fetches from db if needed the current guard nodes.
* If we do find in the snode pool (cached or got from seed in here) those guard nodes, use them.
* Otherwise select new guard nodes (might refetch from seed if needed).
* This function might throw
* This function will not try to fetch snodes from snodes. Only from seed.
* This is to avoid circular dependency of building new path needing new snodes, which needs a new path,...
export async function getGuardNodeOrSelectNewOnes() {
if (guardNodes.length === 0) {
// Not cached, load from DB
const guardNodesFromDb = await Data.getGuardNodes();
if (guardNodesFromDb.length === 0) {
'SessionSnodeAPI::getGuardNodeOrSelectNewOnes - no guard nodes in DB. Will be selecting new guards nodes...'
} else {
const allNodes = await SnodePool.getSnodePoolFromDBOrFetchFromSeed();
// We only store the nodes' keys, need to find full entries:
const edKeys = => x.ed25519PubKey);
guardNodes = allNodes.filter(x => edKeys.indexOf(x.pubkey_ed25519) !== -1);
if (guardNodes.length < edKeys.length) {
`SessionSnodeAPI::getGuardNodeOrSelectNewOnes - could not find some guard nodes: ${guardNodes.length}/${edKeys.length} left`
// If guard nodes is still empty (the old nodes are now invalid), select new ones:
if (guardNodes.length < desiredGuardCount) {
// if an error is thrown, the caller must take care of it.
guardNodes = await OnionPaths.selectGuardNodes();
async function buildNewOnionPathsWorker() {
return pRetry(
async () => {
window?.log?.info('SessionSnodeAPI::buildNewOnionPaths - building new onion paths...');
// get an up to date list of snodes from cache, from db, or from the a seed node.
let allNodes = await SnodePool.getSnodePoolFromDBOrFetchFromSeed();
if (allNodes.length <= SnodePool.minSnodePoolCount) {
throw new Error(`Cannot rebuild path as we do not have enough snodes: ${allNodes.length}`);
// make sure we have enough guard nodes to build the paths
// this function will throw if for some reason we cannot do it
await OnionPaths.getGuardNodeOrSelectNewOnes();
// be sure to fetch again as that list might have been refreshed by selectGuardNodes
allNodes = await SnodePool.getSnodePoolFromDBOrFetchFromSeed();
`SessionSnodeAPI::buildNewOnionPaths, snodePool length: ${allNodes.length}`
// get all snodes minus the selected guardNodes
if (allNodes.length <= SnodePool.minSnodePoolCount) {
throw new Error('Too few nodes to build an onion path. Even after fetching from seed.');
// make sure to not reuse multiple times the same subnet /24
const allNodesGroupedBySubnet24 = _.groupBy(allNodes, e => {
const lastDot = e.ip.lastIndexOf('.');
return e.ip.substr(0, lastDot);
const oneNodeForEachSubnet24KeepingRatio = _.flatten(, group => {
return _.fill(Array(group.length), _.sample(group) as Data.Snode);
if (oneNodeForEachSubnet24KeepingRatio.length <= SnodePool.minSnodePoolCount) {
throw new Error(
'Too few nodes "unique by ip" to build an onion path. Even after fetching from seed.'
let otherNodes = _.differenceBy(
const guards = _.shuffle(guardNodes);
// Create path for every guard node:
const nodesNeededPerPaths = ONION_REQUEST_HOPS - 1;
// Each path needs nodesNeededPerPaths nodes in addition to the guard node:
const maxPath = Math.floor(Math.min(guards.length, otherNodes.length / nodesNeededPerPaths));
`Building ${maxPath} onion paths based on guard nodes length: ${guards.length}, other nodes length ${otherNodes.length} `
onionPaths = [];
for (let i = 0; i < maxPath; i += 1) {
const path = [guards[i]];
for (let j = 0; j < nodesNeededPerPaths; j += 1) {
const randomWinner = _.sample(otherNodes) as Data.Snode;
otherNodes = otherNodes.filter(n => {
return n.pubkey_ed25519 !== randomWinner?.pubkey_ed25519;
window?.log?.info(`Built ${onionPaths.length} onion paths`);
retries: 3, // 4 total
factor: 1,
minTimeout: 1000,
onFailedAttempt: e => {
`buildNewOnionPathsWorker attemp #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left... Error: ${e.message}`