2023-02-16 01:02:45 +01:00

115 lines
3.4 KiB

// tslint:disable: no-implicit-dependencies max-func-body-length no-unused-expression
import chai from 'chai';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { JobQueue } from '../../../../session/utils/JobQueue';
import { TestUtils } from '../../../test-utils';
import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';
chai.use(chaiAsPromised as any);
const { assert } = chai;
describe('JobQueue', () => {
describe('has', () => {
it('should return the correct value', async () => {
const queue = new JobQueue();
const id = 'jobId';
const promise = queue.addWithId(id, async () => TestUtils.timeout(30));
await promise;
describe('addWithId', () => {
it('should run the jobs concurrently', async () => {
const input = [
[10, 10],
[20, 8],
[30, 2],
const queue = new JobQueue();
const mapper = async ([value, ms]: Array<number>): Promise<number> =>
queue.addWithId(uuid(), async () => {
await TestUtils.timeout(ms);
return value;
const start =;
await assert.eventually.deepEqual(Promise.all(, [10, 20, 30]);
const timeTaken = - start;
assert.isAtLeast(timeTaken, 20, 'Queue should take at least 100ms to run.');
it('should return the result of the job', async () => {
const queue = new JobQueue();
const success = queue.addWithId(uuid(), async () => {
await TestUtils.timeout(10);
return 'success';
const failure = queue.addWithId(uuid(), async () => {
await TestUtils.timeout(10);
throw new Error('failed');
await assert.eventually.equal(success, 'success');
await assert.isRejected(failure, /failed/);
it('should handle sync and async tasks', async () => {
const queue = new JobQueue();
const first = queue.addWithId(uuid(), () => 'first');
const second = queue.addWithId(uuid(), async () => {
await TestUtils.timeout(10);
return 'second';
const third = queue.addWithId(uuid(), () => 'third');
await assert.eventually.deepEqual(Promise.all([first, second, third]), [
it('should return the previous job if same id was passed', async () => {
const queue = new JobQueue();
const id = uuid();
const job = async () => {
await TestUtils.timeout(10);
return 'job1';
const promise = queue.addWithId(id, job);
const otherPromise = queue.addWithId(id, () => 'job2');
await assert.eventually.equal(promise, 'job1');
await assert.eventually.equal(otherPromise, 'job1');
it('should remove completed jobs', async () => {
const queue = new JobQueue();
const id = uuid();
const successfullJob = queue.addWithId(id, async () => TestUtils.timeout(10));
await successfullJob;
const failJob = queue.addWithId(id, async () => {
await TestUtils.timeout(10);
throw new Error('failed');
await assert.isRejected(failJob, /failed/);