
189 lines
4.8 KiB

import { DefaultTheme } from 'styled-components';
import _ from 'underscore';
import { QuotedAttachmentType } from '../components/conversation/Quote';
import { AttachmentType } from '../types/Attachment';
import { Contact } from '../types/Contact';
export type MessageModelType = 'incoming' | 'outgoing';
export type MessageDeliveryStatus =
| 'sending'
| 'sent'
| 'delivered'
| 'read'
| 'error';
export interface MessageAttributes {
// the id of the message
// this can have several uses:
id: string;
source: string;
quote?: any;
expireTimer: number;
received_at?: number;
sent_at?: number;
destination?: string;
preview?: any;
body?: string;
expirationStartTimestamp: number;
read_by: Array<string>;
delivered_to: Array<string>;
decrypted_at: number;
expires_at?: number;
recipients: Array<string>;
delivered?: number;
type: MessageModelType;
group_update?: any;
groupInvitation?: any;
attachments?: any;
contact?: any;
conversationId: any;
errors?: any;
flags?: number;
hasAttachments: boolean;
hasFileAttachments: boolean;
hasVisualMediaAttachments: boolean;
schemaVersion: number;
expirationTimerUpdate?: any;
unread: boolean;
group?: any;
timestamp?: number;
status: MessageDeliveryStatus;
dataMessage: any;
sent_to: any;
sent: boolean;
calculatingPoW: boolean;
serverId?: number;
serverTimestamp?: number;
isPublic: boolean;
sentSync: boolean;
synced: boolean;
sync: boolean;
snippet?: any;
direction: any;
export interface MessageAttributesOptionals {
id?: string;
source?: string;
quote?: any;
expireTimer?: number;
received_at?: number;
sent_at?: number;
destination?: string;
preview?: any;
body?: string;
expirationStartTimestamp?: number;
read_by?: Array<string>;
delivered_to?: Array<string>;
decrypted_at?: number;
expires_at?: number;
recipients?: Array<string>;
delivered?: number;
type: MessageModelType;
group_update?: any;
groupInvitation?: any;
attachments?: any;
contact?: any;
conversationId: any;
errors?: any;
flags?: number;
hasAttachments?: boolean;
hasFileAttachments?: boolean;
hasVisualMediaAttachments?: boolean;
schemaVersion?: number;
expirationTimerUpdate?: any;
unread?: boolean;
group?: any;
timestamp?: number;
status?: MessageDeliveryStatus;
dataMessage?: any;
sent_to?: Array<string>;
sent?: boolean;
calculatingPoW?: boolean;
serverId?: number;
serverTimestamp?: number;
isPublic?: boolean;
sentSync?: boolean;
synced?: boolean;
sync?: boolean;
snippet?: any;
direction?: any;
* This function mutates optAttributes
* @param optAttributes the entry object attributes to set the defaults to.
export const fillMessageAttributesWithDefaults = (
optAttributes: MessageAttributesOptionals
): MessageAttributes => {
//FIXME audric to do put the default
return _.defaults(optAttributes, {
expireTimer: 0, // disabled
export interface MessageRegularProps {
disableMenu?: boolean;
isDeletable: boolean;
isAdmin?: boolean;
weAreAdmin?: boolean;
text?: string;
id: string;
collapseMetadata?: boolean;
direction: 'incoming' | 'outgoing';
timestamp: number;
serverTimestamp?: number;
status?: 'sending' | 'sent' | 'delivered' | 'read' | 'error' | 'pow';
// What if changed this over to a single contact like quote, and put the events on it?
contact?: Contact & {
onSendMessage?: () => void;
onClick?: () => void;
authorName?: string;
authorProfileName?: string;
/** Note: this should be formatted for display */
authorPhoneNumber: string;
conversationType: 'group' | 'direct';
attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>;
quote?: {
text: string;
attachment?: QuotedAttachmentType;
isFromMe: boolean;
authorPhoneNumber: string;
authorProfileName?: string;
authorName?: string;
messageId?: string;
onClick: (data: any) => void;
referencedMessageNotFound: boolean;
previews: Array<any>;
authorAvatarPath?: string;
isExpired: boolean;
expirationLength?: number;
expirationTimestamp?: number;
convoId: string;
isPublic?: boolean;
selected: boolean;
isKickedFromGroup: boolean;
// whether or not to show check boxes
multiSelectMode: boolean;
firstMessageOfSeries: boolean;
isUnread: boolean;
isQuotedMessageToAnimate?: boolean;
onClickAttachment?: (attachment: AttachmentType) => void;
onClickLinkPreview?: (url: string) => void;
onCopyText?: () => void;
onSelectMessage: (messageId: string) => void;
onReply?: (messagId: number) => void;
onRetrySend?: () => void;
onDownload?: (attachment: AttachmentType) => void;
onDeleteMessage: (messageId: string) => void;
onCopyPubKey?: () => void;
onBanUser?: () => void;
onShowDetail: () => void;
onShowUserDetails: (userPubKey: string) => void;
markRead: (readAt: number) => Promise<void>;
theme: DefaultTheme;