2020-12-04 18:02:55 +11:00

409 lines
9.1 KiB

import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
import moment from 'moment';
import { padStart } from 'lodash';
import * as MIME from './MIME';
import { arrayBufferToObjectURL } from '../util/arrayBufferToObjectURL';
import { saveURLAsFile } from '../util/saveURLAsFile';
import { SignalService } from '../protobuf';
import {
} from '../util/GoogleChrome';
import { LocalizerType } from './Util';
const MAX_WIDTH = 300;
const MAX_HEIGHT = MAX_WIDTH * 1.5;
const MIN_WIDTH = 200;
const MIN_HEIGHT = 50;
// Used for display
export interface AttachmentType {
caption?: string;
contentType: MIME.MIMEType;
fileName: string;
/** Not included in protobuf, needs to be pulled from flags */
isVoiceMessage?: boolean;
/** For messages not already on disk, this will be a data url */
url: string;
videoUrl?: string;
size?: number;
fileSize?: string;
pending?: boolean;
width?: number;
height?: number;
screenshot?: {
height: number;
width: number;
url: string;
contentType: MIME.MIMEType;
thumbnail?: {
height: number;
width: number;
url: string;
contentType: MIME.MIMEType;
// UI-focused functions
export function getExtensionForDisplay({
}: {
fileName: string;
contentType: MIME.MIMEType;
}): string | undefined {
if (fileName && fileName.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
const lastPeriod = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
const extension = fileName.slice(lastPeriod + 1);
if (extension.length) {
return extension;
if (!contentType) {
const slash = contentType.indexOf('/');
if (slash >= 0) {
return contentType.slice(slash + 1);
export function isAudio(attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>) {
return (
attachments &&
attachments[0] &&
attachments[0].contentType &&
export function canDisplayImage(attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>) {
const { height, width } =
attachments && attachments[0] ? attachments[0] : { height: 0, width: 0 };
return (
height &&
height > 0 &&
height <= 4096 &&
width &&
width > 0 &&
width <= 4096
export function getThumbnailUrl(attachment: AttachmentType) {
if (attachment.thumbnail) {
return attachment.thumbnail.url;
return getUrl(attachment);
export function getUrl(attachment: AttachmentType) {
if (attachment.screenshot) {
return attachment.screenshot.url;
return attachment.url;
export function isImage(attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>) {
return (
attachments &&
attachments[0] &&
attachments[0].contentType &&
export function isImageAttachment(attachment: AttachmentType): boolean {
return Boolean(
attachment &&
attachment.contentType &&
export function hasImage(attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>): boolean {
return Boolean(
attachments &&
attachments[0] &&
(attachments[0].url || attachments[0].pending)
export function isVideo(attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>): boolean {
return Boolean(attachments && isVideoAttachment(attachments[0]));
export function isVideoAttachment(attachment?: AttachmentType): boolean {
return Boolean(
!!attachment &&
!!attachment.contentType &&
export function hasVideoScreenshot(attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>) {
const firstAttachment = attachments ? attachments[0] : null;
return (
firstAttachment &&
firstAttachment.screenshot &&
type DimensionsType = {
height: number;
width: number;
export async function arrayBufferFromFile(file: any): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const FR = new FileReader();
FR.onload = (e: any) => {
FR.onerror = reject;
FR.onabort = reject;
export function getImageDimensions(attachment: AttachmentType): DimensionsType {
const { height, width } = attachment;
if (!height || !width) {
return {
height: MIN_HEIGHT,
width: MIN_WIDTH,
const aspectRatio = height / width;
const targetWidth = Math.max(Math.min(MAX_WIDTH, width), MIN_WIDTH);
const candidateHeight = Math.round(targetWidth * aspectRatio);
return {
width: targetWidth,
height: Math.max(Math.min(MAX_HEIGHT, candidateHeight), MIN_HEIGHT),
export function areAllAttachmentsVisual(
attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>
): boolean {
if (!attachments) {
return false;
const max = attachments.length;
for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) {
const attachment = attachments[i];
if (!isImageAttachment(attachment) && !isVideoAttachment(attachment)) {
return false;
return true;
export function getGridDimensions(
attachments?: Array<AttachmentType>
): null | DimensionsType {
if (!attachments || !attachments.length) {
return null;
if (!isImage(attachments) && !isVideo(attachments)) {
return null;
if (attachments.length === 1) {
return getImageDimensions(attachments[0]);
if (attachments.length === 2) {
return {
height: 150,
width: 300,
if (attachments.length === 4) {
return {
height: 300,
width: 300,
return {
height: 200,
width: 300,
export function getAlt(
attachment: AttachmentType,
i18n: LocalizerType
): string {
return isVideoAttachment(attachment)
? i18n('videoAttachmentAlt')
: i18n('imageAttachmentAlt');
// Migration-related attachment stuff
export type Attachment = {
fileName?: string;
caption?: string;
flags?: SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags;
contentType?: MIME.MIMEType;
size?: number;
data: ArrayBuffer;
// // Omit unused / deprecated keys:
// schemaVersion?: number;
// id?: string;
// width?: number;
// height?: number;
// thumbnail?: ArrayBuffer;
// key?: ArrayBuffer;
// digest?: ArrayBuffer;
} & Partial<AttachmentSchemaVersion3>;
interface AttachmentSchemaVersion3 {
path: string;
export const isVisualMedia = (attachment: Attachment): boolean => {
const { contentType } = attachment;
if (is.undefined(contentType)) {
return false;
if (isVoiceMessage(attachment)) {
return false;
return MIME.isImage(contentType) || MIME.isVideo(contentType);
export const isFile = (attachment: Attachment): boolean => {
const { contentType } = attachment;
if (is.undefined(contentType)) {
return false;
if (isVisualMedia(attachment)) {
return false;
if (isVoiceMessage(attachment)) {
return false;
return true;
export const isVoiceMessage = (attachment: Attachment): boolean => {
const flag = SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE;
const hasFlag =
// tslint:disable-next-line no-bitwise
!is.undefined(attachment.flags) && (attachment.flags & flag) === flag;
if (hasFlag) {
return true;
const isLegacyAndroidVoiceMessage =
!is.undefined(attachment.contentType) &&
MIME.isAudio(attachment.contentType) &&
if (isLegacyAndroidVoiceMessage) {
return true;
return false;
export const save = ({
}: {
attachment: AttachmentType;
document: Document;
index?: number;
getAbsolutePath: (relativePath: string) => string;
timestamp?: number;
}): void => {
const isObjectURLRequired = is.undefined(attachment.fileName);
const filename = getSuggestedFilename({ attachment, timestamp, index });
saveURLAsFile({ url: attachment.url, filename, document });
if (isObjectURLRequired) {
export const getSuggestedFilename = ({
}: {
attachment: AttachmentType;
timestamp?: number | Date;
index?: number;
}): string => {
const prefix = 'session-attachment';
const suffix = timestamp
? moment(timestamp).format('-YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmss')
: '';
const fileType = getFileExtension(attachment);
const extension = fileType ? `.${fileType}` : '';
const indexSuffix = index ? `_${padStart(index.toString(), 3, '0')}` : '';
return `${prefix}${suffix}${indexSuffix}${extension}`;
// Used for overriden the sent filename of an attachment, but keeping the file extension the same
export const getSuggestedFilenameSending = ({
}: {
attachment: AttachmentType;
timestamp?: number | Date;
}): string => {
const prefix = 'session-attachment';
const suffix = timestamp
? moment(timestamp).format('-YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmss')
: '';
const fileType = getFileExtension(attachment);
const extension = fileType ? `.${fileType}` : '';
return `${prefix}${suffix}${extension}`;
export const getFileExtension = (
attachment: AttachmentType
): string | undefined => {
if (!attachment.contentType) {
switch (attachment.contentType) {
case 'video/quicktime':
return 'mov';
return attachment.contentType.split('/')[1];