2021-06-23 13:36:58 +10:00

55 lines
2.2 KiB
Executable file

# usage : ./tools/ |grep False
import re
import os
from glob import glob
# get all files matching .js, .ts and .tsx in ./
dir_path = './'
files = [y for x in os.walk(dir_path) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.js'))]
files += [y for x in os.walk(dir_path) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.ts'))]
files += [y for x in os.walk(dir_path) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.tsx'))]
# exclude node_modules directories
filtered_files = [f for f in files if "node_modules" not in f]
# search for this pattern in _locales/en/messages.json: it is a defined localized string
patternLocalizedString = re.compile("^ \".*\"\: {")
localizedStringToSearch = 0
localizedStringNotFound = 0
for i, line in enumerate(open('_locales/en/messages.json')):
for match in re.finditer(patternLocalizedString, line):
localizedStringToSearch = localizedStringToSearch + 1
found =
# extract the key only from the line
foundAline = found[3:-4]
# print 'Found on line %s: \'%s\'' % (i + 1, foundAline)
# generate a new regex to be searched for to find its usage in the code
# currently, it matches
# * i18n('key') with or without line return
# * messages.key (used in some places)
# * and also 'key'. (some false positive might be present here)
searchedLine = "i18n\([\r\n]?\s*'{0}'|messages.{0}|'{0}'".format(foundAline)
found = False
# skip timerOptions string constructed dynamically
if 'timerOption_' in foundAline:
found = True
for file_path in filtered_files:
fileContent = open(file_path, 'r').read()
if len(re.findall(searchedLine,fileContent,re.MULTILINE)) > 0:
found = True
if not found:
localizedStringNotFound = localizedStringNotFound + 1
print "i18n for '{0}': found:{1}:".format(foundAline, found)
print "number of localized string found in messages.json:{0}".format(localizedStringToSearch)
print "number of localized string NOT found:{0}".format(localizedStringNotFound)