2022-09-14 15:46:18 +10:00

49 lines
2 KiB

import { _electron, expect, Page, test } from '@playwright/test';
import { beforeAllClean, forceCloseAllWindows } from './setup/beforeEach';
// import { recoverFromSeed } from './setup/recovery_using_seed';
import {
// waitForTestIdWithText,
} from './utils';
// import { testContact, testUser } from './setup/test_user';
// import { openAppsNoNewUsers } from './setup/new_user';
import { renameGroup } from './rename_group';
import { leaveGroup } from './leave_group';
import { createGroup } from './setup/create_group';
let windows: Array<Page> = [];
test.afterEach(() => forceCloseAllWindows(windows));
test('Group testing', async () => {
// Open Electron
const { windowA, windowB } = await createGroup('Test Group Name');
windows = [windowA, windowB];
// Change the name of the group and check that it syncs to all devices (config messages)
// Click on already created group
// Check that renaming a group is working
await renameGroup(windowA, 'Test Group Name', 'newGroupName');
// Check config message in window B for group name change
await clickOnMatchingText(windowB, 'newGroupName');
await waitForMatchingText(windowB, "Group name is now 'newGroupName'.");
// Change the group name back to original name
// Click on conversation options
await renameGroup(windowA, 'newGroupName', 'Test Group Name');
// Check to see that you can't change group name to empty string
// Click on edit group name
await clickOnMatchingText(windowA, 'Edit group name');
await windowA.fill('.profile-name-input', ' ');
const errorMessage = windowA.locator('.error-message');
await expect(errorMessage).toContainText('Please enter a group name');
await clickOnMatchingText(windowA, 'Cancel');
await clickOnTestIdWithText(windowA, 'back-button-conversation-options');
// Leave group and receive config confirmation
await leaveGroup(windowB);