
109 lines
3.0 KiB

// copy pasted from the android Session app. Some might not be used and some might be missing
// also, some are sometimes applied with a opacity setting (most likely 0.6)
$themes: (
light: (
accent: #00e97b,
destructive: #ff453a,
unimportant: #d8d8d8,
unimportantButtonBackground: #0000,
border: #979797,
cellBackground: #fcfcfc,
searchBarPlaceholder: #8e8e93,
searchBarBackground: #8e8e931f,
separator: #36383c,
buttonBackground: #fcfcfc,
modalBackground: #fcfcfc,
modalBorder: #212121,
fakeChatBubbleBackground: #f5f5f5,
fakeChatBubbleText: #000,
navigationBarBackground: #fcfcfc,
newConversationButtonShadow: hsl(151, 89%, 26%),
// text
textColor: #000,
textColorSubtle: #a0a0a0,
textColorOpposite: #fff,
// inbox
inboxBackground: #fff,
// buttons
backgroundPrimary: #272726,
foregroundPrimary: #fff,
// conversation view
linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(#00f480, 1), rgba(#00f480, 0.6)),
composeViewBackground: #fcfcfc,
composeViewTextFieldBackground: #ededed,
receivedMessageBackground: #f5f5f5,
sentMessageBackground: #00e97b,
// left pane
conversationList: #fff,
conversationItemHasUnread: #fcfcfc,
conversationItemSelected: #f0f0f0,
clickableHovered: #dfdfdf,
borderActionPanel: 1px solid #f1f1f1,
dark: (
accent: #00f782,
destructive: #ff453a,
unimportant: #d8d8d8,
unimportantButtonBackground: #323232,
border: #979797,
cellBackground: #1b1b1b,
searchBarPlaceholder: #8e8e93,
searchBarBackground: #8e8e931f,
separator: #36383c,
buttonBackground: #1b1b1b,
modalBackground: #101011,
modalBorder: #212121,
fakeChatBubbleBackground: #3f4146,
fakeChatBubbleText: #000,
navigationBarBackground: #161616,
newConversationButtonShadow: #077c44,
// text
textColor: #fff,
textColorSubtle: #a0a0a0,
textColorOpposite: #000,
// inbox
inboxBackground: linear-gradient(180deg, #171717 0%, #121212 100%),
// buttons
backgroundPrimary: #474646,
foregroundPrimary: #fff,
// conversation view
linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(#00f480, 1), rgba(#00f480, 0.6)),
composeViewBackground: #1b1b1b,
composeViewTextFieldBackground: #141414,
receivedMessageBackground: #222325,
sentMessageBackground: #3f4146,
// left pane
conversationList: #1b1b1b,
conversationItemHasUnread: #2c2c2c,
conversationItemSelected: #404040,
clickableHovered: #414347,
borderActionPanel: none,
@mixin themify($themes: $themes) {
@each $theme, $map in $themes {
.#{$theme}-theme & {
$theme-map: () !global;
@each $key, $submap in $map {
$value: map-get(map-get($themes, $theme), '#{$key}');
$theme-map: map-merge(
$key: $value,
) !global;
$theme-map: null !global;
@function themed($key) {
@return map-get($theme-map, $key);