2020-08-21 09:29:53 +10:00

214 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable file

import json
import sys
import xmltodict
import traceback
# androidKey
# "androidKeyCount": "one" or "other" used to find matching key with quantity
# "wordCapitalize": true capitalize each words (must be called before addStart)
# "addStart": "&" char to add as start char
# "androidReplace": replace all occurences of key value pair
ALLOWED_ITEM_KEYS = ['message', 'description', 'comment', 'placeholders', 'androidKey', 'wordCapitalize', 'androidKeyCount', 'androidReplace', 'addStart', 'ignoreCase']
'zh_CN': 'zh-rCN',
'pt_BR': 'pt-rBR'
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print(f"usage: {sys.argv[0]} <dst language i.e. 'de'> <android_root folder>")
dest = sys.argv[1]
androidRoot = sys.argv[2]
desktopSrc = json.loads(open(f"_locales/en/messages.json",
destFilePath = f"_locales/{dest}/messages.json"
desktopDest = json.loads(open(destFilePath,
androidEnValueFile = f"{androidRoot}/res/values/strings.xml"
def getAndroidTranslatedFile(androidRoot, dest):
return f"{androidRoot}/res/values-{SPECIFIC_LOCALES_MAPPING[dest]}/strings.xml"
return f"{androidRoot}/res/values-{dest}/strings.xml"
androidTranslatedValueFile = getAndroidTranslatedFile(androidRoot, dest)
def getDictFromFile(filepath, keyToSearch):
xml = open(filepath, "r").read()
asDict = xmltodict.parse(xml)['resources'][keyToSearch]
return [dict(item) for item in asDict]
def getStringFromFileAsJSON(filepath):
return getDictFromFile(filepath, 'string')
def getPluralsFromFileAsJSON(filepath):
return getDictFromFile(filepath, 'plurals')
# read and extract values from xml file in EN android side
androidEnJsonSingular = getStringFromFileAsJSON(androidEnValueFile)
androidEnJsonPlurals = getPluralsFromFileAsJSON(androidEnValueFile)
# read and extract values from xml file in DESTINATION LANGUAGE android side
androidDestJsonSingular = getStringFromFileAsJSON(androidTranslatedValueFile)
androidDestJsonPlurals = getPluralsFromFileAsJSON(androidTranslatedValueFile)
# print(f"androidDestJsonSingular {androidDestJsonSingular}")
# print(f"androidDestJsonPlurals {androidDestJsonPlurals}")
# print(f"\n\n\n\n androidEnJsonSingular {androidEnJsonSingular}")
# print(f"\n\n\n\n androidEnJsonPlurals {androidEnJsonPlurals}")
missingAndroidKeyCount = 0
notMatchingCount = 0
def findCountInItem(quantityStr, items):
found = [item for item in items if item['@quantity'] == quantityStr]
# print(f'findCountInItem: {found}, quantityStr: {quantityStr}')
if len(found) != 1:
str = f'quantityStr not found: "{quantityStr}"'
raise KeyError(str)
return dict(found[0])
def findByNameSingular(keySearchedFor, singularString):
found = [item for item in singularString if item['@name'] == keySearchedFor]
if len(found) != 1:
str = f'android key singular not found: "{keySearchedFor}" but should have been found'
raise KeyError(str)
return found[0]
def findByNamePlurals(keySearchedFor, pluralsString, quantityStr):
found = [item for item in pluralsString if item['@name'] == keySearchedFor]
if len(found) != 1:
str = f'android key plurals not found: "{keySearchedFor}" but should have been found'
raise KeyError(str)
return findCountInItem(quantityStr, found[0]['item'])
def validateKeysPresent(items):
for keyItem, valueItem in items:
if keyItem not in ALLOWED_ITEM_KEYS:
print(f"Invalid key item: {keyItem}")
# print(f"keyItem: '{keyItem}', valueItem: '{valueItem}'")
# morph a string from android syntax to desktop syntax. Like replacing char, or %s
def morphToDesktopSyntax(androidString, desktopItem):
replaced = androidString.replace(r"\'", "'")
if('wordCapitalize' in desktopItem.keys() and desktopItem['wordCapitalize']):
replaced = replaced.title()
if ('androidReplace' in desktopItem.keys()):
for key, value in desktopItem['androidReplace'].items():
replaced = replaced.replace(key.title(), value)
replaced = replaced.replace(key, value)
# print(f"androidString: '{androidString}', replaced: '{replaced}'")
if ('addStart' in desktopItem.keys()):
toAdd = desktopItem['addStart']
replaced = f'{toAdd}{replaced}'
return replaced
def getAndroidItem(androidKey, androidKeyCount, singularJson, pluralsJson):
if androidKeyCount:
return findByNamePlurals(androidKey, pluralsJson, androidKeyCount)
return findByNameSingular(androidKey, singularJson)
def getAndroidKeyCountFromItem(item):
androidKeyCount = None
if 'androidKeyCount' in item.keys():
androidKeyCount = item['androidKeyCount']
return androidKeyCount
def keysDifference(src, dest):
srcKeys = set(src.keys())
destKeys = set(dest.keys())
return list (srcKeys - destKeys)
def addEnglishItemAsPlaceHolder(desktopDest, itemEnDesktop):
# add only if the key does not already exists on desktopDest
if key not in desktopDest.keys():
desktopDest[key] = itemEnDesktop
# number of keys on src which do not exist at all on 'dest'
# print('keysDifference:', len(keysDifference(desktopSrc, desktopDest)))
def doesAndroidEnAndDesktopMatches(txtEnDesktop, morphedEnAndroid, desktopItemEn):
if 'ignoreCase' in desktopItemEn.keys() and desktopItemEn['ignoreCase']:
return txtEnDesktop.lower() == morphedEnAndroid.lower()
return txtEnDesktop == morphedEnAndroid
################### MAIN #####################
for key, itemEnDesktop in desktopSrc.items():
# print(f"key: '{key}', itemEnDesktop: '{itemEnDesktop}'")
items = itemEnDesktop.items()
if 'androidKey' not in itemEnDesktop.keys():
# print('androidKey not found for {key}')
missingAndroidKeyCount = missingAndroidKeyCount + 1
# ENABLE ME to add a placeholder item from the EN file when it is missing on the target locale
# addEnglishItemAsPlaceHolder(desktopDest, itemEnDesktop)
androidKey = itemEnDesktop['androidKey']
androidKeyCount = getAndroidKeyCountFromItem(itemEnDesktop)
# print(f'key: {key}, androidKey: {androidKey}, androidKeyCount: {androidKeyCount}')
txtEnDesktop = itemEnDesktop['message']
itemEnAndroid = getAndroidItem(androidKey, androidKeyCount, androidEnJsonSingular, androidEnJsonPlurals)
txtEnAndroid = itemEnAndroid['#text']
morphedEnAndroid = morphToDesktopSyntax(txtEnAndroid, itemEnDesktop)
if not doesAndroidEnAndDesktopMatches(txtEnDesktop, morphedEnAndroid, itemEnDesktop):
print(f'\t\tDOES NOT MATCH: "{txtEnDesktop}" vs "{morphedEnAndroid}", itemEnDesktop: {itemEnDesktop}\n\n')
notMatchingCount = notMatchingCount + 1
# if it does match, find the corresponding value on the target language on android
# print(f'EN to EN MATCH, continuing... : "{txtEnDesktop}" vs "{morphedEnAndroid}"')
textTranslated = getAndroidItem(androidKey, androidKeyCount, androidDestJsonSingular, androidDestJsonPlurals)['#text']
# print(f'textTranslated: "{textTranslated}"')
textMorphed = morphToDesktopSyntax(textTranslated, itemEnDesktop)
existingItemTranslated = None
existingTranslation = None
if key in desktopDest.keys():
existingItemTranslated = desktopDest[key]
existingTranslation = existingItemTranslated['message']
# print(f'existingItemTranslated: "{existingItemTranslated}"')
if existingTranslation != textMorphed:
print(f'not matching: "{existingTranslation}" and "{textMorphed}"')
if key not in desktopDest.keys():
desktopDest[key] = {'message': textMorphed}
desktopDest[key]['message'] = textMorphed
except KeyError:
print('KeyError exception:', traceback.format_exc())
# write the updated json dict to the file
with open(destFilePath, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(desktopDest, outfile, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
print(f"total keys missing {missingAndroidKeyCount}") # androidKey set on desktop but not found on android EN resources
print(f"total text not matching EN to EN {notMatchingCount}")