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"privacyPolicy": "Istilah & Kebijakan Privasi",
"copyErrorAndQuit": "Salin galat dan berhenti",
"unknown": "Tidak dikenal",
"databaseError": "Kesalahan database",
"mainMenuFile": "&Berkas",
"mainMenuEdit": "&Sunting",
"mainMenuView": "&Lihat",
"mainMenuWindow": "&Jendela",
"mainMenuHelp": "&Bantuan",
"appMenuHide": "Sembunyikan",
"appMenuHideOthers": "Sembuyikan lainnya",
"appMenuUnhide": "Tampilkan Semua",
"appMenuQuit": "Keluar dari Session",
"editMenuUndo": "Ulang",
"editMenuRedo": "mengulang",
"editMenuCut": "Potong",
"editMenuCopy": "Salin",
"editMenuPaste": "Tempel",
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": "Tempelkan dan cocokkan model",
"editMenuDelete": "Hapus",
"editMenuSelectAll": "Pilih semua",
"windowMenuClose": "Tutup Jendela",
"windowMenuMinimize": "Kecilkan",
"windowMenuZoom": "Perbesar",
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": "Bawa Semua ke Depan",
"viewMenuResetZoom": "Ukuran Sebenarnya",
"viewMenuZoomIn": "Memperbesar",
"viewMenuZoomOut": "Memperkecil",
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": "Toggle layar penuh",
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": "Toggle perangkat pengembangan",
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": "Tidak ada sugesti",
"openGroupInvitation": "Undangan grup terbuka",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationTitle": "Bergabung ke $roomName$?",
"joinOpenGroupAfterInvitationConfirmationDesc": "Apakah anda yakin ingin bergabung ke grup terbuka $roomName$?",
"enterSessionIDOrONSName": "Masukkan Session ID atau nama ONS",
"loading": "Memuat...",
"optimizingApplication": "Mengoptimalkan aplikasi...",
"done": "Selesai",
"me": "Saya",
"view": "Lihat",
"youLeftTheGroup": "Anda telah keluar dari grup.",
"youGotKickedFromGroup": "Anda dikeluarkan dari grup.",
"unreadMessage": "Pesan Belum Terbaca",
"unreadMessages": "Pesan Belum Terbaca",
"debugLogExplanation": "Catatan ini akan diunggah secara publik agar kontributor dapat melihat. Anda dapat memeriksa kembali dan menyunting sebelum mengunggahnya.",
"debugLogError": "Terjadi kesalahan ketika mengunggah! Harap perhatikan manual menambahkan catatan bug dalam file Anda. ",
"reportIssue": "Laporkan masalah",
"gotIt": "Paham",
"submit": "Kirim",
"markAllAsRead": "Tandai semuanya telah dibaca",
"incomingError": "Gagal dalam menangani pesan masuk",
"media": "Media",
"mediaEmptyState": "Tidak ada media",
"documents": "Dokumen",
"documentsEmptyState": "Tidak ada dokumen",
"today": "Hari ini",
"yesterday": "Kemarin",
"thisWeek": "Minggu ini",
"thisMonth": "Bulan ini",
"voiceMessage": "Pesan Suara",
"dangerousFileType": "Jenis lampiran tidak diperbolehkan untuk alasan keamanan",
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": "Draft thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"previewThumbnail": "Thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"stagedImageAttachment": "Draft image attachment: $path$",
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": "Ketika menyertakan lampiran bukan gambar, batasnya adalah satu lampiran per pesan.",
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": "Anda tidak bisa mencampur lampiran gambar dan bukan gambar dalam satu pesan.",
"maximumAttachments": "Anda tidak bisa lagi menambahkan lampiran untuk pesan ini.",
"fileSizeWarning": "Lampiran melebihi batas ukuran untuk tipe pesan yang Anda kirimkan.",
"unableToLoadAttachment": "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan pada pengaturan lampiran anda.",
"offline": "Luring",
"checkNetworkConnection": "Periksa koneksi jaringan Anda.",
"attemptingReconnection": "Mencoba menyambung kembali dalam $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ detik",
"submitDebugLog": "Catatan Awakutu",
"debugLog": "Catatan Awakutu",
"showDebugLog": "Show Debug Log",
"goToReleaseNotes": "Lihat Catatan Rilis",
"goToSupportPage": "Cek halaman bantuan",
"menuReportIssue": "Laporkan masalah ",
"about": "Tentang",
"speech": "Bicara",
"show": "Tampilkan",
"sessionMessenger": "Session",
"search": "Cari",
"noSearchResults": "Tidak ditemukan hasil untuk \"$searchTerm$\"",
"conversationsHeader": "Percakapan",
"contactsHeader": "Kontak",
"messagesHeader": "Pesan",
"settingsHeader": "Pengaturan",
"typingAlt": "Animasi pengetikan untuk percakapan ini",
"contactAvatarAlt": "Avatar untuk kontak $name$",
"downloadAttachment": "Unduh Lampiran",
"replyToMessage": "Balas pesan",
"replyingToMessage": "Membalas ke:",
"originalMessageNotFound": "Pesan asli tidak ditemukan.",
"originalMessageNotAvailable": "Pesan asli tidak lagi tersedia",
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": "Original message found, but not loaded. Scroll up to load it.",
"recording": "Merekam",
"you": "Anda",
"audioPermissionNeededTitle": "Microphone access required",
"audioPermissionNeeded": "Untuk mengirim pesan suara, izinkan Session mengakses mikrofon Anda.",
"audio": "Suara",
"video": "Video",
"photo": "Foto",
"cannotUpdate": "Pembeharuan Gagal",
"cannotUpdateDetail": "Gagal memperbaharui Session Desktop. Silahkan kunjungi untuk memeasang versi terbaru secara manual. Anda bisa menghubungi tim Session atau mengajukan bug terhadap masalah ini.",
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Batal",
"close": "Tutup",
"continue": "Lanjutkan",
"error": "Galat",
"delete": "Hapus",
"messageDeletionForbidden": "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menghapus pesan lainnya",
"deleteJustForMe": "Delete just for me",
"deleteForEveryone": "Delete for everyone",
"deleteMessagesQuestion": "Delete those messages?",
"deleteMessageQuestion": "Delete this message?",
"deleteMessages": "Hapus pesan",
"deleted": "Terhapus",
"messageDeletedPlaceholder": "This message has been deleted",
"from": "Dari:",
"to": "Kepada:",
"sent": "Terkirim",
"received": "Diterima",
"sendMessage": "Mengirim pesan",
"groupMembers": "Anggota grup",
"moreInformation": "Informasi lebih lanjut",
"resend": "Kirim ulang",
"deleteConversationConfirmation": "Hapus obrolan ini selamanya?",
"clearAllData": "Hapus semua data",
"deleteAccountWarning": "This will permanently delete your messages, and contacts.",
"deleteContactConfirmation": "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus percakapan ini?",
"quoteThumbnailAlt": "Cuplikan gambar dari pesan yang dikutip",
"imageAttachmentAlt": "Gambar dilampirkan kedalam pesan",
"videoAttachmentAlt": "Hasil tangkapan layar dari video dilampirkan dalam pesan",
"lightboxImageAlt": "Gambar telah terkirim dalam percakapan",
"imageCaptionIconAlt": "Ikon mengindikasikan jika gambar ini memiliki takarir",
"addACaption": "Tambah keterangan...",
"copy": "Salin",
"copySessionID": "Salin Session ID",
"copyOpenGroupURL": "Salin URL grup",
"save": "Simpan",
"saveLogToDesktop": "Save log to desktop",
"saved": "Tersimpan",
"permissions": "Perizinan",
"general": "Umum",
"tookAScreenshot": "$name$ mengambil tangkapan layar",
"savedTheFile": "Media disimpan oleh $name$",
"linkPreviewsTitle": "Kirim pratinjau tautan",
"linkPreviewDescription": "Previews are supported for most urls",
"linkPreviewsConfirmMessage": "You will not have full metadata protection when sending link previews.",
"mediaPermissionsTitle": "Microphone",
"mediaPermissionsDescription": "Allow access to microphone",
"spellCheckTitle": "Pemeriksa Ejaan",
"spellCheckDescription": "Aktifkan pengecek ejaan dalam kotak pesan",
"spellCheckDirty": "Anda harus muat ulang Session untuk terima pengaturan baru anda",
"notifications": "Pemberitahuan",
"readReceiptSettingDescription": "See and share when messages have been read (enables read receipts in all sessions).",
"readReceiptSettingTitle": "Pesan terbaca",
"typingIndicatorsSettingDescription": "See and share when messages are being typed (applies to all sessions).",
"typingIndicatorsSettingTitle": "Indikator penulisan",
"zoomFactorSettingTitle": "Zoom Factor",
"notificationSettingsDialog": "Saat pesan sampai, tampilkan pemberitahuan yang menampilkan:",
"disableNotifications": "Bisukan pemberitahuan",
"nameAndMessage": "nama pengirim dan pesannya",
"noNameOrMessage": "Nama atau pesan saja",
"nameOnly": "Nama pengirim saja",
"newMessage": "Pesan Baru",
"newMessages": "Pesan Baru",
"notificationMostRecentFrom": "Paling baru dari: $name$",
"notificationFrom": "Dari:",
"notificationMostRecent": "Terkini:",
"sendFailed": "Gagal Mengirim",
"expiredWarning": "Versi Session Desktop ini telah kedaluwarsa. Mohom memutakhirkan ke versi terbaru untuk melanjutkan pengiriman pesan.",
"upgrade": "Pemutakhiran",
"mediaMessage": "Pesan media",
"timestamp_s": "Sekarang",
"timestamp_m": "1 menit",
"timestamp_h": "1 jam",
"timestampFormat_M": "MMM D",
"messageBodyMissing": "Please enter a message body.",
"unblockToSend": "Lepaskan blokir kontak ini untuk mengirim pesan",
"unblockGroupToSend": "Lepaskan blokir grup ini untuk mengirim pesan.",
"youChangedTheTimer": "Anda mengatur pesan menghilang dalam $time$",
"timerSetOnSync": "Memperbarui pesan menghilang menjadi dalam waktu $time$ ",
"theyChangedTheTimer": "$name$ atur pesan menghilang menjadi $time$",
"timerOption_0_seconds": "Mati",
"timerOption_5_seconds": "5 detik",
"timerOption_10_seconds": "10 detik",
"timerOption_30_seconds": "30 detik",
"timerOption_1_minute": "1 menit",
"timerOption_5_minutes": "5 menit",
"timerOption_30_minutes": "30 menit",
"timerOption_1_hour": "1 jam",
"timerOption_6_hours": "6 jam",
"timerOption_12_hours": "12 jam",
"timerOption_1_day": "1 hari",
"timerOption_1_week": "1 minggu",
"disappearingMessages": "Pesan hilang",
"changeNickname": "Ubah Nama Panggilan",
"clearNickname": "Clear nickname",
"nicknamePlaceholder": "Nama panggilan baru",
"changeNicknameMessage": "Beri nama panggilan untuk pengguna ini",
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": "padam",
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": "5d",
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": "10d",
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": "30d",
"timerOption_1_minute_abbreviated": "1mnt",
"timerOption_5_minutes_abbreviated": "5mnt",
"timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated": "30mnt",
"timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated": "1j",
"timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated": "6j",
"timerOption_12_hours_abbreviated": "12j",
"timerOption_1_day_abbreviated": "1h",
"timerOption_1_week_abbreviated": "1mg",
"disappearingMessagesDisabled": "Pesan menghilang dinonaktifkan",
"disabledDisappearingMessages": "$name$ menonaktifkan pesan menghilang.",
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": "Anda menonaktifkan pesan menghilang.",
"timerSetTo": "Waktu pesan hilang diatur ke $time$",
"noteToSelf": "Catatan Pribadi",
"hideMenuBarTitle": "Sembunyikan Meny Bar",
"hideMenuBarDescription": "Toggle system menu bar visibility",
"startConversation": "Start new conversation…",
"invalidNumberError": "Nomor salah",
"failedResolveOns": "Failed to resolve ONS name",
"successUnlinked": "Sukses memutus koneksi perangkat",
"autoUpdateSettingTitle": "Pembaruan Otomatis",
"autoUpdateSettingDescription": "Automatically check for updates on launch",
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": "Tersedia Session versi terbaru",
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": "Tersedia versi terbaru Session.",
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": "Tekan memulai awal Session untuk mendapatkan versi terbaru.",
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": "Mulai ulang Session",
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": "Nanti",
"autoUpdateDownloadButtonLabel": "Unduh",
"autoUpdateDownloadedMessage": "The new update has been downloaded.",
"autoUpdateDownloadInstructions": "Apakah anda ingin mengunduh pembaharuan?",
"leftTheGroup": "$name$ telah meninggalkan grup.",
"multipleLeftTheGroup": "$name$ telah meninggalkan grup",
"updatedTheGroup": "Grup diperbarui",
"titleIsNow": "Nama grup sekarang '$name$'.",
"joinedTheGroup": "$name$ bergabung dengan grup.",
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": "$name$ bergabung dengan grup",
"kickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ was removed from the group.",
"multipleKickedFromTheGroup": "$name$ were removed from the group.",
"blockUser": "Blokir",
"unblockUser": "Buka blokir",
"unblocked": "Unblocked",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"blockedSettingsTitle": "Kontak yang diblokir",
"unbanUser": "Unban User",
"unbanUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to unban user?",
"userUnbanned": "User unbanned successfully",
"userUnbanFailed": "Unban failed!",
"banUser": "Ban User",
"banUserConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban user?",
"banUserAndDeleteAll": "Ban and Delete All",
"banUserAndDeleteAllConfirm": "Are you sure you want to ban the user and delete all his messages?",
"userBanned": "User banned successfully",
"userBanFailed": "Ban failed!",
"leaveGroup": "Keluar grup",
"leaveAndRemoveForEveryone": "Leave Group and remove for everyone",
"leaveGroupConfirmation": "Apakah anda yakin ingin meninggalkan grup ini?",
"leaveGroupConfirmationAdmin": "As you are the admin of this group, if you leave it it will be removed for every current members. Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroup": "Cannot remove this user",
"cannotRemoveCreatorFromGroupDesc": "You cannot remove this user as they are the creator of the group.",
"noContactsForGroup": "anda belum memiliki kontak",
"failedToAddAsModerator": "Failed to add user as moderator",
"failedToRemoveFromModerator": "Failed to remove user from the moderator list",
"copyMessage": "Salin pesan",
"selectMessage": "Select message",
"editGroup": "Ubah grup",
"editGroupName": "Ubah Nama Grup",
"updateGroupDialogTitle": "Memperbarui $name$...",
"showRecoveryPhrase": "Kata pemulihan",
"yourSessionID": "Session ID anda",
"setAccountPasswordTitle": "Atur Kata Sandi Akun",
"setAccountPasswordDescription": "Require password to unlock Sessions screen. You can still receive message notifications while Screen Lock is enabled. Sessions notification settings allow you to customize information that is displayed",
"changeAccountPasswordTitle": "Ubah Kata Sandi Akun",
"changeAccountPasswordDescription": "Ubah Kata Sandi",
"removeAccountPasswordTitle": "Remove Account Password",
"removeAccountPasswordDescription": "Remove the password associated with your account",
"enterPassword": "Please enter your password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"pasteLongPasswordToastTitle": "The clipboard content exceeds the maximum password length of $max_pwd_len$ characters.",
"showRecoveryPhrasePasswordRequest": "Silahkan masukan kata sandi Anda",
"recoveryPhraseSavePromptMain": "Kata pemulihan adalah kunci Session ID -- bisa digunakan untuk mengembalikan Session ID ketika anda kehilangan perangkat. Simpan kata pemulihan di tempat yang aman dan jangan berikan kepada siapapun",
"invalidOpenGroupUrl": "Invalid URL",
"copiedToClipboard": "Salin ke clipboard",
"passwordViewTitle": "Type In Your Password",
"unlock": "Buka Kunci",
"password": "Password",
"setPassword": "Set Password",
"changePassword": "Change Password",
"removePassword": "Remove Password",
"maxPasswordAttempts": "Invalid Password. Would you like to reset the database?",
"typeInOldPassword": "Please type in your old password",
"invalidOldPassword": "Old password is invalid",
"invalidPassword": "Invalid password",
"noGivenPassword": "Please enter your password",
"passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"setPasswordInvalid": "Passwords do not match",
"changePasswordInvalid": "The old password you entered is incorrect",
"removePasswordInvalid": "Incorrect password",
"setPasswordTitle": "Set Password",
"changePasswordTitle": "Changed Password",
"removePasswordTitle": "Removed Password",
"setPasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been set. Please keep it safe.",
"changePasswordToastDescription": "Your password has been changed. Please keep it safe.",
"removePasswordToastDescription": "You have removed your password.",
"publicChatExists": "You are already connected to this open group",
"connectToServerFail": "Tak bisa bergabung dengan grup",
"connectingToServer": "Menghubungkan...",
"connectToServerSuccess": "Successfully connected to open group",
"setPasswordFail": "Failed to set password",
"passwordLengthError": "Password must be between 6 and 64 characters long",
"passwordTypeError": "Password must be a string",
"passwordCharacterError": "Password must only contain letters, numbers and symbols",
"remove": "Hapus",
"invalidSessionId": "Session salah",
"invalidPubkeyFormat": "Invalid Pubkey Format",
"emptyGroupNameError": "Masukkan nama grup",
"editProfileModalTitle": "Profile",
"groupNamePlaceholder": "Nama grup",
"inviteContacts": "Undang teman",
"addModerators": "Add Moderators",
"removeModerators": "Remove Moderators",
"addAsModerator": "Add As Moderator",
"removeFromModerators": "Remove From Moderators",
"add": "Add",
"addingContacts": "Adding contacts to",
"noContactsToAdd": "No contacts to add",
"noMembersInThisGroup": "No other members in this group",
"noModeratorsToRemove": "no moderators to remove",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembers": "You are not the creator",
"onlyAdminCanRemoveMembersDesc": "Only the creator of the group can remove users",
"createAccount": "Create Account",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"startInTrayTitle": "Start in Tray",
"startInTrayDescription": "Start Session as a minified app ",
"yourUniqueSessionID": "Ucapkan halo pada Session ID anda",
"allUsersAreRandomly...": "Session ID adalah alamat unik yang bisa digunakan untuk mengontak anda. Tanpa koneksi dengan identitas asli, Session ID anda didesain bersifat anonim dan rahasia.",
"getStarted": "Get started",
"createSessionID": "Buat Session ID",
"recoveryPhrase": "Kata pemulihan",
"enterRecoveryPhrase": "masukan kata pemulihan",
"displayName": "Display Name",
"anonymous": "Anonymous",
"removeResidueMembers": "Clicking ok will also remove those members as they left the group.",
"enterDisplayName": "Masukkan nama",
"enterOptionalPassword": "Enter password (optional)",
"continueYourSession": "Lanjutkan Session",
"linkDevice": "Tautkan perangkat",
"restoreUsingRecoveryPhrase": "Kembalikan akun",
"or": "or",
"ByUsingThisService...": "By using this service, you agree to our <a href=\"\">Terms of Service</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>",
"beginYourSession": "Begin your Session.",
"welcomeToYourSession": "Welcome to your Session",
"newSession": "Session baru",
"searchFor...": "Search for conversations or contacts",
"enterSessionID": "Masuk ke Session ID",
"enterSessionIDOfRecipient": "Masukkan Session ID penerima",
"usersCanShareTheir...": "Pengguna bisa membagikan Session ID miliknya dengan masuk ke pengaturan akun dan mengetuk \"Bagikan Session ID\" atau dengan membagikan kode QR mereka",
"message": "Message",
"appearanceSettingsTitle": "Penampilan",
"permissionSettingsTitle": "Permissions",
"privacySettingsTitle": "Privasi",
"notificationsSettingsTitle": "Pemberitahuan",
"recoveryPhraseEmpty": "masukan kata pemulihan",
"displayNameEmpty": "Pilih nama yang ditampilkan",
"members": "$count$ members",
"joinOpenGroup": "Gabung ke grup terbuka",
"newClosedGroup": "Grup tertutup baru",
"createClosedGroupNamePrompt": "Nama grup",
"createClosedGroupPlaceholder": "Masukkan nama grup",
"openGroupURL": "Buka URL grup",
"enterAnOpenGroupURL": "Masukkan sebuah URL grup terbuka",
"next": "Berikutnya",
"description": "Description",
"invalidGroupNameTooShort": "Masukkan nama grup",
"invalidGroupNameTooLong": "Masukkan nama grup yang lebih pendek",
"pickClosedGroupMember": "Pilih setidaknya 2 anggota grup",
"closedGroupMaxSize": "Grup tertutup maksimal berisi 100 anggota",
"noBlockedContacts": "Tidak ada kontak yang diblokir",
"userAddedToModerators": "User added to moderator list",
"userRemovedFromModerators": "User removed from moderator list",
"orJoinOneOfThese": "Or join one of these...",
"helpUsTranslateSession": "Help us Translate Session",
"translation": "Translation",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitle": "Group Invitation Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Failed",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessage": "Unable to successfully invite a group member",
"closedGroupInviteFailMessagePlural": "Unable to successfully invite all group members",
"closedGroupInviteOkText": "Retry invitations",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitlePlural": "Group Invitations Completed",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessTitle": "Group Invitation Succeeded",
"closedGroupInviteSuccessMessage": "Successfully invited closed group members",
"notificationForConvo": "Notifications",
"notificationForConvo_all": "All",
"notificationForConvo_disabled": "Disabled",
"notificationForConvo_mentions_only": "Mentions only",
"onionPathIndicatorTitle": "Path",
"onionPathIndicatorDescription": "Session hides your IP by bouncing your messages through several Service Nodes in Session's decentralized network. These are the countries your connection is currently being bounced through:",
"unknownCountry": "Unknown Country",
"device": "Device",
"destination": "Destination",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"linkVisitWarningTitle": "Open this link in your browser?",
"linkVisitWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to open $url$ in your browser?",
"open": "Open",
"audioMessageAutoplayTitle": "Audio Message Autoplay",
"audioMessageAutoplayDescription": "Automatically play consecutively sent audio messages",
"clickToTrustContact": "Click to download media",
"trustThisContactDialogTitle": "Trust $name$?",
"trustThisContactDialogDescription": "Are you sure you want to download media sent by $name$?",
"pinConversation": "Pin Conversation",
"unpinConversation": "Unpin Conversation",
"pinConversationLimitTitle": "Pinned conversations limit",
"pinConversationLimitToastDescription": "You can only pin $number$ conversations",
"showUserDetails": "Show User Details",
"latestUnreadIsAbove": "First unread message is above",
"sendRecoveryPhraseTitle": "Sending Recovery Phrase",
"sendRecoveryPhraseMessage": "You are attempting to send your recovery phrase which can be used to access your account. Are you sure you want to send this message?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitle": "Data not deleted",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedDesc": "Data not deleted with an unknown error. Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedTitleQuestion": "Do you want to delete data from just this device?",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionFailedMultiple": "Data not deleted by those Service Nodes: $snodes$",
"dialogClearAllDataDeletionQuestion": "Would you like to clear only this device, or delete your entire account?",
"deviceOnly": "Device Only",
"entireAccount": "Entire Account",
"areYouSureDeleteDeviceOnly": "Are you sure you want to delete your device data only?",
"areYouSureDeleteEntireAccount": "Are you sure you want to delete your entire account, including the network data?",
"iAmSure": "I am sure",
"recoveryPhraseSecureTitle": "You're almost finished!",
"recoveryPhraseRevealMessage": "Secure your account by saving your recovery phrase. Reveal your recovery phrase then store it safely to secure it.",
"recoveryPhraseRevealButtonText": "Reveal Recovery Phrase",
"notificationSubtitle": "Notifications - $setting$",
"surveyTitle": "Take our Session Survey",
"goToOurSurvey": "Go to our survey",
"blockAll": "Block All",
"messageRequests": "Message Requests",
"requestsSubtitle": "Pending Requests",
"requestsPlaceholder": "No requests",
"messageRequestsDescription": "Enable Message Request Inbox",
"incomingCallFrom": "Incoming call from '$name$'",
"ringing": "Ringing...",
"establishingConnection": "Establishing connection...",
"accept": "Accept",
"decline": "Decline",
"endCall": "End call",
"cameraPermissionNeededTitle": "Voice/Video Call permissions required",
"cameraPermissionNeeded": "You can enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"unableToCall": "Cancel your ongoing call first",
"unableToCallTitle": "Cannot start new call",
"callMissed": "Missed call from $name$",
"callMissedTitle": "Call missed",
"noCameraFound": "No camera found",
"noAudioInputFound": "No audio input found",
"noAudioOutputFound": "No audio output found",
"callMediaPermissionsTitle": "Voice and video calls",
"callMissedCausePermission": "Call missed from '$name$' because you need to enable the 'Voice and video calls' permission in the Privacy Settings.",
"callMediaPermissionsDescription": "Allows access to accept voice and video calls from other users",
"callMediaPermissionsDialogContent": "The current implementation of voice/video calls will expose your IP address to the Oxen Foundation servers and the calling/called user.",
"menuCall": "Call",
"startedACall": "You called $name$",
"answeredACall": "Call with $name$"