alecglassford ef4b4da2a3 Make search clear button ("x") persist w/o hover
This makes the "x" in the search bar always visible when there is
text in the search box, even if the mouse is not hovering, hopefully
making for a clearer UI around search and resolving issue #741

The implementation adds the "x.svg" as a background image to the search
box when it is classed with .active, in addition to the
-webkit-search-cancel-button, which is still there for the actual
functionality but only appears on mouse hover (one tiny snag is that
coloring appears slightly different on hover, at least on my screen -
don't know if this is a problem).

I accounted for both ltr and rtl text-direction by using
getComputedStyle(...).direction to detect from the input's dir="auto"
- if there's a more elegant way to do this, please suggest. An ideal
solution would use the :dir pseudo-class but it's not implemented
in Chrome yet -

For now, I added the direction-checking to inbox_view.js. I see that is also used in new_group_update_view.js and
recipient_input_view.js but neither of these views seem to be in use (?)
and they don't set the .active class anyway, so I ignored them.

Update: Amended version a few hours later - fixed and manually tested
color and spacing for iOS and Android Dark themes. Also made some new
SASS variables to make things DRYer and fixed my tab size.
2017-04-08 00:06:48 -07:00

86 lines
2.1 KiB

// colors
$blue_l: #a2d2f4;
$blue: #2090ea;
$grey_l: #f3f3f3;
$grey_l2: #d9d9d9; // ~ Equivalent to darken($grey_l, 10%), unreliably compiles
$grey_l3: darken($grey_l, 20%);
$grey_l4: darken($grey_l, 40%);
$grey: #616161;
$grey_d: #454545;
$green: #47D647;
$red: #EF8989;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto-Light';
src: url('/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf') format('truetype');
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font-family: 'Roboto';
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font-style: italic;
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src: url('/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf') format('truetype');
font-weight: bold;
$roboto: Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
$roboto-light: Roboto-Light, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
$header-height: 64px;
$button-height: 24px;
$header-color: $blue;
$search-height: 36px;
$search-padding-right: 10px;
$search-padding-left: 65px;
$search-padding-left-ios: 30px;
$search-x-size: 16px;
$unread-badge-size: 21px;
$loading-height: 16px;
$big-avatar-min-width: 900px;
$border-radius: 5px;
$error-icon-size: 24px;
$font-size: 14px;
$font-size-small: (13/14) + em;
$material_red: #EF5350;
$material_pink: #EC407A;
$material_purple: #AB47BC;
$material_deep_purple: #7E57C2;
$material_indigo: #5C6BC0;
$material_blue: #2196F3;
$material_light_blue: #03A9F4;
$material_cyan: #00BCD4;
$material_teal: #009688;
$material_green: #4CAF50;
$material_light_green: #7CB342;
$material_orange: #FF9800;
$material_deep_orange: #FF5722;
$material_amber: #FFB300;
$material_blue_grey: #607D8B;
$dark_material_red: #D32F2F;
$dark_material_pink: #C2185B;
$dark_material_purple: #7B1FA2;
$dark_material_deep_purple: #512DA8;
$dark_material_indigo: #303F9F;
$dark_material_blue: #1976D2;
$dark_material_light_blue: #0288D1;
$dark_material_cyan: #0097A7;
$dark_material_teal: #00796B;
$dark_material_green: #388E3C;
$dark_material_light_green: #689F38;
$dark_material_orange: #F57C00;
$dark_material_deep_orange: #E64A19;
$dark_material_amber: #FFA000;
$dark_material_blue_grey: #455A64;