Audric Ackermann 0a208c0d15
store snodes list on db, use them if possible on app start
if not enough snodes or no snodes at all, a request to the seed node is
made instead
2021-06-08 14:35:30 +10:00

228 lines
6.1 KiB

import { Snode } from '../../data/data';
type SimpleFunction<T> = (arg: T) => void;
type Return<T> = Promise<T> | T;
async function toPromise<T>(value: Return<T>): Promise<T> {
return value instanceof Promise ? value : Promise.resolve(value);
export class TaskTimedOutError extends Error {
constructor() {
super('Task timed out');
// Set the prototype explicitly.
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, TaskTimedOutError.prototype);
// one action resolves all
const snodeGlobalLocks: Record<string, Promise<any>> = {};
export async function allowOnlyOneAtATime(
name: string,
process: () => Promise<any>,
timeoutMs?: number
) {
// if currently not in progress
if (snodeGlobalLocks[name] === undefined) {
// set lock
snodeGlobalLocks[name] = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// set up timeout feature
let timeoutTimer = null;
if (timeoutMs) {
timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => {
window?.log?.warn(`allowOnlyOneAtATime - TIMEDOUT after ${timeoutMs}s`);
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-dynamic-delete
delete snodeGlobalLocks[name]; // clear lock
}, timeoutMs);
// do actual work
let innerRetVal;
try {
innerRetVal = await process();
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === 'string') {
window?.log?.error(`allowOnlyOneAtATime - error ${e}`);
} else {
window?.log?.error(`allowOnlyOneAtATime - error ${e.code} ${e.message}`);
// clear timeout timer
if (timeoutMs) {
if (timeoutTimer !== null) {
timeoutTimer = null;
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-dynamic-delete
delete snodeGlobalLocks[name]; // clear lock
throw e;
// clear timeout timer
if (timeoutMs) {
if (timeoutTimer !== null) {
timeoutTimer = null;
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-dynamic-delete
delete snodeGlobalLocks[name]; // clear lock
// release the kraken
return snodeGlobalLocks[name];
* Create a promise which waits until `done` is called or until `timeout` period is reached.
* If `timeout` is reached then this will throw an Error.
* @param task The task to wait for.
* @param timeout The timeout period.
export async function waitForTask<T>(
task: (done: SimpleFunction<T>) => Return<void>,
timeoutMs: number = 2000
): Promise<T> {
const timeoutPromise = new Promise<T>((_, rej) => {
const wait = setTimeout(() => {
rej(new TaskTimedOutError());
}, timeoutMs);
const taskPromise = new Promise(async (res, rej) => {
try {
await toPromise(task(res));
} catch (e) {
return Promise.race([timeoutPromise, taskPromise]) as Promise<T>;
export interface PollOptions {
timeoutMs: number;
interval: number;
* Creates a promise which calls the `task` every `interval` until `done` is called or until `timeout` period is reached.
* If `timeout` is reached then this will throw an Error.
* @param task The task which runs every `interval` ms.
* @param options The polling options.
export async function poll(
task: (done: SimpleFunction<void>) => Return<void>,
options: Partial<PollOptions> = {}
): Promise<void> {
const defaults: PollOptions = {
timeoutMs: 2000,
interval: 100,
const { timeoutMs, interval } = {
const endTime = + timeoutMs;
let stop = false;
const finish = () => {
stop = true;
const _poll = async (resolve: any, reject: any) => {
if (stop) {
} else if ( >= endTime) {
reject(new Error('Periodic check timeout'));
} else {
try {
await toPromise(task(finish));
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(() => {
void _poll(resolve, reject);
}, interval);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
void _poll(resolve, reject);
* Creates a promise which waits until `check` returns `true` or rejects if `timeout` preiod is reached.
* If `timeout` is reached then this will throw an Error.
* @param check The boolean check.
* @param timeout The time before an error is thrown.
export async function waitUntil(check: () => Return<boolean>, timeoutMs: number = 2000) {
// This is causing unhandled promise rejection somewhere in MessageQueue tests
return poll(
async done => {
const result = await toPromise(check());
if (result) {
interval: timeoutMs / 20,
export async function timeout<T>(promise: Promise<T>, timeoutMs: number = 2000): Promise<T> {
const timeoutPromise = new Promise<T>((_, rej) => {
const wait = setTimeout(() => {
rej(new TaskTimedOutError());
}, timeoutMs);
return Promise.race([timeoutPromise, promise]);
export async function delay(timeoutMs: number = 2000): Promise<Boolean> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeoutMs);
// tslint:disable: no-string-based-set-timeout
export const sleepFor = async (ms: number) =>
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
// Taken from
// The promise returned by this function will resolve true when the first promise
// in ps resolves true *or* it will resolve false when all of ps resolve false
export const firstTrue = async (ps: Array<Promise<any>>) => {
const newPs =
async p =>
new Promise(
// eslint-disable more/no-then
// tslint:disable: no-void-expression
(resolve, reject) => p.then(v => v && resolve(v), reject)
// eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then
newPs.push(Promise.all(ps).then(() => false));
return Promise.race(newPs) as Promise<Snode>;