
522 lines
15 KiB

import _ from 'lodash';
import {
} from '../../data/opengroups';
import { FSv2 } from '../../fileserver/';
import { sendViaOnion } from '../../session/onions/onionSend';
import { PubKey } from '../../session/types';
import { fromArrayBufferToBase64, fromBase64ToArrayBuffer } from '../../session/utils/String';
import { OpenGroupRequestCommonType, OpenGroupV2Info, OpenGroupV2Request } from './ApiUtil';
import {
} from './OpenGroupAPIV2Parser';
import { OpenGroupMessageV2 } from './OpenGroupMessageV2';
import { isOpenGroupV2Request } from '../../fileserver/FileServerApiV2';
import { getAuthToken } from './ApiAuth';
* This function returns a base url to this room
* This is basically used for building url after posting an attachment
* hasRoomInEndpoint = true means the roomId is already in the endpoint.
* so we don't add the room after the serverUrl.
function getCompleteEndpointUrl(
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType,
endpoint: string,
hasRoomInEndpoint: boolean
) {
// serverUrl has the port and protocol already
if (!hasRoomInEndpoint) {
return `${roomInfos.serverUrl}/${roomInfos.roomId}/${endpoint}`;
// not room based, the endpoint already has the room in it
return `${roomInfos.serverUrl}/${endpoint}`;
const getDestinationPubKey = async (
request: OpenGroupV2Request | FSv2.FileServerV2Request
): Promise<string> => {
if (FSv2.isOpenGroupV2Request(request)) {
if (!request.serverPublicKey) {
const roomDetails = await getV2OpenGroupRoomByRoomId({
serverUrl: request.server,
if (!roomDetails?.serverPublicKey) {
throw new Error('PublicKey not found for this server.');
return roomDetails.serverPublicKey;
} else {
return request.serverPublicKey;
} else {
// this is a fileServer call
return FSv2.fileServerV2PubKey;
* This send function is to be used for all non polling stuff.
* This function can be used for OpengroupV2 request OR File Server V2 request
* Download and upload of attachments for instance, but most of the logic happens in
* the compact_poll endpoint.
export async function sendApiV2Request(
request: OpenGroupV2Request | FSv2.FileServerV2Request
): Promise<Object | null> {
const builtUrl = FSv2.buildUrl(request);
if (!builtUrl) {
throw new Error('Invalid request');
// set the headers sent by the caller, and the roomId.
const headers = request.headers || {};
if (FSv2.isOpenGroupV2Request(request)) {
headers.Room =;
let body = '';
if (request.method !== 'GET') {
body = JSON.stringify(request.queryParams);
const destinationX25519Key = await getDestinationPubKey(request);
// Because auth happens on a per-room basis, we need both to make an authenticated request
if (isOpenGroupV2Request(request) && request.isAuthRequired && {
// this call will either return the token on the db,
// or the promise currently fetching a new token for that same room
// or fetch from the open group a new token for that room.
const token = await getAuthToken({
serverUrl: request.server,
if (!token) {
window.log.error('Failed to get token for open group v2');
return null;
headers.Authorization = token;
const res = await sendViaOnion(
method: request.method,
{ noJson: true }
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(res);
if (!statusCode) {
window.log.warn('sendOpenGroupV2Request Got unknown status code; res:', res);
return res as object;
// A 401 means that we didn't provide a (valid) auth token for a route that required one. We use this as an
// indication that the token we're using has expired.
// Note that a 403 has a different meaning; it means that
// we provided a valid token but it doesn't have a high enough permission level for the route in question.
if (statusCode === 401) {
const roomDetails = await getV2OpenGroupRoomByRoomId({
serverUrl: request.server,
if (!roomDetails) {
window.log.warn('Got 401, but this room does not exist');
return null;
roomDetails.token = undefined;
// we might need to retry doing the request here, but how to make sure we don't retry indefinetely?
await saveV2OpenGroupRoom(roomDetails);
return res as object;
} else {
// no need for auth, just do the onion request
const res = await sendViaOnion(destinationX25519Key, builtUrl, {
method: request.method,
return res as object;
export async function openGroupV2GetRoomInfo({
}: {
roomId: string;
serverUrl: string;
}): Promise<OpenGroupV2Info | null> {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'GET',
server: serverUrl,
room: roomId,
isAuthRequired: false,
endpoint: `rooms/${roomId}`,
const result = (await sendApiV2Request(request)) as any;
if (result?.result?.room) {
const { id, name, image_id: imageId } = result?.result?.room;
if (!id || !name) {
window.log.warn('getRoominfo Parsing failed');
return null;
const info: OpenGroupV2Info = {
return info;
window.log.warn('getInfo failed');
return null;
* Send the specified message to the specified room.
* If an error happens, this function throws it
export const postMessage = async (
message: OpenGroupMessageV2,
room: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
) => {
const signedMessage = await message.sign();
const json = signedMessage.toJson();
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'POST',
room: room.roomId,
server: room.serverUrl,
queryParams: json,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: 'messages',
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result);
if (statusCode !== 200) {
throw new Error(`Could not postMessage, status code: ${statusCode}`);
const rawMessage = (result as any)?.result?.message;
if (!rawMessage) {
throw new Error('postMessage parsing failed');
// this will throw if the json is not valid
return OpenGroupMessageV2.fromJson(rawMessage);
export const banUser = async (
userToBan: PubKey,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<boolean> => {
const queryParams = { public_key: userToBan.key };
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'POST',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: 'block_list',
const banResult = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const isOk = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(banResult) === 200;
return isOk;
export const unbanUser = async (
userToBan: PubKey,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<boolean> => {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'DELETE',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: `block_list/${userToBan.key}`,
const unbanResult = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const isOk = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(unbanResult) === 200;
return isOk;
export const deleteMessageByServerIds = async (
idsToRemove: Array<number>,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<boolean> => {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'POST',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: 'delete_messages',
queryParams: { ids: idsToRemove },
const messageDeletedResult = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const isOk = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(messageDeletedResult) === 200;
return isOk;
export const getAllRoomInfos = async (roomInfos: OpenGroupV2Room) => {
// room should not be required here
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'GET',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: false,
endpoint: 'rooms',
serverPublicKey: roomInfos.serverPublicKey,
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result);
if (statusCode !== 200) {
window.log.warn('getAllRoomInfos failed invalid status code');
return parseRooms(result);
export const getMemberCount = async (
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<number | undefined> => {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'GET',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: 'member_count',
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
if (parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result) !== 200) {
window.log.warn('getMemberCount failed invalid status code');
const count = parseMemberCount(result);
if (count === undefined) {
window.log.warn('getMemberCount failed invalid count');
return count;
* File upload and download
export const downloadFileOpenGroupV2 = async (
fileId: number,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<Uint8Array | null> => {
if (!fileId) {
window.log.warn('downloadFileOpenGroupV2: FileId cannot be unset. returning null');
return null;
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'GET',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: `files/${fileId}`,
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result);
if (statusCode !== 200) {
return null;
// we should probably change the logic of sendOnionRequest to not have all those levels
const base64Data = (result as any)?.result?.result as string | undefined;
if (!base64Data) {
return null;
return new Uint8Array(fromBase64ToArrayBuffer(base64Data));
export const downloadFileOpenGroupV2ByUrl = async (
pathName: string,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<Uint8Array | null> => {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'GET',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: false,
endpoint: pathName,
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result);
if (statusCode !== 200) {
return null;
// we should probably change the logic of sendOnionRequest to not have all those levels
const base64Data = (result as any)?.result?.result as string | undefined;
if (!base64Data) {
return null;
return new Uint8Array(fromBase64ToArrayBuffer(base64Data));
* Download the preview image for that opengroup room.
* The returned value is a base64 string.
* It can be used directly, or saved on the attachments directory if needed, but this function does not handle it
export const downloadPreviewOpenGroupV2 = async (
roomInfos: OpenGroupV2Room
): Promise<string | null> => {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'GET',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: false,
endpoint: `rooms/${roomInfos.roomId}/image`,
serverPublicKey: roomInfos.serverPublicKey,
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result);
if (statusCode !== 200) {
return null;
// we should probably change the logic of sendOnionRequest to not have all those levels
const base64Data = (result as any)?.result?.result as string | undefined;
if (!base64Data) {
return null;
return base64Data;
* Returns the id on which the file is saved, or null
export const uploadFileOpenGroupV2 = async (
fileContent: Uint8Array,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<{ fileId: number; fileUrl: string } | null> => {
if (!fileContent || !fileContent.length) {
return null;
const queryParams = {
file: fromArrayBufferToBase64(fileContent),
const filesEndpoint = 'files';
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'POST',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: filesEndpoint,
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result);
if (statusCode !== 200) {
return null;
// we should probably change the logic of sendOnionRequest to not have all those levels
const fileId = (result as any)?.result?.result as number | undefined;
if (!fileId) {
return null;
const fileUrl = getCompleteEndpointUrl(roomInfos, `${filesEndpoint}/${fileId}`, false);
return {
fileId: fileId,
export const uploadImageForRoomOpenGroupV2 = async (
fileContent: Uint8Array,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<{ fileUrl: string } | null> => {
if (!fileContent || !fileContent.length) {
return null;
const queryParams = {
file: fromArrayBufferToBase64(fileContent),
const imageEndpoint = `rooms/${roomInfos.roomId}/image`;
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'POST',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: imageEndpoint,
const result = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const statusCode = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(result);
if (statusCode !== 200) {
return null;
const fileUrl = getCompleteEndpointUrl(roomInfos, `${imageEndpoint}`, true);
return {
export const addModerator = async (
userToAddAsMods: PubKey,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<boolean> => {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'POST',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
queryParams: { public_key: userToAddAsMods.key, room_id: roomInfos.roomId },
endpoint: 'moderators',
const addModResult = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const isOk = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(addModResult) === 200;
return isOk;
export const removeModerator = async (
userToAddAsMods: PubKey,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType
): Promise<boolean> => {
const request: OpenGroupV2Request = {
method: 'DELETE',
room: roomInfos.roomId,
server: roomInfos.serverUrl,
isAuthRequired: true,
endpoint: `moderators/${userToAddAsMods.key}`,
const removeModResult = await sendApiV2Request(request);
const isOk = parseStatusCodeFromOnionRequest(removeModResult) === 200;
return isOk;