2022-12-08 10:49:09 +11:00

1166 lines
37 KiB

import { default as insecureNodeFetch, RequestInit, Response } from 'node-fetch';
import https from 'https';
import { dropSnodeFromSnodePool, dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded, updateSwarmFor } from './snodePool';
import ByteBuffer from 'bytebuffer';
import { OnionPaths } from '../../onions';
import { toHex } from '../../utils/String';
import pRetry from 'p-retry';
import { ed25519Str, incrementBadPathCountOrDrop } from '../../onions/onionPath';
import { cloneDeep, isEmpty, isString, omit } from 'lodash';
// hold the ed25519 key of a snode against the time it fails. Used to remove a snode only after a few failures (snodeFailureThreshold failures)
let snodeFailureCount: Record<string, number> = {};
import { Snode } from '../../../data/data';
import { ERROR_CODE_NO_CONNECT } from './SNodeAPI';
import { hrefPnServerProd } from '../push_notification_api/PnServer';
import { callUtilsWorker } from '../../../webworker/workers/util/util_worker_interface';
import { encodeV4Request } from '../../onions/onionv4';
import { AbortSignal } from 'abort-controller';
import { to_string } from 'libsodium-wrappers-sumo';
export const resetSnodeFailureCount = () => {
snodeFailureCount = {};
// The number of times a snode can fail before it's replaced.
const snodeFailureThreshold = 3;
export const OXEN_SERVER_ERROR = 'Oxen Server error';
// Not ideal, but a pRetry.AbortError only lets us customize the message, and not the code
const errorContent404 = ': 404 ';
export const was404Error = (error: Error) => error.message.includes(errorContent404);
export const buildErrorMessageWithFailedCode = (prefix: string, code: number, suffix: string) =>
`${prefix}: ${code} ${suffix}`;
* When sending a request over onion, we might get two status.
* The first one, on the request itself, the other one in the json returned.
* If the request failed to reach the one of the node of the onion path, the one on the request is set.
* But if the request reaches the destination node and it fails to process the request (bad node for this pubkey), you will get a 200 on the request itself, but the json you get will contain the real status.
export interface SnodeResponse {
bodyBinary: Uint8Array | null;
body: string;
status?: number;
export interface SnodeParsedResponse {
bodyBinary: Uint8Array | null;
body: string;
status?: number;
// v4 onion request have a weird string and binary content, so better get it as binary to extract just the string part
export interface SnodeResponseV4 {
bodyBinary: Uint8Array | null;
status?: number;
export const NEXT_NODE_NOT_FOUND_PREFIX = 'Next node not found: ';
'421 handled. Retry this request with a new targetNode';
'Your clock is out of sync with the network. Check your clock.';
export type EncodeV4OnionRequestInfos = {
headers: Record<string, any> | null | undefined;
body?: string | Uint8Array | null;
method: string;
endpoint: string;
async function encryptOnionV4RequestForPubkey(
pubKeyX25519hex: string,
requestInfo: EncodeV4OnionRequestInfos
) {
const plaintext = encodeV4Request(requestInfo);
return callUtilsWorker('encryptForPubkey', pubKeyX25519hex, plaintext) as Promise<
// Returns the actual ciphertext, symmetric key that will be used
// for decryption, and an ephemeral_key to send to the next hop
async function encryptForPubKey(
pubKeyX25519hex: string,
requestInfo: any
): Promise<DestinationContext> {
const plaintext = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(requestInfo));
return callUtilsWorker('encryptForPubkey', pubKeyX25519hex, plaintext) as Promise<
export type DestinationRelayV2 = {
host?: string;
protocol?: string;
port?: number;
destination?: string;
method?: string;
target?: string;
// `ctx` holds info used by `node` to relay further
async function encryptForRelayV2(
relayX25519hex: string,
destination: DestinationRelayV2,
ctx: DestinationContext
) {
if (! && !destination.destination) {
window?.log?.warn('loki_rpc::encryptForRelayV2 - no destination', destination);
const reqObj = {
ephemeral_key: toHex(ctx.ephemeralKey),
const plaintext = encodeCiphertextPlusJson(ctx.ciphertext, reqObj);
return callUtilsWorker('encryptForPubkey', relayX25519hex, plaintext);
/// Encode ciphertext as (len || binary) and append payloadJson as utf8
function encodeCiphertextPlusJson(
ciphertext: Uint8Array,
payloadJson: Record<string, any>
): Uint8Array {
const payloadStr = JSON.stringify(payloadJson);
const bufferJson = ByteBuffer.wrap(payloadStr, 'utf8');
const len = ciphertext.length;
const arrayLen = bufferJson.buffer.length + 4 + len;
const littleEndian = true;
const buffer = new ByteBuffer(arrayLen, littleEndian);
return new Uint8Array(buffer.buffer);
async function buildOnionCtxs(
nodePath: Array<Snode>,
destCtx: DestinationContext,
useV4: boolean,
targetED25519Hex?: string,
finalRelayOptions?: FinalRelayOptions
) {
const ctxes = [destCtx];
if (!nodePath) {
throw new Error('buildOnionCtxs needs a valid path');
// from (3) 2 to 0
const firstPos = nodePath.length - 1;
for (let i = firstPos; i > -1; i -= 1) {
let dest: DestinationRelayV2;
const relayingToFinalDestination = i === firstPos; // if last position
if (relayingToFinalDestination && finalRelayOptions) {
const isCallToPn = finalRelayOptions?.host === hrefPnServerProd;
const target = !isCallToPn && !useV4 ? '/loki/v3/lsrpc' : '/oxen/v4/lsrpc';
dest = {
method: 'POST',
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-http-string
if (finalRelayOptions?.protocol === 'http') {
dest.protocol = finalRelayOptions.protocol;
dest.port = finalRelayOptions.port || 80;
} else {
// set x25519 if destination snode
let pubkeyHex = targetED25519Hex; // relayingToFinalDestination
// or ed25519 snode destination
if (!relayingToFinalDestination) {
pubkeyHex = nodePath[i + 1].pubkey_ed25519;
if (!pubkeyHex) {
'loki_rpc:::buildOnionGuardNodePayload - no ed25519 for',
nodePath[i + 1],
'path node',
i + 1
// destination takes a hex key
dest = {
destination: pubkeyHex,
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const ctx = await encryptForRelayV2(nodePath[i].pubkey_x25519, dest, ctxes[ctxes.length - 1]);
} catch (e) {
'loki_rpc:::buildOnionGuardNodePayload - encryptForRelayV2 failure',
throw e;
return ctxes;
// we just need the targetNode.pubkey_ed25519 for the encryption
// targetPubKey is ed25519 if snode is the target
async function buildOnionGuardNodePayload(
nodePath: Array<Snode>,
destCtx: DestinationContext,
useV4: boolean,
targetED25519Hex?: string,
finalRelayOptions?: FinalRelayOptions
) {
const ctxes = await buildOnionCtxs(nodePath, destCtx, useV4, targetED25519Hex, finalRelayOptions);
// this is the OUTER side of the onion, the one encoded with multiple layer
// So the one we will send to the first guard node.
const guardCtx = ctxes[ctxes.length - 1]; // last ctx
// New "semi-binary" encoding
const guardPayloadObj = {
ephemeral_key: toHex(guardCtx.ephemeralKey),
return encodeCiphertextPlusJson(guardCtx.ciphertext, guardPayloadObj);
* 406 is a clock out of sync error
* 425 is the new 406 (too-early status code)
function process406Or425Error(statusCode: number) {
if (statusCode === 406 || statusCode === 425) {
// clock out of sync
// this will make the pRetry stop
throw new pRetry.AbortError(CLOCK_OUT_OF_SYNC_MESSAGE_ERROR);
function processOxenServerError(_statusCode: number, body?: string) {
if (body === OXEN_SERVER_ERROR) {
window?.log?.warn('[path] Got Oxen server Error. Not much to do if the server has troubles.');
throw new pRetry.AbortError(OXEN_SERVER_ERROR);
* 421 is a invalid swarm error
async function process421Error(
statusCode: number,
body: string,
associatedWith?: string,
destinationSnodeEd25519?: string
) {
if (statusCode === 421) {
await handle421InvalidSwarm({
* Handle throwing errors for destination errors.
* A destination can either be a server (like an opengroup server) in this case destinationEd25519 is unset or be a snode (for snode rpc calls) and destinationEd25519 is set in this case.
* If destinationEd25519 is set, we will increment the failure count of the specified snode
async function processOnionRequestErrorAtDestination({
}: {
statusCode: number;
body: string;
destinationSnodeEd25519?: string;
associatedWith?: string;
}) {
if (statusCode === 200) {
`processOnionRequestErrorAtDestination. statusCode nok: ${statusCode}: "${body}"`
await process421Error(statusCode, body, associatedWith, destinationSnodeEd25519);
processOxenServerError(statusCode, body);
if (destinationSnodeEd25519) {
await processAnyOtherErrorAtDestination(
async function handleNodeNotFound({
}: {
ed25519NotFound: string;
associatedWith?: string;
}) {
const shortNodeNotFound = ed25519Str(ed25519NotFound);
window?.log?.warn('Handling NODE NOT FOUND with: ', shortNodeNotFound);
if (associatedWith) {
await dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(associatedWith, ed25519NotFound);
await dropSnodeFromSnodePool(ed25519NotFound);
snodeFailureCount[ed25519NotFound] = 0;
// try to remove the not found snode from any of the paths if it's there.
// it may not be here, as the snode note found might be the target snode of the request.
await OnionPaths.dropSnodeFromPath(ed25519NotFound);
async function processAnyOtherErrorOnPath(
status: number,
guardNodeEd25519: string,
ciphertext?: string,
associatedWith?: string
) {
// this test checks for an error in your path.
if (status !== 200) {
window?.log?.warn(`[path] Got status: ${status}`);
if (status === 404 || status === 400) {
'processAnyOtherErrorOnPathgot 404 or 400, probably a dead sogs. Skipping bad path update'
// If we have a specific node in fault we can exclude just this node.
if (ciphertext?.startsWith(NEXT_NODE_NOT_FOUND_PREFIX)) {
const nodeNotFound = ciphertext.substr(NEXT_NODE_NOT_FOUND_PREFIX.length);
// we are checking errors on the path, a nodeNotFound on the path should trigger a rebuild
await handleNodeNotFound({ ed25519NotFound: nodeNotFound, associatedWith });
} else {
// Otherwise we increment the whole path failure count
await incrementBadPathCountOrDrop(guardNodeEd25519);
processOxenServerError(status, ciphertext);
throw new Error(`Bad Path handled. Retry this request. Status: ${status}`);
async function processAnyOtherErrorAtDestination(
status: number,
body: string,
destinationEd25519: string,
associatedWith?: string
) {
// this test checks for error at the destination.
if (
status !== 400 &&
status !== 406 && // handled in process406Error
status !== 421 // handled in process421Error
) {
window?.log?.warn(`[path] Got status at destination: ${status}`);
if (body?.startsWith(NEXT_NODE_NOT_FOUND_PREFIX)) {
const nodeNotFound = body.substr(NEXT_NODE_NOT_FOUND_PREFIX.length);
// if we get a nodeNotFound at the destination. it means the targetNode to which we made the request is not found.
await handleNodeNotFound({
ed25519NotFound: nodeNotFound,
// We have to retry with another targetNode so it's not just rebuilding the path. We have to go one lever higher (lokiOnionFetch).
// status is 502 for a node not found
throw new pRetry.AbortError(
`Bad Path handled. Retry this request with another targetNode. Status: ${status}`
await Onions.incrementBadSnodeCountOrDrop({
snodeEd25519: destinationEd25519,
throw new Error(`Bad Path handled. Retry this request. Status: ${status}`);
async function processOnionRequestErrorOnPath(
httpStatusCode: number, // this is the one on the response object, not inside the json response
ciphertext: string | ArrayBuffer,
guardNodeEd25519: string,
destinationEd25519Key?: string,
associatedWith?: string
) {
let cipherAsString: string = '';
if (isString(ciphertext)) {
cipherAsString = ciphertext;
} else {
try {
cipherAsString = to_string(new Uint8Array(ciphertext));
} catch (e) {
// we might actually end up often in this case here often (for all calls to a non snode, so with onionv4 we will get binary data, and the to_string above won't work as it has a custom onion v4 encoding)
cipherAsString = '';
if (httpStatusCode !== 200) {
window?.log?.warn('processOnionRequestErrorOnPath:', ciphertext);
await process421Error(httpStatusCode, cipherAsString, associatedWith, destinationEd25519Key);
await processAnyOtherErrorOnPath(
function processAbortedRequest(abortSignal?: AbortSignal) {
if (abortSignal?.aborted) {
window?.log?.warn('[path] Call aborted');
// this will make the pRetry stop
throw new pRetry.AbortError('Request got aborted');
const debug = false;
* Only exported for testing purpose
async function decodeOnionResult(
symmetricKey: ArrayBuffer,
ciphertext: string
): Promise<{
ciphertextBuffer: Uint8Array;
plaintext: string;
plaintextBuffer: ArrayBuffer;
}> {
let parsedCiphertext = ciphertext;
try {
const jsonRes = JSON.parse(ciphertext);
parsedCiphertext = jsonRes.result;
} catch (e) {
// just try to get a json object from what is inside (for PN requests), if it fails, continue ()
const ciphertextBuffer = await callUtilsWorker('fromBase64ToArrayBuffer', parsedCiphertext);
const plaintextBuffer = (await callUtilsWorker(
new Uint8Array(symmetricKey),
new Uint8Array(ciphertextBuffer)
)) as ArrayBuffer;
return {
plaintext: new TextDecoder().decode(plaintextBuffer),
export const STATUS_NO_STATUS = 8888;
* Process a non v4 onion request and throw the corresponding errors if needed, depending on the status code or the content of the body.
* This function will handle dropping a snode from the swarm, the snode list and the path if it believes it needs to be dropped, and just increment the failure, etc.
* Note: Only exported for testing purpose
async function processOnionResponse({
}: {
response?: { text: () => Promise<string>; status: number };
symmetricKey?: ArrayBuffer;
guardNode: Snode;
destinationSnodeEd25519?: string;
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
associatedWith?: string;
}): Promise<SnodeResponse> {
let ciphertext = '';
try {
ciphertext = (await response?.text()) || '';
} catch (e) {
await processOnionRequestErrorOnPath(
response?.status || STATUS_NO_STATUS,
if (!ciphertext) {
'[path] sessionRpc::processingOnionResponse - Target node return empty ciphertext'
throw new Error('Target node return empty ciphertext');
let plaintext;
let ciphertextBuffer;
try {
if (!symmetricKey) {
throw new Error('Decoding onion requests needs a symmetricKey');
const decoded = await Onions.decodeOnionResult(symmetricKey, ciphertext);
plaintext = decoded.plaintext;
ciphertextBuffer = decoded.ciphertextBuffer;
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.error('[path] sessionRpc::processingOnionResponse - decode error', e);
if (symmetricKey) {
'[path] sessionRpc::processingOnionResponse - symmetricKey',
if (ciphertextBuffer) {
'[path] sessionRpc::processingOnionResponse - ciphertextBuffer',
throw new Error('Ciphertext decode error');
if (debug) {
window?.log?.debug('sessionRpc::processingOnionResponse - plaintext', plaintext);
try {
const jsonRes = JSON.parse(plaintext, (_key, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'number' && value > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
window?.log?.warn('Received an out of bounds js number');
return value;
}) as Record<string, any>;
const status = jsonRes.status_code || jsonRes.status;
await processOnionRequestErrorAtDestination({
statusCode: status,
body: jsonRes?.body, // this is really important. the `.body`. the .body should be a string. for instance for nodeNotFound but is most likely a dict (Record<string,any>))
return jsonRes as SnodeResponse;
} catch (e) {
`[path] sessionRpc::processingOnionResponse - Rethrowing error ${e.message}'`
throw e;
async function processNoSymmetricKeyError(
guardNode: Snode,
symmetricKey?: ArrayBuffer
): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
if (!symmetricKey) {
const errorMsg =
'No symmetric key to decode response, probably a time out on the onion request itself';
await incrementBadPathCountOrDrop(guardNode.pubkey_ed25519);
throw new Error(errorMsg);
return symmetricKey;
async function processOnionResponseV4({
}: {
response?: Response;
symmetricKey?: ArrayBuffer;
guardNode: Snode;
destinationSnodeEd25519?: string;
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
associatedWith?: string;
}): Promise<SnodeResponseV4 | undefined> {
const validSymmetricKey = await processNoSymmetricKeyError(guardNode, symmetricKey);
const cipherText = (await response?.arrayBuffer()) || new ArrayBuffer(0);
if (!cipherText) {
'[path] sessionRpc::processOnionResponseV4 - Target node/path return empty ciphertext'
throw new Error('Target node return empty ciphertext');
// before trying to decrypt the message with the symmetric key,
// we have to make sure the content is not a path error.
// This is because an error on path won't be encrypted with our symmetric key at all, but we still need to take care of it.
await processOnionRequestErrorOnPath(
response?.status || STATUS_NO_STATUS,
const plaintextBuffer = await callUtilsWorker(
new Uint8Array(validSymmetricKey),
new Uint8Array(cipherText)
const bodyBinary: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(plaintextBuffer);
// Handling of the status code of the destination is done on the calling function, because the content of the onion response needs first to be decoded.
// Also, we actually do not care much about the status code of the destination here, because the destination cannot be a service node (we do not support onion v4 to a snode destination, only *through* them), so there is no rebuilding of the path for a destination case possible.
return {
export const snodeHttpsAgent = new https.Agent({
rejectUnauthorized: false,
* As far as I know, FinalRelayOptions is only used for contacting non service node. So PN server, opengroups, fileserver, etc.
* It contains the details the last service node of the onion path needs to use to contact who we need to contact.
* So things, like the ip/port and protocol of the opengroup server/fileserver/PN server.
export type FinalRelayOptions = {
host: string;
protocol?: 'http' | 'https'; // default to https
port?: number; // default to 443
export type DestinationContext = {
ciphertext: Uint8Array;
symmetricKey: ArrayBuffer;
ephemeralKey: ArrayBuffer;
* Handle a 421. The body is supposed to be the new swarm nodes for this publickey.
* @param destinationSnodeEd25519 the snode gaving the reply
* @param body the new swarm not parsed. If an error happens while parsing this we will drop the snode.
* @param associatedWith the specific publickey associated with this call
async function handle421InvalidSwarm({
}: {
body: string;
destinationSnodeEd25519?: string;
associatedWith?: string;
}) {
if (!destinationSnodeEd25519 || !associatedWith) {
// The snode isn't associated with the given public key anymore
// this does not make much sense to have a 421 without a publicKey set.
throw new Error('status 421 without a final destination or no associatedWith makes no sense');
window?.log?.info(`Invalidating swarm for ${ed25519Str(associatedWith)}`);
try {
const parsedBody = JSON.parse(body);
// The snode isn't associated with the given public key anymore
if (parsedBody?.snodes?.length) {
// the snode gave us the new swarm. Save it for the next retry
'Wrong swarm, now looking at snodes', any) => ed25519Str(s.pubkey_ed25519))
await updateSwarmFor(associatedWith, parsedBody.snodes);
throw new pRetry.AbortError(ERROR_421_HANDLED_RETRY_REQUEST);
// remove this node from the swarm of this pubkey
await dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(associatedWith, destinationSnodeEd25519);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message !== ERROR_421_HANDLED_RETRY_REQUEST) {
'Got error while parsing 421 result. Dropping this snode from the swarm of this pubkey',
// could not parse result. Consider that this snode as invalid
await dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(associatedWith, destinationSnodeEd25519);
await Onions.incrementBadSnodeCountOrDrop({
snodeEd25519: destinationSnodeEd25519,
// this is important we throw so another retry is made and we exit the handling of that reponse
throw new pRetry.AbortError(ERROR_421_HANDLED_RETRY_REQUEST);
* Handle a bad snode result.
* The `snodeFailureCount` for that node is incremented. If it's more than `snodeFailureThreshold`,
* we drop this node from the snode pool and from the associatedWith publicKey swarm if this is set.
* So after this call, if the snode keeps getting errors, we won't contact it again
* @param snodeEd25519 the snode ed25519 which cause issues (this might be a nodeNotFound)
* @param guardNodeEd25519 the guard node ed25519 of the current path in use. a nodeNoteFound ed25519 is not part of any path, so we fallback to this one if we need to increment the bad path count of the current path in use
* @param associatedWith if set, we will drop this snode from the swarm of the pubkey too
* @param isNodeNotFound if set, we will drop this snode right now as this is an invalid node for the network.
async function incrementBadSnodeCountOrDrop({
}: {
snodeEd25519: string;
associatedWith?: string;
}) {
const oldFailureCount = snodeFailureCount[snodeEd25519] || 0;
const newFailureCount = oldFailureCount + 1;
snodeFailureCount[snodeEd25519] = newFailureCount;
if (newFailureCount >= snodeFailureThreshold) {
`Failure threshold reached for snode: ${ed25519Str(snodeEd25519)}; dropping it.`
if (associatedWith) {
await dropSnodeFromSwarmIfNeeded(associatedWith, snodeEd25519);
await dropSnodeFromSnodePool(snodeEd25519);
snodeFailureCount[snodeEd25519] = 0;
await OnionPaths.dropSnodeFromPath(snodeEd25519);
} else {
`Couldn't reach snode at: ${ed25519Str(
)}; setting his failure count to ${newFailureCount}`
* This call tries to send the request via onion. If we get a bad path, it handles the snode removing of the swarm and snode pool.
* But the caller needs to handle the retry (and rebuild the path on his side if needed)
async function sendOnionRequestHandlingSnodeEject({
}: {
nodePath: Array<Snode>;
destSnodeX25519: string;
finalDestOptions: FinalDestOptions;
finalRelayOptions?: FinalRelayOptions;
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
associatedWith?: string;
useV4: boolean;
throwErrors: boolean;
}): Promise<SnodeResponse | SnodeResponseV4 | undefined> {
// this sendOnionRequestNoRetries() call has to be the only one like this.
// If you need to call it, call it through sendOnionRequestHandlingSnodeEject because this is the one handling path rebuilding and known errors
let response;
let decodingSymmetricKey;
try {
// this might throw
const result = await sendOnionRequestNoRetries({
if (window.sessionFeatureFlags?.debug.debugOnionRequests) {
`sendOnionRequestHandlingSnodeEject: sendOnionRequestNoRetries: useV4:${useV4} destSnodeX25519:${destSnodeX25519}; \nfinalDestOptions:${JSON.stringify(
)}; \nfinalRelayOptions:${JSON.stringify(finalRelayOptions)}\n\n result: ${JSON.stringify(
response = result.response;
if (
!isEmpty(finalRelayOptions) &&
response.status === 502 &&
response.statusText === 'Bad Gateway'
) {
// it's an opengroup server and it is not responding. Consider this as a ENETUNREACH
throw new pRetry.AbortError('ENETUNREACH');
decodingSymmetricKey = result.decodingSymmetricKey;
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('sendOnionRequestNoRetries error message: ', e.message);
if (e.code === 'ENETUNREACH' || e.message === 'ENETUNREACH' || throwErrors) {
throw e;
const destinationSnodeEd25519 =
(isFinalDestinationSnode(finalDestOptions) && finalDestOptions?.destination_ed25519_hex) ||
// those calls will handle the common onion failure logic.
// if an error is not retryable a AbortError is triggered, which is handled by pRetry and retries are stopped
if (useV4) {
return Onions.processOnionResponseV4({
symmetricKey: decodingSymmetricKey,
guardNode: nodePath[0],
return Onions.processOnionResponse({
symmetricKey: decodingSymmetricKey,
guardNode: nodePath[0],
function throwIfInvalidV4RequestInfos(request: FinalDestOptions): EncodeV4OnionRequestInfos {
if (isFinalDestinationSnode(request)) {
// a snode request cannot be v4 currently as they do not support it
throw new Error('v4onion request needs endpoint pubkey and method at least');
const { body, endpoint, headers, method } = request;
if (!endpoint || !method) {
throw new Error('v4onion request needs endpoint pubkey and method at least');
const requestInfos: EncodeV4OnionRequestInfos = {
return requestInfos;
* For a snode request, the body already contains the method and the args with our custom formatting in json
export type FinalDestSnodeOptions = {
destination_ed25519_hex: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
body: string | null;
* For a non snode request (so fileserver or sogs), the body can be binary (for an upload of a file or a string) but we also need a method, endpoint and headers
export type FinalDestNonSnodeOptions = {
headers: Record<string, string | number>;
body: string | null | Uint8Array;
method: string;
endpoint: string;
export type FinalDestOptions = FinalDestSnodeOptions | FinalDestNonSnodeOptions;
* Typescript guard to be used to separate between a snode destination options and a non snode one.
* A non snode destination needs a `.method` to be set
function isFinalDestinationNonSnode(
options: FinalDestOptions
): options is FinalDestNonSnodeOptions {
return (options as any).method !== undefined;
* Typescript guard to be used to separate between a snode destination options and a non snode one.
* A snode destination request needs a `.destination_ed25519_hex` to be set
function isFinalDestinationSnode(options: FinalDestOptions): options is FinalDestSnodeOptions {
return (options as any).destination_ed25519_hex !== undefined;
* Onion requests looks like this
* Sender -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> Receiver
* 1, 2, 3 = onion Snodes
* This function does not retry, and is not meant to be used directly.
* @param nodePath the onion path to use to send the request
* @param finalDestOptions those are the options for the request from 3 to Receiver. It contains for instance the payload and headers.
* @param finalRelayOptions those are the options 3 will use to make a request to R. It contains the host and port to make the request to, if the target is not a snode
const sendOnionRequestNoRetries = async ({
destSnodeX25519: destX25519hex,
finalDestOptions: finalDestOptionsOri,
}: {
nodePath: Array<Snode>;
destSnodeX25519: string;
finalDestOptions: FinalDestOptions;
finalRelayOptions?: FinalRelayOptions; // use only when the target is not a snode
abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
useV4: boolean;
}) => {
// Warning: be sure to do a copy otherwise the delete below creates issue with retries
// we want to forward the destination_ed25519_hex explicitly so remove it from the copy directly
const finalDestOptions = cloneDeep(omit(finalDestOptionsOri, ['destination_ed25519_hex']));
if (typeof destX25519hex !== 'string') {
window?.log?.warn('destX25519hex was not a string');
throw new Error('sendOnionRequestNoRetries: destX25519hex was not a string');
finalDestOptions.headers = finalDestOptions.headers || {};
// finalRelayOptions is set only if we try to communicate with something else than a service node as end target of the request.
// so if that field is set, we are trying to communicate with a file server or an opengroup or whatever,
// and if that field is not set, we are trying to communicate with a service node (for a retrieve/send/whatever request)
const isRequestToSnode = !finalRelayOptions;
let destCtx: DestinationContext;
try {
const bodyString = isString(finalDestOptions.body) ? finalDestOptions.body : null;
const bodyBinary =
!isString(finalDestOptions.body) && finalDestOptions.body ? finalDestOptions.body : null;
if (isRequestToSnode) {
if (useV4) {
throw new Error('sendOnionRequestNoRetries calls cannot be v4 for now.');
if (!isString(finalDestOptions.body)) {
'sendOnionRequestNoRetries calls should only take body as string: ',
typeof finalDestOptions.body
throw new Error('sendOnionRequestNoRetries calls should only take body as string.');
// delete finalDestOptions.body;
// not sure if that's strictly the same thing in this context
finalDestOptions.body = null;
const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
const bodyEncoded = bodyString ? textEncoder.encode(bodyString) : bodyBinary;
if (!bodyEncoded) {
throw new Error('bodyEncoded is empty after encoding');
// snode requests do not support v4 onion requests, sadly
destCtx = (await callUtilsWorker(
encodeCiphertextPlusJson(bodyEncoded, finalDestOptions)
)) as DestinationContext;
} else {
// request to something else than a snode, fileserver or a sogs, we do support v4 for those (and actually only for those for now)
destCtx = useV4
? await encryptOnionV4RequestForPubkey(
: await encryptForPubKey(destX25519hex, finalDestOptions);
} catch (e) {
'sendOnionRequestNoRetries - encryptForPubKey failure [',
'] destination X25519',
destX25519hex.substring(0, 32),
throw e;
// if a snode destination is set, use it
const targetEd25519hex =
(isFinalDestinationSnode(finalDestOptionsOri) && finalDestOptionsOri.destination_ed25519_hex) ||
const payload = await buildOnionGuardNodePayload(
const guardNode = nodePath[0];
const guardFetchOptions: RequestInit = {
method: 'POST',
body: payload,
// we are talking to a snode...
agent: snodeHttpsAgent,
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'WhatsApp',
'Accept-Language': 'en-us',
timeout: 25000,
if (abortSignal) {
guardFetchOptions.signal = abortSignal;
const guardUrl = `https://${guardNode.ip}:${guardNode.port}/onion_req/v2`;
// no logs for that one insecureNodeFetch as we do need to call insecureNodeFetch to our guardNodes
// window?.log?.info('insecureNodeFetch => plaintext for sendOnionRequestNoRetries');
const response = await insecureNodeFetch(guardUrl, guardFetchOptions);
return { response, decodingSymmetricKey: destCtx.symmetricKey };
async function sendOnionRequestSnodeDest(
onionPath: Array<Snode>,
targetNode: Snode,
headers: Record<string, any>,
plaintext: string | null,
associatedWith?: string
) {
return Onions.sendOnionRequestHandlingSnodeEject({
nodePath: onionPath,
destSnodeX25519: targetNode.pubkey_x25519,
finalDestOptions: {
destination_ed25519_hex: targetNode.pubkey_ed25519,
body: plaintext,
useV4: false, // sadly, request to snode do not support v4 yet
throwErrors: false,
function getPathString(pathObjArr: Array<{ ip: string; port: number }>): string {
return => `${node.ip}:${node.port}`).join(', ');
* If the fetch throws a retryable error we retry this call with a new path at most 3 times. If another error happens, we return it. If we have a result we just return it.
async function lokiOnionFetch({
}: {
targetNode: Snode;
headers: Record<string, any>;
body: string | null;
associatedWith?: string;
}): Promise<SnodeResponse | undefined> {
try {
const retriedResult = await pRetry(
async () => {
// Get a path excluding `targetNode`:
const path = await OnionPaths.getOnionPath({ toExclude: targetNode });
const result = await sendOnionRequestSnodeDest(
return result;
retries: 3,
factor: 1,
minTimeout: 100,
onFailedAttempt: e => {
`onionFetchRetryable attempt #${e.attemptNumber} failed. ${e.retriesLeft} retries left...`
return retriedResult as SnodeResponse | undefined;
} catch (e) {
window?.log?.warn('onionFetchRetryable failed ', e.message);
if (e?.errno === 'ENETUNREACH') {
// better handle the no connection state
throw new Error(ERROR_CODE_NO_CONNECT);
if (e?.message === CLOCK_OUT_OF_SYNC_MESSAGE_ERROR) {
window?.log?.warn('Its a clock out of sync error ');
throw new pRetry.AbortError(CLOCK_OUT_OF_SYNC_MESSAGE_ERROR);
throw e;
export const Onions = {