
333 lines
12 KiB

import { PendingMessageCache } from './PendingMessageCache';
import { JobQueue, MessageUtils, UserUtils } from '../utils';
import { PubKey, RawMessage } from '../types';
import { MessageSender } from '.';
import { ClosedGroupMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupMessage';
import { ConfigurationMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/ConfigurationMessage';
import { ClosedGroupNameChangeMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupNameChangeMessage';
import { ClosedGroupMemberLeftMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupMemberLeftMessage';
import { MessageSentHandler } from './MessageSentHandler';
import { ContentMessage } from '../messages/outgoing';
import { ExpirationTimerUpdateMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/ExpirationTimerUpdateMessage';
import { ClosedGroupAddedMembersMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupAddedMembersMessage';
import { ClosedGroupEncryptionPairMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupEncryptionPairMessage';
import { ClosedGroupEncryptionPairRequestMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupEncryptionPairRequestMessage';
import { ClosedGroupNewMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupNewMessage';
import { ClosedGroupRemovedMembersMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/group/ClosedGroupRemovedMembersMessage';
import { ClosedGroupVisibleMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/visibleMessage/ClosedGroupVisibleMessage';
import { SyncMessageType } from '../utils/syncUtils';
import { OpenGroupRequestCommonType } from '../apis/open_group_api/opengroupV2/ApiUtil';
import { OpenGroupVisibleMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/visibleMessage/OpenGroupVisibleMessage';
import { UnsendMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/UnsendMessage';
import { CallMessage } from '../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/CallMessage';
import { OpenGroupMessageV2 } from '../apis/open_group_api/opengroupV2/OpenGroupMessageV2';
import { AbortController } from 'abort-controller';
import { sendSogsReactionOnionV4 } from '../apis/open_group_api/sogsv3/sogsV3SendReaction';
type ClosedGroupMessageType =
| ClosedGroupVisibleMessage
| ClosedGroupAddedMembersMessage
| ClosedGroupRemovedMembersMessage
| ClosedGroupNameChangeMessage
| ClosedGroupMemberLeftMessage
| ExpirationTimerUpdateMessage
| ClosedGroupEncryptionPairMessage
| UnsendMessage
| ClosedGroupEncryptionPairRequestMessage;
// ClosedGroupEncryptionPairReplyMessage must be sent to a user pubkey. Not a group.
export class MessageQueue {
private readonly jobQueues: Map<string, JobQueue> = new Map();
private readonly pendingMessageCache: PendingMessageCache;
constructor(cache?: PendingMessageCache) {
this.pendingMessageCache = cache ?? new PendingMessageCache();
void this.processAllPending();
public async sendToPubKey(
destinationPubKey: PubKey,
message: ContentMessage,
sentCb?: (message: RawMessage) => Promise<void>,
isGroup = false
): Promise<void> {
if (message instanceof ConfigurationMessage || !!(message as any).syncTarget) {
throw new Error('SyncMessage needs to be sent with sendSyncMessage');
await this.process(destinationPubKey, message, sentCb, isGroup);
* This function is synced. It will wait for the message to be delivered to the open
* group to return.
* So there is no need for a sendCb callback
* fileIds is the array of ids this message is linked to. If we upload files as part of a message but do not link them with this, the files will be deleted much sooner
public async sendToOpenGroupV2(
message: OpenGroupVisibleMessage,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType,
blinded: boolean,
filesToLink: Array<number>
) {
// Skipping the queue for Open Groups v2; the message is sent directly
try {
// NOTE Reactions are handled separately
if (message.reaction) {
await sendSogsReactionOnionV4(
new AbortController().signal,
const result = await MessageSender.sendToOpenGroupV2(
const { sentTimestamp, serverId } = result as OpenGroupMessageV2;
if (!serverId || serverId === -1) {
throw new Error(`Invalid serverId returned by server: ${serverId}`);
await MessageSentHandler.handlePublicMessageSentSuccess(message.identifier, {
serverId: serverId,
serverTimestamp: sentTimestamp,
} catch (e) {
`Failed to send message to open group: ${roomInfos.serverUrl}:${roomInfos.roomId}:`,
await MessageSentHandler.handleMessageSentFailure(
e || new Error('Failed to send message to open group.')
public async sendToOpenGroupV2BlindedRequest(
encryptedContent: Uint8Array,
roomInfos: OpenGroupRequestCommonType,
message: OpenGroupVisibleMessage,
recipientBlindedId: string
) {
try {
if (!PubKey.hasBlindedPrefix(recipientBlindedId)) {
throw new Error('sendToOpenGroupV2BlindedRequest needs a blindedId');
const { serverTimestamp, serverId } = await MessageSender.sendToOpenGroupV2BlindedRequest(
if (!serverId || serverId === -1) {
throw new Error(`Invalid serverId returned by server: ${serverId}`);
await MessageSentHandler.handlePublicMessageSentSuccess(message.identifier, {
} catch (e) {
`Failed to send message to open group: ${roomInfos.serverUrl}:${roomInfos.roomId}:`,
await MessageSentHandler.handleMessageSentFailure(
e || new Error('Failed to send message to open group.')
* @param sentCb currently only called for medium groups sent message
public async sendToGroup(
message: ClosedGroupMessageType,
sentCb?: (message: RawMessage) => Promise<void>,
groupPubKey?: PubKey
): Promise<void> {
let destinationPubKey: PubKey | undefined = groupPubKey;
if (message instanceof ExpirationTimerUpdateMessage || message instanceof ClosedGroupMessage) {
destinationPubKey = groupPubKey ? groupPubKey : message.groupId;
if (!destinationPubKey) {
throw new Error('Invalid group message passed in sendToGroup.');
// if groupId is set here, it means it's for a medium group. So send it as it
return this.sendToPubKey(PubKey.cast(destinationPubKey), message, sentCb, true);
public async sendSyncMessage(
message?: SyncMessageType,
sentCb?: (message: RawMessage) => Promise<void>
): Promise<void> {
if (!message) {
if (
!(message instanceof ConfigurationMessage) &&
!(message instanceof UnsendMessage) &&
!(message as any)?.syncTarget
) {
throw new Error('Invalid message given to sendSyncMessage');
const ourPubKey = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
await this.process(PubKey.cast(ourPubKey), message, sentCb);
* Sends a message that awaits until the message is completed sending
* @param user user pub key to send to
* @param message Message to be sent
public async sendToPubKeyNonDurably(
user: PubKey,
message: ClosedGroupNewMessage | CallMessage
): Promise<boolean | number> {
let rawMessage;
try {
rawMessage = await MessageUtils.toRawMessage(user, message);
const { wrappedEnvelope, effectiveTimestamp } = await MessageSender.send(rawMessage);
await MessageSentHandler.handleMessageSentSuccess(
return effectiveTimestamp;
} catch (error) {
if (rawMessage) {
await MessageSentHandler.handleMessageSentFailure(rawMessage, error);
return false;
* processes pending jobs in the message sending queue.
* @param device - target device to send to
public async processPending(device: PubKey, isSyncMessage: boolean = false) {
const messages = await this.pendingMessageCache.getForDevice(device);
const jobQueue = this.getJobQueue(device);
messages.forEach(async message => {
const messageId = message.identifier;
if (!jobQueue.has(messageId)) {
// We put the event handling inside this job to avoid sending duplicate events
const job = async () => {
try {
const { wrappedEnvelope, effectiveTimestamp } = await MessageSender.send(
await MessageSentHandler.handleMessageSentSuccess(
const cb = this.pendingMessageCache.callbacks.get(message.identifier);
if (cb) {
await cb(message);
} catch (error) {
void MessageSentHandler.handleMessageSentFailure(message, error);
} finally {
// Remove from the cache because retrying is done in the sender
void this.pendingMessageCache.remove(message);
await jobQueue.addWithId(messageId, job);
* This method should be called when the app is started and the user loggedin to fetch
* existing message waiting to be sent in the cache of message
public async processAllPending() {
const devices = await this.pendingMessageCache.getDevices();
const promises = device => this.processPending(device));
return Promise.all(promises);
* This method should not be called directly. Only through sendToPubKey.
private async process(
destinationPk: PubKey,
message: ContentMessage,
sentCb?: (message: RawMessage) => Promise<void>,
isGroup = false
): Promise<void> {
// Don't send to ourselves
const currentDevice = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyFromCache();
let isSyncMessage = false;
if (currentDevice && destinationPk.isEqual(currentDevice)) {
// We allow a message for ourselve only if it's a ConfigurationMessage, a ClosedGroupNewMessage,
// or a message with a syncTarget set.
if (
message instanceof ConfigurationMessage ||
message instanceof ClosedGroupNewMessage ||
message instanceof UnsendMessage ||
(message as any).syncTarget?.length > 0
) {
window?.log?.warn('Processing sync message');
isSyncMessage = true;
} else {
window?.log?.warn('Dropping message in process() to be sent to ourself');
await this.pendingMessageCache.add(destinationPk, message, sentCb, isGroup);
void this.processPending(destinationPk, isSyncMessage);
private getJobQueue(device: PubKey): JobQueue {
let queue = this.jobQueues.get(device.key);
if (!queue) {
queue = new JobQueue();
this.jobQueues.set(device.key, queue);
return queue;
let messageQueue: MessageQueue;
export function getMessageQueue(): MessageQueue {
if (!messageQueue) {
messageQueue = new MessageQueue();
return messageQueue;