
74 lines
2.9 KiB

import { _electron, Page, test } from '@playwright/test';
import { forceCloseAllWindows } from './setup/beforeEach';
import { messageSent } from './message';
import { openAppsAndNewUsers } from './setup/new_user';
import { sendNewMessage } from './send_message';
import {
} from './utils';
const testGroupName = 'Test Group Name';
let windows: Array<Page> = [];
test.afterEach(() => forceCloseAllWindows(windows));
test('Create group', async () => {
const windowLoggedIn = await openAppsAndNewUsers(3);
windows =;
const users = windowLoggedIn.users;
const [windowA, windowB, windowC] = windows;
const [userA, userB, userC] = users;
// Add contacts
await sendNewMessage(windowA, userC.sessionid, `A -> C: ${}`);
await Promise.all([
sendNewMessage(windowA, userB.sessionid, `A -> B: ${}`),
sendNewMessage(windowB, userA.sessionid, `B -> A: ${}`),
sendNewMessage(windowC, userA.sessionid, `C -> A: ${}`),
// Click new closed group tab
await clickOnTestIdWithText(windowA, 'new-conversation-button');
await clickOnTestIdWithText(windowA, 'chooser-new-group'); // Enter group name
await typeIntoInput(windowA, 'new-closed-group-name', testGroupName);
// Select user B
await clickOnMatchingText(windowA, userB.userName);
// Select user C
await clickOnMatchingText(windowA, userC.userName);
// Click Done
await clickOnMatchingText(windowA, 'Done');
// Check group was successfully created
await clickOnMatchingText(windowB, testGroupName);
await waitForTestIdWithText(windowB, 'header-conversation-name', testGroupName);
// Send message in group chat from user A
const msgAToGroup = 'A -> Group';
await messageSent(windowA, msgAToGroup);
// Verify it was received by other two accounts
// Navigate to group in window B
await clickOnTestIdWithText(windowB, 'message-section');
// Click on test group
await clickOnMatchingText(windowB, testGroupName);
// wait for selector 'test message' in chat window
await waitForReadableMessageWithText(windowB, msgAToGroup);
// Send reply message
const msgBToGroup = 'B -> Group';
await messageSent(windowB, msgBToGroup);
// Navigate to group in window C
await clickOnTestIdWithText(windowC, 'message-section');
// Click on test group
await clickOnMatchingText(windowC, testGroupName);
// windowC must see the message from A
await waitForReadableMessageWithText(windowC, msgAToGroup);
// windowC must see the message from B
await waitForReadableMessageWithText(windowC, msgBToGroup);
// Send message from C to the group
const msgCToGroup = 'C -> Group';
await messageSent(windowC, msgCToGroup);
// windowA should see the message from B and the message from C
await waitForReadableMessageWithText(windowA, msgBToGroup);
await waitForReadableMessageWithText(windowA, msgCToGroup);