
133 lines
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import { ContactInfo } from 'libsession_util_nodejs';
import { ConversationModel } from '../../../models/conversation';
import { getContactInfoFromDBValues } from '../../../types/sqlSharedTypes';
import { ContactsWrapperActions } from '../../../webworker/workers/browser/libsession_worker_interface';
import { getConversationController } from '../../conversations';
import { PubKey } from '../../types';
* This file is centralizing the management of data from the Contacts Wrapper of libsession.
* It allows to make changes to the wrapper and keeps track of the decoded values of those in the in-memory cache named `mappedContactWrapperValues`.
* The wrapper content is just a blob which has no structure.
* Rather than having to fetch the required data from it everytime we need it (during each rerendering), we keep a decoded cache here.
* Essentially, on app start we load all the content from the wrapper with `SessionUtilContact.refreshMappedValue` during the ConversationController initial load.
* Then, everytime we do a change to the contacts wrapper, we do it through `insertContactFromDBIntoWrapperAndRefresh`.
* This applies the change from the in-memory conversationModel to the ContactsWrapper, refetch the data from it and update the decoded cache `mappedContactWrapperValues` with the up to date data.
* It then triggers a UI refresh of that specific conversation with `triggerUIRefresh` to make sure whatever is displayed on screen is still up to date with the wrapper content.
* Also, to make sure that our wrapper is up to date, we schedule jobs to be run and fetch all contacts and update all the wrappers entries.
* This is done in the
* - `ConfigurationSyncJob` (sending data to the network) and the
const mappedContactWrapperValues = new Map<string, ContactInfo>();
* Returns true if that conversation is not us, is private, is not blinded.
* We want to sync the message request status so we need to allow a contact even if it's not approved, did not approve us and is not blocked.
function isContactToStoreInWrapper(convo: ConversationModel): boolean {
return (
!convo.isMe() && convo.isPrivate() && convo.isActive() && !PubKey.hasBlindedPrefix(
* Fetches the specified convo and updates the required field in the wrapper.
* If that contact does not exist in the wrapper, it is created before being updated.
// tslint:disable-next-line: cyclomatic-complexity
async function insertContactFromDBIntoWrapperAndRefresh(id: string): Promise<void> {
const foundConvo = getConversationController().get(id);
if (!foundConvo) {
if (!isContactToStoreInWrapper(foundConvo)) {
const dbName = foundConvo.get('displayNameInProfile') || undefined;
const dbNickname = foundConvo.get('nickname') || undefined;
const dbProfileUrl = foundConvo.get('avatarPointer') || undefined;
const dbProfileKey = foundConvo.get('profileKey') || undefined;
const dbApproved = !!foundConvo.get('isApproved') || false;
const dbApprovedMe = !!foundConvo.get('didApproveMe') || false;
const dbBlocked = !!foundConvo.isBlocked() || false;
const priority = foundConvo.get('priority') || 0;
const expirationTimerSeconds = foundConvo.get('expireTimer') || 0;
const wrapperContact = getContactInfoFromDBValues({
try {
window.log.debug('inserting into contact wrapper: ', JSON.stringify(wrapperContact));
await ContactsWrapperActions.set(wrapperContact);
} catch (e) {
window.log.warn(`ContactsWrapperActions.set of ${id} failed with ${e.message}`);
// we still let this go through
await refreshMappedValue(id);
* @param duringAppStart set this to true if we should just fetch the cached value but not trigger a UI refresh of the corresponding conversation
async function refreshMappedValue(id: string, duringAppStart = false) {
const fromWrapper = await ContactsWrapperActions.get(id);
if (fromWrapper) {
if (!duringAppStart) {
} else {
if (mappedContactWrapperValues.delete(id)) {
if (!duringAppStart) {
function setMappedValue(info: ContactInfo) {
mappedContactWrapperValues.set(, info);
// TODO we should probably update the returned type as we only use the createdAt from the wrapper returned data
function getContactCached(id: string) {
return mappedContactWrapperValues.get(id);
async function removeContactFromWrapper(id: string) {
try {
await ContactsWrapperActions.erase(id);
} catch (e) {
window.log.warn(`ContactsWrapperActions.erase of ${id} failed with ${e.message}`);
await refreshMappedValue(id);
export const SessionUtilContact = {