2021-05-07 13:24:50 +10:00

888 lines
35 KiB

"copyErrorAndQuit": {
"message": "Kopírovať a ukončiť",
"description": "Shown in the top-level error popup, allowing user to copy the error text and close the app"
"databaseError": {
"message": "Chyba databázy",
"description": "Shown in a popup if the database cannot start up properly"
"mainMenuFile": {
"message": "&Súbor",
"description": "The label that is used for the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuEdit": {
"message": "&Upraviť",
"description": "The label that is used for the Edit menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuView": {
"message": "&Zobraziť",
"description": "The label that is used for the View menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuWindow": {
"message": "&Okno",
"description": "The label that is used for the Window menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuHelp": {
"message": "&Pomocník",
"description": "The label that is used for the Help menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"appMenuHide": {
"message": "Skryť",
"description": "Application menu command to hide the window"
"appMenuHideOthers": {
"message": "Skryť ostatné",
"description": "Application menu command to hide all other windows"
"appMenuUnhide": {
"message": "Ukázať všteky",
"description": "Application menu command to show all application windows"
"appMenuQuit": {
"message": "Ukončiť Session",
"description": "Application menu command to close the application"
"editMenuUndo": {
"message": "Späť",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove recently-typed text"
"editMenuRedo": {
"message": "Znova",
"description": "Edit menu command to restore previously undone typed text"
"editMenuCut": {
"message": "Vystrihnúť",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove selected text and add it to clipboard"
"editMenuCopy": {
"message": "Kopírovať",
"description": "Edit menu command to add selected text to clipboard"
"editMenuPaste": {
"message": "Vložiť",
"description": "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location"
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": {
"message": "Vložiť a prispôsobiť štýl",
"description": "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location, taking only text and not style information"
"editMenuDelete": {
"message": "Vymazať",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove the selected text"
"editMenuSelectAll": {
"message": "Vybrať všetko",
"description": "Edit menu comand to select all of the text in selected text box"
"editMenuStartSpeaking": {
"message": "Začať hovoriť",
"description": "Edit menu item under 'speech' to start dictation"
"editMenuStopSpeaking": {
"message": "Prestať hovoriť",
"description": "Edit menu item under 'speech' to stop dictation"
"windowMenuClose": {
"message": "Zatvoriť okno",
"description": "Window menu command to close the current window"
"windowMenuMinimize": {
"message": "Minimalizovať",
"description": "Window menu command to minimize the current window"
"windowMenuZoom": {
"message": "Lupa",
"description": "Window menu command to make the current window the size of the whole screen"
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": {
"message": "Priviesť všetko do popredia",
"description": "Window menu command to bring all windows of current applicatinon to front"
"viewMenuResetZoom": {
"message": "Skutočná veľkosť",
"description": "View menu command to go back to the default zoom"
"viewMenuZoomIn": {
"message": "Priblížiť",
"description": "View menu command to make everything bigger"
"viewMenuZoomOut": {
"message": "Oddialiť",
"description": "View menu command to make everything smaller"
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": {
"message": "Celá obrazovka",
"description": "View menu command to enter or leave Full Screen mode"
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": {
"message": "Nástroje pre vývojárov",
"description": "View menu command to show or hide the developer tools"
"menuSetupWithImport": {
"message": "Nastaviť Importovaním",
"description": "When the application is not yet set up, menu option to start up the import sequence"
"loading": {
"message": "Nahrávanie...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen before we've loaded any messages"
"optimizingApplication": {
"message": "Optimalizovanie aplikácie...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations"
"chooseDirectory": {
"message": "Zvoľte priečinok",
"description": "Button to allow the user to find a folder on disk"
"loadDataHeader": {
"message": "Nahrajte svoje dáta",
"description": "Header shown on the first screen in the data import process"
"loadDataDescription": {
"message": "Práve ste dokončili proces exportu. Vaše kontakty a správy trpezlivo čakajú na vašom počítači. Zvoľte priečinok ktorý obsahuje vaše uložené Session dáta.",
"description": "Introduction to the process of importing messages and contacts from disk"
"importChooserTitle": {
"message": "Zvoľte priečinok s exportovanými dátami",
"description": "Title of the popup window used to select data previously exported"
"importErrorHeader": {
"message": "Niekde sa stala chyba!",
"description": "Header of the error screen after a failed import"
"importingHeader": {
"message": "Nahrávanie kontaktov a správ",
"description": "Header of screen shown as data is import"
"importErrorFirst": {
"message": "Uistite sa, že ste zvolili správny priečinok, ktorý obsahuje Vaše Session dáta. Meno priečinka by mal začínať \"Session Export\". Prípadne môžete vytvoriť novú kópiu Vašich dát v Chrome aplikácii.",
"description": "Message shown if the import went wrong; first paragraph"
"importErrorSecond": {
"message": "V prípade, že Vám tieto kroky nepomohli, pošlite nám ladiaci log (Zobraziť -> Ladiaci Log), aby sme Vám mohli pomôcť s migráciou.",
"description": "Message shown if the import went wrong; second paragraph"
"importAgain": {
"message": "Zvoľte priečinok a skúste to znova",
"description": "Button shown if the user runs into an error during import, allowing them to start over"
"importCompleteHeader": {
"message": "Úspech!",
"description": "Header shown on the screen at the end of a successful import process"
"importCompleteStartButton": {
"message": "Začnite používať Session Desktop",
"description": "Button shown at end of successful import process, nothing left but a restart"
"importCompleteLinkButton": {
"message": "Pripojte toto zariadenie k vašemu mobilnému telefónu",
"description": "Button shown at end of successful 'light' import process, so the standard linking process still needs to happen"
"me": {
"message": "Ja",
"description": "The label for yourself when shown in a group member list"
"view": {
"message": "Zobraziť",
"description": "Used as a label on a button allowing user to see more information"
"youLeftTheGroup": {
"message": "Opustili ste skupinu",
"description": "Displayed when a user can't send a message because they have left the group"
"unreadMessage": {
"message": "1 Neprečítaná Správa",
"description": "Text for unread message separator, just one message"
"unreadMessages": {
"message": "$count$ Neprečítané Správy",
"description": "Text for unread message separator, with count",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"debugLogExplanation": {
"message": "Tento záznam bude verejne sprístupnený k prehliadaniu pre prispievateľov. Pred odoslaním si ho môžete skontrolovať a upraviť.",
"description": ""
"debugLogError": {
"message": "Pri nahrávaní sa stala chyba! Prosím, zvážte manuálne pridanie logu do hlásenia o chybe.",
"description": ""
"reportIssue": {
"message": "Nahlásiť problém",
"description": "Link to open the issue tracker"
"gotIt": {
"message": "Rozumiem!",
"description": "Label for a button that dismisses a dialog. The user clicks it to confirm that they understand the message in the dialog."
"submit": {
"message": "Odoslať",
"description": ""
"incomingError": {
"message": "Chyba pri spracovaní prichádzajúcej správy",
"description": ""
"media": {
"message": "Médiá",
"description": "Header of the default pane in the media gallery, showing images and videos"
"mediaEmptyState": {
"message": "Táto konverzácia neobsahuje žiadne médiá",
"description": "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with media attachments (images or video)"
"documents": {
"message": "Dokumenty",
"description": "Header of the secondary pane in the media gallery, showing every non-media attachment"
"documentsEmptyState": {
"message": "Táto konverzácia neobsahuje žiadne dokumenty",
"description": "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with document attachments (anything other than images or video)"
"today": {
"message": "Dnes",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"yesterday": {
"message": "Včera",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"thisWeek": {
"message": "Tento týždeň",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"thisMonth": {
"message": "Tento mesiac",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"voiceMessage": {
"message": "Hlasová Správa",
"description": "Name for a voice message attachment"
"dangerousFileType": {
"message": "Tento typ súboru je z bezpečnostných dôvodov zakázaný",
"description": "Shown in toast when user attempts to send .exe file, for example"
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": {
"message": "Draft thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"description": "Shown while Session Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area",
"placeholders": {
"path": {
"content": "$1",
"example": ""
"previewThumbnail": {
"message": "Thumbnail link preview for $domain$",
"description": "Shown while Session Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area",
"placeholders": {
"path": {
"content": "$1",
"example": ""
"stagedImageAttachment": {
"message": "Draft image attachment: $path$",
"description": "Alt text for staged attachments",
"placeholders": {
"path": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "dog.jpg"
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": {
"message": "When including a non-image attachment, the limit is one attachment per message.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": {
"message": "V jednej správe nemôže byť súčasne príloha s obrázkom a príloha bez obrázku.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"maximumAttachments": {
"message": "K tejto správe nie je možné pridať ďalšie prílohy.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"fileSizeWarning": {
"message": "Ospravedlňujeme sa, vybraný súbor prekročil limit veľkosti správy.",
"description": ""
"unableToLoadAttachment": {
"message": "Zvolenú prílohu sa nepodarilo načítať.",
"description": ""
"offline": {
"message": "Offline",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client has no network connection."
"checkNetworkConnection": {
"message": "Skontrolujte svoje sieťové pripojenie.",
"description": "Obvious instructions for when a user's computer loses its network connection"
"attemptingReconnection": {
"message": "Pokus o znovupripojenie za $reconnect_duration_in_seconds$ sekúnd",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"reconnect_duration_in_seconds": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"submitDebugLog": {
"message": "Ladiaci log",
"description": "Menu item and header text for debug log modal (sentence case)"
"debugLog": {
"message": "Ladiaci Log",
"description": "View menu item to open the debug log (title case)"
"goToReleaseNotes": {
"message": "Navštíviť Poznámky k Vydaniu",
"description": ""
"goToSupportPage": {
"message": "Navštíviť Stránku Podpory",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the support page"
"menuReportIssue": {
"message": "Nahlásiť Problém",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to GitHub new issue form (title case)"
"speech": {
"message": "Reč",
"description": "Item under the Edit menu, with 'start/stop speaking' items below it"
"show": {
"message": "Zobraziť",
"description": "Command under Window menu, to show the window"
"search": {
"message": "Hľadať",
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"noSearchResults": {
"message": "Žiadne výsledky pre \"$searchTerm$\"",
"description": "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found",
"placeholders": {
"searchTerm": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "dog"
"conversationsHeader": {
"message": "Konverzácie",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"contactsHeader": {
"message": "Kontakty",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"messagesHeader": {
"message": "Správy",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"typingAlt": {
"message": "Animácia písania pre túto konverzáciu",
"description": "Used as the 'title' attibute for the typing animation"
"contactAvatarAlt": {
"message": "Avatar kontaktu $name$",
"description": "Used in the alt tag for the image avatar of a contact",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"downloadAttachment": {
"message": "Stiahnuť prílohu",
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"replyToMessage": {
"message": "Odpovedať na správu",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to start crafting a message with a quotation"
"originalMessageNotFound": {
"message": "Pôvodná správa sa nenašla",
"description": "Shown in quote if reference message was not found as message was initially downloaded and processed"
"originalMessageNotAvailable": {
"message": "Pôvodná správa už nie je k dispozícii",
"description": "Shown in toast if user clicks on quote that references message no longer in database"
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": {
"message": "Pôvodná správa sa našla, ale ešte nebola načítaná. Pre načítanie sa posuňte vyššie.",
"description": "Shown in toast if user clicks on quote references messages not loaded in view, but in database"
"you": {
"message": "Vy",
"description": "In Android theme, shown in quote if you or someone else replies to you"
"audioPermissionNeeded": {
"message": "Pre posielanie zvukových správ, povoľte aplikácii Session Desktop prístup k mikrofónu.",
"description": "Shown if the user attempts to send an audio message without audio permssions turned on"
"audio": {
"message": "Zvuk",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing an audio attachment if no text was originally provided with that attachment"
"video": {
"message": "Video",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a video if no text was originally provided with that video"
"photo": {
"message": "Fotka",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a photo if no text was originally provided with that image"
"cannotUpdate": {
"message": "Cannot Update",
"description": "Shown as the title of our update error dialogs on windows"
"ok": {
"message": "OK",
"description": ""
"cancel": {
"message": "Zrušiť",
"description": ""
"error": {
"message": "Chyba",
"description": ""
"delete": {
"message": "Vymazať",
"description": ""
"deleteWarning": {
"message": "Ste si istý? Kliknutím na \"Zmazať\" natrvalo odstránite túto správu iba z tohto zariadenia.",
"description": ""
"deleteThisMessage": {
"message": "Vymazať túto správu",
"description": ""
"from": {
"message": "Od",
"description": "Label for the sender of a message"
"to": {
"message": "pre",
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"sent": {
"message": "Odoslaná",
"description": "Label for the time a message was sent"
"received": {
"message": "Prijatá",
"description": "Label for the time a message was received"
"sendMessage": {
"message": "Poslať správu",
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"groupMembers": {
"message": "Členy skupiny",
"description": ""
"deleteMessage": {
"message": "Vymazať správu",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, deletes single message"
"deleteMessages": {
"message": "Zmazať správy",
"description": "Menu item for deleting messages, title case."
"deleteConversationConfirmation": {
"message": "Natrvalo zmazať túto konverzáciu?",
"description": "Confirmation dialog text that asks the user if they really wish to delete the conversation. Answer buttons use the strings 'ok' and 'cancel'. The deletion is permanent, i.e. it cannot be undone."
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "Náhľad obrázku z citovanej správy.",
"description": "Used in alt tag of thumbnail images inside of an embedded message quote"
"imageAttachmentAlt": {
"message": "Obrázok pripojený k správe",
"description": "Used in alt tag of image attachment"
"videoAttachmentAlt": {
"message": "Náhľad videa pripojený k správe",
"description": "Used in alt tag of video attachment preview"
"lightboxImageAlt": {
"message": "Obrázok z konverzácie",
"description": "Used in the alt tag for the image shown in a full-screen lightbox view"
"imageCaptionIconAlt": {
"message": "Ikona indukujúca, že tento obrázok má popis",
"description": "Used for the icon layered on top of an image in message bubbles"
"addACaption": {
"message": "Pridaj popis...",
"description": ""
"save": {
"message": "Uložiť",
"description": ""
"permissions": {
"message": "Povolenia",
"description": "Header for permissions section of settings"
"mediaPermissionsDescription": {
"message": "Povoliť prústup ku kamere a mikrofónu",
"description": "Description of the media permission description"
"general": {
"message": "Všeobecné",
"description": "Header for general options on the settings screen"
"spellCheckDescription": {
"message": "Povoliť kontrolu pravopisu textu zadaného do textového poľa",
"description": "Description of the media permission description"
"notifications": {
"message": "Upozornenia",
"description": "Header for notification settings"
"notificationSettingsDialog": {
"message": "V oznámeniach o nových správach ukázať:",
"description": "Explain the purpose of the notification settings"
"disableNotifications": {
"message": "Vypnúť upozornenia",
"description": "Label for disabling notifications"
"nameAndMessage": {
"message": "Meno a správu",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display name and message text"
"noNameOrMessage": {
"message": "Neukázať meno ani správu",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display no name and no message text"
"nameOnly": {
"message": "Iba meno",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display sender name only"
"newMessage": {
"message": "Nová správa",
"description": "Displayed in notifications for only 1 message"
"newMessages": {
"message": "Nové správy",
"description": "Displayed in notifications for multiple messages"
"notificationMostRecentFrom": {
"message": "Najnovšie od:",
"description": "Displayed in notifications when setting is 'name only' and more than one message is waiting"
"notificationFrom": {
"message": "Od:",
"description": "Displayed in notifications when setting is 'name only' and one message is waiting"
"notificationMostRecent": {
"message": "Najnovšie:",
"description": "Displayed in notifications when setting is 'name and message' and more than one message is waiting"
"sendFailed": {
"message": "Odoslanie zlyhalo",
"description": "Shown on outgoing message if it fails to send"
"expiredWarning": {
"message": "Táto verzia aplikácie Session Desktop je zastaralá. Pre pokračovanie ju prosím aktualizujte na najnovšiu verziu.",
"description": "Warning notification that this version of the app has expired"
"upgrade": {
"message": "Aktualizovať",
"description": "Label text for button to upgrade the app to the latest version"
"mediaMessage": {
"message": "Multimediálna správa",
"description": "Description of a message that has an attachment and no text, displayed in the conversation list as a preview."
"timestamp_s": {
"message": "teraz",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent less than a minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"timestamp_m": {
"message": "1 minútou",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"timestamp_h": {
"message": "1 hodina",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one hour ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"timestampFormat_M": {
"message": "D MMM",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"unblockToSend": {
"message": "Pre odoslanie správy kontakt odblokujte.",
"description": "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked number"
"unblockGroupToSend": {
"message": "Odblokujte skupinu pre poslanie správy.",
"description": "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked group"
"youChangedTheTimer": {
"message": "Nastavili ste časovač miznúcich správ na $time$",
"description": "Message displayed when you change the message expiration timer in a conversation.",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10m"
"timerSetOnSync": {
"message": "Časovač miznúcich správ nastavený na $time$",
"description": "Message displayed when timer is set on initial link of desktop device.",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10m"
"theyChangedTheTimer": {
"message": "$name$ nastavil/a časovač miznúcich správ na $time$",
"description": "Message displayed when someone else changes the message expiration timer in a conversation.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"time": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "10m"
"timerOption_0_seconds": {
"message": "vypnuté",
"description": "Label for option to turn off message expiration in the timer menu"
"timerOption_5_seconds": {
"message": "5 sekúnd",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_10_seconds": {
"message": "10 sekúnd",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_30_seconds": {
"message": "30 sekúnd",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_minute": {
"message": "1 minúta",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_5_minutes": {
"message": "5 minút",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_30_minutes": {
"message": "30 minút",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_hour": {
"message": "1 hodina",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_6_hours": {
"message": "6 hodín",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_12_hours": {
"message": "12 hodín",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_day": {
"message": "1 deň",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"timerOption_1_week": {
"message": "1 týždeň",
"description": "Label for a selectable option in the message expiration timer menu"
"disappearingMessages": {
"message": "Miznúce správy",
"description": "Conversation menu option to enable disappearing messages"
"timerOption_0_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "vypnutý",
"description": "Short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation list snippet"
"timerOption_5_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "5s",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_10_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "10s",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_30_seconds_abbreviated": {
"message": "30s",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_minute_abbreviated": {
"message": "1m",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_5_minutes_abbreviated": {
"message": "5m",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_30_minutes_abbreviated": {
"message": "30m",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_hour_abbreviated": {
"message": "1h",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_6_hours_abbreviated": {
"message": "6h",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_12_hours_abbreviated": {
"message": "12h",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_day_abbreviated": {
"message": "1d",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"timerOption_1_week_abbreviated": {
"message": "1t",
"description": "Very short format indicating current timer setting in the conversation header"
"disappearingMessagesDisabled": {
"message": "Miznúce správy vypnuté",
"description": "Displayed in the left pane when the timer is turned off"
"disabledDisappearingMessages": {
"message": "$name$ vypol/la miznúce správy",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John"
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": {
"message": "Vypli ste miznúce správy",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off"
"timerSetTo": {
"message": "Časovač nastavený na $time$",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is updated by some automatic action, or in the left pane",
"placeholders": {
"time": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1w"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "Poznámka pre seba",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"startConversation": {
"message": "Začať nový rozhovor…",
"description": "Label underneath number a user enters that is not an existing contact"
"invalidNumberError": {
"message": "Neplatné číslo",
"description": "When a person inputs a number that is invalid"
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "Dostupná aktualizácia pre Session",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Je k dispozícii nová verzia Session.",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Reštartujte Session pre dokončenie aktualizácie.",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Reštartovať Session",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": {
"message": "Neskôr",
"description": ""
"leftTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ opustil/a skupinu",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a single person leaves the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Bob"
"multipleLeftTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ opustil/a skupinu",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when multiple people leave the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice, Bob"
"updatedTheGroup": {
"message": "Skupina bola aktualizovaná",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group"
"titleIsNow": {
"message": "Názov skupiny sa zmenil na \"$name$\"",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone changes the title of the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Book Club"
"joinedTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ sa pripojil/a k skupine",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a single person joins the group",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice"
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": {
"message": "$names$ sa pripojili k skupine",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when more than one person joins the group",
"placeholders": {
"names": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Alice, Bob"