
67 lines
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import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as DataShape from '../../../../ts/data/data';
const globalAny: any = global;
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
// We have to do this in a weird way because Data uses module.exports
// which doesn't play well with sinon or ImportMock
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-require-imports no-var-requires
const Data = require('../../../../ts/data/data');
type DataFunction = typeof DataShape;
* Stub a function inside Data.
* Note: This uses a custom sandbox.
* Please call `restoreStubs()` or `stub.restore()` to restore original functionality.
export function stubData<K extends keyof DataFunction>(fn: K): sinon.SinonStub {
return sandbox.stub(Data, fn);
type WindowValue<K extends keyof Window> = Partial<Window[K]> | undefined;
* Stub a window object.
* Note: This uses a custom sandbox.
* Please call `restoreStubs()` or `stub.restore()` to restore original functionality.
export function stubWindow<K extends keyof Window>(fn: K, value: WindowValue<K>) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-typeof-undefined
if (typeof globalAny.window === 'undefined') {
globalAny.window = {};
const set = (newValue: WindowValue<K>) => {
globalAny.window[fn] = newValue;
const get = () => {
return globalAny.window[fn] as WindowValue<K>;
globalAny.window[fn] = value;
return {
export function restoreStubs() {
globalAny.window = undefined;
export const stubWindowLog = () => {
stubWindow('log', {
// tslint:disable: no-void-expression
// tslint:disable: no-console
info: (args: any) =>,
warn: (args: any) => console.warn(args),
error: (args: any) => console.error(args),