2021-07-30 10:08:26 +10:00

1787 lines
67 KiB

!function(t,i){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=i():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],i):"object"==typeof exports?exports.Long=i():t.Long=i()}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,function(){return function(t){function i(e){if(n[e])return n[e].exports;var r=n[e]={i:e,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[e].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,i),r.l=!0,r.exports}var n={};return i.m=t,i.c=n,i.d=function(t,n,e){i.o(t,n)||Object.defineProperty(t,n,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:e})},i.n=function(t){var n=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return i.d(n,"a",n),n},i.o=function(t,i){return,i)},i.p="",i(i.s=0)}([function(t,i){function n(t,i,n){this.low=0|t,this.high=0|i,this.unsigned=!!n}function e(t){return!0===(t&&t.__isLong__)}function r(t,i){var n,e,r;return i?(t>>>=0,(r=0<=t&&t<256)&&(e=l[t])?e:(n=h(t,(0|t)<0?-1:0,!0),r&&(l[t]=n),n)):(t|=0,(r=-128<=t&&t<128)&&(e=f[t])?e:(n=h(t,t<0?-1:0,!1),r&&(f[t]=n),n))}function s(t,i){if(isNaN(t))return i?p:m;if(i){if(t<0)return p;if(t>=c)return q}else{if(t<=-v)return _;if(t+1>=v)return E}return t<0?s(-t,i).neg():h(t%d|0,t/d|0,i)}function h(t,i,e){return new n(t,i,e)}function u(t,i,n){if(0===t.length)throw Error("empty string");if("NaN"===t||"Infinity"===t||"+Infinity"===t||"-Infinity"===t)return m;if("number"==typeof i?(n=i,i=!1):i=!!i,(n=n||10)<2||36<n)throw RangeError("radix");var e;if((e=t.indexOf("-"))>0)throw Error("interior hyphen");if(0===e)return u(t.substring(1),i,n).neg();for(var r=s(a(n,8)),h=m,o=0;o<t.length;o+=8){var g=Math.min(8,t.length-o),f=parseInt(t.substring(o,o+g),n);if(g<8){var l=s(a(n,g));h=h.mul(l).add(s(f))}else h=h.mul(r),h=h.add(s(f))}return h.unsigned=i,h}function o(t,i){return"number"==typeof t?s(t,i):"string"==typeof t?u(t,i):h(t.low,t.high,"boolean"==typeof i?i:t.unsigned)}t.exports=n;var g=null;try{g=new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,13,2,96,0,1,127,96,4,127,127,127,127,1,127,3,7,6,0,1,1,1,1,1,6,6,1,127,1,65,0,11,7,50,6,3,109,117,108,0,1,5,100,105,118,95,115,0,2,5,100,105,118,95,117,0,3,5,114,101,109,95,115,0,4,5,114,101,109,95,117,0,5,8,103,101,116,95,104,105,103,104,0,0,10,191,1,6,4,0,35,0,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,126,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,127,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,128,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,129,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,130,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11])),{}).exports}catch(t){}n.prototype.__isLong__,Object.defineProperty(n.prototype,"__isLong__",{value:!0}),n.isLong=e;var f={},l={};n.fromInt=r,n.fromNumber=s,n.fromBits=h;var a=Math.pow;n.fromString=u,n.fromValue=o;var d=4294967296,c=d*d,v=c/2,w=r(1<<24),m=r(0);n.ZERO=m;var p=r(0,!0);n.UZERO=p;var y=r(1);n.ONE=y;var b=r(1,!0);n.UONE=b;var N=r(-1);n.NEG_ONE=N;var E=h(-1,2147483647,!1);n.MAX_VALUE=E;var q=h(-1,-1,!0);n.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE=q;var _=h(0,-2147483648,!1);n.MIN_VALUE=_;var B=n.prototype;B.toInt=function(){return this.unsigned?this.low>>>0:this.low},B.toNumber=function(){return this.unsigned?(this.high>>>0)*d+(this.low>>>0):this.high*d+(this.low>>>0)},B.toString=function(t){if((t=t||10)<2||36<t)throw RangeError("radix");if(this.isZero())return"0";if(this.isNegative()){if(this.eq(_)){var i=s(t),n=this.div(i),e=n.mul(i).sub(this);return n.toString(t)+e.toInt().toString(t)}return"-"+this.neg().toString(t)}for(var r=s(a(t,6),this.unsigned),h=this,u="";;){var o=h.div(r),g=h.sub(o.mul(r)).toInt()>>>0,f=g.toString(t);if(h=o,h.isZero())return f+u;for(;f.length<6;)f="0"+f;u=""+f+u}},B.getHighBits=function(){return this.high},B.getHighBitsUnsigned=function(){return this.high>>>0},B.getLowBits=function(){return this.low},B.getLowBitsUnsigned=function(){return this.low>>>0},B.getNumBitsAbs=function(){if(this.isNegative())return this.eq(_)?64:this.neg().getNumBitsAbs();for(var t=0!=this.high?this.high:this.low,i=31;i>0&&0==(t&1<<i);i--);return 0!=this.high?i+33:i+1},B.isZero=function(){return 0===this.high&&0===this.low},B.eqz=B.isZero,B.isNegative=function(){return!this.unsigned&&this.high<0},B.isPositive=function(){return this.unsigned||this.high>=0},B.isOdd=function(){return 1==(1&this.low)},B.isEven=function(){return 0==(1&this.low)},B.equals=function(t){return e(t)||(t=o(t)),(this.unsigned===t.unsigned||this.high>>>31!=1||t.high>>>31!=1)&&(this.high===t.high&&this.low===t.low)},B.eq=B.equals,B.notEquals=function(t){return!this.eq(t)},B.neq=B.notEquals,,B.lessThan=function(t){return this.comp(t)<0},,B.lessThanOrEqual=function(t){return this.comp(t)<=0},B.lte=B.lessThanOrEqual,B.le=B.lessThanOrEqual,B.greaterThan=function(t){return this.comp(t)>0},,B.greaterThanOrEqual=function(t){return this.comp(t)>=0},B.gte=B.greaterThanOrEqual,,{if(e(t)||(t=o(t)),this.eq(t))return 0;var i=this.isNegative(),n=t.isNegative();return i&&!n?-1:!i&&n?1:this.unsigned?t.high>>>0>this.high>>>0||t.high===this.high&&t.low>>>0>this.low>>>0?-1:1:this.sub(t).isNegative()?-1:1},,B.negate=function(){return!this.unsigned&&this.eq(_)?_:this.not().add(y)},B.neg=B.negate,B.add=function(t){e(t)||(t=o(t));var i=this.high>>>16,n=65535&this.high,r=this.low>>>16,s=65535&this.low,u=t.high>>>16,g=65535&t.high,f=t.low>>>16,l=65535&t.low,a=0,d=0,c=0,v=0;return v+=s+l,c+=v>>>16,v&=65535,c+=r+f,d+=c>>>16,c&=65535,d+=n+g,a+=d>>>16,d&=65535,a+=i+u,a&=65535,h(c<<16|v,a<<16|d,this.unsigned)},B.subtract=function(t){return e(t)||(t=o(t)),this.add(t.neg())},B.sub=B.subtract,B.multiply=function(t){if(this.isZero())return m;if(e(t)||(t=o(t)),g){return h(g.mul(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high),g.get_high(),this.unsigned)}if(t.isZero())return m;if(this.eq(_))return t.isOdd()?_:m;if(t.eq(_))return this.isOdd()?_:m;if(this.isNegative())return t.isNegative()?this.neg().mul(t.neg()):this.neg().mul(t).neg();if(t.isNegative())return this.mul(t.neg()).neg();if( s(this.toNumber()*t.toNumber(),this.unsigned);var i=this.high>>>16,n=65535&this.high,r=this.low>>>16,u=65535&this.low,f=t.high>>>16,l=65535&t.high,a=t.low>>>16,d=65535&t.low,c=0,v=0,p=0,y=0;return y+=u*d,p+=y>>>16,y&=65535,p+=r*d,v+=p>>>16,p&=65535,p+=u*a,v+=p>>>16,p&=65535,v+=n*d,c+=v>>>16,v&=65535,v+=r*a,c+=v>>>16,v&=65535,v+=u*l,c+=v>>>16,v&=65535,c+=i*d+n*a+r*l+u*f,c&=65535,h(p<<16|y,c<<16|v,this.unsigned)},B.mul=B.multiply,B.divide=function(t){if(e(t)||(t=o(t)),t.isZero())throw Error("division by zero");if(g){if(!this.unsigned&&-2147483648===this.high&&-1===t.low&&-1===t.high)return this;return h((this.unsigned?g.div_u:g.div_s)(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high),g.get_high(),this.unsigned)}if(this.isZero())return this.unsigned?p:m;var i,n,r;if(this.unsigned){if(t.unsigned||(t=t.toUnsigned()), p;if( b;r=p}else{if(this.eq(_)){if(t.eq(y)||t.eq(N))return _;if(t.eq(_))return y;return i=this.shr(1).div(t).shl(1),i.eq(m)?t.isNegative()?y:N:(n=this.sub(t.mul(i)),r=i.add(n.div(t)))}if(t.eq(_))return this.unsigned?p:m;if(this.isNegative())return t.isNegative()?this.neg().div(t.neg()):this.neg().div(t).neg();if(t.isNegative())return this.div(t.neg()).neg();r=m}for(n=this;n.gte(t);){i=Math.max(1,Math.floor(n.toNumber()/t.toNumber()));for(var u=Math.ceil(Math.log(i)/Math.LN2),f=u<=48?1:a(2,u-48),l=s(i),d=l.mul(t);d.isNegative()||;)i-=f,l=s(i,this.unsigned),d=l.mul(t);l.isZero()&&(l=y),r=r.add(l),n=n.sub(d)}return r},B.div=B.divide,B.modulo=function(t){if(e(t)||(t=o(t)),g){return h((this.unsigned?g.rem_u:g.rem_s)(this.low,this.high,t.low,t.high),g.get_high(),this.unsigned)}return this.sub(this.div(t).mul(t))},B.mod=B.modulo,B.rem=B.modulo,B.not=function(){return h(~this.low,~this.high,this.unsigned)},B.and=function(t){return e(t)||(t=o(t)),h(this.low&t.low,this.high&t.high,this.unsigned)},B.or=function(t){return e(t)||(t=o(t)),h(this.low|t.low,this.high|t.high,this.unsigned)},B.xor=function(t){return e(t)||(t=o(t)),h(this.low^t.low,this.high^t.high,this.unsigned)},B.shiftLeft=function(t){return e(t)&&(t=t.toInt()),0==(t&=63)?this:t<32?h(this.low<<t,this.high<<t|this.low>>>32-t,this.unsigned):h(0,this.low<<t-32,this.unsigned)},B.shl=B.shiftLeft,B.shiftRight=function(t){return e(t)&&(t=t.toInt()),0==(t&=63)?this:t<32?h(this.low>>>t|this.high<<32-t,this.high>>t,this.unsigned):h(this.high>>t-32,this.high>=0?0:-1,this.unsigned)},B.shr=B.shiftRight,B.shiftRightUnsigned=function(t){if(e(t)&&(t=t.toInt()),0===(t&=63))return this;var i=this.high;if(t<32){return h(this.low>>>t|i<<32-t,i>>>t,this.unsigned)}return 32===t?h(i,0,this.unsigned):h(i>>>t-32,0,this.unsigned)},B.shru=B.shiftRightUnsigned,B.shr_u=B.shiftRightUnsigned,B.toSigned=function(){return this.unsigned?h(this.low,this.high,!1):this},B.toUnsigned=function(){return this.unsigned?this:h(this.low,this.high,!0)},B.toBytes=function(t){return t?this.toBytesLE():this.toBytesBE()},B.toBytesLE=function(){var t=this.high,i=this.low;return[255&i,i>>>8&255,i>>>16&255,i>>>24,255&t,t>>>8&255,t>>>16&255,t>>>24]},B.toBytesBE=function(){var t=this.high,i=this.low;return[t>>>24,t>>>16&255,t>>>8&255,255&t,i>>>24,i>>>16&255,i>>>8&255,255&i]},n.fromBytes=function(t,i,e){return e?n.fromBytesLE(t,i):n.fromBytesBE(t,i)},n.fromBytesLE=function(t,i){return new n(t[0]|t[1]<<8|t[2]<<16|t[3]<<24,t[4]|t[5]<<8|t[6]<<16|t[7]<<24,i)},n.fromBytesBE=function(t,i){return new n(t[4]<<24|t[5]<<16|t[6]<<8|t[7],t[0]<<24|t[1]<<16|t[2]<<8|t[3],i)}}])});
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// <>.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
class JSBI extends Array {
constructor(length, sign) {
if (length > JSBI.__kMaxLength) {
throw new RangeError('Maximum BigInt size exceeded');
this.sign = sign;
static BigInt(arg) {
if (typeof arg === 'number') {
if (arg === 0) return JSBI.__zero();
if ((arg | 0) === arg) {
if (arg < 0) {
return JSBI.__oneDigit(-arg, true);
return JSBI.__oneDigit(arg, false);
if (!Number.isFinite(arg) || Math.floor(arg) !== arg) {
throw new RangeError('The number ' + arg + ' cannot be converted to ' +
'BigInt because it is not an integer');
return JSBI.__fromDouble(arg);
} else if (typeof arg === 'string') {
const result = JSBI.__fromString(arg);
if (result === null) {
throw new SyntaxError('Cannot convert ' + arg + ' to a BigInt');
return result;
} else if (typeof arg === 'boolean') {
if (arg === true) {
return JSBI.__oneDigit(1, false);
return JSBI.__zero();
} else if (typeof arg === 'object') {
if (arg.constructor === JSBI) return arg;
const primitive = JSBI.__toPrimitive(arg);
return JSBI.BigInt(primitive);
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert ' + arg + ' to a BigInt');
toDebugString() {
const result = ['BigInt['];
for (const digit of this) {
result.push((digit ? (digit >>> 0).toString(16) : digit) + ', ');
return result.join('');
toString(radix = 10) {
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
throw new RangeError(
'toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36');
if (this.length === 0) return '0';
if ((radix & (radix - 1)) === 0) {
return JSBI.__toStringBasePowerOfTwo(this, radix);
return JSBI.__toStringGeneric(this, radix, false);
// Equivalent of "Number(my_bigint)" in the native implementation.
static toNumber(x) {
const xLength = x.length;
if (xLength === 0) return 0;
if (xLength === 1) {
const value = x.__unsignedDigit(0);
return x.sign ? -value : value;
const xMsd = x.__digit(xLength - 1);
const msdLeadingZeros = Math.clz32(xMsd);
const xBitLength = xLength * 32 - msdLeadingZeros;
if (xBitLength > 1024) return x.sign ? -Infinity : Infinity;
let exponent = xBitLength - 1;
let currentDigit = xMsd;
let digitIndex = xLength - 1;
const shift = msdLeadingZeros + 1;
let mantissaHigh = (shift === 32) ? 0 : currentDigit << shift;
mantissaHigh >>>= 12;
const mantissaHighBitsUnset = shift - 12;
let mantissaLow = (shift >= 12) ? 0 : (currentDigit << (20 + shift));
let mantissaLowBitsUnset = 20 + shift;
if (mantissaHighBitsUnset > 0 && digitIndex > 0) {
currentDigit = x.__digit(digitIndex);
mantissaHigh |= (currentDigit >>> (32 - mantissaHighBitsUnset));
mantissaLow = currentDigit << mantissaHighBitsUnset;
mantissaLowBitsUnset = mantissaHighBitsUnset;
if (mantissaLowBitsUnset > 0 && digitIndex > 0) {
currentDigit = x.__digit(digitIndex);
mantissaLow |= (currentDigit >>> (32 - mantissaLowBitsUnset));
mantissaLowBitsUnset -= 32;
const rounding = JSBI.__decideRounding(x, mantissaLowBitsUnset,
digitIndex, currentDigit);
if (rounding === 1 || (rounding === 0 && (mantissaLow & 1) === 1)) {
mantissaLow = (mantissaLow + 1) >>> 0;
if (mantissaLow === 0) {
// Incrementing mantissaLow overflowed.
if ((mantissaHigh >>> 20) !== 0) {
// Incrementing mantissaHigh overflowed.
mantissaHigh = 0;
if (exponent > 1023) {
// Incrementing the exponent overflowed.
return x.sign ? -Infinity : Infinity;
const signBit = x.sign ? (1 << 31) : 0;
exponent = (exponent + 0x3FF) << 20;
JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[1] = signBit | exponent | mantissaHigh;
JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[0] = mantissaLow;
return JSBI.__kBitConversionDouble[0];
// Operations.
static unaryMinus(x) {
if (x.length === 0) return x;
const result = x.__copy();
result.sign = !x.sign;
return result;
static bitwiseNot(x) {
if (x.sign) {
// ~(-x) == ~(~(x-1)) == x-1
return JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(x).__trim();
// ~x == -x-1 == -(x+1)
return JSBI.__absoluteAddOne(x, true);
static exponentiate(x, y) {
if (y.sign) {
throw new RangeError('Exponent must be positive');
if (y.length === 0) {
return JSBI.__oneDigit(1, false);
if (x.length === 0) return x;
if (x.length === 1 && x.__digit(0) === 1) {
// (-1) ** even_number == 1.
if (x.sign && (y.__digit(0) & 1) === 0) {
return JSBI.unaryMinus(x);
// (-1) ** odd_number == -1, 1 ** anything == 1.
return x;
// For all bases >= 2, very large exponents would lead to unrepresentable
// results.
if (y.length > 1) throw new RangeError('BigInt too big');
let expValue = y.__unsignedDigit(0);
if (expValue === 1) return x;
if (expValue >= JSBI.__kMaxLengthBits) {
throw new RangeError('BigInt too big');
if (x.length === 1 && x.__digit(0) === 2) {
// Fast path for 2^n.
const neededDigits = 1 + (expValue >>> 5);
const sign = x.sign && ((expValue & 1) !== 0);
const result = new JSBI(neededDigits, sign);
// All bits are zero. Now set the n-th bit.
const msd = 1 << (expValue & 31);
result.__setDigit(neededDigits - 1, msd);
return result;
let result = null;
let runningSquare = x;
// This implicitly sets the result's sign correctly.
if ((expValue & 1) !== 0) result = x;
expValue >>= 1;
for (; expValue !== 0; expValue >>= 1) {
runningSquare = JSBI.multiply(runningSquare, runningSquare);
if ((expValue & 1) !== 0) {
if (result === null) {
result = runningSquare;
} else {
result = JSBI.multiply(result, runningSquare);
return result;
static multiply(x, y) {
if (x.length === 0) return x;
if (y.length === 0) return y;
let resultLength = x.length + y.length;
if (x.__clzmsd() + y.__clzmsd() >= 32) {
const result = new JSBI(resultLength, x.sign !== y.sign);
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
JSBI.__multiplyAccumulate(y, x.__digit(i), result, i);
return result.__trim();
static divide(x, y) {
if (y.length === 0) throw new RangeError('Division by zero');
if (JSBI.__absoluteCompare(x, y) < 0) return JSBI.__zero();
const resultSign = x.sign !== y.sign;
const divisor = y.__unsignedDigit(0);
let quotient;
if (y.length === 1 && divisor <= 0xFFFF) {
if (divisor === 1) {
return resultSign === x.sign ? x : JSBI.unaryMinus(x);
quotient = JSBI.__absoluteDivSmall(x, divisor, null);
} else {
quotient = JSBI.__absoluteDivLarge(x, y, true, false);
quotient.sign = resultSign;
return quotient.__trim();
static remainder(x, y) {
if (y.length === 0) throw new RangeError('Division by zero');
if (JSBI.__absoluteCompare(x, y) < 0) return x;
const divisor = y.__unsignedDigit(0);
if (y.length === 1 && divisor <= 0xFFFF) {
if (divisor === 1) return JSBI.__zero();
const remainderDigit = JSBI.__absoluteModSmall(x, divisor);
if (remainderDigit === 0) return JSBI.__zero();
return JSBI.__oneDigit(remainderDigit, x.sign);
const remainder = JSBI.__absoluteDivLarge(x, y, false, true);
remainder.sign = x.sign;
return remainder.__trim();
static add(x, y) {
const sign = x.sign;
if (sign === y.sign) {
// x + y == x + y
// -x + -y == -(x + y)
return JSBI.__absoluteAdd(x, y, sign);
// x + -y == x - y == -(y - x)
// -x + y == y - x == -(x - y)
if (JSBI.__absoluteCompare(x, y) >= 0) {
return JSBI.__absoluteSub(x, y, sign);
return JSBI.__absoluteSub(y, x, !sign);
static subtract(x, y) {
const sign = x.sign;
if (sign !== y.sign) {
// x - (-y) == x + y
// (-x) - y == -(x + y)
return JSBI.__absoluteAdd(x, y, sign);
// x - y == -(y - x)
// (-x) - (-y) == y - x == -(x - y)
if (JSBI.__absoluteCompare(x, y) >= 0) {
return JSBI.__absoluteSub(x, y, sign);
return JSBI.__absoluteSub(y, x, !sign);
static leftShift(x, y) {
if (y.length === 0 || x.length === 0) return x;
if (y.sign) return JSBI.__rightShiftByAbsolute(x, y);
return JSBI.__leftShiftByAbsolute(x, y);
static signedRightShift(x, y) {
if (y.length === 0 || x.length === 0) return x;
if (y.sign) return JSBI.__leftShiftByAbsolute(x, y);
return JSBI.__rightShiftByAbsolute(x, y);
static unsignedRightShift() {
throw new TypeError(
'BigInts have no unsigned right shift; use >> instead');
static lessThan(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compareToBigInt(x, y) < 0;
static lessThanOrEqual(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compareToBigInt(x, y) <= 0;
static greaterThan(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compareToBigInt(x, y) > 0;
static greaterThanOrEqual(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compareToBigInt(x, y) >= 0;
static equal(x, y) {
if (x.sign !== y.sign) return false;
if (x.length !== y.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (x.__digit(i) !== y.__digit(i)) return false;
return true;
static bitwiseAnd(x, y) {
if (!x.sign && !y.sign) {
return JSBI.__absoluteAnd(x, y).__trim();
} else if (x.sign && y.sign) {
const resultLength = Math.max(x.length, y.length) + 1;
// (-x) & (-y) == ~(x-1) & ~(y-1) == ~((x-1) | (y-1))
// == -(((x-1) | (y-1)) + 1)
let result = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(x, resultLength);
const y1 = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(y);
result = JSBI.__absoluteOr(result, y1, result);
return JSBI.__absoluteAddOne(result, true, result).__trim();
// Assume that x is the positive BigInt.
if (x.sign) {
[x, y] = [y, x];
// x & (-y) == x & ~(y-1) == x &~ (y-1)
return JSBI.__absoluteAndNot(x, JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(y)).__trim();
static bitwiseXor(x, y) {
if (!x.sign && !y.sign) {
return JSBI.__absoluteXor(x, y).__trim();
} else if (x.sign && y.sign) {
// (-x) ^ (-y) == ~(x-1) ^ ~(y-1) == (x-1) ^ (y-1)
const resultLength = Math.max(x.length, y.length);
const result = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(x, resultLength);
const y1 = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(y);
return JSBI.__absoluteXor(result, y1, result).__trim();
const resultLength = Math.max(x.length, y.length) + 1;
// Assume that x is the positive BigInt.
if (x.sign) {
[x, y] = [y, x];
// x ^ (-y) == x ^ ~(y-1) == ~(x ^ (y-1)) == -((x ^ (y-1)) + 1)
let result = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(y, resultLength);
result = JSBI.__absoluteXor(result, x, result);
return JSBI.__absoluteAddOne(result, true, result).__trim();
static bitwiseOr(x, y) {
const resultLength = Math.max(x.length, y.length);
if (!x.sign && !y.sign) {
return JSBI.__absoluteOr(x, y).__trim();
} else if (x.sign && y.sign) {
// (-x) | (-y) == ~(x-1) | ~(y-1) == ~((x-1) & (y-1))
// == -(((x-1) & (y-1)) + 1)
let result = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(x, resultLength);
const y1 = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(y);
result = JSBI.__absoluteAnd(result, y1, result);
return JSBI.__absoluteAddOne(result, true, result).__trim();
// Assume that x is the positive BigInt.
if (x.sign) {
[x, y] = [y, x];
// x | (-y) == x | ~(y-1) == ~((y-1) &~ x) == -(((y-1) ~& x) + 1)
let result = JSBI.__absoluteSubOne(y, resultLength);
result = JSBI.__absoluteAndNot(result, x, result);
return JSBI.__absoluteAddOne(result, true, result).__trim();
// Operators.
static ADD(x, y) {
x = JSBI.__toPrimitive(x);
y = JSBI.__toPrimitive(y);
if (typeof x === 'string') {
if (typeof y !== 'string') y = y.toString();
return x + y;
if (typeof y === 'string') {
return x.toString() + y;
x = JSBI.__toNumeric(x);
y = JSBI.__toNumeric(y);
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(x) && JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) {
return JSBI.add(x, y);
if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
return x + y;
throw new TypeError(
'Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions');
static LT(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compare(x, y, 0);
static LE(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compare(x, y, 1);
static GT(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compare(x, y, 2);
static GE(x, y) {
return JSBI.__compare(x, y, 3);
static EQ(x, y) {
while (true) {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(x)) {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) return JSBI.equal(x, y);
return JSBI.EQ(y, x);
} else if (typeof x === 'number') {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) return JSBI.__equalToNumber(y, x);
if (typeof y !== 'object') return x == y;
y = JSBI.__toPrimitive(y);
} else if (typeof x === 'string') {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) {
x = JSBI.__fromString(x);
if (x === null) return false;
return JSBI.equal(x, y);
if (typeof y !== 'object') return x == y;
y = JSBI.__toPrimitive(y);
} else if (typeof x === 'boolean') {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) return JSBI.__equalToNumber(y, +x);
if (typeof y !== 'object') return x == y;
y = JSBI.__toPrimitive(y);
} else if (typeof x === 'symbol') {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) return false;
if (typeof y !== 'object') return x == y;
y = JSBI.__toPrimitive(y);
} else if (typeof x === 'object') {
if (typeof y === 'object' && y.constructor !== JSBI) return x == y;
x = JSBI.__toPrimitive(x);
} else {
return x == y;
// Helpers.
static __zero() {
return new JSBI(0, false);
static __oneDigit(value, sign) {
const result = new JSBI(1, sign);
result.__setDigit(0, value);
return result;
__copy() {
const result = new JSBI(this.length, this.sign);
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
result[i] = this[i];
return result;
__trim() {
let newLength = this.length;
let last = this[newLength - 1];
while (last === 0) {
last = this[newLength - 1];
if (newLength === 0) this.sign = false;
return this;
__initializeDigits() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i] = 0;
static __decideRounding(x, mantissaBitsUnset, digitIndex, currentDigit) {
if (mantissaBitsUnset > 0) return -1;
let topUnconsumedBit;
if (mantissaBitsUnset < 0) {
topUnconsumedBit = -mantissaBitsUnset - 1;
} else {
// {currentDigit} fit the mantissa exactly; look at the next digit.
if (digitIndex === 0) return -1;
currentDigit = x.__digit(digitIndex);
topUnconsumedBit = 31;
// If the most significant remaining bit is 0, round down.
let mask = 1 << topUnconsumedBit;
if ((currentDigit & mask) === 0) return -1;
// If any other remaining bit is set, round up.
mask -= 1;
if ((currentDigit & mask) !== 0) return 1;
while (digitIndex > 0) {
if (x.__digit(digitIndex) !== 0) return 1;
return 0;
static __fromDouble(value) {
const sign = value < 0;
JSBI.__kBitConversionDouble[0] = value;
const rawExponent = (JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[1] >>> 20) & 0x7FF;
const exponent = rawExponent - 0x3FF;
const digits = (exponent >>> 5) + 1;
const result = new JSBI(digits, sign);
const kHiddenBit = 0x00100000;
let mantissaHigh = (JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[1] & 0xFFFFF) | kHiddenBit;
let mantissaLow = JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[0];
const kMantissaHighTopBit = 20;
// 0-indexed position of most significant bit in most significant digit.
const msdTopBit = exponent & 31;
// Number of unused bits in the mantissa. We'll keep them shifted to the
// left (i.e. most significant part).
let remainingMantissaBits = 0;
// Next digit under construction.
let digit;
// First, build the MSD by shifting the mantissa appropriately.
if (msdTopBit < kMantissaHighTopBit) {
const shift = kMantissaHighTopBit - msdTopBit;
remainingMantissaBits = shift + 32;
digit = mantissaHigh >>> shift;
mantissaHigh = (mantissaHigh << (32 - shift)) |
(mantissaLow >>> shift);
mantissaLow = mantissaLow << (32 - shift);
} else if (msdTopBit === kMantissaHighTopBit) {
remainingMantissaBits = 32;
digit = mantissaHigh;
mantissaHigh = mantissaLow;
} else {
const shift = msdTopBit - kMantissaHighTopBit;
remainingMantissaBits = 32 - shift;
digit = (mantissaHigh << shift) | (mantissaLow >>> (32 - shift));
mantissaHigh = mantissaLow << shift;
result.__setDigit(digits - 1, digit);
// Then fill in the rest of the digits.
for (let digitIndex = digits - 2; digitIndex >= 0; digitIndex--) {
if (remainingMantissaBits > 0) {
remainingMantissaBits -= 32;
digit = mantissaHigh;
mantissaHigh = mantissaLow;
} else {
digit = 0;
result.__setDigit(digitIndex, digit);
return result.__trim();
static __isWhitespace(c) {
if (c <= 0x0D && c >= 0x09) return true;
if (c <= 0x9F) return c === 0x20;
if (c <= 0x01FFFF) {
return c === 0xA0 || c === 0x1680;
if (c <= 0x02FFFF) {
c &= 0x01FFFF;
return c <= 0x0A || c === 0x28 || c === 0x29 || c === 0x2F ||
c === 0x5F || c === 0x1000;
return c === 0xFEFF;
static __fromString(string, radix = 0) {
let sign = 0;
let leadingZero = false;
const length = string.length;
let cursor = 0;
if (cursor === length) return JSBI.__zero();
let current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
// Skip whitespace.
while (JSBI.__isWhitespace(current)) {
if (++cursor === length) return JSBI.__zero();
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
// Detect radix.
if (current === 0x2B) { // '+'
if (++cursor === length) return null;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
sign = 1;
} else if (current === 0x2D) { // '-'
if (++cursor === length) return null;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
sign = -1;
if (radix === 0) {
radix = 10;
if (current === 0x30) { // '0'
if (++cursor === length) return JSBI.__zero();
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
if (current === 0x58 || current === 0x78) { // 'X' or 'x'
radix = 16;
if (++cursor === length) return null;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
} else if (current === 0x4F || current === 0x6F) { // 'O' or 'o'
radix = 8;
if (++cursor === length) return null;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
} else if (current === 0x42 || current === 0x62) { // 'B' or 'b'
radix = 2;
if (++cursor === length) return null;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
} else {
leadingZero = true;
} else if (radix === 16) {
if (current === 0x30) { // '0'
// Allow "0x" prefix.
if (++cursor === length) return JSBI.__zero();
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
if (current === 0x58 || current === 0x78) { // 'X' or 'x'
if (++cursor === length) return null;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
} else {
leadingZero = true;
// Skip leading zeros.
while (current === 0x30) {
leadingZero = true;
if (++cursor === length) return JSBI.__zero();
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
// Allocate result.
const chars = length - cursor;
let bitsPerChar = JSBI.__kMaxBitsPerChar[radix];
let roundup = JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableMultiplier - 1;
if (chars > (1 << 30) / bitsPerChar) return null;
const bitsMin =
(bitsPerChar * chars + roundup) >>> JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableShift;
const resultLength = (bitsMin + 31) >>> 5;
const result = new JSBI(resultLength, false);
// Parse.
const limDigit = radix < 10 ? radix : 10;
const limAlpha = radix > 10 ? radix - 10 : 0;
if ((radix & (radix - 1)) === 0) {
// Power-of-two radix.
bitsPerChar >>= JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableShift;
const parts = [];
const partsBits = [];
let done = false;
do {
let part = 0;
let bits = 0;
while (true) {
let d;
if (((current - 48) >>> 0) < limDigit) {
d = current - 48;
} else if ((((current | 32) - 97) >>> 0) < limAlpha) {
d = (current | 32) - 87;
} else {
done = true;
bits += bitsPerChar;
part = (part << bitsPerChar) | d;
if (++cursor === length) {
done = true;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
if (bits + bitsPerChar > 32) break;
} while (!done);
JSBI.__fillFromParts(result, parts, partsBits);
} else {
let done = false;
let charsSoFar = 0;
do {
let part = 0;
let multiplier = 1;
while (true) {
let d;
if (((current - 48) >>> 0) < limDigit) {
d = current - 48;
} else if ((((current | 32) - 97) >>> 0) < limAlpha) {
d = (current | 32) - 87;
} else {
done = true;
const m = multiplier * radix;
if (m > 0xFFFFFFFF) break;
multiplier = m;
part = part * radix + d;
if (++cursor === length) {
done = true;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor);
roundup = JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableMultiplier * 32 - 1;
const digitsSoFar = (bitsPerChar * charsSoFar + roundup) >>>
(JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableShift + 5);
result.__inplaceMultiplyAdd(multiplier, part, digitsSoFar);
} while (!done);
while (cursor !== length) {
if (!JSBI.__isWhitespace(current)) return null;
current = string.charCodeAt(cursor++);
// Get result.
if (sign !== 0 && radix !== 10) return null;
result.sign = (sign === -1);
return result.__trim();
static __fillFromParts(result, parts, partsBits) {
let digitIndex = 0;
let digit = 0;
let bitsInDigit = 0;
for (let i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const part = parts[i];
const partBits = partsBits[i];
digit |= (part << bitsInDigit);
bitsInDigit += partBits;
if (bitsInDigit === 32) {
result.__setDigit(digitIndex++, digit);
bitsInDigit = 0;
digit = 0;
} else if (bitsInDigit > 32) {
result.__setDigit(digitIndex++, digit);
bitsInDigit -= 32;
digit = part >>> (partBits - bitsInDigit);
if (digit !== 0) {
if (digitIndex >= result.length) throw new Error('implementation bug');
result.__setDigit(digitIndex++, digit);
for (; digitIndex < result.length; digitIndex++) {
result.__setDigit(digitIndex, 0);
static __toStringBasePowerOfTwo(x, radix) {
const length = x.length;
let bits = radix - 1;
bits = ((bits >>> 1) & 0x55) + (bits & 0x55);
bits = ((bits >>> 2) & 0x33) + (bits & 0x33);
bits = ((bits >>> 4) & 0x0F) + (bits & 0x0F);
const bitsPerChar = bits;
const charMask = radix - 1;
const msd = x.__digit(length - 1);
const msdLeadingZeros = Math.clz32(msd);
const bitLength = length * 32 - msdLeadingZeros;
let charsRequired =
((bitLength + bitsPerChar - 1) / bitsPerChar) | 0;
if (x.sign) charsRequired++;
if (charsRequired > (1 << 28)) throw new Error('string too long');
const result = new Array(charsRequired);
let pos = charsRequired - 1;
let digit = 0;
let availableBits = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
const newDigit = x.__digit(i);
const current = (digit | (newDigit << availableBits)) & charMask;
result[pos--] = JSBI.__kConversionChars[current];
const consumedBits = bitsPerChar - availableBits;
digit = newDigit >>> consumedBits;
availableBits = 32 - consumedBits;
while (availableBits >= bitsPerChar) {
result[pos--] = JSBI.__kConversionChars[digit & charMask];
digit >>>= bitsPerChar;
availableBits -= bitsPerChar;
const current = (digit | (msd << availableBits)) & charMask;
result[pos--] = JSBI.__kConversionChars[current];
digit = msd >>> (bitsPerChar - availableBits);
while (digit !== 0) {
result[pos--] = JSBI.__kConversionChars[digit & charMask];
digit >>>= bitsPerChar;
if (x.sign) result[pos--] = '-';
if (pos !== -1) throw new Error('implementation bug');
return result.join('');
static __toStringGeneric(x, radix, isRecursiveCall) {
const length = x.length;
if (length === 0) return '';
if (length === 1) {
let result = x.__unsignedDigit(0).toString(radix);
if (isRecursiveCall === false && x.sign) {
result = '-' + result;
return result;
const bitLength = length * 32 - Math.clz32(x.__digit(length - 1));
const maxBitsPerChar = JSBI.__kMaxBitsPerChar[radix];
const minBitsPerChar = maxBitsPerChar - 1;
let charsRequired = bitLength * JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableMultiplier;
charsRequired += minBitsPerChar - 1;
charsRequired = (charsRequired / minBitsPerChar) | 0;
const secondHalfChars = (charsRequired + 1) >> 1;
// Divide-and-conquer: split by a power of {radix} that's approximately
// the square root of {x}, then recurse.
const conqueror = JSBI.exponentiate(JSBI.__oneDigit(radix, false),
JSBI.__oneDigit(secondHalfChars, false));
let quotient;
let secondHalf;
const divisor = conqueror.__unsignedDigit(0);
if (conqueror.length === 1 && divisor <= 0xFFFF) {
quotient = new JSBI(x.length, false);
let remainder = 0;
for (let i = x.length * 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const input = (remainder << 16) | x.__halfDigit(i);
quotient.__setHalfDigit(i, (input / divisor) | 0);
remainder = (input % divisor) | 0;
secondHalf = remainder.toString(radix);
} else {
const divisionResult = JSBI.__absoluteDivLarge(x, conqueror, true, true);
quotient = divisionResult.quotient;
const remainder = divisionResult.remainder.__trim();
secondHalf = JSBI.__toStringGeneric(remainder, radix, true);
let firstHalf = JSBI.__toStringGeneric(quotient, radix, true);
while (secondHalf.length < secondHalfChars) {
secondHalf = '0' + secondHalf;
if (isRecursiveCall === false && x.sign) {
firstHalf = '-' + firstHalf;
return firstHalf + secondHalf;
static __unequalSign(leftNegative) {
return leftNegative ? -1 : 1;
static __absoluteGreater(bothNegative) {
return bothNegative ? -1 : 1;
static __absoluteLess(bothNegative) {
return bothNegative ? 1 : -1;
static __compareToBigInt(x, y) {
const xSign = x.sign;
if (xSign !== y.sign) return JSBI.__unequalSign(xSign);
const result = JSBI.__absoluteCompare(x, y);
if (result > 0) return JSBI.__absoluteGreater(xSign);
if (result < 0) return JSBI.__absoluteLess(xSign);
return 0;
static __compareToNumber(x, y) {
if (y | 0 === 0) {
const xSign = x.sign;
const ySign = (y < 0);
if (xSign !== ySign) return JSBI.__unequalSign(xSign);
if (x.length === 0) {
if (ySign) throw new Error('implementation bug');
return y === 0 ? 0 : -1;
// Any multi-digit BigInt is bigger than an int32.
if (x.length > 1) return JSBI.__absoluteGreater(xSign);
const yAbs = Math.abs(y);
const xDigit = x.__unsignedDigit(0);
if (xDigit > yAbs) return JSBI.__absoluteGreater(xSign);
if (xDigit < yAbs) return JSBI.__absoluteLess(xSign);
return 0;
return JSBI.__compareToDouble(x, y);
static __compareToDouble(x, y) {
if (y !== y) return y; // NaN.
if (y === Infinity) return -1;
if (y === -Infinity) return 1;
const xSign = x.sign;
const ySign = (y < 0);
if (xSign !== ySign) return JSBI.__unequalSign(xSign);
if (y === 0) {
throw new Error('implementation bug: should be handled elsewhere');
if (x.length === 0) return -1;
JSBI.__kBitConversionDouble[0] = y;
const rawExponent = (JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[1] >>> 20) & 0x7FF;
if (rawExponent === 0x7FF) {
throw new Error('implementation bug: handled elsewhere');
const exponent = rawExponent - 0x3FF;
if (exponent < 0) {
// The absolute value of y is less than 1. Only 0n has an absolute
// value smaller than that, but we've already covered that case.
return JSBI.__absoluteGreater(xSign);
const xLength = x.length;
let xMsd = x.__digit(xLength - 1);
const msdLeadingZeros = Math.clz32(xMsd);
const xBitLength = xLength * 32 - msdLeadingZeros;
const yBitLength = exponent + 1;
if (xBitLength < yBitLength) return JSBI.__absoluteLess(xSign);
if (xBitLength > yBitLength) return JSBI.__absoluteGreater(xSign);
// Same sign, same bit length. Shift mantissa to align with x and compare
// bit for bit.
const kHiddenBit = 0x00100000;
let mantissaHigh = (JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[1] & 0xFFFFF) | kHiddenBit;
let mantissaLow = JSBI.__kBitConversionInts[0];
const kMantissaHighTopBit = 20;
const msdTopBit = 31 - msdLeadingZeros;
if (msdTopBit !== ((xBitLength - 1) % 31)) {
throw new Error('implementation bug');
let compareMantissa; // Shifted chunk of mantissa.
let remainingMantissaBits = 0;
// First, compare most significant digit against beginning of mantissa.
if (msdTopBit < kMantissaHighTopBit) {
const shift = kMantissaHighTopBit - msdTopBit;
remainingMantissaBits = shift + 32;
compareMantissa = mantissaHigh >>> shift;
mantissaHigh = (mantissaHigh << (32 - shift)) | (mantissaLow >>> shift);
mantissaLow = mantissaLow << (32 - shift);
} else if (msdTopBit === kMantissaHighTopBit) {
remainingMantissaBits = 32;
compareMantissa = mantissaHigh;
mantissaHigh = mantissaLow;
} else {
const shift = msdTopBit - kMantissaHighTopBit;
remainingMantissaBits = 32 - shift;
compareMantissa =
(mantissaHigh << shift) | (mantissaLow >>> (32 - shift));
mantissaHigh = mantissaLow << shift;
xMsd = xMsd >>> 0;
compareMantissa = compareMantissa >>> 0;
if (xMsd > compareMantissa) return JSBI.__absoluteGreater(xSign);
if (xMsd < compareMantissa) return JSBI.__absoluteLess(xSign);
// Then, compare additional digits against remaining mantissa bits.
for (let digitIndex = xLength - 2; digitIndex >= 0; digitIndex--) {
if (remainingMantissaBits > 0) {
remainingMantissaBits -= 32;
compareMantissa = mantissaHigh >>> 0;
mantissaHigh = mantissaLow;
mantissaLow = 0;
} else {
compareMantissa = 0;
const digit = x.__unsignedDigit(digitIndex);
if (digit > compareMantissa) return JSBI.__absoluteGreater(xSign);
if (digit < compareMantissa) return JSBI.__absoluteLess(xSign);
// Integer parts are equal; check whether {y} has a fractional part.
if (mantissaHigh !== 0 || mantissaLow !== 0) {
if (remainingMantissaBits === 0) throw new Error('implementation bug');
return JSBI.__absoluteLess(xSign);
return 0;
static __equalToNumber(x, y) {
if (y | 0 === y) {
if (y === 0) return x.length === 0;
// Any multi-digit BigInt is bigger than an int32.
return (x.length === 1) && (x.sign === (y < 0)) &&
(x.__unsignedDigit(0) === Math.abs(y));
return JSBI.__compareToDouble(x, y) === 0;
// Comparison operations, chosen such that "op ^ 2" reverses direction:
// 0 - lessThan
// 1 - lessThanOrEqual
// 2 - greaterThan
// 3 - greaterThanOrEqual
static __comparisonResultToBool(result, op) {
switch (op) {
case 0: return result < 0;
case 1: return result <= 0;
case 2: return result > 0;
case 3: return result >= 0;
throw new Error('unreachable');
static __compare(x, y, op) {
x = JSBI.__toPrimitive(x);
y = JSBI.__toPrimitive(y);
if (typeof x === 'string' && typeof y === 'string') {
switch (op) {
case 0: return x < y;
case 1: return x <= y;
case 2: return x > y;
case 3: return x >= y;
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(x) && typeof y === 'string') {
y = JSBI.__fromString(y);
if (y === null) return false;
return JSBI.__comparisonResultToBool(JSBI.__compareToBigInt(x, y), op);
if (typeof x === 'string' && JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) {
x = JSBI.__fromString(x);
if (x === null) return false;
return JSBI.__comparisonResultToBool(JSBI.__compareToBigInt(x, y), op);
x = JSBI.__toNumeric(x);
y = JSBI.__toNumeric(y);
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(x)) {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) {
return JSBI.__comparisonResultToBool(JSBI.__compareToBigInt(x, y), op);
if (typeof y !== 'number') throw new Error('implementation bug');
return JSBI.__comparisonResultToBool(JSBI.__compareToNumber(x, y), op);
if (typeof x !== 'number') throw new Error('implementation bug');
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(y)) {
// Note that "op ^ 2" reverses the op's direction.
return JSBI.__comparisonResultToBool(JSBI.__compareToNumber(y, x),
op ^ 2);
if (typeof y !== 'number') throw new Error('implementation bug');
switch (op) {
case 0: return x < y;
case 1: return x <= y;
case 2: return x > y;
case 3: return x >= y;
__clzmsd() {
return Math.clz32(this[this.length - 1]);
static __absoluteAdd(x, y, resultSign) {
if (x.length < y.length) return JSBI.__absoluteAdd(y, x, resultSign);
if (x.length === 0) return x;
if (y.length === 0) return x.sign === resultSign ? x : JSBI.unaryMinus(x);
let resultLength = x.length;
if (x.__clzmsd() === 0 || (y.length === x.length && y.__clzmsd() === 0)) {
const result = new JSBI(resultLength, resultSign);
let carry = 0;
let i = 0;
for (; i < y.length; i++) {
const yDigit = y.__digit(i);
const xDigit = x.__digit(i);
const rLow = (xDigit & 0xFFFF) + (yDigit & 0xFFFF) + carry;
const rHigh = (xDigit >>> 16) + (yDigit >>> 16) + (rLow >>> 16);
carry = rHigh >>> 16;
result.__setDigit(i, (rLow & 0xFFFF) | (rHigh << 16));
for (; i < x.length; i++) {
const xDigit = x.__digit(i);
const rLow = (xDigit & 0xFFFF) + carry;
const rHigh = (xDigit >>> 16) + (rLow >>> 16);
carry = rHigh >>> 16;
result.__setDigit(i, (rLow & 0xFFFF) | (rHigh << 16));
if (i < result.length) {
result.__setDigit(i, carry);
return result.__trim();
static __absoluteSub(x, y, resultSign) {
if (x.length === 0) return x;
if (y.length === 0) return x.sign === resultSign ? x : JSBI.unaryMinus(x);
const result = new JSBI(x.length, resultSign);
let borrow = 0;
let i = 0;
for (; i < y.length; i++) {
const xDigit = x.__digit(i);
const yDigit = y.__digit(i);
const rLow = (xDigit & 0xFFFF) - (yDigit & 0xFFFF) - borrow;
borrow = (rLow >>> 16) & 1;
const rHigh = (xDigit >>> 16) - (yDigit >>> 16) - borrow;
borrow = (rHigh >>> 16) & 1;
result.__setDigit(i, (rLow & 0xFFFF) | (rHigh << 16));
for (; i < x.length; i++) {
const xDigit = x.__digit(i);
const rLow = (xDigit & 0xFFFF) - borrow;
borrow = (rLow >>> 16) & 1;
const rHigh = (xDigit >>> 16) - borrow;
borrow = (rHigh >>> 16) & 1;
result.__setDigit(i, (rLow & 0xFFFF) | (rHigh << 16));
return result.__trim();
static __absoluteAddOne(x, sign, result = null) {
const inputLength = x.length;
if (result === null) {
result = new JSBI(inputLength, sign);
} else {
result.sign = sign;
let carry = true;
for (let i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) {
let digit = x.__digit(i);
const newCarry = digit === (0xFFFFFFFF | 0);
if (carry) digit = (digit + 1) | 0;
carry = newCarry;
result.__setDigit(i, digit);
if (carry) {
result.__setDigitGrow(inputLength, 1);
return result;
static __absoluteSubOne(x, resultLength) {
const length = x.length;
resultLength = resultLength || length;
const result = new JSBI(resultLength, false);
let borrow = true;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let digit = x.__digit(i);
const newBorrow = digit === 0;
if (borrow) digit = (digit - 1) | 0;
borrow = newBorrow;
result.__setDigit(i, digit);
for (let i = length; i < resultLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, 0);
return result;
static __absoluteAnd(x, y, result = null) {
let xLength = x.length;
let yLength = y.length;
let numPairs = yLength;
if (xLength < yLength) {
numPairs = xLength;
const tmp = x;
const tmpLength = xLength;
x = y;
xLength = yLength;
y = tmp;
yLength = tmpLength;
let resultLength = numPairs;
if (result === null) {
result = new JSBI(resultLength, false);
} else {
resultLength = result.length;
let i = 0;
for (; i < numPairs; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i) & y.__digit(i));
for (; i < resultLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, 0);
return result;
static __absoluteAndNot(x, y, result = null) {
const xLength = x.length;
const yLength = y.length;
let numPairs = yLength;
if (xLength < yLength) {
numPairs = xLength;
let resultLength = xLength;
if (result === null) {
result = new JSBI(resultLength, false);
} else {
resultLength = result.length;
let i = 0;
for (; i < numPairs; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i) & ~y.__digit(i));
for (; i < xLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i));
for (; i < resultLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, 0);
return result;
static __absoluteOr(x, y, result = null) {
let xLength = x.length;
let yLength = y.length;
let numPairs = yLength;
if (xLength < yLength) {
numPairs = xLength;
const tmp = x;
const tmpLength = xLength;
x = y;
xLength = yLength;
y = tmp;
yLength = tmpLength;
let resultLength = xLength;
if (result === null) {
result = new JSBI(resultLength, false);
} else {
resultLength = result.length;
let i = 0;
for (; i < numPairs; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i) | y.__digit(i));
for (; i < xLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i));
for (; i < resultLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, 0);
return result;
static __absoluteXor(x, y, result = null) {
let xLength = x.length;
let yLength = y.length;
let numPairs = yLength;
if (xLength < yLength) {
numPairs = xLength;
const tmp = x;
const tmpLength = xLength;
x = y;
xLength = yLength;
y = tmp;
yLength = tmpLength;
let resultLength = xLength;
if (result === null) {
result = new JSBI(resultLength, false);
} else {
resultLength = result.length;
let i = 0;
for (; i < numPairs; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i) ^ y.__digit(i));
for (; i < xLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i));
for (; i < resultLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, 0);
return result;
static __absoluteCompare(x, y) {
const diff = x.length - y.length;
if (diff !== 0) return diff;
let i = x.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && x.__digit(i) === y.__digit(i)) i--;
if (i < 0) return 0;
return x.__unsignedDigit(i) > y.__unsignedDigit(i) ? 1 : -1;
static __multiplyAccumulate(multiplicand, multiplier, accumulator,
accumulatorIndex) {
if (multiplier === 0) return;
const m2Low = multiplier & 0xFFFF;
const m2High = multiplier >>> 16;
let carry = 0;
let highLower = 0;
let highHigher = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < multiplicand.length; i++, accumulatorIndex++) {
let acc = accumulator.__digit(accumulatorIndex);
let accLow = acc & 0xFFFF;
let accHigh = acc >>> 16;
const m1 = multiplicand.__digit(i);
const m1Low = m1 & 0xFFFF;
const m1High = m1 >>> 16;
const rLow = Math.imul(m1Low, m2Low);
const rMid1 = Math.imul(m1Low, m2High);
const rMid2 = Math.imul(m1High, m2Low);
const rHigh = Math.imul(m1High, m2High);
accLow += highLower + (rLow & 0xFFFF);
accHigh += highHigher + carry + (accLow >>> 16) + (rLow >>> 16) +
(rMid1 & 0xFFFF) + (rMid2 & 0xFFFF);
carry = accHigh >>> 16;
highLower = (rMid1 >>> 16) + (rMid2 >>> 16) + (rHigh & 0xFFFF) + carry;
carry = highLower >>> 16;
highLower &= 0xFFFF;
highHigher = rHigh >>> 16;
acc = (accLow & 0xFFFF) | (accHigh << 16);
accumulator.__setDigit(accumulatorIndex, acc);
for (; carry !== 0 || highLower !== 0 || highHigher !== 0;
accumulatorIndex++) {
let acc = accumulator.__digit(accumulatorIndex);
const accLow = (acc & 0xFFFF) + highLower;
const accHigh = (acc >>> 16) + (accLow >>> 16) + highHigher + carry;
highLower = 0;
highHigher = 0;
carry = accHigh >>> 16;
acc = (accLow & 0xFFFF) | (accHigh << 16);
accumulator.__setDigit(accumulatorIndex, acc);
static __internalMultiplyAdd(source, factor, summand, n, result) {
let carry = summand;
let high = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const digit = source.__digit(i);
const rx = Math.imul(digit & 0xFFFF, factor);
const r0 = (rx & 0xFFFF) + high + carry;
carry = r0 >>> 16;
const ry = Math.imul(digit >>> 16, factor);
const r16 = (ry & 0xFFFF) + (rx >>> 16) + carry;
carry = r16 >>> 16;
high = ry >>> 16;
result.__setDigit(i, (r16 << 16) | (r0 & 0xFFFF));
if (result.length > n) {
result.__setDigit(n++, carry + high);
while (n < result.length) {
result.__setDigit(n++, 0);
} else {
if (carry + high !== 0) throw new Error('implementation bug');
__inplaceMultiplyAdd(multiplier, summand, length) {
if (length > this.length) length = this.length;
const mLow = multiplier & 0xFFFF;
const mHigh = multiplier >>> 16;
let carry = 0;
let highLower = summand & 0xFFFF;
let highHigher = summand >>> 16;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const d = this.__digit(i);
const dLow = d & 0xFFFF;
const dHigh = d >>> 16;
const pLow = Math.imul(dLow, mLow);
const pMid1 = Math.imul(dLow, mHigh);
const pMid2 = Math.imul(dHigh, mLow);
const pHigh = Math.imul(dHigh, mHigh);
const rLow = highLower + (pLow & 0xFFFF);
const rHigh = highHigher + carry + (rLow >>> 16) + (pLow >>> 16) +
(pMid1 & 0xFFFF) + (pMid2 & 0xFFFF);
highLower = (pMid1 >>> 16) + (pMid2 >>> 16) + (pHigh & 0xFFFF) +
(rHigh >>> 16);
carry = highLower >>> 16;
highLower &= 0xFFFF;
highHigher = pHigh >>> 16;
const result = (rLow & 0xFFFF) | (rHigh << 16);
this.__setDigit(i, result);
if (carry !== 0 || highLower !== 0 || highHigher !== 0) {
throw new Error('implementation bug');
static __absoluteDivSmall(x, divisor, quotient) {
if (quotient === null) quotient = new JSBI(x.length, false);
let remainder = 0;
for (let i = x.length * 2 - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
let input = ((remainder << 16) | x.__halfDigit(i)) >>> 0;
const upperHalf = (input / divisor) | 0;
remainder = (input % divisor) | 0;
input = ((remainder << 16) | x.__halfDigit(i - 1)) >>> 0;
const lowerHalf = (input / divisor) | 0;
remainder = (input % divisor) | 0;
quotient.__setDigit(i >>> 1, (upperHalf << 16) | lowerHalf);
return quotient;
static __absoluteModSmall(x, divisor) {
let remainder = 0;
for (let i = x.length * 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const input = ((remainder << 16) | x.__halfDigit(i)) >>> 0;
remainder = (input % divisor) | 0;
return remainder;
static __absoluteDivLarge(dividend, divisor, wantQuotient, wantRemainder) {
const n = divisor.__halfDigitLength();
const n2 = divisor.length;
const m = dividend.__halfDigitLength() - n;
let q = null;
if (wantQuotient) {
q = new JSBI((m + 2) >>> 1, false);
const qhatv = new JSBI((n + 2) >>> 1, false);
// D1.
const shift = JSBI.__clz16(divisor.__halfDigit(n - 1));
if (shift > 0) {
divisor = JSBI.__specialLeftShift(divisor, shift, 0 /* add no digits*/);
const u = JSBI.__specialLeftShift(dividend, shift, 1 /* add one digit */);
// D2.
const vn1 = divisor.__halfDigit(n - 1);
let halfDigitBuffer = 0;
for (let j = m; j >= 0; j--) {
// D3.
let qhat = 0xFFFF;
const ujn = u.__halfDigit(j + n);
if (ujn !== vn1) {
const input = ((ujn << 16) | u.__halfDigit(j + n - 1)) >>> 0;
qhat = (input / vn1) | 0;
let rhat = (input % vn1) | 0;
const vn2 = divisor.__halfDigit(n - 2);
const ujn2 = u.__halfDigit(j + n - 2);
while ((Math.imul(qhat, vn2) >>> 0) > (((rhat << 16) | ujn2) >>> 0)) {
rhat += vn1;
if (rhat > 0xFFFF) break;
// D4.
JSBI.__internalMultiplyAdd(divisor, qhat, 0, n2, qhatv);
let c = u.__inplaceSub(qhatv, j, n + 1);
if (c !== 0) {
c = u.__inplaceAdd(divisor, j, n);
u.__setHalfDigit(j + n, u.__halfDigit(j + n) + c);
if (wantQuotient) {
if (j & 1) {
halfDigitBuffer = qhat << 16;
} else {
q.__setDigit(j >>> 1, halfDigitBuffer | qhat);
if (wantRemainder) {
if (wantQuotient) {
return {quotient: q, remainder: u};
return u;
if (wantQuotient) return q;
static __clz16(value) {
return Math.clz32(value) - 16;
// TODO: work on full digits, like __inplaceSub?
__inplaceAdd(summand, startIndex, halfDigits) {
let carry = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < halfDigits; i++) {
const sum = this.__halfDigit(startIndex + i) +
summand.__halfDigit(i) +
carry = sum >>> 16;
this.__setHalfDigit(startIndex + i, sum);
return carry;
__inplaceSub(subtrahend, startIndex, halfDigits) {
const fullSteps = (halfDigits - 1) >>> 1;
let borrow = 0;
if (startIndex & 1) {
// this: [..][..][..]
// subtr.: [..][..]
startIndex >>= 1;
let current = this.__digit(startIndex);
let r0 = current & 0xFFFF;
let i = 0;
for (; i < fullSteps; i++) {
const sub = subtrahend.__digit(i);
const r16 = (current >>> 16) - (sub & 0xFFFF) - borrow;
borrow = (r16 >>> 16) & 1;
this.__setDigit(startIndex + i, (r16 << 16) | (r0 & 0xFFFF));
current = this.__digit(startIndex + i + 1);
r0 = (current & 0xFFFF) - (sub >>> 16) - borrow;
borrow = (r0 >>> 16) & 1;
// Unrolling the last iteration gives a 5% performance benefit!
const sub = subtrahend.__digit(i);
const r16 = (current >>> 16) - (sub & 0xFFFF) - borrow;
borrow = (r16 >>> 16) & 1;
this.__setDigit(startIndex + i, (r16 << 16) | (r0 & 0xFFFF));
const subTop = sub >>> 16;
if (startIndex + i + 1 >= this.length) {
throw new RangeError('out of bounds');
if ((halfDigits & 1) === 0) {
current = this.__digit(startIndex + i + 1);
r0 = (current & 0xFFFF) - subTop - borrow;
borrow = (r0 >>> 16) & 1;
this.__setDigit(startIndex + subtrahend.length,
(current & 0xFFFF0000) | (r0 & 0xFFFF));
} else {
startIndex >>= 1;
let i = 0;
for (; i < subtrahend.length - 1; i++) {
const current = this.__digit(startIndex + i);
const sub = subtrahend.__digit(i);
const r0 = (current & 0xFFFF) - (sub & 0xFFFF) - borrow;
borrow = (r0 >>> 16) & 1;
const r16 = (current >>> 16) - (sub >>> 16) - borrow;
borrow = (r16 >>> 16) & 1;
this.__setDigit(startIndex + i, (r16 << 16) | (r0 & 0xFFFF));
const current = this.__digit(startIndex + i);
const sub = subtrahend.__digit(i);
const r0 = (current & 0xFFFF) - (sub & 0xFFFF) - borrow;
borrow = (r0 >>> 16) & 1;
let r16 = 0;
if ((halfDigits & 1) === 0) {
r16 = (current >>> 16) - (sub >>> 16) - borrow;
borrow = (r16 >>> 16) & 1;
this.__setDigit(startIndex + i, (r16 << 16) | (r0 & 0xFFFF));
return borrow;
__inplaceRightShift(shift) {
if (shift === 0) return;
let carry = this.__digit(0) >>> shift;
const last = this.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < last; i++) {
const d = this.__digit(i + 1);
this.__setDigit(i, (d << (32 - shift)) | carry);
carry = d >>> shift;
this.__setDigit(last, carry);
static __specialLeftShift(x, shift, addDigit) {
const n = x.length;
const resultLength = n + addDigit;
const result = new JSBI(resultLength, false);
if (shift === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i));
if (addDigit > 0) result.__setDigit(n, 0);
return result;
let carry = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const d = x.__digit(i);
result.__setDigit(i, (d << shift) | carry);
carry = d >>> (32 - shift);
if (addDigit > 0) {
result.__setDigit(n, carry);
return result;
static __leftShiftByAbsolute(x, y) {
const shift = JSBI.__toShiftAmount(y);
if (shift < 0) throw new RangeError('BigInt too big');
const digitShift = shift >>> 5;
const bitsShift = shift & 31;
const length = x.length;
const grow = bitsShift !== 0 &&
(x.__digit(length - 1) >>> (32 - bitsShift)) !== 0;
const resultLength = length + digitShift + (grow ? 1 : 0);
const result = new JSBI(resultLength, x.sign);
if (bitsShift === 0) {
let i = 0;
for (; i < digitShift; i++) result.__setDigit(i, 0);
for (; i < resultLength; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i, x.__digit(i - digitShift));
} else {
let carry = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < digitShift; i++) result.__setDigit(i, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const d = x.__digit(i);
result.__setDigit(i + digitShift, (d << bitsShift) | carry);
carry = d >>> (32 - bitsShift);
if (grow) {
result.__setDigit(length + digitShift, carry);
} else {
if (carry !== 0) throw new Error('implementation bug');
return result.__trim();
static __rightShiftByAbsolute(x, y) {
const length = x.length;
const sign = x.sign;
const shift = JSBI.__toShiftAmount(y);
if (shift < 0) return JSBI.__rightShiftByMaximum(sign);
const digitShift = shift >>> 5;
const bitsShift = shift & 31;
let resultLength = length - digitShift;
if (resultLength <= 0) return JSBI.__rightShiftByMaximum(sign);
// For negative numbers, round down if any bit was shifted out (so that
// e.g. -5n >> 1n == -3n and not -2n). Check now whether this will happen
// and whether itc an cause overflow into a new digit. If we allocate the
// result large enough up front, it avoids having to do grow it later.
let mustRoundDown = false;
if (sign) {
const mask = (1 << bitsShift) - 1;
if ((x.__digit(digitShift) & mask) !== 0) {
mustRoundDown = true;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < digitShift; i++) {
if (x.__digit(i) !== 0) {
mustRoundDown = true;
// If bitsShift is non-zero, it frees up bits, preventing overflow.
if (mustRoundDown && bitsShift === 0) {
// Overflow cannot happen if the most significant digit has unset bits.
const msd = x.__digit(length - 1);
const roundingCanOverflow = ~msd === 0;
if (roundingCanOverflow) resultLength++;
let result = new JSBI(resultLength, sign);
if (bitsShift === 0) {
for (let i = digitShift; i < length; i++) {
result.__setDigit(i - digitShift, x.__digit(i));
} else {
let carry = x.__digit(digitShift) >>> bitsShift;
const last = length - digitShift - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < last; i++) {
const d = x.__digit(i + digitShift + 1);
result.__setDigit(i, (d << (32 - bitsShift)) | carry);
carry = d >>> bitsShift;
result.__setDigit(last, carry);
if (mustRoundDown) {
// Since the result is negative, rounding down means adding one to its
// absolute value. This cannot overflow.
result = JSBI.__absoluteAddOne(result, true, result);
return result.__trim();
static __rightShiftByMaximum(sign) {
if (sign) {
return JSBI.__oneDigit(1, true);
return JSBI.__zero();
static __toShiftAmount(x) {
if (x.length > 1) return -1;
const value = x.__unsignedDigit(0);
if (value > JSBI.__kMaxLengthBits) return -1;
return value;
static __toPrimitive(obj, hint='default') {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
if (obj.constructor === JSBI) return obj;
const exoticToPrim = obj[Symbol.toPrimitive];
if (exoticToPrim) {
const primitive = exoticToPrim(hint);
if (typeof primitive !== 'object') return primitive;
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value');
const valueOf = obj.valueOf;
if (valueOf) {
const primitive =;
if (typeof primitive !== 'object') return primitive;
const toString = obj.toString;
if (toString) {
const primitive =;
if (typeof primitive !== 'object') return primitive;
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert object to primitive value');
static __toNumeric(value) {
if (JSBI.__isBigInt(value)) return value;
return +value;
static __isBigInt(value) {
return typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === JSBI;
// Digit helpers.
__digit(i) {
return this[i];
__unsignedDigit(i) {
return this[i] >>> 0;
__setDigit(i, digit) {
this[i] = digit | 0;
__setDigitGrow(i, digit) {
this[i] = digit | 0;
__halfDigitLength() {
const len = this.length;
if (this.__unsignedDigit(len - 1) <= 0xFFFF) return len * 2 - 1;
return len*2;
__halfDigit(i) {
return (this[i >>> 1] >>> ((i & 1) << 4)) & 0xFFFF;
__setHalfDigit(i, value) {
const digitIndex = i >>> 1;
const previous = this.__digit(digitIndex);
const updated = (i & 1) ? (previous & 0xFFFF) | (value << 16)
: (previous & 0xFFFF0000) | (value & 0xFFFF);
this.__setDigit(digitIndex, updated);
static __digitPow(base, exponent) {
let result = 1;
while (exponent > 0) {
if (exponent & 1) result *= base;
exponent >>>= 1;
base *= base;
return result;
JSBI.__kMaxLength = 1 << 25;
JSBI.__kMaxLengthBits = JSBI.__kMaxLength << 5;
// Lookup table for the maximum number of bits required per character of a
// base-N string representation of a number. To increase accuracy, the array
// value is the actual value multiplied by 32. To generate this table:
// for (let i = 0; i <= 36; i++) {
// console.log(Math.ceil(Math.log2(i) * 32) + ',');
// }
JSBI.__kMaxBitsPerChar = [
0, 0, 32, 51, 64, 75, 83, 90, 96, // 0..8
102, 107, 111, 115, 119, 122, 126, 128, // 9..16
131, 134, 136, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, // 17..24
149, 151, 153, 154, 156, 158, 159, 160, // 25..32
162, 163, 165, 166, // 33..36
JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableShift = 5;
JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableMultiplier = 1 << JSBI.__kBitsPerCharTableShift;
JSBI.__kConversionChars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
JSBI.__kBitConversionBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
JSBI.__kBitConversionDouble = new Float64Array(JSBI.__kBitConversionBuffer);
JSBI.__kBitConversionInts = new Int32Array(JSBI.__kBitConversionBuffer);