
285 lines
9.6 KiB

import { compact, groupBy, isArray, isEmpty, isNumber, isString, uniq } from 'lodash';
import { v4 } from 'uuid';
import { UserUtils } from '../..';
import { ConfigDumpData } from '../../../../data/configDump/configDump';
import {
} from '../../../../webworker/workers/browser/libsession_worker_interface';
import { NotEmptyArrayOfBatchResults } from '../../../apis/snode_api/SnodeRequestTypes';
import { getConversationController } from '../../../conversations';
import { SharedConfigMessage } from '../../../messages/outgoing/controlMessage/SharedConfigMessage';
import { MessageSender } from '../../../sending/MessageSender';
import { LibSessionUtil, OutgoingConfResult } from '../../libsession/libsession_utils';
import { fromHexToArray } from '../../String';
import { runners } from '../JobRunner';
import {
} from '../PersistedJob';
const defaultMsBetweenRetries = 3000;
const defaultMaxAttempts = 3;
export type SingleDestinationChanges = {
destination: string;
messages: Array<OutgoingConfResult>;
allOldHashes: Array<string>;
type SuccessfulChange = {
message: SharedConfigMessage;
publicKey: string;
updatedHash: Array<string>;
* Later in the syncing logic, we want to batch-send all the updates for a pubkey in a single batch call.
* To make this easier, this function prebuilds and merges together all the changes for each pubkey.
async function retrieveSingleDestinationChanges(): Promise<Array<SingleDestinationChanges>> {
const outgoingConfResults = await LibSessionUtil.pendingChangesForPubkey(
const groupedByDestination = groupBy(outgoingConfResults, m => m.destination);
const singleDestChanges: Array<SingleDestinationChanges> = Object.keys(groupedByDestination).map(
destination => {
const messages = groupedByDestination[destination];
// the delete hashes sub request can be done accross namespaces, so we can do a single one of it with all the hashes to remove (per pubkey)
const hashes = compact( => m.oldMessageHashes)).flat();
return { allOldHashes: hashes, destination, messages };
return singleDestChanges;
* This function is run once we get the results from the multiple batch-send.
* For each results, it checks wha
function resultsToSuccessfulChange(
allResults: Array<PromiseSettledResult<NotEmptyArrayOfBatchResults | null>>,
requests: Array<SingleDestinationChanges>
): Array<SuccessfulChange> {
const successfulChanges: Array<SuccessfulChange> = [];
* For each batch request, we get as result
* - status code + hash of the new config message
* - status code of the delete of all messages as given by the request hashes.
* As it is a sequence, the delete might have failed but the new config message might still be posted.
* So we need to check which request failed, and if it is the delete by hashes, we need to add the hash of the posted message to the list of hashes
try {
for (let i = 0; i < allResults.length; i++) {
const result = allResults[i];
// the batch send was rejected. Let's skip handling those results altogether. Another job will handle the retry logic.
if (result.status !== 'fulfilled') {
const resultValue = result.value;
if (!resultValue) {
const request = requests?.[i];
if (!result) {
const didDeleteOldConfigMessages = Boolean(
!isEmpty(request.allOldHashes) &&
resultValue &&
resultValue?.length &&
request &&
resultValue[resultValue.length - 1].code === 200
for (let j = 0; j < resultValue.length; j++) {
const batchResult = resultValue[j];
const messagePostedHashes = batchResult?.body?.hash;
if (
batchResult.code === 200 &&
isString(messagePostedHashes) &&
request.messages?.[j].message &&
) {
// a message was posted. We need to add it to the tracked list of hashes
const updatedHashes: Array<string> = didDeleteOldConfigMessages
? [messagePostedHashes]
: uniq(compact([...request.allOldHashes, messagePostedHashes]));
publicKey: request.destination,
updatedHash: updatedHashes,
message: request.messages?.[j].message,
} catch (e) {
throw e;
return successfulChanges;
async function buildAndSaveDumpsToDB(changes: Array<SuccessfulChange>): Promise<void> {
for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
const change = changes[i];
const variant = LibSessionUtil.kindToVariant(change.message.kind);
const needsDump = await LibSessionUtil.markAsPushed(
if (!needsDump) {
const dump = await GenericWrapperActions.dump(variant);
await ConfigDumpData.saveConfigDump({
data: dump,
publicKey: change.publicKey,
combinedMessageHashes: change.updatedHash,
class ConfigurationSyncJob extends PersistedJob<ConfigurationSyncPersistedData> {
}: Partial<
'identifier' | 'nextAttemptTimestamp' | 'currentRetry' | 'maxAttempts'
>) {
jobType: 'ConfigurationSyncJobType',
identifier: identifier || v4(),
delayBetweenRetries: defaultMsBetweenRetries,
maxAttempts: isNumber(maxAttempts) ? maxAttempts : defaultMaxAttempts,
currentRetry: isNumber(currentRetry) ? currentRetry : 0,
nextAttemptTimestamp: nextAttemptTimestamp || + defaultMsBetweenRetries,
public async run(): Promise<RunJobResult> {
if (!window.sessionFeatureFlags.useSharedUtilForUserConfig) {
return RunJobResult.Success;
window.log.debug(`ConfigurationSyncJob starting ${this.persistedData.identifier}`);
const us = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
const ed25519Key = await UserUtils.getUserED25519KeyPairBytes();
const conversation = getConversationController().get(us);
if (!us || !conversation || !ed25519Key) {
// we check for ed25519Key because it is needed for authenticated requests
window.log.warn('did not find our own conversation');
return RunJobResult.PermanentFailure;
const name = conversation.get('displayNameInProfile');
const pointer = conversation.get('avatarPointer');
const profileKey = conversation.get('profileKey');
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setName(name || '');
if (profileKey && pointer) {
const profileKeyArray = fromHexToArray(profileKey);
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setProfilePicture(pointer, profileKeyArray);
} else {
await UserConfigWrapperActions.setProfilePicture('', new Uint8Array());
const singleDestChanges = await retrieveSingleDestinationChanges();
// If there are no pending changes then the job can just complete (next time something
// is updated we want to try and run immediately so don't scuedule another run in this case)
if (isEmpty(singleDestChanges)) {
return RunJobResult.Success;
const allResults = await Promise.allSettled( dest => {
const msgs = => {
return {
namespace: item.namespace,
pubkey: item.destination,
timestamp: item.message.timestamp,
ttl: item.message.ttl(),
message: item.message,
const asSet = new Set(dest.allOldHashes);
return MessageSender.sendMessagesToSnode(msgs, dest.destination, asSet);
// we do a sequence call here. If we do not have the right expected number of results, consider it
if (!isArray(allResults) || allResults.length !== singleDestChanges.length) {
return RunJobResult.RetryJobIfPossible;
const changes = resultsToSuccessfulChange(allResults, singleDestChanges);
if (isEmpty(changes)) {
return RunJobResult.RetryJobIfPossible;
// Now that we have the successful changes, we need to mark them as pushed and
// generate any config dumps which need to be stored
await buildAndSaveDumpsToDB(changes);
return RunJobResult.Success;
public serializeJob(): ConfigurationSyncPersistedData {
const fromParent = super.serializeBase();
return fromParent;
public addJobCheck(jobs: Array<ConfigurationSyncPersistedData>): AddJobCheckReturn {
return this.addJobCheckSameTypePresent(jobs);
* For the SharedConfig job, we do not care about the jobs already in the list.
* We never want to add a new sync configuration job if there is already one in the queue.
* This is done by the `addJobCheck` method above
public nonRunningJobsToRemove(_jobs: Array<ConfigurationSyncPersistedData>) {
return [];
public getJobTimeoutMs(): number {
return 20000;
* Queue a new Sync Configuration if needed job.
* A ConfigurationSyncJob can only be added if there is none of the same type queued already.
async function queueNewJobIfNeeded() {
await runners.configurationSyncRunner.addJob(new ConfigurationSyncJob({}));
export const ConfigurationSync = {