2022-01-14 11:03:22 +11:00

258 lines
7.4 KiB

import { remote } from 'electron';
import { isArrayBuffer, isEmpty, isUndefined, omit } from 'lodash';
import {
} from '../attachments/attachments';
import {
} from './attachments/migrations';
// tslint:disable: prefer-object-spread
// FIXME audric
// upgrade: exports._mapAttachments(autoOrientJPEGAttachment),
// upgrade: exports._mapAttachments(replaceUnicodeOrderOverrides),
// upgrade: _mapAttachments(migrateDataToFileSystem),
// upgrade: ._mapQuotedAttachments(migrateDataToFileSystem),
// upgrade: initializeAttachmentMetadata,
// upgrade: initializeAttachmentMetadata,
// upgrade: _mapAttachments(captureDimensionsAndScreenshot),
// upgrade: _mapAttachments(replaceUnicodeV2),
// upgrade: _mapPreviewAttachments(migrateDataToFileSystem),
export const deleteExternalMessageFiles = async (message: {
attachments: any;
quote: any;
contact: any;
preview: any;
}) => {
const { attachments, quote, contact, preview } = message;
if (attachments && attachments.length) {
await Promise.all(;
if (quote && quote.attachments && quote.attachments.length) {
await Promise.all( (attachment: { thumbnail: any }) => {
const { thumbnail } = attachment;
// To prevent spoofing, we copy the original image from the quoted message.
// If so, it will have a 'copied' field. We don't want to delete it if it has
// that field set to true.
if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path && !thumbnail.copied) {
await deleteOnDisk(thumbnail.path);
if (contact && contact.length) {
await Promise.all( (item: { avatar: any }) => {
const { avatar } = item;
if (avatar && avatar.avatar && avatar.avatar.path) {
await deleteOnDisk(avatar.avatar.path);
if (preview && preview.length) {
await Promise.all( (item: { image: any }) => {
const { image } = item;
if (image && image.path) {
await deleteOnDisk(image.path);
let attachmentsPath: string | undefined;
let internalReadAttachmentData: ((relativePath: string) => Promise<ArrayBufferLike>) | undefined;
let internalGetAbsoluteAttachmentPath: ((relativePath: string) => string) | undefined;
let internalDeleteOnDisk: ((relativePath: string) => Promise<void>) | undefined;
let internalWriteNewAttachmentData: ((arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer) => Promise<string>) | undefined;
// userDataPath must be app.getPath('userData');
export function initializeAttachmentLogic() {
const userDataPath ='userData');
if (attachmentsPath) {
throw new Error('attachmentsPath already initialized');
if (!userDataPath || userDataPath.length <= 10) {
throw new Error('userDataPath cannot have length <= 10');
attachmentsPath = getPath(userDataPath);
internalReadAttachmentData = createReader(attachmentsPath);
internalGetAbsoluteAttachmentPath = createAbsolutePathGetter(attachmentsPath);
internalDeleteOnDisk = createDeleter(attachmentsPath);
internalWriteNewAttachmentData = createWriterForNew(attachmentsPath);
export const getAttachmentPath = () => {
if (!attachmentsPath) {
throw new Error('attachmentsPath not init');
return attachmentsPath;
export const loadAttachmentData = loadData;
export const loadPreviewData = async (preview: any): Promise<Array<any>> => {
if (!preview || !preview.length || isEmpty(preview[0])) {
return [];
const firstPreview = preview[0];
if (!firstPreview.image) {
return [firstPreview];
return [
image: await loadAttachmentData(firstPreview.image),
export const loadQuoteData = async (quote: any) => {
if (!quote) {
return null;
if (!quote.attachments?.length || isEmpty(quote.attachments[0])) {
return quote;
const quotedFirstAttachment = await quote.attachments[0];
const { thumbnail } = quotedFirstAttachment;
if (!thumbnail || !thumbnail.path) {
return {
attachments: [quotedFirstAttachment],
const quotedAttachmentWithThumbnail = {
thumbnail: await loadAttachmentData(thumbnail),
return {
attachments: [quotedAttachmentWithThumbnail],
export const processNewAttachment = async (attachment: {
fileName?: string;
contentType: string;
data: ArrayBuffer;
digest?: string;
path?: string;
isRaw?: boolean;
}) => {
const fileName = attachment.fileName ? replaceUnicodeV2(attachment.fileName) : '';
// this operation might change the size (as we might print the content to a canvas and get the data back)
const rotatedData = await autoOrientJPEGAttachment(attachment);
const onDiskAttachmentPath = await migrateDataToFileSystem(;
const attachmentWithoutData = omit({ ...attachment, fileName, path: onDiskAttachmentPath }, [
if (rotatedData.shouldDeleteDigest) {
delete attachmentWithoutData.digest;
const finalAttachment = await captureDimensionsAndScreenshot(attachmentWithoutData);
return { ...finalAttachment, fileName, size: };
export const readAttachmentData = async (relativePath: string): Promise<ArrayBufferLike> => {
if (!internalReadAttachmentData) {
throw new Error('attachment logic not initialized');
return internalReadAttachmentData(relativePath);
export const getAbsoluteAttachmentPath = (relativePath?: string): string => {
if (!internalGetAbsoluteAttachmentPath) {
throw new Error('attachment logic not initialized');
return internalGetAbsoluteAttachmentPath(relativePath || '');
export const deleteOnDisk = async (relativePath: string): Promise<void> => {
if (!internalDeleteOnDisk) {
throw new Error('attachment logic not initialized');
return internalDeleteOnDisk(relativePath);
export const writeNewAttachmentData = async (arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): Promise<string> => {
if (!internalWriteNewAttachmentData) {
throw new Error('attachment logic not initialized');
return internalWriteNewAttachmentData(arrayBuffer);
// type Context :: {
// writeNewAttachmentData :: ArrayBuffer -> Promise (IO Path)
// }
// migrateDataToFileSystem :: Attachment ->
// Context ->
// Promise Attachment
export const migrateDataToFileSystem = async (data?: ArrayBuffer) => {
const hasDataField = !isUndefined(data);
if (!hasDataField) {
throw new Error('attachment has no data in migrateDataToFileSystem');
const isValidData = isArrayBuffer(data);
if (!isValidData) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected ${data} to be an array buffer got: ${typeof data}`);
const path = await writeNewAttachmentData(data);
return path;
export async function deleteExternalFilesOfConversation(conversation: {
avatar: any;
profileAvatar: any;
}) {
if (!conversation) {
const { avatar, profileAvatar } = conversation;
if (avatar && avatar.path) {
await deleteOnDisk(avatar.path);
if (profileAvatar && profileAvatar.path) {
await deleteOnDisk(profileAvatar.path);