Add v4 onion requests

Copied over from sogs (and slightly modified to remove optional
sogs-specific bits).

Adds a pytest suite with onion request tests.

Also migrates to the oxenmq and pyonionreq python packages.
This commit is contained in:
Jason Rhinelander 2022-02-23 13:01:53 -04:00
parent a20948c6b4
commit c4e8767556
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C4992CE7A88D4262
17 changed files with 800 additions and 143 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,74 @@
local docker_base = '';
local apt_get_quiet = 'apt-get -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -q';
local default_deps = [
// Regular build on a debian-like system:
local debian_pipeline(name,
allow_fail=false) = {
kind: 'pipeline',
type: 'docker',
name: name,
platform: { arch: arch },
trigger: { branch: { exclude: ['debian/*', 'ubuntu/*'] } },
steps: [
name: '🐍 pytest',
image: image,
pull: 'always',
[if allow_fail then 'failure']: 'ignore',
commands: [
'echo "Running on ${DRONE_STAGE_MACHINE}"',
'echo "man-db man-db/auto-update boolean false" | debconf-set-selections',
apt_get_quiet + ' update',
apt_get_quiet + ' install -y eatmydata',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install --no-install-recommends -y lsb-release',
'cp contrib/ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d',
'echo deb $$(lsb_release -sc) main >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/oxen.list',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' update',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' dist-upgrade -y',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install --no-install-recommends -y ' + std.join(' ', deps),
'cp fileserver/ fileserver/',
] + before_pytest + [
'PYTHONPATH=. python3 -mpytest -vv --color=yes ' + pytest_opts,
+ extra_cmds,
services: services,
local debian_pg_pipeline(name, image, pg_tag='bullseye') = debian_pipeline(
deps=default_deps + ['python3-pip', 'postgresql-client'],
{ name: 'pg', image: 'postgres:bullseye', environment: { POSTGRES_USER: 'ci', POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 'ci' } },
'pip3 install psycopg psycopg-pool',
'for i in $(seq 0 30); do if pg_isready -d ci -h pg -U ci -t 1; then break; fi; if [ "$i" = 30 ]; then echo "Timeout waiting for postgresql" >&2; exit 1; fi; sleep 1; done',
pytest_opts='--pgsql "postgresql://ci:ci@pg/ci"'
name: 'Lint checks',
@ -28,4 +96,6 @@ local apt_get_quiet = 'apt-get -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -q';
debian_pg_pipeline('PostgreSQL 13/bullseye', docker_base + 'debian-stable', pg_tag='13-bullseye'),

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
max-line-length = 100
extend-ignore = E203 # See

.gitmodules vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[submodule "libonionrequests"]
path = libonionrequests
url =

View File

@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ Debian/Ubuntu).
- psycopg_pool
- requests
- uwsgidecorators
- oxenmq
- pyonionreq
Additionally you need to build the Oxen Project's pyoxenmq and pylibonionreq. This repository links
to them as submodules; `make` will build them locally for simple setups (proper deb packaging of
those libs is still a TODO).
(The last two are Oxen projects that either need to be installed manually, or via the Oxen deb
### WSGI request handler

contrib/ Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from .web import app
from .db import psql
from . import db
from .timer import timer
from .stats import log_stats
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ last_stats_printed = None
def periodic(signum):
with app.app_context(), psql.cursor() as cur:
with app.app_context(), db.psql.cursor() as cur:
app.logger.debug("Cleaning up expired files")
cur.execute("DELETE FROM files WHERE expiry <= NOW()")

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import nacl.public
import os
import pyonionreq.junk
from .web import app
@ -16,6 +17,9 @@ else:
with open("key_x25519", "wb") as f:
_junk_parser = pyonionreq.junk.Parser(privkey=privkey.encode(), pubkey=privkey.public_key.encode())
parse_junk = _junk_parser.parse_junk
"File server pubkey: {}".format(

View File

@ -10,8 +10,14 @@ from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
def pg_connect():
global psql_pool
# Test suite sets this to handle the connection itself:
if 'defer' in config.pgsql_connect_opts:
conninfo = config.pgsql_connect_opts.pop('conninfo', '')
psql_pool = ConnectionPool(
min_size=2, max_size=32, kwargs={**config.pgsql_connect_opts, "autocommit": True}
conninfo, min_size=2, max_size=32, kwargs={**config.pgsql_connect_opts, "autocommit": True}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
OK = 200
# error status codes:

View File

@ -1,131 +1,269 @@
from flask import request, Response
import base64
from flask import request, abort
import json
from io import BytesIO
import pyonionreq.junk
from .web import app
from . import http
from . import crypto
import traceback
onionparser = pyonionreq.junk.Parser(
pubkey=crypto.privkey.public_key.encode(), privkey=crypto.privkey.encode()
from . import crypto, http, utils
from .subrequest import make_subrequest
def handle_onionreq_plaintext(body):
Handles a decrypted onion request; this injects a subrequest to process it then returns the
result of that subrequest (as bytes).
Note that this does not throw: if errors occur we map them into "success" responses with a body
of {"status_code":xxx} as onion requests have no ability at all to signal a request failure.
def handle_v3_onionreq_plaintext(body):
if body.startswith(b"{"):
# JSON input
req = json.loads(body)
endpoint, method = req["endpoint"], req["method"]
subreq_headers = {k.lower(): v for k, v in req.get("headers", {}.items()).items()}
if not body.startswith(b'{'):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid v3 onion request body: expected JSON object")
if method in http.BODY_METHODS:
if "body_binary" in req:
subreq_body = base64.b64decode(req["body_binary"], validate=True)
subreq_body = req.get("body", "").encode()
ct = subreq_headers.pop(
"application/octet-stream" if "body_binary" in req else "application/json",
cl = len(subreq_body)
subreq_body = b""
# Android bug workaround: Android Session (at least up to v1.11.12) sends a body on
# GET requests with a 4-character string "null" when it should send no body.
if "body" in req and len(req["body"]) == 4 and req["body"] == "null":
del req["body"]
if "body" in req and len(req["body"]) or "body_binary" in req:
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid {} {} request: request must not contain a body".format(
method, endpoint
ct, cl = "", ""
for h in ("content-type", "content-length"):
if h in subreq_headers:
del subreq_headers[h]
elif body.startswith(b"d"):
raise RuntimeError("Bencoded onion requests not implemented yet")
req = json.loads(body)
endpoint, method = req['endpoint'], req['method']
subreq_headers = {k.lower(): v for k, v in req.get('headers', {}).items()}
if method in http.BODY_METHODS:
subreq_body = req.get('body', '').encode()
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid onion request body: expected JSON object or a bt-encoded dict"
subreq_body = b''
# Android bug workaround: Android Session (at least up to v1.11.12) sends a body on
# GET requests with a 4-character string "null" when it should send no body.
if 'body' in req and len(req['body']) == 4 and req['body'] == 'null':
del req['body']
if "?" in endpoint:
endpoint, query_string = endpoint.split("?", 1)
query_string = ""
# Set up the wsgi environ variables for the subrequest (see PEP 0333)
subreq_env = {
"PATH_INFO": endpoint,
"QUERY_STRING": query_string,
**{"HTTP_{}".format(h.upper().replace("-", "_")): v for h, v in subreq_headers.items()},
"wsgi.input": BytesIO(subreq_body),
with app.request_context(subreq_env):
response = app.full_dispatch_request()
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.get_data()
"Onion sub-request for {} returned success, {} bytes".format(
endpoint, len(data)
if 'body' in req and req['body']:
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid {} {} request: request must not contain a body".format(
method, endpoint
return data
"Onion sub-request for {} {} returned status {}".format(
method, endpoint, response.status_code
if not endpoint.startswith('/'):
endpoint = '/' + endpoint
response, _headers = make_subrequest(
if response.status_code == http.OK:
data = response.get_data()
f"Onion sub-request for {endpoint} returned success, {len(data)} bytes"
return json.dumps({"status_code": response.status_code}).encode()
except Exception:
"Onion sub-request for {} {} failed: {}".format(
method, endpoint, traceback.format_exc()
return json.dumps({"status_code": http.BAD_GATEWAY}).encode()
return data
return json.dumps({'status_code': response.status_code}).encode()
except Exception as e:
app.logger.warn("Invalid onion request: {}".format(e))
return json.dumps({"status_code": http.BAD_REQUEST}).encode()
app.logger.warning("Invalid onion request: {}".format(e))
return json.dumps({'status_code': http.BAD_REQUEST}).encode()
def handle_v4_onionreq_plaintext(body):
if not (body.startswith(b'l') and body.endswith(b'e')):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid onion request body: expected bencoded list")
belems = memoryview(body)[1:-1]
# Metadata json; this element is always required:
meta, belems = utils.bencode_consume_string(belems)
meta = json.loads(meta.tobytes())
# Then we can have a second optional string containing the body:
if len(belems) > 1:
subreq_body, belems = utils.bencode_consume_string(belems)
if len(belems):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid v4 onion request: found more than 2 parts")
subreq_body = b''
method, endpoint = meta['method'], meta['endpoint']
if not endpoint.startswith('/'):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid v4 onion request: endpoint must start with /")
response, headers = make_subrequest(
method, endpoint, headers=meta.get('headers', {}), body=subreq_body
data = response.get_data()
f"Onion sub-request for {endpoint} returned {response.status_code}, {len(data)} bytes"
meta = {'code': response.status_code, 'headers': headers}
except Exception as e:
app.logger.warning("Invalid v4 onion request: {}".format(e))
meta = {'code': http.BAD_REQUEST, 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'}}
data = b'Invalid v4 onion request'
meta = json.dumps(meta).encode()
return b''.join(
(b'l', str(len(meta)).encode(), b':', meta, str(len(data)).encode(), b':', data, b'e')
def decrypt_onionreq():
return crypto.parse_junk(
except Exception as e:
app.logger.warning("Failed to decrypt onion request: {}".format(e))
def handle_onion_request():
Parse an onion request, handle it as a subrequest, then encrypt the subrequest result and send
it back to the requestor.
Parse an onion request, handle it as a subrequest, then throw away the subrequest headers,
replace the subrequest body with a json string, encrypt the final result and then pointlessly
base64 encodes the body before sending it back to the requestor.
Deprecated in favour of /v4/.
This injects a subrequest to process it then returns the result of that subrequest (as bytes).
The body must be JSON containing two always-required keys:
- "endpoint" -- the HTTP endpoint to invoke (e.g. "/room/some-room").
- "method" -- the HTTP method (e.g. "POST", "GET")
Plus, when method is POST or PUT, the required field:
- "body" -- the request body for POST/PUT requests
Optional keys that may be included are:
- "headers" -- optional dict of HTTP headers for the request. Header names are
case-insensitive (i.e. `X-Foo` and `x-FoO` are equivalent).
When returning, we invoke the subrequest and then, if it returns a 200 response code, we take
the response body, encrypt it, and then base64 the encrypted body and send that back as the
response body of the onion request.
If the subrequest returned a non-200 response code then instead of the returned body we return
`{"status_code":xxx}` (where xxx is the numeric status code) and encrypt/base64 encode that.
Response headers are completely ignored, as are bodies of non-200 responses.
This is deprecated because it amplifies request and response sizes, it doesn't allow non-json
requests, and it drops pertinent request information (such as response headers and error
bodies). Prefer v4 requests which do not have these drawbacks.
junk = onionparser.parse_junk(
except RuntimeError as e:
app.logger.warn("Failed to decrypt onion request: {}".format(e))
return Response(status=http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
junk = decrypt_onionreq()
return utils.encode_base64(junk.transformReply(handle_v3_onionreq_plaintext(junk.payload)))
response = handle_onionreq_plaintext(junk.payload)
return base64.b64encode(junk.transformReply(response)).decode()"/oxen/v4/lsrpc")
def handle_v4_onion_request():
Handles a decrypted v4 onion request; this injects a subrequest to process it then returns the
result of that subrequest. In contrast to v3, it is more efficient (particularly for binary
input or output) and allows using endpoints that return headers or bodies with non-2xx response
The body of a v4 request (post-decryption) is a bencoded list containing exactly 1 or 2 byte
strings: the first byte string contains a json object containing the request metadata which has
three required fields:
- "endpoint" -- the HTTP endpoint to invoke (e.g. "/room/some-room").
- "method" -- the HTTP method (e.g. "POST", "GET")
- "headers" -- dict of HTTP headers for the request. Header names are case-insensitive (i.e.
`X-Foo` and `x-FoO` are equivalent).
Unlike v3 requests, endpoints must always start with a /. (If a legacy endpoint "whatever"
needs to be accessed through a v4 request for some reason then it can be accessed via the
"/legacy/whatever" endpoint).
The "headers" field typically carries X-SOGS-* authentication headers as well as fields like
Content-Type. Note that, unlike v3 requests, the Content-Type does *not* have any default and
should also be specified, often as `application/json`. Unlike HTTP requests, Content-Length is
not required and will be ignored if specified; the content-length is always determined from the
provided body.
The second byte string in the request, if present, is the request body in raw bytes and is
required for POST and PUT requests and must not be provided for GET/DELETE requests.
Bencoding details:
A full bencode library can be used, but the format used here is deliberately meant to be as
simple as possible to implement without a full bencode library on hand. The format of a
byte string is `N:` where N is a decimal number (e.g. `123:` starts a 123-byte string),
followed by the N bytes. A list of strings starts with `l`, contains any number of encoded
byte strings, followed by `e`. (Full bencode allows dicts, integers, and list/dict
recursion, but we do not use any of that for v4 bencoded onion requests).
For example, the request:
GET /room/some-room
Some-Header: 12345
would be encoded as:
that is: a list containing a single 79-byte string. A POST request such as:
POST /some/thing
Some-Header: a
post body here
would be encoded as the two-string bencoded list:
l72:{"method":"POST","endpoint":"/some/thing","headers":{"Some-Header":"a"}}14:post body heree
^^^^^^^^72-byte request info json^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^body^^^^^
The return value of the request is always a 2-part bencoded list where the first part contains
response metadata and the second contains the response body. The response metadata is a json
object containing:
- "code" -- the numeric HTTP response code (e.g. 200, 403); and
- "headers" -- a json object of header names to values. Note that, since HTTP headers are
case-insensitive, the header names are always returned as lower-case, and we strip out the
'content-length' header (since it is already encoded in the length of the body part).
For example, a simple json request response might be the two parts:
- `{"code":200,"headers":{"content-type":"application/json"}}`
- `{"id": 123}`
encoded as:
l58:{"code":200,"headers":{"content-type":"application/json"}}11:{"id": 123}e
A more complicated request, for example for a file download, might return binary content such as:
- `{"code":200,"headers":{"content-type":"application/octet-stream","content-disposition":"attachment; filename*=UTF-8''filename.txt"}}`
- `My file contents`
i.e. encoded as `l132:{...the json above...}16:My file contentse`
Error responses (e.g. a 403) are not treated specially; that is: they still have a "code" set to
the response code and "headers" and a body part of whatever the request returned for a body).
The final value returned from the endpoint is the encrypted bencoded bytes, and these encrypted
bytes are returned directly to the client (i.e. no base64 encoding applied, unlike v3 requests).
""" # noqa: E501
# Some less-than-ideal decisions in the onion request protocol design means that we are stuck
# dealing with parsing the request body here in the internal format that is meant for storage
# server, but the *last* hop's decrypted, encoded data has to get shared by us (and is passed on
# to us in its raw, encoded form). It looks like this:
# [N][blob][json]
# where N is the size of blob (4 bytes, little endian), and json contains *both* the elements
# that were meant for the last hop (like our host/port/protocol) *and* the elements that *we*
# need to decrypt blob (specifically: "ephemeral_key" and, optionally, "enc_type" [which can be
# used to use xchacha20-poly1305 encryption instead of AES-GCM]).
# The parse_junk here takes care of decoding and decrypting this according to the fields *meant
# for us* in the json (which include things like the encryption type and ephemeral key):
junk = crypto.parse_junk(
except RuntimeError as e:
app.logger.warning("Failed to decrypt onion request: {}".format(e))
# On the way back out we re-encrypt via the junk parser (which uses the ephemeral key and
# enc_type that were specified in the outer request). We then return that encrypted binary
# payload as-is back to the client which bounces its way through the SN path back to the client.
response = handle_v4_onionreq_plaintext(junk.payload)
return junk.transformReply(response)

View File

@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ except ModuleNotFoundError:
"""Simple non-uwsgi stub that just calls the postfork function"""
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
def __call__(self, f):
def __call__(self):

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
from . import config
from .web import app
from .db import psql
from . import http
from . import db
from . import http, utils
import flask
from flask import request
import secrets
import base64
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from hashlib import blake2b
import json
import psycopg
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def generate_file_id(data):
base64 chars. (Ideally would be 32, but that would result in base64 padding, so increased to 33
to fit perfectly).
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
return urlsafe_b64encode(
blake2b(data, digest_size=33, salt=b"SessionFileSvr\0\0").digest()
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def submit_file(*, body=None, deprecated=False):
if not deprecated:
id = str(id) # New ids are always strings; legacy requests require an integer
with psql.cursor() as cur:
with db.psql.cursor() as cur:
"INSERT INTO files (id, data, expiry) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW() + %s)",
(id, body, config.FILE_EXPIRY),
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ def submit_file(*, body=None, deprecated=False):
return error_resp(http.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)
with psql.transaction(), psql.cursor() as cur:
with db.psql.transaction(), db.psql.cursor() as cur:
id = generate_file_id(body)
# Don't pass the data yet because we might be de-duplicating
with psql.transaction():
with db.psql.transaction():
"INSERT INTO files (id, data, expiry) VALUES (%s, '', NOW() + %s)",
(id, config.FILE_EXPIRY),
@ -125,18 +125,14 @@ def submit_file_old():
return error_resp(http.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE)
# base64.b64decode is picky about padding (but not, by default, about random non-alphabet
# characters in the middle of the data, wtf!)
while len(body) % 4 != 0:
body += "="
body = base64.b64decode(body, validate=True)
body = utils.decode_base64(body)
return submit_file(body=body, deprecated=True)
def get_file(id):
with psql.cursor() as cur:
with db.psql.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("SELECT data FROM files WHERE id = %s", (id,), binary=True)
row = cur.fetchone()
if row:
@ -148,21 +144,21 @@ def get_file(id):
return error_resp(http.NOT_FOUND)
def get_file_old(id):
with psql.cursor() as cur:
with db.psql.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("SELECT data FROM files WHERE id = %s", (id,), binary=True)
row = cur.fetchone()
if row:
return json_resp({"status_code": 200, "result": base64.b64encode(row[0]).decode()})
return json_resp({"status_code": 200, "result": utils.encode_base64(row[0])})
app.logger.warn("File '{}' does not exist".format(id))
return error_resp(http.NOT_FOUND)
def get_file_info(id):
with psql.cursor() as cur:
with db.psql.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("SELECT length(data), uploaded, expiry FROM files WHERE id = %s", (id,))
row = cur.fetchone()
if row:
@ -174,16 +170,16 @@ def get_file_info(id):
return error_resp(http.NOT_FOUND)
def get_session_version():
platform = request.args["platform"]
platform = request.args.get("platform")
if platform not in ("desktop", "android", "ios"):
app.logger.warn("Invalid session platform '{}'".format(platform))
return error_resp(http.NOT_FOUND)
project = "oxen-io/session-" + platform
with psql.cursor() as cur:
with db.psql.cursor() as cur:
SELECT version, updated FROM release_versions

fileserver/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
from .web import app
from . import http
from flask import request
from io import BytesIO
import traceback
from typing import Optional, Union
def make_subrequest(
method: str,
path: str,
content_type: Optional[str] = None,
body: Optional[Union[bytes, memoryview]] = None,
json: Optional[Union[dict, list]] = None,
Makes a subrequest from the given parameters, returns the response object and a dict of
lower-case response headers keys to header values.
method - the HTTP method, e.g. GET or POST
path - the request path (optionally including a query string)
headers - dict of HTTP headers for the request
content_type - the content-type of the request (for POST/PUT methods)
body - the bytes content of the body of a POST/PUT method. If specified then content_type will
default to 'application/octet-stream'.
json - a json value to dump as the body of the request. If specified then content_type will
default to 'applicaton/json'.
http_headers = {'HTTP_{}'.format(h.upper().replace('-', '_')): v for h, v in headers.items()}
if content_type is None:
if 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' in http_headers:
content_type = http_headers['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']
elif body is not None:
content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
elif json is not None:
content_type = 'application/json'
content_type = ''
if x in http_headers:
del http_headers[x]
if body is None:
if json is not None:
from json import dumps
body = dumps(json, separators=(',', ':')).encode()
body = b''
body_input = BytesIO(body)
content_length = len(body)
if '?' in path:
path, query_string = path.split('?', 1)
query_string = ''
# Set up the wsgi environ variables for the subrequest (see PEP 0333)
subreq_env = {
"PATH_INFO": path,
"QUERY_STRING": query_string,
"CONTENT_TYPE": content_type,
"CONTENT_LENGTH": content_length,
'wsgi.input': body_input,
'flask._preserve_context': False,
app.logger.debug(f"Initiating sub-request for {method} {path}")
with app.request_context(subreq_env):
response = app.full_dispatch_request()
if response.status_code != http.OK:
f"Sub-request for {method} {path} returned status {response.status_code}"
return response, {
k.lower(): v
for k, v in response.get_wsgi_headers(subreq_env)
if k.lower() != 'content-length'
except Exception:
app.logger.warning(f"Sub-request for {method} {path} failed: {traceback.format_exc()}")

fileserver/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
from typing import Tuple
import base64
def bencode_consume_string(body: memoryview) -> Tuple[memoryview, memoryview]:
Parses a bencoded byte string from the beginning of `body`. Returns a pair of memoryviews on
success: the first is the string byte data; the second is the remaining data (i.e. after the
consumed string).
Raises ValueError on parse failure.
pos = 0
print(f"body: {body.tobytes()}")
while pos < len(body) and 0x30 <= body[pos] <= 0x39: # 1+ digits
pos += 1
if pos == 0 or pos >= len(body) or body[pos] != 0x3A: # 0x3a == ':'
raise ValueError("Invalid string bencoding: did not find `N:` length prefix")
strlen = int(body[0:pos]) # parse the digits as a base-10 integer
pos += 1 # skip the colon
if pos + strlen > len(body):
raise ValueError("Invalid string bencoding: length exceeds buffer")
return body[pos : pos + strlen], body[pos + strlen :]
def encode_base64(data: bytes):
return base64.b64encode(data).decode()
def decode_base64(b64: str):
"""Decodes a base64 value with or without padding."""
# Accept unpadded base64 by appending padding; b64decode won't accept it otherwise
if 2 <= len(b64) % 4 <= 3 and not b64.endswith('='):
b64 += '=' * (4 - len(b64) % 4)
return base64.b64decode(b64, validate=True)

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit bc373fcb0915e0378a898762e239266409d62f0c

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import pytest
import os
from fileserver import config
config.pgsql_connect_opts = {"defer": True}
from fileserver import web # noqa: E402
def pytest_addoption(parser):
help='Use the given postgresql database connect string for testing. '
'E.g. "dbname=test user=joe" or "postgresql://..."',
help="Don't clean up the final test schema; typically used with --maxfail=1",
def db_conn(request):
from fileserver import db as db_
pgsql = request.config.getoption("--pgsql")"using postgresql {pgsql}")
config.pgsql_connect_opts = {"conninfo": pgsql}
db_.psql = db_.psql_pool.getconn()
yield db_.psql"closing db")
if not request.config.getoption("--no-drop-schema"):"DROPPING SCHEMA")
with db_.psql.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("DROP SCHEMA sfs_tests CASCADE")
def db(request, db_conn):
Import this fixture to get a wiped, re-initialized database for db.engine. The actual fixture
value is the db module itself (so typically you don't import it at all but instead get it
through this fixture, which also creates an empty db for you).
with db_conn.transaction(), db_conn.cursor() as cur, open(
os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../schema.pgsql", "r"
) as schema:
cur.execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS sfs_tests CASCADE")
cur.execute("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS sfs_tests")
cur.execute("SET search_path TO sfs_tests")
return db_conn
def client():
"""Yields an flask test client for the app that can be used to make test requests"""
with as client:
yield client

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
from fileserver.web import app
from fileserver import crypto, db, utils
from nacl.bindings import (
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
import nacl.utils
import nacl.hashlib
import struct
import json
import time
from nacl.public import PrivateKey
# ephemeral X25519 keypair for use in tests
a = PrivateKey(bytes.fromhex('ec32fb5766cf52b1b5d7b0bff08e29f5c0c58ca19beaf6a5c7d3dd8ac7ced963'))
A = a.public_key
assert A.encode().hex() == 'd79a50b82ba8ca665f854382b42ba159efd16eef87409e97a8d07395b9492928'
# For xchacha20 we use the libsodium recommended shared key of H(aB || A || B), where H(.) is
# 32-byte Blake2B
shared_xchacha20_key = nacl.hashlib.blake2b(
crypto_scalarmult(a.encode(), crypto.privkey.public_key.encode())
+ A.encode()
+ crypto.privkey.public_key.encode(),
# AES-GCM onion requests were implemented using the somewhat weaker shared key of just aB:
shared_aes_key = crypto_scalarmult(a.encode(), crypto.privkey.public_key.encode())
def build_payload(inner_json, inner_body=None, *, v, enc_type, outer_json_extra={}):
"""Encrypt and encode a payload for fileserver"""
if not isinstance(inner_json, bytes):
inner_json = json.dumps(inner_json).encode()
if v == 3:
assert inner_body is None
inner_data = inner_json
elif v == 4:
inner_data = b''.join(
*(() if inner_body is None else (str(len(inner_body)).encode(), b':', inner_body)),
raise RuntimeError(f"invalid payload v{v}")
inner_enc = ()
if enc_type in ("xchacha20", "xchacha20-poly1305"):
# For xchacha20 we stick the nonce to the beginning of the encrypted blob
nonce = nacl.utils.random(24)
inner_enc = (
inner_data, aad=None, nonce=nonce, key=shared_xchacha20_key
elif enc_type in ("aes-gcm", "gcm"):
# For aes-gcm we stick the iv on the beginning of the encrypted blob and the mac tag on the
# end of it
iv = nacl.utils.random(12)
cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
enc, mac = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(inner_data)
inner_enc = (iv, enc, mac)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid enc_type: {enc_type}")
# The outer request is in storage server onion request format:
# [N][junk]{json}
# where we load the fields for the last hop *and* the fields for fileserver into the json.
outer_json = {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 80,
"protocol": "http",
"target": f"/oxen/v{v}/lsrpc",
"ephemeral_key": A.encode().hex(),
"enc_type": enc_type,
return b''.join(
struct.pack('<i', sum(len(x) for x in inner_enc)),
def decrypt_reply(data, *, v, enc_type):
Parses a reply; returns the json metadata and the body. Note for v3 that there is only json;
body will always be None.
if v == 3:
data = utils.decode_base64(data)
if enc_type in ("xchacha20", "xchacha20-poly1305"):
assert len(data) > 24
nonce, enc = data[:24], data[24:]
data = crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(
enc, aad=None, nonce=nonce, key=shared_xchacha20_key
elif enc_type in ("aes-gcm", "gcm"):
assert len(data) > 28
iv, enc, mac = data[:12], data[12:-16], data[-16:]
cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
data = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(enc, mac)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid enc_type: {enc_type}")
body = None
if v == 4:
assert (data[:1], data[-1:]) == (b'l', b'e')
data = memoryview(data)[1:-1]
json_data, data = utils.bencode_consume_string(data)
json_ = json.loads(json_data.tobytes())
if data:
body, data = utils.bencode_consume_string(data)
assert len(data) == 0
body = body.tobytes()
elif v == 3:
json_ = json.loads(data)
return json_, body
def update_session_desktop_version():
Fileserver errors if the db update version is more than 24 hours old, so update it to a fake
version for testing.
with db.psql.cursor() as cur:
"UPDATE release_versions SET version = %s, updated = NOW() WHERE project = %s",
('v1.2.3', 'oxen-io/session-desktop'),
def test_v3(client):
# Construct an onion request for /room/test-room
req = {'method': 'GET', 'endpoint': 'session_version?platform=desktop'}
data = build_payload(req, v=3, enc_type="xchacha20")
r ="/loki/v3/lsrpc", data=data)
assert r.status_code == 200
v = decrypt_reply(, v=3, enc_type="xchacha20")[0]
assert -1 < time.time() - v.pop('updated') < 1
assert v == {'status_code': 200, 'result': 'v1.2.3'}
def test_v4(client):
req = {'method': 'GET', 'endpoint': '/session_version?platform=desktop'}
data = build_payload(req, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
r ="/oxen/v4/lsrpc", data=data)
assert r.status_code == 200
info, body = decrypt_reply(, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
assert info == {'code': 200, 'headers': {'content-type': 'application/json'}}
v = json.loads(body)
assert -1 < time.time() - v.pop('updated') < 1
assert v == {'status_code': 200, 'result': 'v1.2.3'}"/test_v4_post_body")
def v4_post_body():
from flask import request, jsonify, Response
if request.json is not None:
return jsonify({"json": request.json})
print(f"rd: {}")
return Response(
f"not json ({request.content_type}): {}".encode(),
def test_v4_post_body(client):
req = {'method': 'POST', 'endpoint': '/test_v4_post_body'}
content = b'test data'
req['headers'] = {'content-type': 'text/plain'}
data = build_payload(req, content, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
r ="/oxen/v4/lsrpc", data=data)
assert r.status_code == 200
info, body = decrypt_reply(, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
assert info == {'code': 200, 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'}}
assert body == b'not json (text/plain): test data'
# Now try with json:
test_json = {"test": ["json", None], "1": 23}
content = json.dumps(test_json).encode()
req['headers'] = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
data = build_payload(req, content, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
r ="/oxen/v4/lsrpc", data=data)
assert r.status_code == 200
info, body = decrypt_reply(, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
assert info == {'code': 200, 'headers': {'content-type': 'application/json'}}
assert json.loads(body) == {"json": test_json}
# Now try with json, but with content-type set to something else (this should avoid the json
req['headers'] = {'content-type': 'x-omg/all-your-base'}
data = build_payload(req, content, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
r ="/oxen/v4/lsrpc", data=data)
assert r.status_code == 200
info, body = decrypt_reply(, v=4, enc_type="xchacha20")
assert info == {'code': 200, 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'}}
assert body == b'not json (x-omg/all-your-base): ' + content