
6349 lines
196 KiB

#import "YapDatabaseConnection.h"
#import "YapCache.h"
#import "YapCollectionKey.h"
#import "YapDatabaseConnectionState.h"
#import "YapDatabaseExtensionPrivate.h"
#import "YapDatabaseLogging.h"
#import "YapDatabasePrivate.h"
#import "YapDatabaseString.h"
#import "YapNull.h"
#import "YapSet.h"
#import "YapTouch.h"
#import <mach/mach_time.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <stdatomic.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include "yap_vfs_shim.h"
#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
#warning This file must be compiled with ARC. Use -fobjc-arc flag (or convert project to ARC).
* Define log level for this file: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, VERBOSE
* See YapDatabaseLogging.h for more information.
static const int ydbLogLevel = YDB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
static const int ydbLogLevel = YDB_LOG_LEVEL_WARN;
#pragma unused(ydbLogLevel)
static NSUInteger const UNLIMITED_CACHE_LIMIT = 0;
static NSUInteger const MIN_KEY_CACHE_LIMIT = 500;
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
typedef BOOL (*IMP_NSThread_isMainThread)(id, SEL);
static IMP_NSThread_isMainThread ydb_NSThread_isMainThread;
static Class ydb_NSThread_Class;
return ydb_NSThread_isMainThread(ydb_NSThread_Class, @selector(isMainThread));
static void yapNotifyDidRead(yap_file *file)
__unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseConnection *connection =
(__bridge YapDatabaseConnection *)file->yap_database_connection;
if (connection)
if (connection->needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock)
[connection markSqlLevelSharedReadLockAcquired];
file->xNotifyDidRead = NULL;
static int connectionBusyHandler(void *ptr, int count)
__unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseConnection *connection = (__bridge YapDatabaseConnection *)ptr;
// sleep 50 milliseconds
int millis = 50;
usleep(millis * 1000);
// log every 250 milliseconds
if ((count >= 4) && (count % 4 == 0)) {
YDBLogWarn(@"Delay obtaining SQLite lock on connection (%p): %d milliseconds."
@" Is another process locking the database?", connection, (millis * (count+1)));
return 1;
@implementation YapDatabaseConnection {
uint64_t snapshot;
id sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset;
id sharedKeySetForExternalChangeset;
YapDatabaseReadTransaction *longLivedReadTransaction;
BOOL throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction;
NSMutableArray *pendingChangesets;
NSMutableArray *processedChangesets;
BOOL isFastForwarding;
NSDictionary *registeredExtensions;
BOOL registeredExtensionsChanged;
NSDictionary *registeredMemoryTables;
BOOL registeredMemoryTablesChanged;
NSMutableDictionary *extensions;
BOOL extensionsReady;
id sharedKeySetForExtensions;
atomic_ullong pendingTransactionCount;
sqlite3_stmt *beginTransactionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *beginImmediateTransactionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *commitTransactionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *rollbackTransactionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *yapGetDataForKeyStatement; // Against "yap" database, for internal use
sqlite3_stmt *yapSetDataForKeyStatement; // Against "yap" database, for internal use
sqlite3_stmt *yapRemoveForKeyStatement; // Against "yap" database, for internal use
sqlite3_stmt *yapRemoveExtensionStatement; // Against "yap" database, for internal use
sqlite3_stmt *getCollectionCountStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getKeyCountForCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getKeyCountForAllStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getCountForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getRowidForKeyStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getKeyForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getDataForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getMetadataForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getAllForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getDataForKeyStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getMetadataForKeyStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *getAllForKeyStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *insertForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *updateAllForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *updateObjectForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *updateMetadataForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *removeForRowidStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *removeCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *removeAllStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateCollectionsForKeyStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateKeysInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateKeysInAllCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateKeysAndMetadataInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateKeysAndMetadataInAllCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateKeysAndObjectsInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateKeysAndObjectsInAllCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateRowsInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt *enumerateRowsInAllCollectionsStatement;
+ (void)load
static BOOL loaded = NO;
if (!loaded)
// Method swizzle:
// Both 'extension:' and 'ext:' are designed to be the same method (with ext: shorthand for extension:).
// So swap out the ext: method to point to extension:.
Method extMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self class], @selector(ext:));
IMP extensionIMP = class_getMethodImplementation([self class], @selector(extension:));
method_setImplementation(extMethod, extensionIMP);
loaded = YES;
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
// Optimized invocation of [NSThread isMainThread].
// Benchmarks seem to indicate:
// - ~30% performance improvement on the main thread
// - ~50% performance improvement on background thread(s)
ydb_NSThread_isMainThread = (IMP_NSThread_isMainThread)[NSThread methodForSelector:@selector(isMainThread)];
ydb_NSThread_Class = [NSThread class];
- (id)initWithDatabase:(YapDatabase *)inDatabase
return [self initWithDatabase:inDatabase config:nil];
- (instancetype)initWithDatabase:(YapDatabase *)inDatabase config:(YapDatabaseConnectionConfig *)inConfig
if ((self = [super init]))
database = inDatabase;
connectionQueue = dispatch_queue_create("YapDatabaseConnection", NULL);
IsOnConnectionQueueKey = &IsOnConnectionQueueKey;
dispatch_queue_set_specific(connectionQueue, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, NULL);
throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction = YES;
throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction = NO;
pendingChangesets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
processedChangesets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset = [NSDictionary sharedKeySetForKeys:[self internalChangesetKeys]];
sharedKeySetForExternalChangeset = [NSDictionary sharedKeySetForKeys:[self externalChangesetKeys]];
sharedKeySetForExtensions = [NSDictionary sharedKeySetForKeys:@[]];
extensions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
YapDatabaseOptions *options = database.options;
enableMultiProcessSupport = options.enableMultiProcessSupport;
YapDatabaseConnectionConfig *defaults = inConfig ?: database.connectionDefaults;
objectCacheLimit = defaults.objectCacheLimit;
metadataCacheLimit = defaults.metadataCacheLimit;
if (defaults.objectCacheEnabled)
[self initializeObjectCache];
if (defaults.metadataCacheEnabled)
[self initializeMetadataCache];
NSUInteger keyCacheLimit = [self calculateKeyCacheLimit];
YapBidirectionalCacheCallBacks RowidCallBacks = kYapBidirectionalCacheDefaultCallBacks;
RowidCallBacks.shouldCopy = NO;
YapBidirectionalCacheCallBacks YapCollectionKeyCallBacks = kYapBidirectionalCacheDefaultCallBacks;
YapCollectionKeyCallBacks.shouldCopy = NO;
YapCollectionKeyCallBacks.equal = (CFDictionaryEqualCallBack)YapCollectionKeyEqual;
YapCollectionKeyCallBacks.hash = (CFDictionaryHashCallBack)YapCollectionKeyHash;
keyCache = [[YapBidirectionalCache alloc] initWithCountLimit:keyCacheLimit
keyCache.allowedKeyClasses = [NSSet setWithObject:[NSNumber class]];
keyCache.allowedObjectClasses = [NSSet setWithObject:[YapCollectionKey class]];
objectPolicy = defaults.objectPolicy;
metadataPolicy = defaults.metadataPolicy;
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
self.permittedTransactions = YDB_AnyTransaction;
self.autoFlushMemoryFlags = defaults.autoFlushMemoryFlags;
BOOL recycled = [database connectionPoolDequeue:&db main_file:&main_file wal_file:&wal_file];
if (recycled)
// Update pointer values
if (main_file) {
main_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
if (wal_file) {
wal_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
sqlite3_busy_handler(db, connectionBusyHandler, (__bridge void *)self);
// Open the database connection.
// We use SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX to use the multi-thread threading mode,
// as we will be serializing access to the connection externally.
int status = sqlite3_open_v2([database.databasePath UTF8String], &db, flags,
[database->yap_vfs_shim_name UTF8String]);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
// Sometimes the open function returns a db to allow us to query it for the error message
if (db) {
YDBLogWarn(@"Error opening database: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
else {
YDBLogError(@"Error opening database: %d", status);
// Set configurable pragmas
YapDatabasePragmaSynchronous pragmaSynchronous = options.pragmaSynchronous;
if (pragmaSynchronous == YapDatabasePragmaSynchronous_Off ||
pragmaSynchronous == YapDatabasePragmaSynchronous_Normal)
char *pragma_stmt = NULL;
if (pragmaSynchronous == YapDatabasePragmaSynchronous_Off)
pragma_stmt = "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;";
pragma_stmt = "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;";
status = sqlite3_exec(db, pragma_stmt, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error setting PRAGMA synchronous: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
if (options.pragmaMMapSize > 0)
NSString *pragma_mmap_size =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PRAGMA mmap_size = %ld;", (long)options.pragmaMMapSize];
status = sqlite3_exec(db, [pragma_mmap_size UTF8String], NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error setting PRAGMA mmap_size: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
// This isn't critical, so we can continue.
// Disable autocheckpointing.
// YapDatabase has its own optimized checkpointing algorithm built-in.
// It knows the state of every active connection for the database,
// so it can invoke the checkpoint methods at the precise time
// in which a checkpoint can be most effective.
sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint(db, 0);
// Install busy handler.
// When multi-process support is ENABLED:
// This allows us to warn the developer (via log statements) when another process
// may be holding the write lock for too long.
// When multi-process support is DISABLED:
// The busy handler acts as a potential edge case workaround.
// If there's an active checkpoint operation,
// then the very first time we call sqlite3_prepare_v2 on this db,
// we sometimes get a SQLITE_BUSY error.
// This only seems to happen once, and only during the very first use of the db instance.
// I'm still tyring to figure out exactly why this is. (sqlite bug ?)
// For now I'm setting a busy timeout as a temporary workaround.
// Note: In all my testing, I've only seen the busy_handler called once per db.
sqlite3_busy_handler(db, connectionBusyHandler, (__bridge void *)self);
// Configure SQLCipher encryption (if needed)
[database configureEncryptionForDatabase:db];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
return self;
* This method will be invoked before any other method.
* It can be used to do any setup that may be needed.
- (void)prepare
// This method is invoked from our connectionQueue, within the snapshotQueue.
// Don't do anything expensive here that might tie up the snapshotQueue.
snapshot = [database snapshot];
registeredExtensions = [database registeredExtensions];
registeredMemoryTables = [database registeredMemoryTables];
extensionsOrder = [database extensionsOrder];
extensionDependencies = [database extensionDependencies];
extensionsReady = ([registeredExtensions count] == 0);
- (NSString *)description
// If the user has a name then lets use it for printing
// Will look something like this <YapDatabaseConnection: 0x7f85e0e62300> - ConnectionName
if (_name.length > 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@", [super description], _name];
} else {
return [super description];
- (void)dealloc
YDBLogVerbose(@"Dealloc <YapDatabaseConnection %p: databaseName=%@>",
self, [database.databasePath lastPathComponent]);
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push // silence warnings: synchronous access
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction) {
[self postReadTransaction:longLivedReadTransaction];
longLivedReadTransaction = nil;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[extensions removeAllObjects];
[self _flushStatements];
if (db)
if (main_file)
main_file->yap_database_connection = NULL;
main_file->xNotifyDidRead = NULL;
if (wal_file)
wal_file->yap_database_connection = NULL;
wal_file->xNotifyDidRead = NULL;
if (![database connectionPoolEnqueue:db main_file:main_file wal_file:wal_file])
int status = sqlite3_close(db);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error in sqlite_close: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
db = NULL;
main_file = NULL;
wal_file = NULL;
[database removeConnection:self];
if (connectionQueue)
#pragma mark Memory
- (void)_flushStatements
- (void)_flushMemoryWithFlags:(YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags)flags
if (flags & YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags_Caches)
[keyCache removeAllObjects];
[objectCache removeAllObjects];
[metadataCache removeAllObjects];
if (flags & YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags_Statements)
[self _flushStatements];
if (flags & YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags_Internal)
[extensions enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id __unused extNameObj, id extConnectionObj, BOOL __unused *stop) {
[(YapDatabaseExtensionConnection *)extConnectionObj _flushMemoryWithFlags:flags];
* This method may be used to flush the internal caches used by the connection,
* as well as flushing pre-compiled sqlite statements.
* Depending upon how often you use the database connection,
* you may want to be more or less aggressive on how much stuff you flush.
* YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryLevelNone (0):
* No-op. Doesn't flush any caches or anything from internal memory.
* YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryLevelMild (1):
* Flushes the object cache and metadata cache.
* YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryLevelModerate (2):
* Mild plus drops less common pre-compiled sqlite statements.
* YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryLevelFull (3):
* Full flush of all caches and removes all pre-compiled sqlite statements.
- (void)flushMemoryWithFlags:(YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags)flags
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
[self _flushMemoryWithFlags:flags];
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning:(NSNotification __unused *)notification
[self flushMemoryWithFlags:[self autoFlushMemoryFlags]];
#pragma mark Properties
@synthesize database = database;
@synthesize name = _name;
@dynamic objectCacheEnabled;
@dynamic objectCacheLimit;
@dynamic metadataCacheEnabled;
@dynamic metadataCacheLimit;
@dynamic objectPolicy;
@dynamic metadataPolicy;
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
@synthesize permittedTransactions = _mustUseAtomicProperty_permittedTransactions;
@synthesize autoFlushMemoryFlags;
@dynamic snapshot;
@dynamic pendingTransactionCount;
- (BOOL)objectCacheEnabled
__block BOOL result = NO;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push // silence warnings: synchronous access
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
result = (objectCache != nil);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return result;
- (void)setObjectCacheEnabled:(BOOL)flag
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (flag) // Enabled
if (objectCache == nil)
[self initializeObjectCache];
else // Disabled
objectCache = nil;
keyCache.countLimit = [self calculateKeyCacheLimit];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (NSUInteger)objectCacheLimit
__block NSUInteger result = 0;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
result = objectCacheLimit;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return result;
- (void)setObjectCacheLimit:(NSUInteger)newObjectCacheLimit
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (objectCacheLimit != newObjectCacheLimit)
objectCacheLimit = newObjectCacheLimit;
if (objectCache == nil)
// Limit changed, but objectCache is still disabled
objectCache.countLimit = objectCacheLimit;
keyCache.countLimit = [self calculateKeyCacheLimit];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (BOOL)metadataCacheEnabled
__block BOOL result = NO;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
result = (metadataCache != nil);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return result;
- (void)setMetadataCacheEnabled:(BOOL)flag
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (flag) // Enabled
if (metadataCache == nil)
[self initializeMetadataCache];
else // Disabled
metadataCache = nil;
keyCache.countLimit = [self calculateKeyCacheLimit];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (NSUInteger)metadataCacheLimit
__block NSUInteger result = 0;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
result = metadataCacheLimit;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return result;
- (void)setMetadataCacheLimit:(NSUInteger)newMetadataCacheLimit
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (metadataCacheLimit != newMetadataCacheLimit)
metadataCacheLimit = newMetadataCacheLimit;
if (metadataCache == nil)
// Limit changed but metadataCache still disabled
metadataCache.countLimit = metadataCacheLimit;
keyCache.countLimit = [self calculateKeyCacheLimit];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (YapDatabasePolicy)objectPolicy
__block YapDatabasePolicy policy = YapDatabasePolicyContainment;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
policy = objectPolicy;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return policy;
- (void)setObjectPolicy:(YapDatabasePolicy)newObjectPolicy
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// sanity check
switch (newObjectPolicy)
case YapDatabasePolicyContainment :
case YapDatabasePolicyShare :
case YapDatabasePolicyCopy : objectPolicy = newObjectPolicy; break;
default : objectPolicy = YapDatabasePolicyContainment;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (YapDatabasePolicy)metadataPolicy
__block YapDatabasePolicy policy = YapDatabasePolicyContainment;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
policy = metadataPolicy;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return policy;
- (void)setMetadataPolicy:(YapDatabasePolicy)newMetadataPolicy
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// sanity check
switch (newMetadataPolicy)
case YapDatabasePolicyContainment :
case YapDatabasePolicyShare :
case YapDatabasePolicyCopy : metadataPolicy = newMetadataPolicy; break;
default : metadataPolicy = YapDatabasePolicyContainment;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (uint64_t)snapshot
__block uint64_t result = 0;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
result = snapshot;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return result;
- (uint64_t)pendingTransactionCount
uint64_t result = atomic_load_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, memory_order_relaxed);
return result;
#pragma mark Utilities
- (void)initializeObjectCache
objectCache = [[YapCache alloc] initWithCountLimit:objectCacheLimit
keyCallbacks:[YapCollectionKey keyCallbacks]];
objectCache.allowedKeyClasses = [NSSet setWithObject:[YapCollectionKey class]];
- (void)initializeMetadataCache
metadataCache = [[YapCache alloc] initWithCountLimit:metadataCacheLimit
keyCallbacks:[YapCollectionKey keyCallbacks]];
metadataCache.allowedKeyClasses = [NSSet setWithObject:[YapCollectionKey class]];
- (NSUInteger)calculateKeyCacheLimit
NSUInteger keyCacheLimit = MIN_KEY_CACHE_LIMIT;
if (keyCacheLimit != UNLIMITED_CACHE_LIMIT)
if (objectCache)
if (objectCacheLimit == UNLIMITED_CACHE_LIMIT)
keyCacheLimit = MAX(keyCacheLimit, objectCacheLimit);
if (keyCacheLimit != UNLIMITED_CACHE_LIMIT)
if (metadataCache)
if (metadataCacheLimit == UNLIMITED_CACHE_LIMIT)
keyCacheLimit = MAX(keyCacheLimit, metadataCacheLimit);
return keyCacheLimit;
- (YapDatabaseConnectionConfig *)copyConfig
YapDatabaseConnectionConfig *config = [[YapDatabaseConnectionConfig alloc] init];
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
config.objectCacheEnabled = (objectCache != nil);
config.objectCacheLimit = objectCacheLimit;
config.metadataCacheEnabled = (metadataCache != nil);
config.metadataCacheLimit = metadataCacheLimit;
config.objectPolicy = objectPolicy;
config.metadataPolicy = metadataPolicy;
config.autoFlushMemoryFlags = self.autoFlushMemoryFlags;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return config;
- (void)applyConfig:(YapDatabaseConnectionConfig *)config
self.objectCacheEnabled = config.objectCacheEnabled;
self.objectCacheLimit = config.objectCacheLimit;
self.metadataCacheEnabled = config.metadataCacheEnabled;
self.metadataCacheLimit = config.metadataCacheLimit;
self.objectPolicy = config.objectPolicy;
self.metadataPolicy = config.metadataPolicy;
self.autoFlushMemoryFlags = config.autoFlushMemoryFlags;
#pragma mark Statements
- (sqlite3_stmt *)beginTransactionStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &beginTransactionStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "BEGIN TRANSACTION;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)beginImmediateTransactionStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &beginImmediateTransactionStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)commitTransactionStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &commitTransactionStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "COMMIT TRANSACTION;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)rollbackTransactionStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &rollbackTransactionStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)yapGetDataForKeyStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &yapGetDataForKeyStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"data\" FROM \"yap2\" WHERE \"extension\" = ? AND \"key\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)yapSetDataForKeyStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &yapSetDataForKeyStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO \"yap2\" (\"extension\", \"key\", \"data\") VALUES (?, ?, ?);";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)yapRemoveForKeyStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &yapRemoveForKeyStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "DELETE FROM \"yap2\" WHERE \"extension\" = ? AND \"key\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)yapRemoveExtensionStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &yapRemoveExtensionStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "DELETE FROM \"yap2\" WHERE \"extension\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getCollectionCountStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getCollectionCountStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT collection) AS NumberOfRows FROM \"database2\";";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getKeyCountForCollectionStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getKeyCountForCollectionStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfRows FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getKeyCountForAllStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getKeyCountForAllStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfRows FROM \"database2\";";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getCountForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getCountForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfRows FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getRowidForKeyStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getRowidForKeyStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ? AND \"key\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getKeyForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getKeyForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"collection\", \"key\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getDataForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getDataForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"data\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getMetadataForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getMetadataForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"metadata\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getAllForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getAllForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"data\", \"metadata\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getDataForKeyStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getDataForKeyStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"data\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ? AND \"key\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getMetadataForKeyStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getMetadataForKeyStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"metadata\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ? AND \"key\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)getAllForKeyStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &getAllForKeyStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"data\", \"metadata\" FROM \"database2\""
" WHERE \"collection\" = ? AND \"key\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)insertForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &insertForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "INSERT INTO \"database2\""
" (\"collection\", \"key\", \"data\", \"metadata\") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)updateAllForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &updateAllForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "UPDATE \"database2\" SET \"data\" = ?, \"metadata\" = ? WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)updateObjectForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &updateObjectForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "UPDATE \"database2\" SET \"data\" = ? WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)updateMetadataForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &updateMetadataForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "UPDATE \"database2\" SET \"metadata\" = ? WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)removeForRowidStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &removeForRowidStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "DELETE FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"rowid\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)removeCollectionStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &removeCollectionStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "DELETE FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)removeAllStatement
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &removeAllStatement;
if (*statement == NULL)
const char *stmt = "DELETE FROM \"database2\";";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, statement, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return *statement;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateCollectionsStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT DISTINCT \"collection\" FROM \"database2\";";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateCollectionsForKeyStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateCollectionsForKeyStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"collection\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"key\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateKeysInCollectionStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateKeysInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"key\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateKeysInAllCollectionsStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateKeysInAllCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"collection\", \"key\" FROM \"database2\";";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateKeysAndMetadataInCollectionStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateKeysAndMetadataInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"key\", \"metadata\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE collection = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateKeysAndMetadataInAllCollectionsStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateKeysAndMetadataInAllCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"collection\", \"key\", \"metadata\""
" FROM \"database2\" ORDER BY \"collection\" ASC;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateKeysAndObjectsInCollectionStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateKeysAndObjectsInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"key\", \"data\" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateKeysAndObjectsInAllCollectionsStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateKeysAndObjectsInAllCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"collection\", \"key\", \"data\""
" FROM \"database2\" ORDER BY \"collection\" ASC;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateRowsInCollectionStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateRowsInCollectionStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"key\", \"data\", \"metadata\""
" FROM \"database2\" WHERE \"collection\" = ?;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
- (sqlite3_stmt *)enumerateRowsInAllCollectionsStatement:(BOOL *)needsFinalizePtr
sqlite3_stmt **statement = &enumerateRowsInAllCollectionsStatement;
sqlite3_stmt* (^CreateStatement)(void) = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
const char *stmt = "SELECT \"rowid\", \"collection\", \"key\", \"data\", \"metadata\""
" FROM \"database2\" ORDER BY \"collection\" ASC;";
int stmtLen = (int)strlen(stmt);
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, stmtLen+1, &result, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error creating '%@': %d %s", THIS_METHOD, status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
BOOL needsFinalize = NO;
sqlite3_stmt *result = NULL;
if (*statement == NULL)
result = *statement = CreateStatement();
else if (sqlite3_stmt_busy(*statement))
result = CreateStatement();
needsFinalize = YES;
result = *statement;
NSParameterAssert(needsFinalizePtr != NULL);
*needsFinalizePtr = needsFinalize;
return result;
#pragma mark Transactions
* Read-only access to the database.
* The given block can run concurrently with sibling connections,
* regardless of whether the sibling connections are executing read-only or read-write transactions.
* The only time this method ever blocks is if another thread is currently using this connection instance
* to execute a readBlock or readWriteBlock. Recall that you may create multiple connections for concurrent access.
* This method is synchronous.
- (void)readWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *))block
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
YapDatabasePermittedTransactions flags = self.permittedTransactions;
if ((flags & YDB_MainThreadOnly) && !YDBIsMainThread())
@throw [self nonMainThreadException];
if (!(flags & YDB_SyncReadTransaction))
@throw [self unpermittedTransactionException:YDB_SyncReadTransaction];
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
// You are attempting to execute a transaction within a transaction.
// This will result in deadlock.
// For more information, see the "Thread Safety" wiki page:
@throw [self deadlockDetectionException];
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction = [self newReadTransaction];
[self preReadTransaction:transaction];
[self postReadTransaction:transaction];
atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
* Read-write access to the database.
* Only a single read-write block can execute among all sibling connections.
* Thus this method may block if another sibling connection is currently executing a read-write block.
* This method is synchronous.
- (void)readWriteWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction))block
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
YapDatabasePermittedTransactions flags = self.permittedTransactions;
if ((flags & YDB_MainThreadOnly) && !YDBIsMainThread())
@throw [self nonMainThreadException];
if (!(flags & YDB_SyncReadWriteTransaction))
@throw [self unpermittedTransactionException:YDB_SyncReadWriteTransaction];
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey) ||
// You are attempting to execute a transaction within a transaction.
// This will result in deadlock.
// For more information, see the "Thread Safety" wiki page:
@throw [self deadlockDetectionException];
// Order matters.
// First go through the serial connection queue.
// Then go through serial write queue for the database.
// Once we're inside the database writeQueue, we know that we are the only write transaction.
// No other transaction can possibly modify the database except us, even in other connections.
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, ^{
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
if (throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction)
@throw [self implicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransactionException];
YDBLogWarn(@"Implicitly ending long-lived read transaction on connection %@, database %@",
self, database);
[self endLongLivedReadTransaction];
dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction = [self newReadWriteTransaction];
[self preReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
[self postReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
if (transaction->completionBlockStack)
NSUInteger count = transaction->completionBlockStack.count;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++)
dispatch_queue_t stackItemQueue = transaction->completionQueueStack[i];
dispatch_block_t stackItemBlock = transaction->completionBlockStack[i];
dispatch_async(stackItemQueue, stackItemBlock);
}}); // End dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue)
atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
}); // End dispatch_sync(connectionQueue)
* Read-only access to the database.
* The given block can run concurrently with sibling connections,
* regardless of whether the sibling connections are executing read-only or read-write transactions.
* This method is asynchronous.
- (void)asyncReadWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction))block
[self asyncReadWithBlock:block completionQueue:NULL completionBlock:NULL];
* Read-only access to the database.
* The given block can run concurrently with sibling connections,
* regardless of whether the sibling connections are executing read-only or read-write transactions.
* This method is asynchronous.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* The completionBlock will be invoked on the main thread (dispatch_get_main_queue()).
- (void)asyncReadWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction))block
[self asyncReadWithBlock:block completionQueue:NULL completionBlock:completionBlock];
* Read-only access to the database.
* The given block can run concurrently with sibling connections,
* regardless of whether the sibling connections are executing read-only or read-write transactions.
* This method is asynchronous.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* Additionally the dispatch_queue to invoke the completion block may also be specified.
* If NULL, dispatch_get_main_queue() is automatically used.
- (void)asyncReadWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction))block
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
YapDatabasePermittedTransactions flags = self.permittedTransactions;
if ((flags & YDB_MainThreadOnly) && !YDBIsMainThread())
@throw [self nonMainThreadException];
if (!(flags & YDB_AsyncReadTransaction))
@throw [self unpermittedTransactionException:YDB_AsyncReadTransaction];
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction = [self newReadTransaction];
[self preReadTransaction:transaction];
[self postReadTransaction:transaction];
if (completionBlock) {
dispatch_async(completionQueue ?: dispatch_get_main_queue(), completionBlock);
atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
* Read-write access to the database.
* Only a single read-write block can execute among all sibling connections.
* Thus this method may block if another sibling connection is currently executing a read-write block.
* This method is asynchronous.
- (void)asyncReadWriteWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction))block
[self asyncReadWriteWithBlock:block completionQueue:NULL completionBlock:NULL];
* Read-write access to the database.
* Only a single read-write block can execute among all sibling connections.
* Thus the execution of the block may be delayted if another sibling connection
* is currently executing a read-write block.
* This method is asynchronous.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* The completionBlock will be invoked on the main thread (dispatch_get_main_queue()).
- (void)asyncReadWriteWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction))block
[self asyncReadWriteWithBlock:block completionQueue:NULL completionBlock:completionBlock];
* Read-write access to the database.
* Only a single read-write block can execute among all sibling connections.
* Thus the execution of the block may be delayted if another sibling connection
* is currently executing a read-write block.
* This method is asynchronous.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* Additionally the dispatch_queue to invoke the completion block may also be specified.
* If NULL, dispatch_get_main_queue() is automatically used.
- (void)asyncReadWriteWithBlock:(void (^)(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction))block
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
YapDatabasePermittedTransactions flags = self.permittedTransactions;
if ((flags & YDB_MainThreadOnly) && !YDBIsMainThread())
@throw [self nonMainThreadException];
if (!(flags & YDB_AsyncReadWriteTransaction))
@throw [self unpermittedTransactionException:YDB_AsyncReadWriteTransaction];
// Order matters.
// First go through the serial connection queue.
// Then go through serial write queue for the database.
// Once we're inside the database writeQueue, we know that we are the only write transaction.
// No other transaction can possibly modify the database except us, even in other connections.
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, ^{
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
if (throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction)
@throw [self implicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransactionException];
YDBLogWarn(@"Implicitly ending long-lived read transaction on connection %@, database %@",
self, database);
[self endLongLivedReadTransaction];
dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction = [self newReadWriteTransaction];
[self preReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
[self postReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
if (transaction->completionBlockStack)
NSUInteger count = transaction->completionBlockStack.count;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++)
dispatch_queue_t stackItemQueue = transaction->completionQueueStack[i];
dispatch_block_t stackItemBlock = transaction->completionBlockStack[i];
dispatch_async(stackItemQueue, stackItemBlock);
if (completionBlock) {
dispatch_async(completionQueue ?: dispatch_get_main_queue(), completionBlock);
}}); // End dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue)
atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&pendingTransactionCount, (uint64_t)1, memory_order_relaxed);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
}); // End dispatch_async(connectionQueue)
* It's sometimes useful to find out when all previously queued transactions on a connection have completed.
* For example, you may have multiple methods (perhaps scattered across multiple classes) that may queue
* asyncReadWriteTransaction's on a particular databaseConnection. And you'd like to know when all
* the queued readWriteTransactions have completed.
* One way to accomplish this is simply to queue an asyncReadTransaction on the databaseConnection.
* Since all transactions on a databaseConnection are queued onto a serial dispatch queue, you'll know that once
* your asyncReadTransaction is running, all previously scheduled transactions have completed.
* Although the above technique works, the 'flushTransactionsWithCompletionQueue:completionBlock:'
* is a more efficient way to accomplish this task. (And a more elegant & readable way too.)
* @param completionQueue
* The dispatch_queue to invoke the completionBlock on.
* If NULL, dispatch_get_main_queue() is automatically used.
* @param completionBlock
* The block to invoke once all previously scheduled transactions have completed.
- (void)flushTransactionsWithCompletionQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)completionQueue
completionBlock:(nullable dispatch_block_t)completionBlock
if (completionBlock == NULL) return;
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(completionQueue ?: dispatch_get_main_queue(), completionBlock);
#pragma mark Transaction States
* Required method.
* Returns the proper type of transaction for this connection class.
- (YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)newReadTransaction
return [[YapDatabaseReadTransaction alloc] initWithConnection:self isReadWriteTransaction:NO];
* Required method.
* Returns the proper type of transaction for this connection class.
- (YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)newReadWriteTransaction
return [[YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction alloc] initWithConnection:self isReadWriteTransaction:YES];
* This method executes the state transition steps required before executing a read-only transaction block.
* This method must be invoked from within the connectionQueue.
- (void)preReadTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction
// Pre-Read-Transaction: Step 1 of 6
// Prep work: sqlite VFS shim listeners for read notifications (if needed).
// Initialize the 'main_file', if we haven't already.
if (main_file == NULL)
sqlite3_file_control(db, "main", SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER, &main_file);
if (main_file) {
main_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
// Pre-Read-Transaction: Step 2 of 6
// Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION" on database connection.
// This is actually a deferred transaction, meaning the sqlite connection won't actually
// acquire a shared read lock until it executes a select statement.
// There are alternatives to this, including a "begin immediate transaction".
// However, this doesn't do what we want. Instead it blocks other read-only transactions.
// The deferred transaction is actually what we want, as many read-only transactions only
// hit our in-memory caches. Thus we avoid sqlite machinery when unneeded.
[transaction beginTransaction];
__block uint64_t dbSnapshot = 0;
__block BOOL expectsChangesets = NO;
__block NSArray *changesets = nil;
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// Pre-Read-Transaction: Step 3 of 6
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// First we need to mark this connection as being within a read-only transaction.
// We do this by marking a "yap-level" shared read lock flag.
// Now recall from step 1 that our "sql-level" transaction is deferred.
// The sql internals won't actually acquire the shared read lock until a we perform a select.
// If there are write transactions in progress, this is a big problem for us.
// Here's why:
// We have an in-memory snapshot via the caches.
// This is kept in-sync with what's on disk (in the sqlite database file).
// But what happens if the write transaction commits its changes before we perform our select statement?
// Our select statement would acquire a different snapshot than our in-memory snapshot.
// Thus, we look to see if there are any write transactions.
// If there are, then we immediately acquire the "sql-level" shared read lock.
BOOL hasActiveWriteTransaction = NO;
YapDatabaseConnectionState *myState = nil;
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
myState = state;
myState->activeReadTransaction = YES;
else if (state->activeWriteTransaction)
hasActiveWriteTransaction = YES;
NSAssert(myState != nil, @"Missing state in database->connectionStates");
// Pre-Read-Transaction: Step 4 of 5
// Compare our snapshot with the database's snapshot.
if (hasActiveWriteTransaction || longLivedReadTransaction || wal_file == NULL || enableMultiProcessSupport)
// If there is a write transaction in progress,
// then it's not safe to proceed until we acquire a "sql-level" snapshot.
// If this is for a longLivedReadTransaction,
// then we need to immediately acquire a "sql-level" snapshot.
// If sqlite hasn't opened the wal_file yet,
// then we need to invoke the sql machinery so we can get access to it.
// We need the wal_file in order to properly receive notifications of
// when sqlite acquires an "sql-level" snapshot.
// In case of multiple processes accessing the database,
// we can't know for sure so we must make this assumption.
// During this process we ensure that our "yap-level" snapshot of the in-memory data (caches, etc)
// is in sync with our "sql-level" snapshot of the database.
// We can check this by comparing the connection's snapshot ivar with
// the snapshot read from disk (via sqlite select).
// If the two match then our snapshots are in sync.
// If they don't then we need to get caught up by processing changesets.
dbSnapshot = [self readSnapshotFromDatabase];
if (wal_file == NULL)
wal_file = yap_vfs_last_opened_wal(database->yap_vfs_shim);
if (wal_file) {
wal_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
if (snapshot < dbSnapshot)
// The transaction can see the sqlite commit from another transaction,
// and it hasn't processed the changeset(s) yet.
// We need to fetch them now.
expectsChangesets = YES;
changesets = [database pendingAndCommittedChangesetsSince:snapshot until:dbSnapshot];
myState->longLivedReadTransaction = (longLivedReadTransaction != nil);
myState->sqlLevelSharedReadLock = YES;
needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock = NO;
// There is NOT a write transaction in progress.
// Thus we are safe to proceed with only a "yap-level" snapshot.
// However, we MUST ensure that our "yap-level" snapshot of the in-memory data (caches, etc)
// are in sync with the rest of the system.
// That is, our connection may have started its transaction before it was
// able to process a changeset from a sibling connection.
// If this is the case then we need to get caught up by processing the changeset(s).
dbSnapshot = [database snapshot];
if (snapshot < dbSnapshot)
// The transaction hasn't processed recent changeset(s) yet.
// We need to fetch them now.
expectsChangesets = YES;
changesets = [database pendingAndCommittedChangesetsSince:snapshot until:dbSnapshot];
myState->sqlLevelSharedReadLock = NO;
needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock = YES;
myState->lastTransactionSnapshot = dbSnapshot;
myState->lastTransactionTime = mach_absolute_time();
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// Pre-Read-Transaction: Setp 5 of 6
// Update our in-memory data (caches, etc) if needed.
// Since this can be CPU intensive, we do this outside the snapshotQueue.
if (expectsChangesets)
if (!changesets) // we could not retrieve changeset due to a change from another process.
NSUInteger flags = YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags_Caches |
[self _flushMemoryWithFlags:flags];
snapshot = dbSnapshot;
isFastForwarding = YES;
for (NSDictionary *changeset in changesets)
[self noteCommittedChangeset:changeset];
isFastForwarding = NO;
// The noteCommittedChangeset method (invoked above) updates our 'snapshot' variable.
NSAssert(snapshot == dbSnapshot,
@"Invalid connection state in preReadTransaction: snapshot(%llu) != dbSnapshot(%llu): %@",
snapshot, dbSnapshot, changesets);
// Pre-Read-Transaction: Step 6 of 6
// Prep work: sqlite VFS shim listeners for read notifications (if needed).
// Initialize the 'wal_file', if we haven't already.
if (needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock)
if (main_file)
main_file->xNotifyDidRead = yapNotifyDidRead;
if (wal_file)
wal_file->xNotifyDidRead = yapNotifyDidRead;
* This method executes the state transition steps required after executing a read-only transaction block.
* This method must be invoked from within the connectionQueue.
- (void)postReadTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction
// Post-Read-Transaction: Step 1 of 5
// 1. Execute "COMMIT TRANSACTION" on database connection.
// If we had acquired "sql-level" shared read lock, this will release associated resources.
// It may also free the auto-checkpointing architecture within sqlite to sync the WAL to the database.
[transaction commitTransaction];
// Post-Read-Transaction: Step 2 of 5
// Disable sqlite VFS shim listeners for read notifications (if needed).
if (main_file)
main_file->xNotifyDidRead = NULL;
if (wal_file)
wal_file->xNotifyDidRead = NULL;
__block uint64_t minSnapshot = 0;
__block YapDatabaseConnectionState *writeStateToSignal = nil;
// dispatch_sync: database->snapshotQueue
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// Post-Read-Transaction: Step 3 of 5
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// First we need to mark this connection as no longer being within a read-only transaction.
// We do this by unmarking the "yap-level" and "sql-level" shared read lock flags.
// While we're doing this we also check to see if we were possibly blocking a write transaction.
// When does a write transaction get blocked?
// Recall from the discussion above that we don't always acquire a "sql-level" shared read lock.
// Our sql transaction is deferred until our first select statement.
// Now if a write transaction comes along and discovers there are existing read transactions that
// have an in-memory metadata snapshot, but haven't acquired an "sql-level" snapshot of the actual
// database, it will block until these read transctions either complete,
// or acquire the needed "sql-level" snapshot.
// So if we never acquired an "sql-level" snapshot of the database, and we were the last transaction
// in such a state, and there's a blocked write transaction, then we need to signal it.
minSnapshot = [database snapshot];
BOOL wasMaybeBlockingWriteTransaction = NO;
NSUInteger countOtherMaybeBlockingWriteTransaction = 0;
YapDatabaseConnectionState *blockedWriteState = nil;
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
state->activeReadTransaction = NO;
state->longLivedReadTransaction = NO;
wasMaybeBlockingWriteTransaction = !state->sqlLevelSharedReadLock;
state->sqlLevelSharedReadLock = NO;
else if (state->activeReadTransaction)
// Active sibling connection: read-only
minSnapshot = MIN(state->lastTransactionSnapshot, minSnapshot);
if (!state->sqlLevelSharedReadLock)
else if (state->activeWriteTransaction)
// Active sibling connection: read-write
minSnapshot = MIN(state->lastTransactionSnapshot, minSnapshot);
if (state->waitingForWriteLock)
blockedWriteState = state;
if (wasMaybeBlockingWriteTransaction && countOtherMaybeBlockingWriteTransaction == 0 && blockedWriteState)
writeStateToSignal = blockedWriteState;
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) completing read-only transaction.", self);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// Edge case protection:
// This method may be called from dealloc.
// Which may, in turn, mean we're already in the snapshotQueue.
// @see Issue #437
if (dispatch_get_specific(database->IsOnSnapshotQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, block);
// Post-Read-Transaction: Step 4 of 5
// Check to see if this connection has been holding back the checkpoint process.
// That is, was this connection the last active connection on an old snapshot?
if (snapshot < minSnapshot)
// There are commits ahead of us that need to be checkpointed.
// And we were the oldest active connection,
// so we were previously preventing the checkpoint from progressing.
// Thus we can now continue the checkpoint operation.
[database asyncCheckpoint:minSnapshot];
[registeredMemoryTables enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id __unused key, id obj, BOOL __unused *stop) {
[(YapMemoryTable *)obj asyncCheckpoint:minSnapshot];
// Post-Read-Transaction: Step 5 of 5
// If we discovered a blocked write transaction,
// and it was blocked waiting on us (because we had a "yap-level" snapshot without an "sql-level" snapshot),
// and it's no longer blocked on any other read transaction (that have "yap-level" snapshots
// without "sql-level snapshots"), then signal the write semaphore so the blocked thread wakes up.
if (writeStateToSignal)
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) signaling blocked write on connection(%p)",
self, writeStateToSignal->connection);
[writeStateToSignal signalWriteLock];
* This method executes the state transition steps required before executing a read-write transaction block.
* This method must be invoked from within the connectionQueue.
* This method must be invoked from within the database.writeQueue.
- (void)preReadWriteTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
// Pre-Write-Transaction: Step 1 of 7
// Add IsOnConnectionQueueKey flag to writeQueue.
// This allows various methods that depend on the flag to operate correctly.
dispatch_queue_set_specific(database->writeQueue, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, NULL);
// Pre-Write-Transaction: Step 2 of 7
// Prep work: sqlite VFS shim listeners for read notifications (if needed).
// Initialize the 'main_file', if we haven't already.
if (main_file == NULL)
sqlite3_file_control(db, "main", SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER, &main_file);
if (main_file) {
main_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
// Pre-Write-Transaction: Step 3 of 7
// Execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION" on database connection.
// This is actually a deferred transaction, meaning the sqlite connection won't actually
// acquire any locks until it executes something.
// There are various alternatives to this, including "immediate" and "exclusive" transactions.
// However, these don't do what we want. Instead they block other read-only transactions.
// The deferred transaction allows other read-only transactions and even avoids
// sqlite operations if no modifications are made.
// Remember, we are the only active write transaction for this database.
// No other write transactions can occur until this transaction completes.
// Thus no other transactions can possibly modify the database during our transaction.
// Therefore it doesn't matter when we acquire our "sql-level" locks for writing.
if (enableMultiProcessSupport) {
// In the multiprocess case, we don't use a deferred transaction in order to avoid race conditions
[transaction beginImmediateTransaction];
} else {
[transaction beginTransaction];
__block uint64_t dbSnapshot = 0;
__block BOOL expectsChangesets = NO;
__block NSArray *changesets = nil;
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// Pre-Write-Transaction: Step 4 of 7
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// We are the only write transaction for this database.
// It is important for read-only transactions on other connections to know there's a writer.
YapDatabaseConnectionState *myState = nil;
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
myState = state;
myState->activeWriteTransaction = YES;
NSAssert(myState != nil, @"Missing state in database->connectionStates");
// Pre-Write-Transaction: Step 5 of 7
// Compare our snapshot with the database's snapshot.
// In multiprocess mode, the snapshot number might have been externally updated
if (wal_file == NULL || enableMultiProcessSupport)
// If sqlite hasn't opened the wal_file yet,
// then we need to invoke the sql machinery so we can get access to it.
// We need the wal_file in order to properly receive notifications of
// when sqlite acquires an "sql-level" snapshot.
// In case of multiple processes accessing the database,
// we can't know for sure so we must make this assumption.
if (enableMultiProcessSupport)
dbSnapshot = [self readSnapshotFromDatabase];
(void)[self readSnapshotFromDatabase]; // create wal_file
dbSnapshot = [database snapshot];
if (wal_file == NULL)
wal_file = yap_vfs_last_opened_wal(database->yap_vfs_shim);
if (wal_file) {
wal_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
// We can just grab the snapshot from YapDatabase's in-memory version.
dbSnapshot = [database snapshot];
if (snapshot < dbSnapshot)
// The transaction hasn't processed recent changeset(s) yet.
// We need to fetch them now.
expectsChangesets = YES;
changesets = [database pendingAndCommittedChangesetsSince:snapshot until:dbSnapshot];
myState->lastTransactionSnapshot = dbSnapshot;
myState->lastTransactionTime = mach_absolute_time();
needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock = NO;
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) starting read-write transaction.", self);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// Pre-Write-Transaction: Step 6 of 7
// Update our in-memory data (caches, etc) if needed.
// Since this can be CPU intensive, we do this outside the snapshotQueue.
if (expectsChangesets)
externallyModified = (changesets == nil);
if (!changesets) // we could not retrieve changeset due to a change from another process.
NSUInteger flags = YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags_Caches |
[self _flushMemoryWithFlags:flags];
snapshot = dbSnapshot;
isFastForwarding = YES;
for (NSDictionary *changeset in changesets)
[self noteCommittedChangeset:changeset];
isFastForwarding = NO;
// The noteCommittedChangeset method (invoked above) updates our 'snapshot' variable.
NSAssert(snapshot == dbSnapshot,
@"Invalid connection state in preReadWriteTransaction: snapshot(%llu) != dbSnapshot(%llu)",
snapshot, dbSnapshot);
externallyModified = NO;
// Pre-Write-Transaction: Step 7 of 7
// Setup write state and changeset variables
hasDiskChanges = NO;
if (objectChanges == nil)
objectChanges = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
if (metadataChanges == nil)
metadataChanges = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
if (insertedKeys == nil)
insertedKeys = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
if (removedKeys == nil)
removedKeys = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
if (removedCollections == nil)
removedCollections = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
if (removedRowids == nil)
removedRowids = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
allKeysRemoved = NO;
if (mutationStack == nil)
mutationStack = [[YapMutationStack_Bool alloc] init];
* This method executes the state transition steps required after executing a read-only transaction block.
* This method must be invoked from within the connectionQueue.
* This method must be invoked from within the database.writeQueue.
- (void)postReadWriteTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
if (transaction->rollback)
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) rollback read-write transaction", self);
// Rollback-Write-Transaction: Step 1 of 3
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// We are the only write transaction for this database.
// It is important for read-only transactions on other connections to know we're no longer a writer.
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
state->activeWriteTransaction = NO;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// Rollback-Write-Transaction: Step 2 of 3
// Rollback sqlite database transaction.
[transaction rollbackTransaction];
// Rollback-Write-Transaction: Step 3 of 3
// Reset any in-memory variables which may be out-of-sync with the database.
[objectCache removeAllObjects];
[metadataCache removeAllObjects];
else // if (!transaction->rollback)
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 1 of 11
// Run any pre-commit operations.
// This allows extensions to to perform any cleanup before the changeset is requested.
[transaction preCommitReadWriteTransaction];
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 2 of 11
// Fetch changesets.
// Then update the snapshot in the 'yap' database (if any changes were made).
// We use 'yap' database and snapshot value to check for a race condition.
// The "internal" changeset gets sent directly to sibling database connections.
// The "external" changeset gets plugged into the YapDatabaseModifiedNotification as the userInfo dict.
NSNotification *notification = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *changeset = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = nil;
[self getInternalChangeset:&changeset externalChangeset:&userInfo];
if (changeset || userInfo || hasDiskChanges)
// If hasDiskChanges is YES, then the database file was modified.
// In this case, we're sure to write the incremented snapshot number to the database.
// If hasDiskChanges is NO, then the database file was not modified.
// However, something was "touched" or an in-memory extension was changed.
if (hasDiskChanges || enableMultiProcessSupport)
snapshot = [self incrementSnapshotInDatabase];
if (changeset == nil)
changeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset];
if (userInfo == nil)
userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForExternalChangeset];
[changeset setObject:@(snapshot) forKey:YapDatabaseSnapshotKey];
[userInfo setObject:@(snapshot) forKey:YapDatabaseSnapshotKey];
[userInfo setObject:self forKey:YapDatabaseConnectionKey];
if (externallyModified)
[changeset setObject:@(externallyModified) forKey:YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey];
if (transaction->customObjectForNotification)
[userInfo setObject:transaction->customObjectForNotification forKey:YapDatabaseCustomKey];
notification = [NSNotification notificationWithName:YapDatabaseModifiedNotification
[changeset setObject:notification forKey:YapDatabaseNotificationKey];
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 3 of 11
// Auto-drop tables from previous extensions that aren't being used anymore.
// Note the timing of when this happens:
// - Only once
// - At the end of a readwrite transaction that has made modifications to the database
// - Only if the modifications weren't dedicated to registering/unregistring an extension
BOOL clearPreviouslyRegisteredExtensionNames = NO;
if (changeset && !registeredExtensionsChanged && database->previouslyRegisteredExtensionNames)
for (NSString *prevExtensionName in database->previouslyRegisteredExtensionNames)
if ([registeredExtensions objectForKey:prevExtensionName] == nil)
[self _unregisterExtensionWithName:prevExtensionName transaction:transaction];
clearPreviouslyRegisteredExtensionNames = YES;
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 4 of 11
// Check to see if it's safe to commit our changes.
// There may be read-only transactions that have acquired "yap-level" snapshots
// without "sql-level" snapshots. That is, these read-only transaction may have a snapshot
// of the in-memory metadata dictionary at the time they started, but as for the sqlite connection
// they only have a "BEGIN DEFERRED TRANSACTION", and haven't actually executed
// any "select" statements. Thus they haven't actually invoked the sqlite machinery to
// acquire the "sql-level" snapshot (last valid commit record in the WAL).
// It is our responsibility to block until all read-only transactions have either completed,
// or have acquired the necessary "sql-level" shared read lock.
// We avoid writer starvation by enforcing new read-only transactions that start after our writer
// started to immediately acquire "sql-level" shared read locks when they start.
// Thus we would only ever wait for read-only transactions that started before our
// read-write transaction started. And since most of the time the read-write transactions
// take longer than read-only transactions, we avoid any blocking in most cases.
__block YapDatabaseConnectionState *myState = nil;
__block BOOL safeToCommit = NO;
__block BOOL waitForReadOnlyTransactions = NO;
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
myState = state;
else if (state->activeReadTransaction && !state->sqlLevelSharedReadLock)
waitForReadOnlyTransactions = YES;
NSAssert(myState != nil, @"Missing state in database->connectionStates");
if (waitForReadOnlyTransactions)
myState->waitingForWriteLock = YES;
[myState prepareWriteLock];
myState->waitingForWriteLock = NO;
safeToCommit = YES;
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 5 of 11
// Register pending changeset with database.
// Our commit is actually a two step process.
// First we execute the sqlite level commit.
// Second we execute the final stages of the yap level commit.
// This two step process means we have an edge case,
// where another connection could come around and begin its yap level transaction
// before this connection's yap level commit, but after this connection's sqlite level commit.
// By registering the pending changeset in advance,
// we provide a near seamless workaround for the edge case.
if (changeset)
[database notePendingChangeset:changeset fromConnection:self];
if (clearPreviouslyRegisteredExtensionNames)
// It's only safe to clear this ivar within the snapshot queue
database->previouslyRegisteredExtensionNames = nil;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (waitForReadOnlyTransactions)
// Block until a read-only transaction signals us.
// This will occur when the last read-only transaction (that started before our read-write
// transaction started) either completes or acquires an "sql-level" shared read lock.
// Note: Since we're using a dispatch semaphore, order doesn't matter.
// That is, it's fine if the read-only transaction signals our write lock before we start waiting on it.
// In this case we simply return immediately from the wait call.
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) blocked waiting for write lock...", self);
[myState waitForWriteLock];
} while (!safeToCommit);
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 6 of 11
// Execute "COMMIT TRANSACTION" on database connection.
// This will write the changes to the WAL, and may invoke a checkpoint.
// Notice that we do this outside the context of the transactionStateQueue.
// We do this so we don't block read-only transactions from starting or finishing.
// However, this does leave us open for the possibility that a read-only transaction will
// get a "yap-level" snapshot of the metadata dictionary before this commit,
// but a "sql-level" snapshot of the sql database after this commit.
// This is rare but must be guarded against.
// The solution is pretty simple and straight-forward.
// When a read-only transaction starts, if there's an active write transaction,
// it immediately acquires an "sql-level" snapshot. It does this by invoking a select statement,
// which invokes the internal sqlite snapshot machinery for the transaction.
// So rather than using a dummy select statement that we ignore, we instead select a lastCommit number
// from the database. If it doesn't match what we expect, then we know we've run into the race condition,
// and we make the read-only transaction back out and try again.
[transaction commitTransaction];
__block uint64_t minSnapshot = UINT64_MAX;
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 7 of 11
// Notify database of changes, and drop reference to set of changed keys.
if (changeset)
[database noteCommittedChangeset:changeset fromConnection:self];
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 8 of 11
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// We are the only write transaction for this database.
// It is important for read-only transactions on other connections to know we're no longer a writer.
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->activeReadTransaction)
minSnapshot = MIN(state->lastTransactionSnapshot, minSnapshot);
myState->activeWriteTransaction = NO;
myState->waitingForWriteLock = NO;
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) completing read-write transaction.", self);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (changeset)
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 9 of 11
// We added frames to the WAL.
// We can invoke a checkpoint if there are no other active connections.
if (minSnapshot == UINT64_MAX)
[database asyncCheckpoint:snapshot];
[registeredMemoryTables enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:
^(id __unused key, YapMemoryTable *memoryTable, BOOL __unused *stop)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
[memoryTable asyncCheckpoint:snapshot];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 10 of 11
// If the WAL has gotten too big, then we perform a checkpoint right away.
// We purposefuly do this BEFORE posting the notification.
if ([database aggressiveCheckpointEnabled])
int totalFrameCount = 0;
int checkpointedFrameCount = 0;
int checkpointResult = sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(db, "main", SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE,
&totalFrameCount, &checkpointedFrameCount);
YDBLogInfo(@"Post-checkpoint: src(d) mode(passive) result(%d) frames(%d) checkpointed(%d)",
checkpointResult, totalFrameCount, checkpointedFrameCount);
if (checkpointResult == SQLITE_OK)
[database noteCheckpointWithTotalFrames:totalFrameCount checkpointedFrames:checkpointedFrameCount];
// Post-Write-Transaction: Step 11 of 11
// Post YapDatabaseModifiedNotification (if needed)
if (notification)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:notification];
} // end else if (!transaction->rollback)
// Clear changeset variables (which are now a part of the notification)
if ([objectChanges count] > 0)
objectChanges = nil;
if ([metadataChanges count] > 0)
metadataChanges = nil;
if ([insertedKeys count] > 0)
insertedKeys = nil;
if ([removedKeys count] > 0)
removedKeys = nil;
if ([removedCollections count] > 0)
removedCollections = nil;
if ([removedRowids count] > 0)
removedRowids = nil;
[mutationStack clear];
// Drop IsOnConnectionQueueKey flag from writeQueue since we're exiting writeQueue.
dispatch_queue_set_specific(database->writeQueue, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, NULL, NULL);
* This method executes the state transition steps required before executing a pseudo read-write transaction.
* This method must be invoked from within the connectionQueue.
* This method must be invoked from within the database.writeQueue.
- (void)prePseudoReadWriteTransaction
// This is similar to a read-write transaction,
// in that we intend to block other writers (go through the writeQueue).
// However, our operation cannot occur within a transaction. (no "BEGIN TRANSCTION;" or "COMMIT TRANSACTION;")
// Thus we cannot simply use preReadWriteTransaction & postReadWriteTransaction.
// Instead we use a select subset of them.
// Pre-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 1 of 5
// Add IsOnConnectionQueueKey flag to writeQueue.
// This allows various methods that depend on the flag to operate correctly.
dispatch_queue_set_specific(database->writeQueue, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, NULL);
// Pre-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 2 of 5
// Prep work: sqlite VFS shim listeners for read notifications (if needed).
// Initialize the 'main_file', if we haven't already.
if (main_file == NULL)
sqlite3_file_control(db, "main", SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER, &main_file);
if (main_file) {
main_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
// Pre-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 3 of 5
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// We are the only write transaction for this database.
// It is important for read-only transactions on other connections to know there's a writer.
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
YapDatabaseConnectionState *myState = nil;
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
myState = state;
myState->activeWriteTransaction = YES;
NSAssert(myState != nil, @"Missing state in database->connectionStates");
// Pre-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 4 of 5
// Prep work: sqlite VFS shim listeners for read notifications (if needed).
// Initialize the 'wal_file', if we haven't already.
if (wal_file == NULL)
// If sqlite hasn't opened the wal_file yet,
// then we need to invoke the sql machinery so we can get access to it.
// We need the wal_file in order to properly receive notifications of
// when sqlite acquires an "sql-level" snapshot.
(void)[self readSnapshotFromDatabase];
wal_file = yap_vfs_last_opened_wal(database->yap_vfs_shim);
if (wal_file) {
wal_file->yap_database_connection = (__bridge void *)self;
myState->lastTransactionSnapshot = [database snapshot];
myState->lastTransactionTime = mach_absolute_time();
needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock = YES;
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) starting vacuum operation.", self);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
// Pre-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 5 of 5
// Setup write state and changeset variables.
hasDiskChanges = NO;
// Note: We don't need to setup all changeset variables.
* This method executes the state transition steps required after executing a pseudo read-write transaction.
* This method must be invoked from within the connectionQueue.
* This method must be invoked from within the database.writeQueue.
- (void)postPseudoReadWriteTransaction
// This is similar to a read-write transaction,
// in that we intend to block other writers (go through the writeQueue).
// However, our operation cannot occur within a transaction. (no "BEGIN TRANSCTION;" or "COMMIT TRANSACTION;")
// Thus we cannot simply use preReadWriteTransaction & postReadWriteTransaction.
// Instead we use a select subset of them.
// Post-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 1 of 5
// Create changeset.
// We're doing this in order to increment the snapshot.
NSMutableDictionary *changeset = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = nil;
NSNotification *notification = nil;
if (hasDiskChanges)
changeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset];
userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForExternalChangeset];
changeset[YapDatabaseSnapshotKey] = @(snapshot);
userInfo[YapDatabaseSnapshotKey] = @(snapshot);
userInfo[YapDatabaseConnectionKey] = self;
notification = [NSNotification notificationWithName:YapDatabaseModifiedNotification
changeset[YapDatabaseNotificationKey] = notification;
__block YapDatabaseConnectionState *myState = nil;
__block uint64_t minSnapshot = UINT64_MAX;
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// Post-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 2 of 5
// Notify database of changes, and drop reference to set of changed keys.
if (changeset)
[database notePendingChangeset:changeset fromConnection:self];
[database noteCommittedChangeset:changeset fromConnection:self];
// Post-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 3 of 5
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// We are the only write transaction for this database.
// It is important for read-only transactions on other connections to know we're no longer a writer.
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
myState = state;
else if (state->activeReadTransaction)
minSnapshot = MIN(state->lastTransactionSnapshot, minSnapshot);
NSAssert(myState != nil, @"Missing state in database->connectionStates");
myState->activeWriteTransaction = NO;
myState->waitingForWriteLock = NO;
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) completing read-write transaction.", self);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (changeset)
// Post-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 4 of 5
// We added frames to the WAL.
// We can invoke a checkpoint if there are no other active connections.
if (minSnapshot == UINT64_MAX)
[database asyncCheckpoint:snapshot];
// Note: We didn't actually change anything in the database.
// The vacuum operation just defragments the database file.
// So there's no need to do anything concerning registeredMemoryTables.
// Post-Pseudo-Write-Transaction: Step 5 of 5
// Drop IsOnConnectionQueueKey flag from writeQueue since we're exiting writeQueue.
dispatch_queue_set_specific(database->writeQueue, IsOnConnectionQueueKey, NULL, NULL);
* This method "kills two birds with one stone".
* First, it invokes a SELECT statement on the database.
* This executes the sqlite machinery to acquire a "sql-level" snapshot of the database.
* That is, the encompassing transaction will now reference a specific commit record in the WAL,
* and will ignore any commits made after this record.
* Second, it reads a specific value from the database, and tells us which commit record in the WAL its using.
* This allows us to validate the transaction, and check for a particular race condition.
- (uint64_t)readSnapshotFromDatabase
sqlite3_stmt *statement = [self yapGetDataForKeyStatement];
if (statement == NULL) return 0;
uint64_t result = 0;
// SELECT data FROM 'yap2' WHERE extension = ? AND key = ? ;
int const bind_idx_extension = SQLITE_BIND_START + 0;
int const bind_idx_key = SQLITE_BIND_START + 1;
const char *extension = "";
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, bind_idx_extension, extension, (int)strlen(extension), SQLITE_STATIC);
const char *key = "snapshot";
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, bind_idx_key, key, (int)strlen(key), SQLITE_STATIC);
int status = sqlite3_step(statement);
if (status == SQLITE_ROW)
result = (uint64_t)sqlite3_column_int64(statement, SQLITE_COLUMN_START);
else if (status == SQLITE_ERROR)
YDBLogError(@"Error executing 'yapGetDataForKeyStatement': %d %s",
status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return result;
* This method updates the 'snapshot' row in the database.
- (uint64_t)incrementSnapshotInDatabase
uint64_t newSnapshot = snapshot + 1;
sqlite3_stmt *statement = [self yapSetDataForKeyStatement];
if (statement == NULL) return newSnapshot;
// INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "yap2" ("extension", "key", "data") VALUES (?, ?, ?);
int const bind_idx_extension = SQLITE_BIND_START + 0;
int const bind_idx_key = SQLITE_BIND_START + 1;
int const bind_idx_data = SQLITE_BIND_START + 2;
const char *extension = "";
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, bind_idx_extension, extension, (int)strlen(extension), SQLITE_STATIC);
const char *key = "snapshot";
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, bind_idx_key, key, (int)strlen(key), SQLITE_STATIC);
sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, bind_idx_data, (sqlite3_int64)newSnapshot);
int status = sqlite3_step(statement);
if (status != SQLITE_DONE)
YDBLogError(@"Error executing 'yapSetDataForKeyStatement': %d %s",
status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return newSnapshot;
- (void)markSqlLevelSharedReadLockAcquired
NSAssert(needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock, @"Method called but unneeded. Unnecessary overhead.");
if (!needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock) return;
__block YapDatabaseConnectionState *writeStateToSignal = nil;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
// Update our connection state within the state table.
// We need to mark this connection as having acquired an "sql-level" shared read lock.
// That is, our sqlite connection has invoked a select statement, and has thus invoked the sqlite
// machinery that causes it to acquire the "sql-level" snapshot (last valid commit record in the WAL).
// While we're doing this we also check to see if we were possibly blocking a write transaction.
// When does a write transaction get blocked?
// If a write transaction goes to commit its changes and sees a read-only transaction with
// a "yap-level" snapshot of the in-memory metadata snapshot, but without an "sql-level" snapshot
// of the actual database, it will block until these read transctions either complete,
// or acquire the needed "sql-level" snapshot.
// So if we never acquired an "sql-level" snapshot of the database, and we were the last transaction
// in such a state, and there's a blocked write transaction, then we need to signal it.
__block NSUInteger countOtherMaybeBlockingWriteTransaction = 0;
__block YapDatabaseConnectionState *blockedWriteState = nil;
for (YapDatabaseConnectionState *state in database->connectionStates)
if (state->connection == self)
state->sqlLevelSharedReadLock = YES;
else if (state->activeReadTransaction && !state->sqlLevelSharedReadLock)
else if (state->waitingForWriteLock)
blockedWriteState = state;
if (countOtherMaybeBlockingWriteTransaction == 0 && blockedWriteState)
writeStateToSignal = blockedWriteState;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(database->IsOnSnapshotQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(database->snapshotQueue, block);
needsMarkSqlLevelSharedReadLock = NO;
if (writeStateToSignal)
YDBLogVerbose(@"YapDatabaseConnection(%p) signaling blocked write on connection(%p)",
self, writeStateToSignal->connection);
[writeStateToSignal signalWriteLock];
#pragma mark Long-Lived Transactions
- (NSArray *)beginLongLivedReadTransaction
__block NSMutableArray *notifications = nil;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
// Caller using implicit atomic reBeginLongLivedReadTransaction
notifications = (NSMutableArray *)[self endLongLivedReadTransaction];
longLivedReadTransaction = [self newReadTransaction];
[self preReadTransaction:longLivedReadTransaction];
// The preReadTransaction method acquires the "sqlite-level" snapshot.
// In doing so, if it needs to fetch and process any changesets,
// then it adds them to the processedChangesets ivar for us.
if (notifications == nil)
notifications = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[processedChangesets count]];
for (NSDictionary *changeset in processedChangesets)
// The changeset has already been processed.
NSNotification *notification = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseNotificationKey];
if (notification) {
[notifications addObject:notification];
[processedChangesets removeAllObjects];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return notifications;
- (NSArray *)endLongLivedReadTransaction
__block NSMutableArray *notifications = nil;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
// End the transaction (sqlite commit)
[self postReadTransaction:longLivedReadTransaction];
longLivedReadTransaction = nil;
// Now process any changesets that were pending.
// And extract the corresponding external notifications to return the the caller.
notifications = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[pendingChangesets count]];
for (NSDictionary *changeset in pendingChangesets)
[self noteCommittedChangeset:changeset];
NSNotification *notification = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseNotificationKey];
if (notification) {
[notifications addObject:notification];
[pendingChangesets removeAllObjects];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return notifications;
- (BOOL)isInLongLivedReadTransaction
__block BOOL result = NO;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
result = (longLivedReadTransaction != nil);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return result;
- (void)enableExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction = YES;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
- (void)disableExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction = NO;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, block);
* Long-lived read transactions are a great way to achive stability, especially in places like the main-thread.
* However, they pose a unique problem. These long-lived transactions often start out by
* locking the WAL (write ahead log). This prevents the WAL from ever getting reset,
* and thus causes the WAL to potentially grow infinitely large. In order to allow the WAL to get properly reset,
* we need the long-lived read transactions to "reset". That is, without changing their stable state (their snapshot),
* we need them to restart the transaction, but this time without locking this WAL.
* In other words, if commit X is the most recent commit, and the connection is reading commit X from the WAL,
* then we want to reset the connection such that it's reading commit X directly from the database file.
* This will mean the WAL is no longer locked, and can be reset on the next write.
* We use this method as part of the solution to achieving this.
- (BOOL)resetLongLivedReadTransaction
if (longLivedReadTransaction && (snapshot == [database snapshot]))
NSArray *empty = [self beginLongLivedReadTransaction];
if ([empty count] != 0)
YDBLogError(@"Core logic failure! "
@"Silent longLivedReadTransaction reset resulted in non-empty notification array!");
return YES;
return NO;
#pragma mark Changeset Architecture
* The creation of changeset dictionaries happens constantly.
* So, to optimize a bit, we use sharedKeySet's (part of NSDictionary).
* See ivar 'sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset'
- (NSArray *)internalChangesetKeys
return @[ YapDatabaseSnapshotKey,
YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey ];
* The creation of changeset dictionaries happens constantly.
* So, to optimize a bit, we use sharedKeySet's (part of NSDictionary).
* See ivar 'sharedKeySetForExternalChangeset'
- (NSArray *)externalChangesetKeys
return @[ YapDatabaseSnapshotKey,
YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey ];
* This method is invoked from within the postReadWriteTransaction operation.
* This method is invoked before anything has been committed.
* If changes have been made, it should return a changeset dictionary.
* If no changes have been made, it should return nil.
* @see processChangeset:
- (void)getInternalChangeset:(NSMutableDictionary **)internalChangesetPtr
externalChangeset:(NSMutableDictionary **)externalChangesetPtr
// Step 1 of 2 - Process extensions
// Note: Use existing extensions (extensions ivar, not [self extensions]).
// There's no need to create any new extConnections at this point.
__block NSMutableDictionary *internalChangeset_extensions = nil;
__block NSMutableDictionary *externalChangeset_extensions = nil;
[extensions enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id extName, id extConnectionObj, BOOL __unused *stop) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
__unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseExtensionConnection *extConnection = extConnectionObj;
NSMutableDictionary *internal = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *external = nil;
BOOL extHasDiskChanges = NO;
[extConnection getInternalChangeset:&internal
if (internal)
if (internalChangeset_extensions == nil)
internalChangeset_extensions =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForExtensions];
[internalChangeset_extensions setObject:internal forKey:extName];
if (external)
if (externalChangeset_extensions == nil)
externalChangeset_extensions =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForExtensions];
[externalChangeset_extensions setObject:external forKey:extName];
if (extHasDiskChanges && !hasDiskChanges)
hasDiskChanges = YES;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
NSMutableDictionary *internalChangeset = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *externalChangeset = nil;
if (internalChangeset_extensions)
internalChangeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset];
[internalChangeset setObject:internalChangeset_extensions forKey:YapDatabaseExtensionsKey];
if (externalChangeset_extensions)
externalChangeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForExternalChangeset];
[externalChangeset setObject:externalChangeset_extensions forKey:YapDatabaseExtensionsKey];
if (registeredExtensionsChanged)
if (internalChangeset == nil)
internalChangeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset];
[internalChangeset setObject:registeredExtensions forKey:YapDatabaseRegisteredExtensionsKey];
[internalChangeset setObject:extensionsOrder forKey:YapDatabaseExtensionsOrderKey];
[internalChangeset setObject:extensionDependencies forKey:YapDatabaseExtensionDependenciesKey];
if (registeredMemoryTablesChanged)
if (internalChangeset == nil)
internalChangeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset];
[internalChangeset setObject:registeredMemoryTables forKey:YapDatabaseRegisteredMemoryTablesKey];
// Step 2 of 2 - Process database changes
// Throughout the readwrite transaction we've been keeping a list of what changed.
// Copy this change information into the changeset for processing by other connections.
if ([objectChanges count] > 0 ||
[metadataChanges count] > 0 ||
[insertedKeys count] > 0 ||
[removedKeys count] > 0 ||
[removedCollections count] > 0 ||
[removedRowids count] > 0 || allKeysRemoved)
if (internalChangeset == nil)
internalChangeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForInternalChangeset];
if (externalChangeset == nil)
externalChangeset = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySetForExternalChangeset];
if ([objectChanges count] > 0)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey] = objectChanges;
YapSet *immutableObjectChanges = [[YapSet alloc] initWithDictionary:objectChanges];
externalChangeset[YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey] = immutableObjectChanges;
if ([metadataChanges count] > 0)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey] = metadataChanges;
YapSet *immutableMetadataChanges = [[YapSet alloc] initWithDictionary:metadataChanges];
externalChangeset[YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey] = immutableMetadataChanges;
if ([insertedKeys count] > 0)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseInsertedKeysKey] = insertedKeys;
YapSet *immutableInsertedKeys = [[YapSet alloc] initWithSet:insertedKeys];
externalChangeset[YapDatabaseInsertedKeysKey] = immutableInsertedKeys;
if ([removedKeys count] > 0)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey] = removedKeys;
YapSet *immutableRemovedKeys = [[YapSet alloc] initWithSet:removedKeys];
externalChangeset[YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey] = immutableRemovedKeys;
if ([removedCollections count] > 0)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseRemovedCollectionsKey] = removedCollections;
YapSet *immutableRemovedCollections = [[YapSet alloc] initWithSet:removedCollections];
externalChangeset[YapDatabaseRemovedCollectionsKey] = immutableRemovedCollections;
if ([removedRowids count] > 0)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseRemovedRowidsKey] = removedRowids;
if (allKeysRemoved)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] = @(YES);
externalChangeset[YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] = @(YES);
if (externallyModified)
internalChangeset[YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] = @(YES);
externalChangeset[YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] = @(YES);
*internalChangesetPtr = internalChangeset;
*externalChangesetPtr = externalChangeset;
* This method is invoked with the changeset from a sibling connection.
* The connection should update any in-memory components (such as the cache) to properly reflect the changeset.
* @see getInternalChangeset:externalChangeset:
- (void)processChangeset:(NSDictionary *)changeset
// Did registered extensions change ?
NSDictionary *changeset_registeredExtensions = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRegisteredExtensionsKey];
if (changeset_registeredExtensions)
// Retain new lists
registeredExtensions = changeset_registeredExtensions;
extensionsOrder = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseExtensionsOrderKey];
extensionDependencies = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseExtensionDependenciesKey];
// Remove any extensions that have been dropped
for (NSString *extName in [extensions allKeys])
if ([registeredExtensions objectForKey:extName] == nil)
YDBLogVerbose(@"Dropping extension: %@", extName);
[extensions removeObjectForKey:extName];
// Make a note if there are extensions for which we haven't instantiated an extConnection instance.
// We lazily load these later, if needed.
extensionsReady = ([registeredExtensions count] == [extensions count]);
// Did registered memory tables change ?
NSDictionary *changeset_registeredMemoryTables = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRegisteredMemoryTablesKey];
if (changeset_registeredMemoryTables)
registeredMemoryTables = changeset_registeredMemoryTables;
// Process normal database changeset information
NSDictionary *changeset_objectChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey];
NSDictionary *changeset_metadataChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey];
NSSet *changeset_removedRowids = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedRowidsKey];
NSSet *changeset_removedKeys = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey];
NSSet *changeset_removedCollections = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedCollectionsKey];
BOOL changeset_modifiedExternally = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] boolValue];
BOOL changeset_allKeysRemoved = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] boolValue];
BOOL hasObjectChanges = [changeset_objectChanges count] > 0;
BOOL hasMetadataChanges = [changeset_metadataChanges count] > 0;
BOOL hasRemovedKeys = [changeset_removedKeys count] > 0;
BOOL hasRemovedCollections = [changeset_removedCollections count] > 0;
// Check for external modification (special case)
if (changeset_modifiedExternally)
NSUInteger flags = YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags_Caches |
[self _flushMemoryWithFlags:flags];
// Update keyCache
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved)
// Shortcut: Everything was removed from the database
[keyCache removeAllObjects];
if (changeset_removedRowids)
[keyCache removeObjectsForKeys:changeset_removedRowids];
if (hasRemovedCollections)
__block NSMutableArray *toRemove = nil;
[keyCache enumerateKeysAndObjectsWithBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL __unused *stop) {
__unsafe_unretained NSNumber *rowidNumber = (NSNumber *)key;
__unsafe_unretained YapCollectionKey *collectionKey = (YapCollectionKey *)obj;
if ([changeset_removedCollections containsObject:collectionKey.collection])
if (toRemove == nil)
toRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
[toRemove addObject:rowidNumber];
[keyCache removeObjectsForKeys:toRemove];
// Update objectCache
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved && !hasObjectChanges)
// Shortcut: Everything was removed from the database
[objectCache removeAllObjects];
else if (hasObjectChanges && !hasRemovedKeys && !hasRemovedCollections && !changeset_allKeysRemoved)
// Shortcut: Nothing was removed from the database.
// So we can simply enumerate over the changes and update the cache inline as needed.
id yapNull = [YapNull null]; // value == yapNull : setPrimitive or containment policy
id yapTouch = [YapTouch touch]; // value == yapTouch : touchObjectForKey: was used
BOOL isPolicyContainment = (objectPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyContainment);
BOOL isPolicyShare = (objectPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyShare);
[changeset_objectChanges enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id newObject, BOOL __unused *stop) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
__unsafe_unretained YapCollectionKey *cacheKey = (YapCollectionKey *)key;
if ([objectCache containsKey:cacheKey])
if (newObject == yapNull)
[objectCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (newObject != yapTouch)
if (isPolicyContainment) {
[objectCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (isPolicyShare) {
[objectCache setObject:newObject forKey:cacheKey];
else // if (isPolicyCopy)
if ([newObject conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSCopying)])
[objectCache setObject:[newObject copy] forKey:cacheKey];
[objectCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
else if (hasObjectChanges || hasRemovedKeys || hasRemovedCollections)
NSUInteger updateCapacity = MIN([objectCache count], [changeset_objectChanges count]);
NSUInteger removeCapacity = MIN([objectCache count], [changeset_removedKeys count]);
NSMutableArray *keysToUpdate = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:updateCapacity];
NSMutableArray *keysToRemove = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:removeCapacity];
[objectCache enumerateKeysWithBlock:^(id key, BOOL __unused *stop) {
// Order matters.
// Consider the following database change:
// [transaction removeAllObjectsInAllCollections];
// [transaction setObject:obj forKey:key inCollection:collection];
__unsafe_unretained YapCollectionKey *cacheKey = (YapCollectionKey *)key;
if ([changeset_objectChanges objectForKey:cacheKey])
[keysToUpdate addObject:key];
else if ([changeset_removedKeys containsObject:cacheKey] ||
[changeset_removedCollections containsObject:cacheKey.collection] || changeset_allKeysRemoved)
[keysToRemove addObject:key];
[objectCache removeObjectsForKeys:keysToRemove];
id yapNull = [YapNull null]; // value == yapNull : setPrimitive or containment policy
id yapTouch = [YapTouch touch]; // value == yapTouch : touchObjectForKey: was used
BOOL isPolicyContainment = (objectPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyContainment);
BOOL isPolicyShare = (objectPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyShare);
for (YapCollectionKey *cacheKey in keysToUpdate)
id newObject = [changeset_objectChanges objectForKey:cacheKey];
if (newObject == yapNull)
[objectCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (newObject != yapTouch)
if (isPolicyContainment) {
[objectCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (isPolicyShare) {
[objectCache setObject:newObject forKey:cacheKey];
else // if (isPolicyCopy)
if ([newObject conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSCopying)])
[objectCache setObject:[newObject copy] forKey:cacheKey];
[objectCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
// Update metadataCache
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved && !hasMetadataChanges)
// Shortcut: Everything was removed from the database
[metadataCache removeAllObjects];
else if (hasMetadataChanges && !hasRemovedKeys && !hasRemovedCollections && !changeset_allKeysRemoved)
// Shortcut: Nothing was removed from the database.
// So we can simply enumerate over the changes and update the cache inline as needed.
id yapNull = [YapNull null]; // value == yapNull : setPrimitive or containment policy
id yapTouch = [YapTouch touch]; // value == yapTouch : touchObjectForKey: was used
BOOL isPolicyContainment = (metadataPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyContainment);
BOOL isPolicyShare = (metadataPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyShare);
[changeset_metadataChanges enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id newMetadata, BOOL __unused *stop) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
__unsafe_unretained YapCollectionKey *cacheKey = (YapCollectionKey *)key;
if ([metadataCache containsKey:cacheKey])
if (newMetadata == yapNull)
[metadataCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (newMetadata != yapTouch)
if (isPolicyContainment) {
[metadataCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (isPolicyShare) {
[metadataCache setObject:newMetadata forKey:cacheKey];
else // if (isPolicyCopy)
if ([newMetadata conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSCopying)])
[metadataCache setObject:[newMetadata copy] forKey:cacheKey];
[metadataCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
else if (hasMetadataChanges || hasRemovedKeys || hasRemovedCollections)
NSUInteger updateCapacity = MIN([metadataCache count], [changeset_metadataChanges count]);
NSUInteger removeCapacity = MIN([metadataCache count], [changeset_removedKeys count]);
NSMutableArray *keysToUpdate = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:updateCapacity];
NSMutableArray *keysToRemove = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:removeCapacity];
[metadataCache enumerateKeysWithBlock:^(id key, BOOL __unused *stop) {
// Order matters.
// Consider the following database change:
// [transaction removeAllObjectsInAllCollections];
// [transaction setObject:obj forKey:key inCollection:collection];
__unsafe_unretained YapCollectionKey *cacheKey = (YapCollectionKey *)key;
if ([changeset_metadataChanges objectForKey:cacheKey])
[keysToUpdate addObject:key];
else if ([changeset_removedKeys containsObject:cacheKey] ||
[changeset_removedCollections containsObject:cacheKey.collection] || changeset_allKeysRemoved)
[keysToRemove addObject:key];
[metadataCache removeObjectsForKeys:keysToRemove];
id yapNull = [YapNull null]; // value == yapNull : setPrimitive or containment policy
id yapTouch = [YapTouch touch]; // value == yapTouch : touchObjectForKey: was used
BOOL isPolicyContainment = (metadataPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyContainment);
BOOL isPolicyShare = (metadataPolicy == YapDatabasePolicyShare);
for (YapCollectionKey *cacheKey in keysToUpdate)
id newMetadata = [changeset_metadataChanges objectForKey:cacheKey];
if (newMetadata == yapNull)
[metadataCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (newMetadata != yapTouch)
if (isPolicyContainment) {
[metadataCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
else if (isPolicyShare) {
[metadataCache setObject:newMetadata forKey:cacheKey];
else // if (isPolicyCopy)
if ([newMetadata conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSCopying)])
[metadataCache setObject:[newMetadata copy] forKey:cacheKey];
[metadataCache removeObjectForKey:cacheKey];
* Internal method.
* This method is invoked with the changeset from a sibling connection.
- (void)noteCommittedChangeset:(NSDictionary *)changeset
// This method must be invoked from within connectionQueue.
NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey), @"Must be invoked within connectionQueue");
// Grab the new snapshot.
// This tells us the minimum snapshot we could get if we started a transaction right now.
uint64_t changesetSnapshot = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseSnapshotKey] unsignedLongLongValue];
if (changesetSnapshot <= snapshot)
// We already noted this changeset.
// There is a "race condition" that occasionally happens when a readonly transaction is started
// around the same instant a readwrite transaction finishes committing its changes to disk.
// The readonly transaction enters our transaction state queue (to start) before
// the readwrite transaction enters our transaction state queue (to finish).
// However the readonly transaction gets a database snapshot post readwrite commit.
// That is, the readonly transaction can read the changes from the readwrite transaction at the sqlite layer,
// even though the readwrite transaction hasn't completed within the yap database layer.
// This race condition is handled automatically within the preReadTransaction method.
// In fact, it invokes this method to handle the race condition.
// Thus this method could be invoked twice to handle the same changeset.
// So catching it here and ignoring it is simply a minor optimization to avoid duplicate work.
YDBLogVerbose(@"Ignoring previously processed changeset %lu for connection %@, database %@",
(unsigned long)changesetSnapshot, self, database);
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
if (isFastForwarding)
// This method is being invoked from preReadTransaction or preReadWriteTransaction.
// We need to process the changeset for it.
[processedChangesets addObject:changeset];
// This method is being invoked from [database noteCommittedChangeset:].
// We cannot process the changeset yet.
// We must wait for the longLivedReadTransaction to be reset.
YDBLogVerbose(@"Storing pending changeset %lu for connection %@, database %@",
(unsigned long)changesetSnapshot, self, database);
[pendingChangesets addObject:changeset];
// Changeset processing
YDBLogVerbose(@"Processing changeset %lu for connection %@, database %@",
(unsigned long)changesetSnapshot, self, database);
if (snapshot == changesetSnapshot - 1)
snapshot = changesetSnapshot;
[self processChangeset:changeset];
// Snapshot numbers do not match: there might have been a modification from another process.
// We should flush cache and then process the changeset.
snapshot = changesetSnapshot;
NSUInteger flags = YapDatabaseConnectionFlushMemoryFlags_Caches |
[self _flushMemoryWithFlags:flags];
[self processChangeset:changeset];
// Allow extensions to process their individual changesets
// Use existing extensions (extensions ivar, not [self extensions]).
// There's no need to create any new extConnections at this point.
[extensions enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:
^(NSString *extName, YapDatabaseExtensionConnection *extConnection, BOOL __unused *stop)
[extConnection noteCommittedChangeset:changeset registeredName:extName];
#pragma mark Changeset Inspection
- (BOOL)hasChangeForCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
if (collection == nil)
collection = @"";
for (NSNotification *notification in notifications)
if (![notification isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
YDBLogWarn(@"%@ - notifications parameter contains non-NSNotification object", THIS_METHOD);
NSDictionary *changeset = notification.userInfo;
if (includeObjectChanges)
YapSet *changeset_objectChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *collectionKey in changeset_objectChanges)
if ([collectionKey.collection isEqualToString:collection])
return YES;
if (includeMetadataChanges)
YapSet *changeset_metadataChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *collectionKey in changeset_metadataChanges)
if ([collectionKey.collection isEqualToString:collection])
return YES;
YapSet *changeset_removedKeys = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *collectionKey in changeset_removedKeys)
if ([collectionKey.collection isEqualToString:collection])
return YES;
YapSet *changeset_removedCollections = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedCollectionsKey];
if ([changeset_removedCollections containsObject:collection])
return YES;
BOOL changeset_modifiedExternally = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_modifiedExternally)
return YES;
BOOL changeset_allKeysRemoved = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)hasChangeForCollection:(NSString *)collection inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForCollection:collection
- (BOOL)hasObjectChangeForCollection:(NSString *)collection inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForCollection:collection
- (BOOL)hasMetadataChangeForCollection:(NSString *)collection inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForCollection:collection
// Query for a change to a particular key/collection tuple
- (BOOL)hasChangeForKey:(NSString *)key
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
if (key == nil) return NO;
if (collection == nil)
collection = @"";
YapCollectionKey *collectionKey = [[YapCollectionKey alloc] initWithCollection:collection key:key];
for (NSNotification *notification in notifications)
if (![notification isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
YDBLogWarn(@"%@ - notifications parameter contains non-NSNotification object", THIS_METHOD);
NSDictionary *changeset = notification.userInfo;
if (includeObjectChanges)
YapSet *changeset_objectChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey];
if ([changeset_objectChanges containsObject:collectionKey])
return YES;
if (includeMetadataChanges)
YapSet *changeset_metadataChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey];
if ([changeset_metadataChanges containsObject:collectionKey])
return YES;
YapSet *changeset_removedKeys = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey];
if ([changeset_removedKeys containsObject:collectionKey])
return YES;
YapSet *changeset_removedCollections = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedCollectionsKey];
if ([changeset_removedCollections containsObject:collection])
return YES;
BOOL changeset_modifiedExternally = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_modifiedExternally)
return YES;
BOOL changeset_allKeysRemoved = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)hasChangeForKey:(NSString *)key
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForKey:key
- (BOOL)hasObjectChangeForKey:(NSString *)key
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForKey:key
- (BOOL)hasMetadataChangeForKey:(NSString *)key
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForKey:key
// Query for a change to a particular set of keys in a collection
- (BOOL)hasChangeForAnyKeys:(NSSet *)keys
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
if ([keys count] == 0) return NO;
if (collection == nil)
collection = @"";
for (NSNotification *notification in notifications)
if (![notification isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
YDBLogWarn(@"%@ - notifications parameter contains non-NSNotification object", THIS_METHOD);
NSDictionary *changeset = notification.userInfo;
if (includeObjectChanges)
YapSet *changeset_objectChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *collectionKey in changeset_objectChanges)
if ([collectionKey.collection isEqualToString:collection])
if ([keys containsObject:collectionKey.key])
return YES;
if (includeMetadataChanges)
YapSet *changeset_metadataChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *collectionKey in changeset_metadataChanges)
if ([collectionKey.collection isEqualToString:collection])
if ([keys containsObject:collectionKey.key])
return YES;
YapSet *changeset_removedKeys = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *collectionKey in changeset_removedKeys)
if ([collectionKey.collection isEqualToString:collection])
if ([keys containsObject:collectionKey.key])
return YES;
YapSet *changeset_removedCollections = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedCollectionsKey];
if ([changeset_removedCollections containsObject:collection])
return YES;
BOOL changeset_modifiedExternally = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_modifiedExternally)
return YES;
BOOL changeset_allKeysRemoved = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)hasChangeForAnyKeys:(NSSet *)keys
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForAnyKeys:keys
- (BOOL)hasObjectChangeForAnyKeys:(NSSet *)keys
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForAnyKeys:keys
- (BOOL)hasMetadataChangeForAnyKeys:(NSSet *)keys
inCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
return [self hasChangeForAnyKeys:keys
// Advanced query techniques
* Returns YES if [transaction removeAllObjectsInCollection:] was invoked on the collection,
* or if [transaction removeAllObjectsInAllCollections] was invoked
* during any of the commits represented by the given notifications.
* If this was the case then YapDatabase may not have tracked every single key within the collection.
* And thus a key that was removed via clearing the collection may not show up while enumerating changedKeys.
* This method is designed to be used in conjunction with the enumerateChangedKeys.... methods (below).
* The hasChange... methods (above) already take this into account.
- (BOOL)didClearCollection:(NSString *)collection inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
if (collection == nil)
collection = @"";
for (NSNotification *notification in notifications)
if (![notification isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
YDBLogWarn(@"%@ - notifications parameter contains non-NSNotification object", THIS_METHOD);
NSDictionary *changeset = notification.userInfo;
YapSet *changeset_removedCollections = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedCollectionsKey];
if ([changeset_removedCollections containsObject:collection])
return YES;
BOOL changeset_modifiedExternally = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_modifiedExternally)
return YES;
BOOL changeset_allKeysRemoved = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved)
return YES;
return NO;
* Returns YES if [transaction removeAllObjectsInAllCollections] was invoked
* during any of the commits represented by the given notifications.
* If this was the case then YapDatabase may not have tracked every single key within every single collection.
* And thus a key that was removed via clearing the database may not show up while enumerating changedKeys.
* This method is designed to be used in conjunction with the enumerateChangedKeys.... methods (below).
* The hasChange... methods (above) already take this into account.
- (BOOL)didClearAllCollectionsInNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
for (NSNotification *notification in notifications)
if (![notification isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
YDBLogWarn(@"%@ - notifications parameter contains non-NSNotification object", THIS_METHOD);
NSDictionary *changeset = notification.userInfo;
BOOL changeset_modifiedExternally = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseModifiedExternallyKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_modifiedExternally)
return YES;
BOOL changeset_allKeysRemoved = [[changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseAllKeysRemovedKey] boolValue];
if (changeset_allKeysRemoved)
return YES;
return NO;
* Allows you to enumerate all the changed keys in the given collection, for the given commits.
* Keep in mind that if [transaction removeAllObjectsInCollection:] was invoked on the given collection
* or [transaction removeAllObjectsInAllCollections] was invoked
* during any of the commits represented by the given notifications,
* then the key may not be included in the enumeration.
* You must use didClearCollection:inNotifications: or didClearAllCollectionsInNotifications:
* if you need to handle that case.
* @see didClearCollection:inNotifications:
* @see didClearAllCollectionsInNotifications:
- (void)enumerateChangedKeysInCollection:(NSString *)collection
inNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
usingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *key, BOOL *stop))block
if (block == NULL) return;
if (collection == nil)
collection = @"";
BOOL stop = NO;
NSMutableSet *keys = [NSMutableSet set];
for (NSNotification *notification in notifications)
if (![notification isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
YDBLogWarn(@"%@ - notifications parameter contains non-NSNotification object", THIS_METHOD);
NSDictionary *changeset = notification.userInfo;
YapSet *changeset_objectChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *ck in changeset_objectChanges)
if ([ck.collection isEqualToString:collection])
if (![keys containsObject:ck.key])
block(ck.key, &stop);
if (stop) return;
[keys addObject:ck.key];
YapSet *changeset_metadataChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *ck in changeset_metadataChanges)
if ([ck.collection isEqualToString:collection])
if (![keys containsObject:ck.key])
block(ck.key, &stop);
if (stop) return;
[keys addObject:ck.key];
YapSet *changeset_removedKeys = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *ck in changeset_removedKeys)
if ([ck.collection isEqualToString:collection])
if (![keys containsObject:ck.key])
block(ck.key, &stop);
if (stop) return;
[keys addObject:ck.key];
* Allows you to enumerate all the changed collection/key tuples for the given commits.
* Keep in mind that if [transaction removeAllObjectsInCollection:] was invoked on the given collection
* or [transaction removeAllObjectsInAllCollections] was invoked
* during any of the commits represented by the given notifications,
* then the collection/key tuple may not be included in the enumeration.
* You must use didClearCollection:inNotifications: or didClearAllCollectionsInNotifications:
* if you need to handle that case.
* @see didClearCollection:inNotifications:
* @see didClearAllCollectionsInNotifications:
- (void)enumerateChangedCollectionKeysInNotifications:(NSArray *)notifications
usingBlock:(void (^)(YapCollectionKey *ck, BOOL *stop))block
if (block == NULL) return;
BOOL stop = NO;
NSMutableSet *collectionKeys = [NSMutableSet set];
for (NSNotification *notification in notifications)
if (![notification isKindOfClass:[NSNotification class]])
YDBLogWarn(@"%@ - notifications parameter contains non-NSNotification object", THIS_METHOD);
NSDictionary *changeset = notification.userInfo;
YapSet *changeset_objectChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseObjectChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *ck in changeset_objectChanges)
if (![collectionKeys containsObject:ck])
block(ck, &stop);
if (stop) return;
[collectionKeys addObject:ck];
YapSet *changeset_metadataChanges = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseMetadataChangesKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *ck in changeset_metadataChanges)
if (![collectionKeys containsObject:ck])
block(ck, &stop);
if (stop) return;
[collectionKeys addObject:ck];
YapSet *changeset_removedKeys = [changeset objectForKey:YapDatabaseRemovedKeysKey];
for (YapCollectionKey *ck in changeset_removedKeys)
if (![collectionKeys containsObject:ck])
block(ck, &stop);
if (stop) return;
[collectionKeys addObject:ck];
#pragma mark Extensions
* Creates or fetches the extension with the given name.
* If this connection has not yet initialized the proper extensions connection, it is done automatically.
* @return
* A subclass of YapDatabaseExtensionConnection,
* according to the type of extension registered under the given name.
* One must register an extension with the database before it can be accessed from within connections or transactions.
* After registration everything works automatically using just the registered extension name.
* @see [YapDatabase registerExtension:withName:]
- (id)extension:(NSString *)extName
// This method is PUBLIC.
// This method returns a subclass of YapDatabaseExtensionConnection.
// To get:
// - YapDatabaseExtension => [database registeredExtension:@"registeredNameOfExtension"]
// - YapDatabaseExtensionConnection => [databaseConnection extension:@"registeredNameOfExtension"]
// - YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction => [databaseTransaction extension:@"registeredNameOfExtension"]
__block id extConnection = nil;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
extConnection = [extensions objectForKey:extName];
if (!extConnection && !extensionsReady)
// We don't have an existing connection for the extension.
// Create one (if we can).
YapDatabaseExtension *ext = [registeredExtensions objectForKey:extName];
if (ext)
extConnection = [ext newConnection:self];
[extensions setObject:extConnection forKey:extName];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return extConnection;
- (id)ext:(NSString *)extensionName
// The "+ (void)load" method swizzles the implementation of this class
// to point to the implementation of the extension: method.
// So the two methods are literally the same thing.
return [self extension:extensionName]; // This method is swizzled !
- (NSDictionary *)extensions
// This method is INTERNAL
if (!extensionsReady)
[registeredExtensions enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL __unused *stop) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
__unsafe_unretained NSString *extName = key;
__unsafe_unretained YapDatabaseExtension *ext = obj;
if ([extensions objectForKey:extName] == nil)
id extConnection = [ext newConnection:self];
[extensions setObject:extConnection forKey:extName];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
extensionsReady = YES;
return extensions;
- (BOOL)registerExtension:(YapDatabaseExtension *)extension withName:(NSString *)extensionName
NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(database->IsOnWriteQueueKey), @"Must go through writeQueue.");
__block BOOL result = NO;
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction = [self newReadWriteTransaction];
[self preReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
YapDatabaseExtensionConnection *extensionConnection;
YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction *extensionTransaction;
extensionConnection = [extension newConnection:self];
extensionTransaction = [extensionConnection newReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
BOOL needsClassValue = NO;
[self willRegisterExtension:extension
result = [extensionTransaction createIfNeeded];
if (result)
[self didRegisterExtension:extension
[self addRegisteredExtensionConnection:extensionConnection withName:extensionName];
[transaction addRegisteredExtensionTransaction:extensionTransaction withName:extensionName];
// Registration failed.
[transaction rollback];
[self postReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
registeredExtensionsChanged = NO;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
return result;
- (void)unregisterExtensionWithName:(NSString *)extensionName
NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(database->IsOnWriteQueueKey), @"Must go through writeQueue.");
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction = [self newReadWriteTransaction];
[self preReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
// Unregister the given extension
YapDatabaseExtension *extension = [registeredExtensions objectForKey:extensionName];
[self _unregisterExtensionWithName:extensionName transaction:transaction];
extension.registeredName = nil;
extension.registeredDatabase = nil;
// Automatically unregister any extensions that were dependent upon this one.
NSMutableArray *extensionNameStack = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
[extensionNameStack addObject:extensionName];
NSString *currentExtensionName = [extensionNameStack lastObject];
__block NSString *dependentExtName = nil;
[extensionDependencies enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop){
// __unsafe_unretained NSString *extName = (NSString *)key;
__unsafe_unretained NSSet *extDependencies = (NSSet *)obj;
if ([extDependencies containsObject:currentExtensionName])
dependentExtName = (NSString *)key;
*stop = YES;
if (dependentExtName)
// We found an extension that was dependent upon the one we just unregistered.
// So we need to unregister it too.
YapDatabaseExtension *dependentExt = [registeredExtensions objectForKey:dependentExtName];
[self _unregisterExtensionWithName:dependentExtName transaction:transaction];
dependentExt.registeredName = nil;
// And now we need to check and see if there were any extensions dependent upon this new one.
// So we add it to the top of the stack, and continue our search.
[extensionNameStack addObject:dependentExtName];
[extensionNameStack removeLastObject];
} while ([extensionNameStack count] > 0);
// Complete the transaction
[self postReadWriteTransaction:transaction];
// And reset the registeredExtensionsChanged ivar.
// The above method already processed it, and included the appropriate information in the changeset.
registeredExtensionsChanged = NO;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- (void)_unregisterExtensionWithName:(NSString *)extensionName
transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
NSString *className = nil;
Class extensionClass = NULL;
Class abstractExtClass = NSClassFromString(@"YapDatabaseExtension");
BOOL wasPersistent;
YapMemoryTableTransaction *memoryTableTransaction = [transaction yapMemoryTableTransaction];
YapCollectionKey *classKey = [[YapCollectionKey alloc] initWithCollection:extensionName key:ext_key_class];
className = [memoryTableTransaction objectForKey:classKey];
if (className)
wasPersistent = NO;
className = [transaction stringValueForKey:ext_key_class extension:extensionName];
wasPersistent = YES;
extensionClass = NSClassFromString(className);
if (className == nil)
YDBLogWarn(@"Unable to unregister extension(%@). Doesn't appear to be registered.", extensionName);
else if (!extensionClass || ![extensionClass superclass])
YDBLogError(@"Unable to unregister extension(%@) with unknown class(%@)", extensionName, className);
else if (![extensionClass isSubclassOfClass:abstractExtClass])
YDBLogError(@"Unable to unregister extension(%@) with improper class(%@)", extensionName, className);
// Drop tables
[extensionClass dropTablesForRegisteredName:extensionName withTransaction:transaction wasPersistent:wasPersistent];
// Drop preferences
if (wasPersistent)
// remove rows in yap2 table (where extension == extensionName)
[transaction removeAllValuesForExtension:extensionName];
// remove rows in yap memory table (where collectionKey.collection == extensionName)
NSMutableArray *keysToRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
[memoryTableTransaction enumerateKeysWithBlock:^(id key, BOOL __unused *stop) {
__unsafe_unretained YapCollectionKey *ck = (YapCollectionKey *)key;
if ([ck.collection isEqualToString:extensionName])
[keysToRemove addObject:ck];
[memoryTableTransaction removeObjectsForKeys:keysToRemove];
// Remove from registeredExtensions, extensionsOrder & extensionDependencies (if needed)
[self didUnregisterExtensionWithName:extensionName];
// Remove YapDatabaseExtensionConnection subclass instance (if needed)
[self removeRegisteredExtensionConnectionWithName:extensionName];
// Remove YapDatabaseExtensionTransaction subclass instance (if needed)
[transaction removeRegisteredExtensionTransactionWithName:extensionName];
- (void)willRegisterExtension:(YapDatabaseExtension *)extension
withName:(NSString *)extensionName
transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
needsClassValue:(BOOL *)needsClassValuePtr
// This method is INTERNAL
// Check to see if we should create the YapMemoryTable.
// We create this on demand the first time an extension is registered.
if ([registeredMemoryTables objectForKey:@"yap"] == nil)
YapMemoryTable *memoryTable = [[YapMemoryTable alloc] initWithKeyClass:[YapCollectionKey class]];
[self registerMemoryTable:memoryTable withName:@"yap"];
// Special handling for non-persistent (in-memory only) extensions.
if (![extension isPersistent])
// First time registration
*needsClassValuePtr = YES;
// The class name of every registered extension is recorded in the yap2 table.
// We ensure that re-registrations under the same name use the same extension class.
// If we detect a change, we auto-unregister the previous extension.
// Note: @"class" is a reserved key for all extensions.
NSString *prevExtensionClassName = [transaction stringValueForKey:ext_key_class extension:extensionName];
if (prevExtensionClassName == nil)
// First time registration
*needsClassValuePtr = YES;
NSString *extensionClassName = NSStringFromClass([extension class]);
if ([extensionClassName isEqualToString:prevExtensionClassName])
// Re-registration
*needsClassValuePtr = NO;
NSArray *otherValidClassNames = [[extension class] previousClassNames];
if ([otherValidClassNames containsObject:prevExtensionClassName])
// The extension class was renamed.
// We should update the class value in the database.
*needsClassValuePtr = YES;
YDBLogWarn(@"Dropping tables for previously registered extension with name(%@), class(%@) for new class(%@)",
extensionName, prevExtensionClassName, extensionClassName);
Class abstractExtClass = NSClassFromString(@"YapDatabaseExtension");
Class prevExtensionClass = NSClassFromString(prevExtensionClassName);
if (prevExtensionClass == NULL)
YDBLogError(@"Unable to drop tables for previously registered extension with name(%@), unknown class(%@)",
extensionName, prevExtensionClassName);
else if (![prevExtensionClass isSubclassOfClass:abstractExtClass])
YDBLogError(@"Unable to drop tables for previously registered extension with name(%@), invalid class(%@)",
extensionName, prevExtensionClassName);
// Drop tables
[prevExtensionClass dropTablesForRegisteredName:extensionName withTransaction:transaction wasPersistent:YES];
// Drop preferences (rows in yap2 table)
[transaction removeAllValuesForExtension:extensionName];
*needsClassValuePtr = YES;
- (void)didRegisterExtension:(YapDatabaseExtension *)extension
withName:(NSString *)extensionName
transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
// This method is INTERNAL
// Record the class name of the extension in the yap2 table (if needed)
if (needsClassValue)
NSString *extensionClassName = NSStringFromClass([extension class]);
if ([extension isPersistent])
[transaction setStringValue:extensionClassName forKey:ext_key_class extension:extensionName];
YapCollectionKey *classKey = [[YapCollectionKey alloc] initWithCollection:extensionName key:ext_key_class];
[[transaction yapMemoryTableTransaction] setObject:extensionClassName forKey:classKey];
// Update the list of registered extensions.
NSMutableDictionary *newRegisteredExtensions = [registeredExtensions mutableCopy];
[newRegisteredExtensions setObject:extension forKey:extensionName];
registeredExtensions = [newRegisteredExtensions copy];
extensionsOrder = [extensionsOrder arrayByAddingObject:extensionName];
NSSet *dependencies = [extension dependencies];
if (dependencies == nil)
dependencies = [NSSet set];
NSMutableDictionary *newExtensionDependencies = [extensionDependencies mutableCopy];
[newExtensionDependencies setObject:dependencies forKey:extensionName];
extensionDependencies = [newExtensionDependencies copy];
extensionsReady = NO;
sharedKeySetForExtensions = [NSDictionary sharedKeySetForKeys:[registeredExtensions allKeys]];
// Set the registeredExtensionsChanged flag.
// This will be consulted during the creation of the changeset,
// and will cause us to add the updated registeredExtensions to the list of changes.
// It will then get propogated to the database, and all other connections.
registeredExtensionsChanged = YES;
- (void)didUnregisterExtensionWithName:(NSString *)extensionName
// This method is INTERNAL
if ([registeredExtensions objectForKey:extensionName])
NSMutableDictionary *newRegisteredExtensions = [registeredExtensions mutableCopy];
[newRegisteredExtensions removeObjectForKey:extensionName];
registeredExtensions = [newRegisteredExtensions copy];
NSMutableArray *newExtensionsOrder = [extensionsOrder mutableCopy];
[newExtensionsOrder removeObject:extensionName];
extensionsOrder = [newExtensionsOrder copy];
NSMutableDictionary *newExtensionDependencies = [extensionDependencies mutableCopy];
[newExtensionDependencies removeObjectForKey:extensionName];
extensionDependencies = [newExtensionDependencies copy];
extensionsReady = NO;
sharedKeySetForExtensions = [NSDictionary sharedKeySetForKeys:[registeredExtensions allKeys]];
// Set the registeredExtensionsChanged flag.
// This will be consulted during the creation of the changeset,
// and will cause us to add the updated registeredExtensions to the list of changes.
// It will then get propogated to the database, and all other connections.
registeredExtensionsChanged = YES;
- (void)addRegisteredExtensionConnection:(YapDatabaseExtensionConnection *)extConnection withName:(NSString *)extName
// This method is INTERNAL
if (extensions == nil)
extensions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[extensions setObject:extConnection forKey:extName];
- (void)removeRegisteredExtensionConnectionWithName:(NSString *)extName
// This method is INTERNAL
[extensions removeObjectForKey:extName];
#pragma mark Pragma
* Returns the current synchronous configuration via "PRAGMA synchronous;".
* Allows you to verify that sqlite accepted your synchronous configuration request.
- (NSString *)pragmaSynchronous
__block int64_t value = -1;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
value = [YapDatabase pragma:@"synchronous" using:db];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return [YapDatabase pragmaValueForSynchronous:value];
* Returns the current page_size configuration via "PRAGMA page_size;".
* Allows you to verify that sqlite accepted your page_size configuration request.
- (NSInteger)pragmaPageSize
__block int64_t value = -1;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
value = [YapDatabase pragma:@"page_size" using:db];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return (NSInteger)value;
* Returns the currently memory mapped I/O configureation via "PRAGMA mmap_size;".
* Allows you to verify that sqlite accepted your mmap_size configuration request.
* Memory mapping may be disabled by sqlite's compile-time options.
* Or it may restrict the mmap_size to something smaller than requested.
- (NSInteger)pragmaMMapSize
__block int64_t value = -1;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
value = [YapDatabase pragma:@"mmap_size" using:db];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return (NSInteger)value;
* Upgrade Notice:
* The "auto_vacuum=FULL" was not properly set until YapDatabase v2.5.
* And thus if you have an app that was using YapDatabase prior to this version,
* then the existing database file will continue to operate in "auto_vacuum=NONE" mode.
* This means the existing database file won't be properly truncated as you delete information from the db.
* That is, the data will be removed, but the pages will be moved to the freelist,
* and the file itself will remain the same size on disk. (I.e. the file size can grow, but not shrink.)
* To correct this problem, you should run the vacuum operation is at least once.
* After it is run, the "auto_vacuum=FULL" mode will be set,
* and the database file size will automatically shrink in the future (as you delete data).
* @returns Result from "PRAGMA auto_vacuum;" command, as a readable string:
* - NONE
* - FULL
* - UNKNOWN (future proofing)
* If the return value is NONE, then you should run the vacuum operation at some point
* in order to properly reconfigure the database.
* Concerning Method Invocation:
* You can invoke this method as a standalone method on the connection:
* NSString *value = [databaseConnection pragmaAutoVacuum]
* Or you can invoke this method within a transaction:
* [databaseConnection asyncReadWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction){
* NSString *value = [databaseConnection pragmaAutoVacuum];
* }];
- (NSString *)pragmaAutoVacuum
__block int64_t value = -1;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
value = [YapDatabase pragma:@"auto_vacuum" using:db];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnConnectionQueueKey))
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, block);
return [YapDatabase pragmaValueForAutoVacuum:value];
#pragma mark Vacuum
* Performs a VACUUM on the sqlite database.
* This method operates as a synchronous ReadWrite "transaction".
* That is, it behaves in a similar fashion, and you may treat it as if it is a ReadWrite transaction.
* For more infomation on the VACUUM operation, see the sqlite docs:
* Remember that YapDatabase operates in WAL mode, with "auto_vacuum=FULL" set.
* @see pragmaAutoVacuum
- (void)vacuum
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
if (throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction)
@throw [self implicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransactionException];
YDBLogWarn(@"Implicitly ending long-lived read transaction on connection %@, database %@",
self, database);
[self endLongLivedReadTransaction];
dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[self prePseudoReadWriteTransaction];
int status;
status = sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error setting PRAGMA auto_vacuum: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
YDBLogVerbose(@"Starting VACUUM ...");
status = sqlite3_exec(db, "VACUUM;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error performing VACUUM: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
YDBLogVerbose(@"VACUUM complete !");
hasDiskChanges = YES;
[self postPseudoReadWriteTransaction];
}}); // End dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
}}); // End dispatch_sync(connectionQueue)
* Performs a VACUUM on the sqlite database.
* This method operates as an asynchronous readWrite "transaction".
* That is, it behaves in a similar fashion, and you may treat it as if it is a ReadWrite transaction.
* For more infomation on the VACUUM operation, see the sqlite docs:
* Remember that YapDatabase operates in WAL mode, with "auto_vacuum=FULL" set.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* The completionBlock will be invoked on the main thread (dispatch_get_main_queue()).
* @see pragmaAutoVacuum
- (void)asyncVacuumWithCompletionBlock:(dispatch_block_t)completionBlock
[self asyncVacuumWithCompletionQueue:NULL completionBlock:completionBlock];
* Performs a VACUUM on the sqlite database.
* This method operates as an asynchronous readWrite "transaction".
* That is, it behaves in a similar fashion, and you may treat it as if it is a ReadWrite transaction.
* For more infomation on the VACUUM operation, see the sqlite docs:
* Remember that YapDatabase operates in WAL mode, with "auto_vacuum=FULL" set.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* Additionally the dispatch_queue to invoke the completion block may also be specified.
* If NULL, dispatch_get_main_queue() is automatically used.
* @see pragmaAutoVacuum
- (void)asyncVacuumWithCompletionQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)completionQueue
if (completionQueue == NULL && completionBlock != NULL)
completionQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
if (throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction)
@throw [self implicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransactionException];
YDBLogWarn(@"Implicitly ending long-lived read transaction on connection %@, database %@",
self, database);
[self endLongLivedReadTransaction];
dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[self prePseudoReadWriteTransaction];
int status;
status = sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error setting PRAGMA auto_vacuum: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
YDBLogVerbose(@"Starting VACUUM ...");
status = sqlite3_exec(db, "VACUUM;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
YDBLogError(@"Error performing VACUUM: %d %s", status, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
YDBLogVerbose(@"VACUUM complete !");
hasDiskChanges = YES;
[self postPseudoReadWriteTransaction];
if (completionBlock) {
dispatch_async(completionQueue, completionBlock);
}}); // End dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
}}); // End dispatch_async(connectionQueue)
#pragma mark Backup
* This method backs up the database by exporting all the tables to another sqlite database.
* This method operates as a synchronous ReadWrite "transaction".
* That is, it behaves in a similar fashion, and you may treat it as if it is a ReadWrite transaction.
* The database will be backed up as it exists at the moment this transaction operates.
* That is, it will backup everything in the sqlite file, as well as everything in the WAL file.
* For more information on the BACKUP operation, see the sqlite docs:
* As stated in the sqlite docs, it is your responsibilty to ensure that nothing else is
* currently using the backupDatabase.
- (NSError *)backupToPath:(NSString *)backupDatabasePath
__block NSError *error = nil;
dispatch_sync(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
if (throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction)
@throw [self implicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransactionException];
YDBLogWarn(@"Implicitly ending long-lived read transaction on connection %@, database %@",
self, database);
[self endLongLivedReadTransaction];
dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[self prePseudoReadWriteTransaction];
error = [self _backupToPath:backupDatabasePath withStep:1500 progress:nil];
hasDiskChanges = NO; // backup does NOT make actually make changes
[self postPseudoReadWriteTransaction];
}}); // End dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
}}); // End dispatch_sync(connectionQueue)
return error;
* This method backs up the database by exporting all the tables to another sqlite database.
* This method operates as an asynchronous readWrite "transaction".
* That is, it behaves in a similar fashion, and you may treat it as if it is a ReadWrite transaction.
* The database will be backed up as it exists at the moment this transaction operates.
* That is, it will backup everything in the sqlite file, as well as everything in the WAL file.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* The completionBlock will be invoked on the main thread (dispatch_get_main_queue()).
* For more information on the BACKUP operation, see the sqlite docs:
* As stated in the sqlite docs, it is your responsibilty to ensure that nothing else is
* currently using the backupDatabase.
* @return
* A NSProgress instance that may be used to track the backup progress.
* The progress in cancellable, meaning that invoking [progress cancel] will abort the backup operation.
- (NSProgress *)asyncBackupToPath:(NSString *)backupDatabasePath
completionBlock:(nullable void (^)(NSError *error))completionBlock
return [self asyncBackupToPath:backupDatabasePath completionQueue:NULL completionBlock:completionBlock];
* This method backs up the database by exporting all the tables to another sqlite database.
* This method operates as an asynchronous readWrite "transaction".
* That is, it behaves in a similar fashion, and you may treat it as if it is a ReadWrite transaction.
* The database will be backed up as it exists at the moment this transaction operates.
* That is, it will backup everything in the sqlite file, as well as everything in the WAL file.
* An optional completion block may be used.
* Additionally the dispatch_queue to invoke the completion block may also be specified.
* If NULL, dispatch_get_main_queue() is automatically used.
* For more information on the BACKUP operation, see the sqlite docs:
* As stated in the sqlite docs, it is your responsibilty to ensure that nothing else is
* currently using the backupDatabase.
* @return
* A NSProgress instance that may be used to track the backup progress.
* The progress in cancellable, meaning that invoking [progress cancel] will abort the backup operation.
- (NSProgress *)asyncBackupToPath:(NSString *)backupDatabasePath
completionQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)completionQueue
completionBlock:(nullable void (^)(NSError *))completionBlock
if (completionQueue == NULL && completionBlock != NULL)
completionQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
NSProgress *progress = [NSProgress progressWithTotalUnitCount:0];
dispatch_async(connectionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
// We are purposefully retaining self here.
// Here are the rules:
// - a YapDatabaseConnection instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing/pending transactions
// - a YapDatabase instance cannot be deallocated if there are existing connections
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
if (longLivedReadTransaction)
if (throwExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction)
@throw [self implicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransactionException];
YDBLogWarn(@"Implicitly ending long-lived read transaction on connection %@, database %@",
self, database);
[self endLongLivedReadTransaction];
dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[self prePseudoReadWriteTransaction];
NSError *error = [self _backupToPath:backupDatabasePath withStep:1500 progress:progress];
hasDiskChanges = NO; // backup does NOT make actually make changes
[self postPseudoReadWriteTransaction];
if (completionBlock)
dispatch_async(completionQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
}}); // End dispatch_sync(database->writeQueue)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
}}); // End dispatch_async(connectionQueue)
return progress;
- (NSError *)_backupToPath:(NSString *)backupDatabasePath withStep:(int)nPages progress:(NSProgress *)progress
// First try to open the backup database (using the given path).
sqlite3 *backup_db;
int status = sqlite3_open_v2([backupDatabasePath UTF8String], &backup_db, flags, NULL);
if (status != SQLITE_OK)
NSError *sqliteError = nil;
// Sometimes the open function returns a db to allow us to query it for the error message
if (backup_db) {
sqliteError = [self sqliteErrorWithCode:status message:sqlite3_errmsg(backup_db)];
else {
sqliteError = [self sqliteErrorWithCode:status message:NULL];
if (backup_db)
backup_db = NULL;
return [self ydbErrorWithDescription:@"Error from: sqlite3_open_v2()" sqliteError:sqliteError];
// Initialize backup instance
sqlite3_backup *backup = sqlite3_backup_init(backup_db, "main", db, "main");
if (backup == NULL)
// From the docs:
// If an error occurs within sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M), then NULL is returned and an error code
// and error message are stored in the destination database connection D. The error code and message for
// the failed call to sqlite3_backup_init() can be retrieved using the sqlite3_errcode(), sqlite3_errmsg().
NSError *sqliteError = [self sqliteErrorWithCode:sqlite3_errcode(backup_db)
return [self ydbErrorWithDescription:@"Error from: sqlite3_backup_init()" sqliteError:sqliteError];
// Loop through the backup process
BOOL cancelled = progress.cancelled;
if (!cancelled)
while ((status = sqlite3_backup_step(backup, nPages)) == SQLITE_OK)
if (progress)
int pagecount = sqlite3_backup_pagecount(backup);
int remaining = sqlite3_backup_remaining(backup);
progress.totalUnitCount = pagecount;
progress.completedUnitCount = (pagecount - remaining);
cancelled = progress.cancelled;
if (cancelled) break;
NSError *error = nil;
if (cancelled)
error = [self ydbErrorWithDescription:@"Operation cancelled" sqliteError:nil];
if (status == SQLITE_DONE)
if (progress)
int pagecount = sqlite3_backup_pagecount(backup);
int remaining = sqlite3_backup_remaining(backup);
progress.totalUnitCount = pagecount;
progress.completedUnitCount = (pagecount - remaining);
else // if (status != SQLITE_DONE)
NSError *sqliteError = [self sqliteErrorWithCode:status message:sqlite3_errstr(status)];
error = [self ydbErrorWithDescription:@"Error from: sqlite3_backup_step()" sqliteError:sqliteError];
return error;
#pragma mark Memory Tables
- (NSDictionary *)registeredMemoryTables
// This method is INTERNAL
return registeredMemoryTables;
- (BOOL)registerMemoryTable:(YapMemoryTable *)table withName:(NSString *)name
// This method is INTERNAL
if ([registeredMemoryTables objectForKey:name])
return NO;
NSMutableDictionary *newRegisteredMemoryTables = [registeredMemoryTables mutableCopy];
[newRegisteredMemoryTables setObject:table forKey:name];
registeredMemoryTables = [newRegisteredMemoryTables copy];
registeredMemoryTablesChanged = YES;
return YES;
- (void)unregisterMemoryTableWithName:(NSString *)name
// This method is INTERNAL
if ([registeredMemoryTables objectForKey:name])
NSMutableDictionary *newRegisteredMemoryTables = [registeredMemoryTables mutableCopy];
[newRegisteredMemoryTables removeObjectForKey:name];
registeredMemoryTables = [newRegisteredMemoryTables copy];
registeredMemoryTablesChanged = YES;
#pragma mark Errors
- (NSError *)sqliteErrorWithCode:(int)status message:(const char *)message
NSDictionary *userInfo = nil;
if (message)
NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:message];
if (errMsg)
userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errMsg };
return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"SQLite" code:status userInfo:userInfo];
- (NSError *)ydbErrorWithDescription:(NSString *)description sqliteError:(NSError *)underlyingError
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:2];
if (description) {
userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = description;
if (underlyingError) {
userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey] = underlyingError;
return [NSError errorWithDomain:@"YapDatabase" code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
#pragma mark Exceptions
- (NSException *)nonMainThreadException
NSString *connectionName =;
NSString *nameInfo = ([connectionName length] > 0) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@" <%@>", connectionName] : @"";
NSString *reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"YapDatabaseConnection[%p]%@ - unpermitted attempt to execute transaction on nom-main thread",
self, nameInfo];
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey:
@"This connection was configured (via the permittedTransactions property) to only allow transactions"
@" to be executed from the main-thread. Presumably this connection is dedicated to UI tasks, and thus"
@" its use on background threads is being discouraged in order to guarantee the connection never blocks."
@" Perhaps you're using the wrong dedicated connection."
@" Or you need to create a temporary connection via [database newConnection]."};
return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"YapDatabaseException" reason:reason userInfo:userInfo];
#if YapDatabaseEnforcePermittedTransactions
- (NSException *)unpermittedTransactionException:(NSUInteger)transactionFlag
NSUInteger flags = self.permittedTransactions;
NSString *connectionName =;
NSString *nameInfo = ([connectionName length] > 0) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@" <%@>", connectionName] : @"";
NSString *unpermittedTransaction = @"unknownTransaction";
if (transactionFlag == YDB_SyncReadTransaction)
unpermittedTransaction = @"(sync)readTransaction";
if (transactionFlag == YDB_AsyncReadTransaction)
unpermittedTransaction = @"asyncReadTransaction";
if (transactionFlag == YDB_SyncReadWriteTransaction)
unpermittedTransaction = @"(sync)readWriteTransaction";
if (transactionFlag == YDB_AsyncReadWriteTransaction)
unpermittedTransaction = @"asyncReadWriteTransaction";
NSString *reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"YapDatabaseConnection[%p]%@ - unpermitted attempt to execute %@", self, nameInfo, unpermittedTransaction];
NSMutableArray *permittedComponents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4];
if (flags & YDB_SyncReadTransaction)
[permittedComponents addObject:@"(sync)readTransaction"];
if (flags & YDB_AsyncReadTransaction)
[permittedComponents addObject:@"asyncReadTransaction"];
if (flags & YDB_SyncReadWriteTransaction)
[permittedComponents addObject:@"(sync)readWriteTransaction"];
if (flags & YDB_AsyncReadWriteTransaction)
[permittedComponents addObject:@"asyncReadWriteTransaction"];
NSString *suggestion = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"This connection was configured (via the permittedTransactions property) to only allow"
@" certain types of transactions. The permittedTransactions are: %@",
[permittedComponents componentsJoinedByString:@", "]];
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: suggestion };
return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"YapDatabaseException" reason:reason userInfo:userInfo];
- (NSException *)deadlockDetectionException
NSString *connectionName =;
NSString *nameInfo = ([connectionName length] > 0) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@" <%@>", connectionName] : @"";
NSString *reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"YapDatabaseConnection[%p]%@ - deadlock detection",
self, nameInfo];
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey:
@"You are attempting to execute a transaction within a transaction. This will result in deadlock."
@" For more information, see the \"Thread Safety\" wiki page:"
return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"YapDatabaseException" reason:reason userInfo:userInfo];
- (NSException *)implicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransactionException
NSString *reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Database <%@: %p> had long-lived read transaction implicitly ended by executing a read-write transaction.",
NSStringFromClass([self class]), self];
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey:
@"Connections with long-lived read transactions are generally designed to be read-only connections."
@" As such, you'll want to use a separate connection for the read-write transaction."
@" If this is not the case (very, very, very rare) you can disable this exception using"
@" disableExceptionsForImplicitlyEndingLongLivedReadTransaction."
@" Keep in mind that if you disable these exceptions without understanding why they're enabled by default"
@" then you're inevitably creating a hard-to-reproduce bug and likely a few crashes too."
@" Don't be lazy. You've been warned."};
return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"YapDatabaseException" reason:reason userInfo:userInfo];