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// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "PushManager.h"
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "NSData+ows_StripToken.h"
#import "OWSContactsManager.h"
#import "PropertyListPreferences.h"
#import "Signal-Swift.h"
#import <SignalServiceKit/NSDate+millisecondTimeStamp.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/OWSMessageSender.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/OWSSignalService.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/TSAccountManager.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/TSMessagesManager.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/TSOutgoingMessage.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/TSSocketManager.h>
NSString *const Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key = @"Signal_Thread_Id";
NSString *const Signal_Message_UserInfo_Key = @"Signal_Message_Id";
NSString *const Signal_Full_New_Message_Category = @"Signal_Full_New_Message";
NSString *const Signal_Message_Reply_Identifier = @"Signal_New_Message_Reply";
NSString *const Signal_Message_MarkAsRead_Identifier = @"Signal_Message_MarkAsRead";
@interface PushManager ()
@property (nonatomic) TOCFutureSource *registerWithServerFutureSource;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *currentNotifications;
@property (nonatomic) UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier callBackgroundTask;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) OWSMessageSender *messageSender;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) OWSMessageFetcherJob *messageFetcherJob;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CallUIAdapter *callUIAdapter;
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
@implementation PushManager
+ (instancetype)sharedManager {
static PushManager *sharedManager = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedManager = [[self alloc] initDefault];
return sharedManager;
- (instancetype)initDefault
return [self initWithNetworkManager:[Environment getCurrent].networkManager
storageManager:[TSStorageManager sharedManager]
callUIAdapter:[Environment getCurrent].callService.callUIAdapter
messagesManager:[TSMessagesManager sharedManager]
messageSender:[Environment getCurrent].messageSender];
- (instancetype)initWithNetworkManager:(TSNetworkManager *)networkManager
storageManager:(TSStorageManager *)storageManager
callUIAdapter:(CallUIAdapter *)callUIAdapter
messagesManager:(TSMessagesManager *)messagesManager
messageSender:(OWSMessageSender *)messageSender
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_callUIAdapter = callUIAdapter;
_messageSender = messageSender;
OWSSignalService *signalService = [OWSSignalService sharedInstance];
_messageFetcherJob = [[OWSMessageFetcherJob alloc] initWithMessagesManager:messagesManager
_callBackgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
2017-04-12 16:03:09 +02:00
_currentNotifications = [NSMutableArray array];
return self;
#pragma mark Manage Incoming Push
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
DDLogInfo(@"received: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
2017-03-23 14:55:39 +01:00
[self.messageFetcherJob runAsync];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive {
[self.messageFetcherJob runAsync];
* This code should in principle never be called. The only cases where it would be called are with the old-style
* "content-available:1" pushes if there is no "voip" token registered
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
DDLogInfo(@"received: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 20 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification {
DDLogInfo(@"received: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
NSString *threadId = notification.userInfo[Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key];
if (threadId && [TSThread fetchObjectWithUniqueID:threadId]) {
[Environment messageThreadId:threadId];
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
handleActionWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
forLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification
completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler {
DDLogInfo(@"received: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[self application:application
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
handleActionWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
forLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification
withResponseInfo:(NSDictionary *)responseInfo
completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler
DDLogInfo(@"%@ handling action with identifier: %@", self.tag, identifier);
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
if ([identifier isEqualToString:Signal_Message_Reply_Identifier]) {
NSString *threadId = notification.userInfo[Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key];
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
if (threadId) {
TSThread *thread = [TSThread fetchObjectWithUniqueID:threadId];
TSOutgoingMessage *message =
[[TSOutgoingMessage alloc] initWithTimestamp:[NSDate ows_millisecondTimeStamp]
[self.messageSender sendMessage:message
// TODO do we really want to mark them all as read?
[self markAllInThreadAsRead:notification.userInfo completionHandler:completionHandler];
[[[[Environment getCurrent] signalsViewController] tableView] reloadData];
failure:^(NSError *error) {
// TODO Surface the specific error in the notification?
DDLogError(@"Message send failed with error: %@", error);
UILocalNotification *failedSendNotif = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
failedSendNotif.alertBody =
[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED", nil), [thread name]];
failedSendNotif.userInfo = @{ Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key : thread.uniqueId };
[self presentNotification:failedSendNotif checkForCancel:NO];
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
} else if ([identifier isEqualToString:Signal_Message_MarkAsRead_Identifier]) {
// TODO mark all as read? Or just this one?
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
[self markAllInThreadAsRead:notification.userInfo completionHandler:completionHandler];
} else if ([identifier isEqualToString:PushManagerActionsAcceptCall]) {
NSString *localIdString = notification.userInfo[PushManagerUserInfoKeysLocalCallId];
if (!localIdString) {
DDLogError(@"%@ missing localIdString.", self.tag);
NSUUID *localId = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:localIdString];
if (!localId) {
DDLogError(@"%@ localIdString failed to parse as UUID.", self.tag);
[self.callUIAdapter answerCallWithLocalId:localId];
} else if ([identifier isEqualToString:PushManagerActionsDeclineCall]) {
NSString *localIdString = notification.userInfo[PushManagerUserInfoKeysLocalCallId];
if (!localIdString) {
DDLogError(@"%@ missing localIdString.", self.tag);
NSUUID *localId = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:localIdString];
if (!localId) {
DDLogError(@"%@ localIdString failed to parse as UUID.", self.tag);
[self.callUIAdapter declineCallWithLocalId:localId];
} else if ([identifier isEqualToString:PushManagerActionsCallBack]) {
NSString *recipientId = notification.userInfo[PushManagerUserInfoKeysCallBackSignalRecipientId];
if (!recipientId) {
DDLogError(@"%@ missing call back id", self.tag);
[self.callUIAdapter startAndShowOutgoingCallWithRecipientId:recipientId];
} else if ([identifier isEqualToString:PushManagerActionsIgnoreIdentityChangeAndCallBack]) {
NSString *recipientId = notification.userInfo[PushManagerUserInfoKeysCallBackSignalRecipientId];
if (!recipientId) {
DDLogError(@"%@ missing call back id", self.tag);
NSData *currentIdentityKey = [[OWSIdentityManager sharedManager] identityKeyForRecipientId:recipientId];
if (currentIdentityKey.length <= 0) {
OWSFail(@"%@ currentIdentityKey unexpectedly empty for recipient: %@", self.tag, recipientId);
[[OWSIdentityManager sharedManager] setVerificationState:OWSVerificationStateDefault
[self.callUIAdapter startAndShowOutgoingCallWithRecipientId:recipientId];
} else if ([identifier isEqualToString:PushManagerActionsShowThread]) {
NSString *threadId = notification.userInfo[Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key];
[Environment messageThreadId:threadId];
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
} else {
DDLogError(@"%@ Unhandled action with identifier: %@", self.tag, identifier);
OWSFail(@"Unhandled action");
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
NSString *threadId = notification.userInfo[Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key];
[Environment messageThreadId:threadId];
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
- (void)markAllInThreadAsRead:(NSDictionary *)userInfo completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler {
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
NSString *threadId = userInfo[Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key];
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
TSThread *thread = [TSThread fetchObjectWithUniqueID:threadId];
[[TSStorageManager sharedManager]
.dbConnection asyncReadWriteWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *_Nonnull transaction) {
[thread markAllAsReadWithTransaction:transaction];
[[[Environment getCurrent] signalsViewController] updateInboxCountLabel];
[self cancelNotificationsWithThreadId:threadId];
#pragma mark PushKit
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry
didUpdatePushCredentials:(PKPushCredentials *)credentials
forType:(NSString *)type {
[[PushManager sharedManager].pushKitNotificationFutureSource trySetResult:[credentials.token ows_tripToken]];
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry
didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload
forType:(NSString *)type {
DDLogInfo(@"received: %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[self application:[UIApplication sharedApplication] didReceiveRemoteNotification:payload.dictionaryPayload];
- (TOCFuture *)registerPushKitNotificationFuture {
if ([self supportsVOIPPush]) {
self.pushKitNotificationFutureSource = [TOCFutureSource new];
PKPushRegistry *voipRegistry = [[PKPushRegistry alloc] initWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
voipRegistry.delegate = self;
voipRegistry.desiredPushTypes = [NSSet setWithObject:PKPushTypeVoIP];
return self.pushKitNotificationFutureSource.future;
} else {
TOCFutureSource *futureSource = [TOCFutureSource new];
[futureSource trySetResult:nil];
[Environment.preferences setHasRegisteredVOIPPush:FALSE];
return futureSource.future;
- (BOOL)supportsVOIPPush {
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
#pragma mark Register device for Push Notification locally
- (TOCFuture *)registerPushNotificationFuture {
self.pushNotificationFutureSource = [TOCFutureSource new];
[UIApplication.sharedApplication registerForRemoteNotifications];
return self.pushNotificationFutureSource.future;
- (void)requestPushTokenWithSuccess:(pushTokensSuccessBlock)success failure:(failedPushRegistrationBlock)failure {
2015-04-07 17:22:57 +02:00
if (!self.wantRemoteNotifications) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ Using fake push tokens", self.tag);
success(@"fakePushToken", @"fakeVoipToken");
2015-04-07 17:22:57 +02:00
TOCFuture *requestPushTokenFuture = [self registerPushNotificationFuture];
[requestPushTokenFuture thenDo:^(NSData *pushTokenData) {
NSString *pushToken = [pushTokenData ows_tripToken];
TOCFuture *pushKit = [self registerPushKitNotificationFuture];
[pushKit thenDo:^(NSString *voipToken) {
success(pushToken, voipToken);
[pushKit catchDo:^(NSError *error) {
2015-04-07 17:22:57 +02:00
[requestPushTokenFuture catchDo:^(NSError *error) {
- (UIUserNotificationCategory *)fullNewMessageNotificationCategory {
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
UIMutableUserNotificationAction *action_markRead = [UIMutableUserNotificationAction new];
action_markRead.identifier = Signal_Message_MarkAsRead_Identifier;
action_markRead.title = NSLocalizedString(@"PUSH_MANAGER_MARKREAD", nil);
action_markRead.destructive = NO;
action_markRead.authenticationRequired = NO;
action_markRead.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeBackground;
UIMutableUserNotificationAction *action_reply = [UIMutableUserNotificationAction new];
action_reply.identifier = Signal_Message_Reply_Identifier;
action_reply.title = NSLocalizedString(@"PUSH_MANAGER_REPLY", @"");
action_reply.destructive = NO;
action_reply.authenticationRequired = NO;
action_reply.behavior = UIUserNotificationActionBehaviorTextInput;
action_reply.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeBackground;
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
} else {
action_reply.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeForeground;
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
UIMutableUserNotificationCategory *messageCategory = [UIMutableUserNotificationCategory new];
messageCategory.identifier = Signal_Full_New_Message_Category;
[messageCategory setActions:@[ action_markRead, action_reply ] forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextMinimal];
[messageCategory setActions:@[ action_markRead, action_reply ] forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextDefault];
return messageCategory;
#pragma mark - Signal Calls
NSString *const PushManagerCategoriesIncomingCall = @"PushManagerCategoriesIncomingCall";
NSString *const PushManagerCategoriesMissedCall = @"PushManagerCategoriesMissedCall";
NSString *const PushManagerCategoriesRejectedCallFromIdentityChange =
NSString *const PushManagerActionsAcceptCall = @"PushManagerActionsAcceptCall";
NSString *const PushManagerActionsDeclineCall = @"PushManagerActionsDeclineCall";
NSString *const PushManagerActionsCallBack = @"PushManagerActionsCallBack";
NSString *const PushManagerActionsIgnoreIdentityChangeAndCallBack =
NSString *const PushManagerActionsShowThread = @"PushManagerActionsShowThread";
NSString *const PushManagerUserInfoKeysLocalCallId = @"PushManagerUserInfoKeysLocalCallId";
NSString *const PushManagerUserInfoKeysCallBackSignalRecipientId = @"PushManagerUserInfoKeysCallBackSignalRecipientId";
- (UIUserNotificationCategory *)signalIncomingCallCategory
UIMutableUserNotificationAction *acceptAction = [UIMutableUserNotificationAction new];
acceptAction.identifier = PushManagerActionsAcceptCall;
acceptAction.title = NSLocalizedString(@"ANSWER_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE", @"");
acceptAction.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeForeground;
acceptAction.destructive = NO;
acceptAction.authenticationRequired = NO;
UIMutableUserNotificationAction *declineAction = [UIMutableUserNotificationAction new];
declineAction.identifier = PushManagerActionsDeclineCall;
declineAction.title = NSLocalizedString(@"REJECT_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE", @"");
declineAction.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeBackground;
declineAction.destructive = NO;
declineAction.authenticationRequired = NO;
UIMutableUserNotificationCategory *callCategory = [UIMutableUserNotificationCategory new];
callCategory.identifier = PushManagerCategoriesIncomingCall;
[callCategory setActions:@[ acceptAction, declineAction ] forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextMinimal];
[callCategory setActions:@[ acceptAction, declineAction ] forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextDefault];
return callCategory;
- (UIUserNotificationCategory *)signalMissedCallCategory
UIMutableUserNotificationAction *callBackAction = [UIMutableUserNotificationAction new];
callBackAction.identifier = PushManagerActionsCallBack;
2017-02-02 23:42:06 +01:00
callBackAction.title = [CallStrings callBackButtonTitle];
callBackAction.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeForeground;
callBackAction.destructive = NO;
callBackAction.authenticationRequired = YES;
UIMutableUserNotificationCategory *missedCallCategory = [UIMutableUserNotificationCategory new];
missedCallCategory.identifier = PushManagerCategoriesMissedCall;
[missedCallCategory setActions:@[ callBackAction ] forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextMinimal];
[missedCallCategory setActions:@[ callBackAction ] forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextDefault];
return missedCallCategory;
- (UIUserNotificationCategory *)signalRejectedCallWithUnseenIdentityChangeCategory
UIMutableUserNotificationAction *confirmAndCallBackAction = [UIMutableUserNotificationAction new];
confirmAndCallBackAction.identifier = PushManagerActionsIgnoreIdentityChangeAndCallBack;
confirmAndCallBackAction.title = [CallStrings confirmIdentityAndCallBackButtonTitle];
confirmAndCallBackAction.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeForeground;
confirmAndCallBackAction.destructive = NO;
confirmAndCallBackAction.authenticationRequired = YES;
UIMutableUserNotificationAction *showThreadAction = [UIMutableUserNotificationAction new];
showThreadAction.identifier = PushManagerActionsShowThread;
showThreadAction.title = [CallStrings showThreadButtonTitle];
showThreadAction.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeForeground;
showThreadAction.destructive = NO;
showThreadAction.authenticationRequired = YES;
UIMutableUserNotificationCategory *rejectedCallCategory = [UIMutableUserNotificationCategory new];
rejectedCallCategory.identifier = PushManagerCategoriesRejectedCallFromIdentityChange;
[rejectedCallCategory setActions:@[ confirmAndCallBackAction, showThreadAction ]
[rejectedCallCategory setActions:@[ confirmAndCallBackAction, showThreadAction ]
return rejectedCallCategory;
#pragma mark Util
- (BOOL)wantRemoteNotifications {
return NO;
return YES;
- (int)allNotificationTypes {
return UIUserNotificationTypeAlert | UIUserNotificationTypeSound | UIUserNotificationTypeBadge;
- (void)validateUserNotificationSettings
UIUserNotificationSettings *settings =
[UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:(UIUserNotificationType)[self allNotificationTypes]
2017-03-23 14:55:39 +01:00
categories:[NSSet setWithObjects:[self fullNewMessageNotificationCategory],
[self signalIncomingCallCategory],
[self signalMissedCallCategory],
[self signalRejectedCallWithUnseenIdentityChangeCategory],
[UIApplication.sharedApplication registerUserNotificationSettings:settings];
2015-04-07 17:22:57 +02:00
- (BOOL)applicationIsActive {
UIApplication *app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
if (app.applicationState == UIApplicationStateActive) {
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)presentNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification checkForCancel:(BOOL)checkForCancel
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSString *threadId = notification.userInfo[Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key];
if (checkForCancel && threadId != nil) {
// The longer we wait, the more obsolete notifications we can suppress -
// but the more lag we introduce to notification delivery.
const CGFloat kDelaySeconds = 0.5f;
notification.fireDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:kDelaySeconds];
notification.timeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone];
2017-04-12 16:03:09 +02:00
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:notification];
[self.currentNotifications addObject:notification];
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
- (void)cancelNotificationsWithThreadId:(NSString *)threadId
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSMutableArray *toDelete = [NSMutableArray array];
enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(UILocalNotification *notif, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
if ([notif.userInfo[Signal_Thread_UserInfo_Key] isEqualToString:threadId]) {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] cancelLocalNotification:notif];
[toDelete addObject:notif];
[self.currentNotifications removeObjectsInArray:toDelete];
iOS 9 Support - Fixing size classes rendering bugs. - Supporting native iOS San Francisco font. - Quick Reply - Settings now slide to the left as suggested in original designed opposed to modal. - Simplification of restraints on many screens. - Full-API compatiblity with iOS 9 and iOS 8 legacy support. - Customized AddressBook Permission prompt when restrictions are enabled. If user installed Signal previously and already approved access to Contacts, don't bugg him again. - Fixes crash in migration for users who installed Signal <2.1.3 but hadn't signed up yet. - Xcode 7 / iOS 9 Travis Support - Bitcode Support is disabled until it is better understood how exactly optimizations are performed. In a first time, we will split out the crypto code into a separate binary to make it easier to optimize the non-sensitive code. Blog post with more details coming. - Partial ATS support. We are running our own Certificate Authority at Open Whisper Systems. Signal is doing certificate pinning to verify that certificates were signed by our own CA. Unfortunately Apple's App Transport Security requires to hand over chain verification to their framework with no control over the trust store. We have filed a radar to get ATS features with pinned certificates. In the meanwhile, ATS is disabled on our domain. We also followed Amazon's recommendations for our S3 domain we use to upload/download attachments. (#891) - Implement a unified `AFSecurityOWSPolicy` pinning strategy accross libraries (AFNetworking RedPhone/TextSecure & SocketRocket).
2015-09-01 19:22:08 +02:00
+ (NSString *)tag
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%@]", self.class];
- (NSString *)tag
return self.class.tag;