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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SignalCoreKit
public protocol JobExecutor {
/// The maximum number of times the job can fail before it fails permanently
/// **Note:** A value of `-1` means it will retry indefinitely
static var maxFailureCount: Int { get }
static var requiresThreadId: Bool { get }
static var requiresInteractionId: Bool { get }
/// This method contains the logic needed to complete a job
/// **Note:** The code in this method should run synchronously and the various
/// "result" blocks should not be called within a database closure
/// - Parameters:
/// - job: The job which is being run
/// - success: The closure which is called when the job succeeds (with an
/// updated `job` and a flag indicating whether the job should forcibly stop running)
/// - failure: The closure which is called when the job fails (with an updated
/// `job`, an `Error` (if applicable) and a flag indicating whether it was a permanent
/// failure)
/// - deferred: The closure which is called when the job is deferred (with an
/// updated `job`)
static func run(
_ job: Job,
success: @escaping (Job, Bool) -> (),
failure: @escaping (Job, Error?, Bool) -> (),
deferred: @escaping (Job) -> ()
public final class JobRunner {
private static let blockingQueue: Atomic<JobQueue?> = Atomic(
type: .blocking,
qos: .userInitiated,
jobVariants: [],
onQueueDrained: {
// Once all blocking jobs have been completed we want to start running
// the remaining job queues
queues.wrappedValue.forEach { _, queue in queue.start() }
private static let queues: Atomic<[Job.Variant: JobQueue]> = {
var jobVariants: Set<Job.Variant> = Job.Variant.allCases.asSet()
let messageSendQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .messageSend,
qos: .default,
jobVariants: [
].compactMap { $0 }
let messageReceiveQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .messageReceive,
qos: .default,
jobVariants: [
].compactMap { $0 }
let attachmentDownloadQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .attachmentDownload,
qos: .utility,
jobVariants: [
].compactMap { $0 }
let generalQueue: JobQueue = JobQueue(
type: .general(number: 0),
qos: .utility,
jobVariants: Array(jobVariants)
return Atomic([
].reduce(into: [:]) { prev, next in
next.jobVariants.forEach { variant in
prev[variant] = next
internal static var executorMap: Atomic<[Job.Variant: JobExecutor.Type]> = Atomic([:])
fileprivate static var perSessionJobsCompleted: Atomic<Set<Int64>> = Atomic([])
// MARK: - Configuration
public static func add(executor: JobExecutor.Type, for variant: Job.Variant) {
executorMap.mutate { $0[variant] = executor }
// MARK: - Execution
/// Add a job onto the queue, if the queue isn't currently running and 'canStartJob' is true then this will start
/// the JobRunner
/// **Note:** If the job has a `behaviour` of `runOnceNextLaunch` or the `nextRunTimestamp`
/// is in the future then the job won't be started
public static func add(_ db: Database, job: Job?, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
// Store the job into the database (getting an id for it)
guard let updatedJob: Job = try? job?.inserted(db) else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] Unable to add \( { "\($0.variant)" } ?? "unknown") job")
queues.mutate { $0[updatedJob.variant]?.add(updatedJob, canStartJob: canStartJob) }
// Start the job runner if needed
db.afterNextTransactionCommit { _ in
/// Upsert a job onto the queue, if the queue isn't currently running and 'canStartJob' is true then this will start
/// the JobRunner
/// **Note:** If the job has a `behaviour` of `runOnceNextLaunch` or the `nextRunTimestamp`
/// is in the future then the job won't be started
public static func upsert(_ db: Database, job: Job?, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
guard let job: Job = job else { return } // Ignore null jobs
queues.wrappedValue[job.variant]?.upsert(job, canStartJob: canStartJob)
// Start the job runner if needed
db.afterNextTransactionCommit { _ in
@discardableResult public static func insert(_ db: Database, job: Job?, before otherJob: Job) -> Job? {
switch job?.behaviour {
case .recurringOnActive, .recurringOnLaunch, .runOnceNextLaunch:
SNLog("[JobRunner] Attempted to insert \( { "\($0.variant)" } ?? "unknown") job before the current one even though it's behaviour is \( { "\($0.behaviour)" } ?? "unknown")")
return nil
default: break
// Store the job into the database (getting an id for it)
guard let updatedJob: Job = try? job?.inserted(db) else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] Unable to add \( { "\($0.variant)" } ?? "unknown") job")
return nil
queues.wrappedValue[updatedJob.variant]?.insert(updatedJob, before: otherJob)
// Start the job runner if needed
db.afterNextTransactionCommit { _ in
return updatedJob
public static func appDidFinishLaunching() {
// Note: 'appDidBecomeActive' will run on first launch anyway so we can
// leave those jobs out and can wait until then to start the JobRunner
let jobsToRun: (blocking: [Job], nonBlocking: [Job]) = GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in
let blockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == true)
let nonblockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == false)
return (blockingJobs, nonblockingJobs)
.defaulting(to: ([], []))
guard !jobsToRun.blocking.isEmpty || !jobsToRun.nonBlocking.isEmpty else { return }
// Add and start any blocking jobs
blockingQueue.wrappedValue?.appDidFinishLaunching(with: jobsToRun.blocking, canStart: true)
// Add any non-blocking jobs (we don't start these incase there are blocking "on active"
// jobs as well)
let jobsByVariant: [Job.Variant: [Job]] = jobsToRun.nonBlocking.grouped(by: \.variant)
let jobQueues: [Job.Variant: JobQueue] = queues.wrappedValue
jobsByVariant.forEach { variant, jobs in
jobQueues[variant]?.appDidFinishLaunching(with: jobs, canStart: false)
public static func appDidBecomeActive() {
// Note: When becoming active we want to start all non-on-launch blocking jobs as
// long as there are no other jobs already running
let alreadyRunningOtherJobs: Bool = queues.wrappedValue
.contains(where: { _, queue -> Bool in queue.isRunning.wrappedValue })
let jobsToRun: (blocking: [Job], nonBlocking: [Job]) = GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in
guard !alreadyRunningOtherJobs else {
let onActiveJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.behaviour == Job.Behaviour.recurringOnActive)
return ([], onActiveJobs)
let blockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter {
$0 != .recurringOnLaunch &&
$0 != .runOnceNextLaunch
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == true)
let nonBlockingJobs: [Job] = try Job
.filter(Job.Columns.behaviour == Job.Behaviour.recurringOnActive)
.filter(Job.Columns.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession == false)
return (blockingJobs, nonBlockingJobs)
.defaulting(to: ([], []))
// Store the current queue state locally to avoid multiple atomic retrievals
let jobQueues: [Job.Variant: JobQueue] = queues.wrappedValue
let blockingQueueIsRunning: Bool = (blockingQueue.wrappedValue?.isRunning.wrappedValue == true)
guard !jobsToRun.blocking.isEmpty || !jobsToRun.nonBlocking.isEmpty else {
if !blockingQueueIsRunning {
jobQueues.forEach { _, queue in queue.start() }
// Add and start any blocking jobs
blockingQueue.wrappedValue?.appDidFinishLaunching(with: jobsToRun.blocking, canStart: true)
// Add and start any non-blocking jobs (if there are no blocking jobs)
let jobsByVariant: [Job.Variant: [Job]] = jobsToRun.nonBlocking.grouped(by: \.variant)
jobQueues.forEach { variant, queue in
with: (jobsByVariant[variant] ?? []),
canStart: (!blockingQueueIsRunning && jobsToRun.blocking.isEmpty)
public static func isCurrentlyRunning(_ job: Job?) -> Bool {
guard let job: Job = job, let jobId: Int64 = else { return false }
return (queues.wrappedValue[job.variant]?.isCurrentlyRunning(jobId) == true)
public static func hasPendingOrRunningJob<T: Encodable>(with variant: Job.Variant, details: T) -> Bool {
guard let targetQueue: JobQueue = queues.wrappedValue[variant] else { return false }
guard let detailsData: Data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(details) else { return false }
return targetQueue.hasPendingOrRunningJob(with: detailsData)
// MARK: - Convenience
fileprivate static func getRetryInterval(for job: Job) -> TimeInterval {
// Arbitrary backoff factor...
// try 1 delay: 0.5s
// try 2 delay: 1s
// ...
// try 5 delay: 16s
// ...
// try 11 delay: 512s
let maxBackoff: Double = 10 * 60 // 10 minutes
return 0.25 * min(maxBackoff, pow(2, Double(job.failureCount)))
// MARK: - JobQueue
private final class JobQueue {
fileprivate enum QueueType: Hashable {
case blocking
case general(number: Int)
case messageSend
case messageReceive
case attachmentDownload
var name: String {
switch self {
case .blocking: return "Blocking"
case .general(let number): return "General-\(number)"
case .messageSend: return "MessageSend"
case .messageReceive: return "MessageReceive"
case .attachmentDownload: return "AttachmentDownload"
private class Trigger {
private weak var queue: JobQueue?
private var timer: Timer?
static func create(queue: JobQueue, timestamp: TimeInterval) -> Trigger? {
// Setup the trigger (wait at least 1 second before triggering)
let trigger: Trigger = Trigger()
trigger.queue = queue
trigger.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(
timeInterval: max(1, (timestamp - Date().timeIntervalSince1970)),
target: self,
selector: #selector(start),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false
return trigger
deinit { timer?.invalidate() }
@objc func start() {
private let type: QueueType
private let qosClass: DispatchQoS
private let queueKey: DispatchSpecificKey = DispatchSpecificKey<String>()
private let queueContext: String
/// The specific types of jobs this queue manages, if this is left empty it will handle all jobs not handled by other queues
fileprivate let jobVariants: [Job.Variant]
private let onQueueDrained: (() -> ())?
private lazy var internalQueue: DispatchQueue = {
let result: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: self.queueContext,
qos: self.qosClass,
attributes: [],
autoreleaseFrequency: .inherit,
target: nil
result.setSpecific(key: queueKey, value: queueContext)
return result
private var nextTrigger: Atomic<Trigger?> = Atomic(nil)
fileprivate var isRunning: Atomic<Bool> = Atomic(false)
private var queue: Atomic<[Job]> = Atomic([])
private var jobsCurrentlyRunning: Atomic<Set<Int64>> = Atomic([])
fileprivate var hasPendingJobs: Bool { !queue.wrappedValue.isEmpty }
// MARK: - Initialization
init(type: QueueType, qos: DispatchQoS, jobVariants: [Job.Variant], onQueueDrained: (() -> ())? = nil) {
self.type = type
self.queueContext = "JobQueue-\("
self.qosClass = qos
self.jobVariants = jobVariants
self.onQueueDrained = onQueueDrained
// MARK: - Execution
fileprivate func add(_ job: Job, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
// Check if the job should be added to the queue
job.behaviour != .runOnceNextLaunch,
job.nextRunTimestamp <= Date().timeIntervalSince1970
else { return }
queue.mutate { $0.append(job) }
/// Upsert a job onto the queue, if the queue isn't currently running and 'canStartJob' is true then this will start
/// the JobRunner
/// **Note:** If the job has a `behaviour` of `runOnceNextLaunch` or the `nextRunTimestamp`
/// is in the future then the job won't be started
fileprivate func upsert(_ job: Job, canStartJob: Bool = true) {
guard let jobId: Int64 = else {
add(job, canStartJob: canStartJob)
// Lock the queue while checking the index and inserting to ensure we don't run into
// any multi-threading shenanigans
// Note: currently running jobs are removed from the queue so we don't need to check
// the 'jobsCurrentlyRunning' set
var didUpdateExistingJob: Bool = false
queue.mutate { queue in
if let jobIndex: Array<Job>.Index = queue.firstIndex(where: { $ == jobId }) {
queue[jobIndex] = job
didUpdateExistingJob = true
// If we didn't update an existing job then we need to add it to the queue
guard !didUpdateExistingJob else { return }
add(job, canStartJob: canStartJob)
fileprivate func insert(_ job: Job, before otherJob: Job) {
// Insert the job before the current job (re-adding the current job to
// the start of the queue if it's not in there) - this will mean the new
// job will run and then the otherJob will run (or run again) once it's
// done
queue.mutate {
guard let otherJobIndex: Int = $0.firstIndex(of: otherJob) else {
$0.insert(contentsOf: [job, otherJob], at: 0)
$0.insert(job, at: otherJobIndex)
fileprivate func appDidFinishLaunching(with jobs: [Job], canStart: Bool) {
queue.mutate { $0.append(contentsOf: jobs) }
// Start the job runner if needed
if canStart && !isRunning.wrappedValue {
fileprivate func appDidBecomeActive(with jobs: [Job], canStart: Bool) {
queue.mutate { queue in
// Avoid re-adding jobs to the queue that are already in it (this can
// happen if the user sends the app to the background before the 'onActive'
// jobs and then brings it back to the foreground)
let jobsNotAlreadyInQueue: [Job] = jobs
.filter { job in !queue.contains(where: { $ == }) }
queue.append(contentsOf: jobsNotAlreadyInQueue)
// Start the job runner if needed
if canStart && !isRunning.wrappedValue {
fileprivate func isCurrentlyRunning(_ jobId: Int64) -> Bool {
return jobsCurrentlyRunning.wrappedValue.contains(jobId)
fileprivate func hasPendingOrRunningJob(with detailsData: Data?) -> Bool {
let pendingJobs: [Job] = queue.wrappedValue
return pendingJobs.contains { job in job.details == detailsData }
// MARK: - Job Running
fileprivate func start() {
// We only want the JobRunner to run in the main app
guard CurrentAppContext().isMainApp else { return }
guard !isRunning.wrappedValue else { return }
// The JobRunner runs synchronously we need to ensure this doesn't start
// on the main thread (if it is on the main thread then swap to a different thread)
guard DispatchQueue.getSpecific(key: queueKey) == queueContext else {
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
// Get any pending jobs
let jobsToRun: [Job] = { db in
try Job.filterPendingJobs(variants: jobVariants)
.defaulting(to: [])
// Determine the number of jobs to run
var jobCount: Int = 0
queue.mutate { queue in
// Avoid re-adding jobs to the queue that are already in it
let jobsNotAlreadyInQueue: [Job] = jobsToRun
.filter { job in !queue.contains(where: { $ == }) }
// Add the jobs to the queue
if !jobsNotAlreadyInQueue.isEmpty {
queue.append(contentsOf: jobsToRun)
jobCount = queue.count
// If there are no pending jobs then schedule the JobRunner to start again
// when the next scheduled job should start
guard jobCount > 0 else {
isRunning.mutate { $0 = false }
// Run the first job in the queue
SNLog("[JobRunner] Starting \(queueContext) with (\(jobCount) job\(jobCount != 1 ? "s" : ""))")
private func runNextJob() {
// Ensure this is running on the correct queue
guard DispatchQueue.getSpecific(key: queueKey) == queueContext else {
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
guard let (nextJob, numJobsRemaining): (Job, Int) = queue.mutate({ queue in queue.popFirst().map { ($0, queue.count) } }) else {
isRunning.mutate { $0 = false }
guard let jobExecutor: JobExecutor.Type = JobRunner.executorMap.wrappedValue[nextJob.variant] else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) Unable to run \(nextJob.variant) job due to missing executor")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.executorMissing, permanentFailure: true)
guard !jobExecutor.requiresThreadId || nextJob.threadId != nil else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) Unable to run \(nextJob.variant) job due to missing required threadId")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.requiredThreadIdMissing, permanentFailure: true)
guard !jobExecutor.requiresInteractionId || nextJob.interactionId != nil else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) Unable to run \(nextJob.variant) job due to missing required interactionId")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.requiredInteractionIdMissing, permanentFailure: true)
// If the 'nextRunTimestamp' for the job is in the future then don't run it yet
guard nextJob.nextRunTimestamp <= Date().timeIntervalSince1970 else {
// Check if the next job has any dependencies
let dependencyInfo: (expectedCount: Int, jobs: [Job]) = { db in
let numExpectedDependencies: Int = try JobDependencies
.filter(JobDependencies.Columns.jobId ==
let jobDependencies: [Job] = try nextJob.dependencies.fetchAll(db)
return (numExpectedDependencies, jobDependencies)
.defaulting(to: (0, []))
guard == dependencyInfo.expectedCount else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) found job with missing dependencies, removing the job")
handleJobFailed(nextJob, error: JobRunnerError.missingDependencies, permanentFailure: true)
guard else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) found job with \( dependencies, running those first")
let jobDependencyIds: [Int64] =
.compactMap { $ }
let jobIdsNotInQueue: Set<Int64> = jobDependencyIds
.subtracting(queue.wrappedValue.compactMap { $ })
// If there are dependencies which aren't in the queue we should just append them
guard !jobIdsNotInQueue.isEmpty else {
queue.mutate { queue in
.filter { jobIdsNotInQueue.contains($ ?? -1) }
// Otherwise re-add the current job after it's dependencies
queue.mutate { queue in
guard let lastDependencyIndex: Int = queue.lastIndex(where: { jobDependencyIds.contains($ ?? -1) }) else {
queue.insert(nextJob, at: lastDependencyIndex + 1)
// Update the state to indicate it's running
// Note: We need to store 'numJobsRemaining' in it's own variable because
// the 'SNLog' seems to dispatch to it's own queue which ends up getting
// blocked by the JobRunner's queue becuase 'jobQueue' is Atomic
nextTrigger.mutate { $0 = nil }
isRunning.mutate { $0 = true }
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.inserting( }
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) started job (\(numJobsRemaining) remaining)")
success: handleJobSucceeded,
failure: handleJobFailed,
deferred: handleJobDeferred
private func scheduleNextSoonestJob() {
let nextJobTimestamp: TimeInterval? = { db in
try Job.filterPendingJobs(variants: jobVariants, excludeFutureJobs: false)
.asRequest(of: TimeInterval.self)
// If there are no remaining jobs the trigger the 'onQueueDrained' callback and stop
guard let nextJobTimestamp: TimeInterval = nextJobTimestamp else {
// If the next job isn't scheduled in the future then just restart the JobRunner immediately
let secondsUntilNextJob: TimeInterval = (nextJobTimestamp - Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
guard secondsUntilNextJob > 0 else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] Restarting \(queueContext) immediately for job scheduled \(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob)))) second\(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob))) == 1 ? "" : "s")) ago")
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
// Setup a trigger
SNLog("[JobRunner] Stopping \(queueContext) until next job in \(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob)))) second\(Int(ceil(abs(secondsUntilNextJob))) == 1 ? "" : "s"))")
nextTrigger.mutate { $0 = Trigger.create(queue: self, timestamp: nextJobTimestamp) }
// MARK: - Handling Results
/// This function is called when a job succeeds
private func handleJobSucceeded(_ job: Job, shouldStop: Bool) {
switch job.behaviour {
case .runOnce, .runOnceNextLaunch:
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
// First remove any JobDependencies requiring this job to be completed (if
// we don't then the dependant jobs will automatically be deleted)
_ = try JobDependencies
.filter(JobDependencies.Columns.dependantId ==
_ = try job.delete(db)
case .recurring where shouldStop == true:
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
// First remove any JobDependencies requiring this job to be completed (if
// we don't then the dependant jobs will automatically be deleted)
_ = try JobDependencies
.filter(JobDependencies.Columns.dependantId ==
_ = try job.delete(db)
// For `recurring` jobs which have already run, they should automatically run again
// but we want at least 1 second to pass before doing so - the job itself should
// really update it's own 'nextRunTimestamp' (this is just a safety net)
case .recurring where job.nextRunTimestamp <= Date().timeIntervalSince1970:
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
_ = try job
.with(nextRunTimestamp: (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + 1))
default: break
// The job is removed from the queue before it runs so all we need to to is remove it
// from the 'currentlyRunning' set and start the next one
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
/// This function is called when a job fails, if it's wasn't a permanent failure then the 'failureCount' for the job will be incremented and it'll
/// be re-run after a retry interval has passed
private func handleJobFailed(_ job: Job, error: Error?, permanentFailure: Bool) {
guard{ db in try Job.exists(db, id: ?? -1) }) == true else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) job canceled")
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
// If this is the blocking queue and a "blocking" job failed then rerun it immediately
if self.type == .blocking && job.shouldBlockFirstRunEachSession {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) job failed; retrying immediately")
queue.mutate { $0.insert(job, at: 0) }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
// Get the max failure count for the job (a value of '-1' means it will retry indefinitely)
let maxFailureCount: Int = (JobRunner.executorMap.wrappedValue[job.variant]?.maxFailureCount ?? 0)
let nextRunTimestamp: TimeInterval = (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + JobRunner.getRetryInterval(for: job))
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
!permanentFailure &&
maxFailureCount >= 0 &&
job.failureCount + 1 < maxFailureCount
else {
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) failed permanently\(maxFailureCount >= 0 ? "; too many retries" : "")")
// If the job permanently failed or we have performed all of our retry attempts
// then delete the job (it'll probably never succeed)
_ = try job.delete(db)
SNLog("[JobRunner] \(queueContext) \(job.variant) job failed; scheduling retry (failure count is \(job.failureCount + 1))")
_ = try job
failureCount: (job.failureCount + 1),
nextRunTimestamp: nextRunTimestamp
// Update the failureCount and nextRunTimestamp on dependant jobs as well (update the
// 'nextRunTimestamp' value to be 1ms later so when the queue gets regenerated it'll
// come after the dependency)
try job.dependantJobs
Job.Columns.failureCount.set(to: job.failureCount),
Job.Columns.nextRunTimestamp.set(to: (nextRunTimestamp + (1 / 1000)))
let dependantJobIds: [Int64] = try job.dependantJobs
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
// Remove the dependant jobs from the queue (so we don't get stuck in a loop of trying
// to run dependecies indefinitely
if !dependantJobIds.isEmpty {
queue.mutate { queue in
queue = queue.filter { !dependantJobIds.contains($ ?? -1) }
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in
/// This function is called when a job neither succeeds or fails (this should only occur if the job has specific logic that makes it dependant
/// on other jobs, and it should automatically manage those dependencies)
private func handleJobDeferred(_ job: Job) {
jobsCurrentlyRunning.mutate { $0 = $0.removing( }
internalQueue.async { [weak self] in