
247 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public struct Interaction: Codable, FetchableRecord, MutablePersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "interaction" }
internal static let threadForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.threadId], to: [])
internal static let profileForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.authorId], to: [])
internal static let linkPreviewForeignKey = ForeignKey(
to: [LinkPreview.Columns.url]
private static let thread = belongsTo(SessionThread.self, using: threadForeignKey)
private static let profile = hasOne(Profile.self, using: profileForeignKey)
private static let attachments = hasMany(Attachment.self, using: Attachment.interactionForeignKey)
private static let quote = hasOne(Quote.self, using: Quote.interactionForeignKey)
private static let linkPreview = hasOne(LinkPreview.self, using: LinkPreview.interactionForeignKey)
private static let recipientStates = hasMany(RecipientState.self, using: RecipientState.interactionForeignKey)
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
case id
case serverHash
case threadId
case authorId
case variant
case body
case timestampMs
case receivedAtTimestampMs
case expiresInSeconds
case expiresStartedAtMs
case linkPreviewUrl
// Open Group specific properties
case openGroupServerMessageId
case openGroupWhisperMods
case openGroupWhisperTo
public enum Variant: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case standardIncoming
case standardOutgoing
case standardIncomingDeleted
// Info Message Types (spacing the values out to make it easier to extend)
case infoClosedGroupCreated = 1000
case infoClosedGroupUpdated
case infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft
case infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate = 2000
case infoScreenshotNotification = 3000
case infoMediaSavedNotification
case infoMessageRequestAccepted = 4000
/// The `id` value is auto incremented by the database, if the `Interaction` hasn't been inserted into
/// the database yet this value will be `nil`
public var id: Int64? = nil
/// The hash returned by the server when this message was created on the server
/// **Note:** This will only be populated for `standardIncoming`/`standardOutgoing` interactions
/// from either `contact` or `closedGroup` threads
public let serverHash: String?
/// The id of the thread that this interaction belongs to (used to expose the `thread` variable)
private let threadId: String
/// The id of the user who sent the message, also used to expose the `profile` variable)
public let authorId: String
/// The type of interaction
public let variant: Variant
/// The body of this interaction
public let body: String?
/// When the interaction was created in milliseconds since epoch
public let timestampMs: Double
/// When the interaction was received in milliseconds since epoch
public let receivedAtTimestampMs: Double
/// The number of seconds until this message should expire
public fileprivate(set) var expiresInSeconds: TimeInterval? = nil
/// The timestamp in milliseconds since 1970 at which this messages expiration timer started counting
/// down (this is stored in order to allow the `expiresInSeconds` value to be updated before a
/// message has expired)
public fileprivate(set) var expiresStartedAtMs: Double? = nil
/// This value is the url for the link preview for this interaction
/// **Note:** This is also used for open group invitations
public let linkPreviewUrl: String?
// Open Group specific properties
/// The `openGroupServerMessageId` value will only be set for messages from SOGS
public fileprivate(set) var openGroupServerMessageId: Int64? = nil
/// This flag indicates whether this interaction is a whisper to the mods of an Open Group
public let openGroupWhisperMods: Bool
/// This value is the id of the user within an Open Group who is the target of this whisper interaction
public let openGroupWhisperTo: String?
// MARK: - Relationships
public var thread: QueryInterfaceRequest<SessionThread> {
request(for: Interaction.thread)
public var profile: QueryInterfaceRequest<Profile> {
request(for: Interaction.profile)
public var attachments: QueryInterfaceRequest<Attachment> {
request(for: Interaction.attachments)
public var quote: QueryInterfaceRequest<Quote> {
request(for: Interaction.quote)
public var linkPreview: QueryInterfaceRequest<LinkPreview> {
let linkPreviewAlias: TableAlias = TableAlias()
return LinkPreview
required: LinkPreview.interactions
.filter(literal: [
"(ROUND((\(Interaction.Columns.timestampMs) / 1000 / 100000) - 0.5) * 100000)",
].joined(separator: " "))
.limit(1) // Avoid joining to multiple interactions
.limit(1) // Avoid joining to multiple interactions
public var recipientStates: QueryInterfaceRequest<RecipientState> {
request(for: Interaction.recipientStates)
// MARK: - Initialization
// TODO: Do we actually want these values to have defaults? (check how messages are getting created - convenience constructors??)
serverHash: String?,
threadId: String,
authorId: String,
variant: Variant,
body: String?,
timestampMs: Double,
receivedAtTimestampMs: Double,
expiresInSeconds: TimeInterval?,
expiresStartedAtMs: Double?,
linkPreviewUrl: String?,
openGroupServerMessageId: Int64?,
openGroupWhisperMods: Bool,
openGroupWhisperTo: String?
) {
self.serverHash = serverHash
self.threadId = threadId
self.authorId = authorId
self.variant = variant
self.body = body
self.timestampMs = timestampMs
self.receivedAtTimestampMs = receivedAtTimestampMs
self.expiresInSeconds = expiresInSeconds
self.expiresStartedAtMs = expiresStartedAtMs
self.linkPreviewUrl = linkPreviewUrl
self.openGroupServerMessageId = openGroupServerMessageId
self.openGroupWhisperMods = openGroupWhisperMods
self.openGroupWhisperTo = openGroupWhisperTo
// MARK: - Custom Database Interaction
public mutating func didInsert(with rowID: Int64, for column: String?) { = rowID
public func delete(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool {
// If we have a LinkPreview then check if this is the only interaction that has it
// and delete the LinkPreview if so
if linkPreviewUrl != nil {
let interactionAlias: TableAlias = TableAlias()
let numInteractions: Int? = try? Interaction
required: Interaction.linkPreview
.filter(literal: [
"(ROUND((\(interactionAlias[Columns.timestampMs]) / 1000 / 100000) - 0.5) * 100000)",
].joined(separator: " "))
let tmp = try linkPreview.fetchAll(db)
if numInteractions == 1 {
try linkPreview.deleteAll(db)
return try performDelete(db)
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension Interaction {
// MARK: - Variables
var isExpiringMessage: Bool {
guard variant == .standardIncoming || variant == .standardOutgoing else { return false }
return (expiresInSeconds ?? 0 > 0)
var openGroupWhisper: Bool { return (openGroupWhisperMods || (openGroupWhisperTo != nil)) }
// MARK: - Functions
func with(
expiresInSeconds: TimeInterval? = nil,
expiresStartedAtMs: Double? = nil,
openGroupServerMessageId: Int64? = nil
) -> Interaction {
var updatedInteraction: Interaction = self
updatedInteraction.expiresInSeconds = (expiresInSeconds ?? updatedInteraction.expiresInSeconds)
updatedInteraction.expiresStartedAtMs = (expiresStartedAtMs ?? updatedInteraction.expiresStartedAtMs)
updatedInteraction.openGroupServerMessageId = (openGroupServerMessageId ?? updatedInteraction.openGroupServerMessageId)
return updatedInteraction