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// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class ProfileFetcherJob: NSObject {
let TAG = "[ProfileFetcherJob]"
let networkManager: TSNetworkManager
let storageManager: TSStorageManager
let thread: TSThread
public class func run(thread: TSThread, networkManager: TSNetworkManager) {
ProfileFetcherJob(thread: thread, networkManager: networkManager).run()
init(thread: TSThread, networkManager: TSNetworkManager) {
self.networkManager = networkManager
self.storageManager = TSStorageManager.shared()
self.thread = thread
public func run() {
for recipientId in self.thread.recipientIdentifiers {
let request = OWSGetProfileRequest(recipientId: recipientId)
success: { (_: URLSessionDataTask?, responseObject: Any?) -> Void in
guard let profileResponse = SignalServiceProfile(recipientId: recipientId, rawResponse: responseObject) else {
Logger.error("\(self.TAG) response object had unexpected content")
assertionFailure("\(self.TAG) response object had unexpected content")
self.processResponse(signalServiceProfile: profileResponse)
failure: { (_: URLSessionDataTask?, error: Error?) in
guard let error = error else {
Logger.error("\(self.TAG) error in \(#function) was surpringly nil. sheesh rough day.")
assertionFailure("\(self.TAG) error in \(#function) was surpringly nil. sheesh rough day.")
Logger.error("\(self.TAG) failed to fetch profile for recipient: \(recipientId) with error: \(error)")
private func processResponse(signalServiceProfile: SignalServiceProfile) {
Logger.debug("\(TAG) in \(#function) for \(signalServiceProfile)")
verifyIdentityUpToDateAsync(recipientId: signalServiceProfile.recipientId, latestIdentityKey: signalServiceProfile.identityKey)
// Eventually we'll want to do more things with new SignalServiceProfile fields here.
private func verifyIdentityUpToDateAsync(recipientId: String, latestIdentityKey: Data) {
OWSDispatch.sessionStoreQueue().async {
if self.storageManager.identityKey(forRecipientId: recipientId) == nil {
// first time use, do nothing, since there's no change.
if self.storageManager.saveRemoteIdentity(latestIdentityKey, recipientId: recipientId) {"\(self.TAG) updated identity key in fetched profile for recipient: \(recipientId)")
self.storageManager.deleteAllSessions(forContact: recipientId)
} else {
// no change in identity.
struct SignalServiceProfile {
let TAG = "[ProfileResponse]"
public let recipientId: String
public let identityKey: Data
init?(recipientId: String, rawResponse: Any?) {
self.recipientId = recipientId
guard let responseDict = rawResponse as? [String: Any?] else {
Logger.error("\(TAG) unexpected type: \(String(describing: rawResponse))")
return nil
guard let identityKeyString = responseDict["identityKey"] as? String else {
Logger.error("\(TAG) missing identity key: \(String(describing: rawResponse))")
return nil
guard let identityKeyWithType = Data(base64Encoded: identityKeyString) else {
Logger.error("\(TAG) unable to parse identity key: \(identityKeyString)")
return nil
let kIdentityKeyLength = 33
guard identityKeyWithType.count == kIdentityKeyLength else {
Logger.error("\(TAG) malformed key \(identityKeyString) with decoded length: \(identityKeyWithType.count)")
return nil
// `removeKeyType` is an objc category method only on NSData, so temporarily cast.
self.identityKey = (identityKeyWithType as NSData).removeKeyType() as Data