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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public struct Contact: Codable, Identifiable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "contact" }
internal static let threadForeignKey = ForeignKey([], to: [])
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
case id
case isTrusted
case isApproved
case isBlocked
case didApproveMe
case hasBeenBlocked
/// The id for the contact (Note: This could be a sessionId, a blindedId or some future variant)
public let id: String
/// This flag is used to determine whether we should auto-download files sent by this contact.
public let isTrusted: Bool
/// This flag is used to determine whether message requests from this contact are approved
public let isApproved: Bool
/// This flag is used to determine whether message requests from this contact are blocked
public let isBlocked: Bool
/// This flag is used to determine whether this contact has approved the current users message request
public let didApproveMe: Bool
/// This flag is used to determine whether this contact has ever been blocked (will be included in the config message if so)
public let hasBeenBlocked: Bool
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
id: String,
isTrusted: Bool = false,
isApproved: Bool = false,
isBlocked: Bool = false,
didApproveMe: Bool = false,
hasBeenBlocked: Bool = false
) { = id
self.isTrusted = (
isTrusted ||
id == getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() // Always trust ourselves
self.isApproved = isApproved
self.isBlocked = isBlocked
self.didApproveMe = didApproveMe
self.hasBeenBlocked = (isBlocked || hasBeenBlocked)
// MARK: - PersistableRecord
public func save(_ db: Database) throws {
let oldContact: Contact? = try? Contact.fetchOne(db, id: id)
try performSave(db)
db.afterNextTransactionCommit { db in
if isBlocked != oldContact?.isBlocked { .contactBlockedStateChanged, object: id)
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension Contact {
func with(
isTrusted: Updatable<Bool> = .existing,
isApproved: Updatable<Bool> = .existing,
isBlocked: Updatable<Bool> = .existing,
didApproveMe: Updatable<Bool> = .existing
) -> Contact {
return Contact(
id: id,
isTrusted: (
(isTrusted ?? self.isTrusted) || == getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() // Always trust ourselves
isApproved: (isApproved ?? self.isApproved),
isBlocked: (isBlocked ?? self.isBlocked),
didApproveMe: (didApproveMe ?? self.didApproveMe),
hasBeenBlocked: ((isBlocked ?? self.isBlocked) || self.hasBeenBlocked)
// MARK: - GRDB Interactions
public extension Contact {
static func fetchOrCreate(_ db: Database, id: ID) -> Contact {
return ((try? fetchOne(db, id: id)) ?? Contact(id: id))
static func fetchAllIds() -> [String] {
return GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let contacts: [Contact] = try Contact
.filter( != userPublicKey)
.filter(Contact.Columns.didApproveMe == true)
let profiles: [Profile] = try Profile
.fetchAll(db, ids: { $ })
// Sort the contacts by their displayName value
return profiles
.sorted(by: { lhs, rhs -> Bool in lhs.displayName() < rhs.displayName() })
.map { $ }
.defaulting(to: [])
// MARK: - Objective-C Support
public class SMKContact: NSObject {
@objc let isApproved: Bool
@objc let isBlocked: Bool
@objc let didApproveMe: Bool
init(isApproved: Bool, isBlocked: Bool, didApproveMe: Bool) {
self.isApproved = isApproved
self.isBlocked = isBlocked
self.didApproveMe = didApproveMe
@objc public static func fetchOrCreate(id: String) -> SMKContact {
let existingContact: Contact? = { db in
try Contact.fetchOne(db, id: id)
return SMKContact(
isApproved: existingContact?.isApproved ?? false,
isBlocked: existingContact?.isBlocked ?? false,
didApproveMe: existingContact?.didApproveMe ?? false