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2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
2020-11-20 04:04:56 +01:00
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabase.h>
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
#import <Mantle/MTLModel+NSCoding.h>
@class OWSPrimaryStorage;
@class YapDatabaseConnection;
@class YapDatabaseReadTransaction;
@class YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction;
@interface TSYapDatabaseObject : MTLModel
- (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
* Initializes a new database object with a unique identifier
* @param uniqueId Key used for the key-value store
* @return Initialized object
- (instancetype)initWithUniqueId:(NSString *_Nullable)uniqueId NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
* Returns the collection to which the object belongs.
* @return Key (string) identifying the collection
+ (NSString *)collection;
* Get the number of keys in the models collection. Be aware that if there
* are multiple object types in this collection that the count will include
* the count of other objects in the same collection.
* @return The number of keys in the classes collection.
+ (NSUInteger)numberOfKeysInCollection;
+ (NSUInteger)numberOfKeysInCollectionWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
* Removes all objects in the classes collection.
+ (void)removeAllObjectsInCollection;
* A memory intesive method to get all objects in the collection. You should prefer using enumeration over this method
* whenever feasible. See `enumerateObjectsInCollectionUsingBlock`
* @return All objects in the classes collection.
+ (NSArray *)allObjectsInCollection;
* Enumerates all objects in collection.
+ (void)enumerateCollectionObjectsUsingBlock:(void (^)(id obj, BOOL *stop))block;
+ (void)enumerateCollectionObjectsWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction
usingBlock:(void (^)(id object, BOOL *stop))block;
* @return Shared database connections for reading and writing.
- (YapDatabaseConnection *)dbReadConnection;
+ (YapDatabaseConnection *)dbReadConnection;
- (YapDatabaseConnection *)dbReadWriteConnection;
+ (YapDatabaseConnection *)dbReadWriteConnection;
* Fetches the object with the provided identifier
* @param uniqueID Unique identifier of the entry in a collection
* @param transaction Transaction used for fetching the object
* @return Instance of the object or nil if non-existent
+ (nullable instancetype)fetchObjectWithUniqueID:(NSString *)uniqueID
transaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction
+ (nullable instancetype)fetchObjectWithUniqueID:(NSString *)uniqueID NS_SWIFT_NAME(fetch(uniqueId:));
* Saves the object with the shared readWrite connection.
* This method will block if another readWrite transaction is open.
- (void)save;
* Assign the latest persisted values from the database.
- (void)reload;
- (void)reloadWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
- (void)reloadWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction ignoreMissing:(BOOL)ignoreMissing;
* Saves the object with the shared readWrite connection - does not block.
* Be mindful that this method may clobber other changes persisted
* while waiting to open the readWrite transaction.
* @param completionBlock is called on the main thread
- (void)saveAsyncWithCompletionBlock:(void (^_Nullable)(void))completionBlock;
* Saves the object with the provided transaction
* @param transaction Database transaction
- (void)saveWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction;
* `touch` is a cheap way to fire a YapDatabaseModified notification to redraw anythign depending on the model.
- (void)touch;
- (void)touchWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction;
* The unique identifier of the stored object
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *uniqueId;
- (void)removeWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction;
- (void)remove;
#pragma mark - Update With...
// This method is used by "updateWith..." methods.
// This model may be updated from many threads. We don't want to save
// our local copy (this instance) since it may be out of date. We also
// want to avoid re-saving a model that has been deleted. Therefore, we
// use "updateWith..." methods to:
// a) Update a property of this instance.
// b) If a copy of this model exists in the database, load an up-to-date copy,
// and update and save that copy.
// b) If a copy of this model _DOES NOT_ exist in the database, do _NOT_ save
// this local instance.
// After "updateWith...":
// a) Any copy of this model in the database will have been updated.
// b) The local property on this instance will always have been updated.
// c) Other properties on this instance may be out of date.
// All mutable properties of this class have been made read-only to
// prevent accidentally modifying them directly.
// This isn't a perfect arrangement, but in practice this will prevent
// data loss and will resolve all known issues.
- (void)applyChangeToSelfAndLatestCopy:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
changeBlock:(void (^)(id))changeBlock;