
775 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import GRDB
import DifferenceKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
final class HomeVC: BaseVC, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate, SeedReminderViewDelegate {
private static let loadingHeaderHeight: CGFloat = 20
2022-08-23 07:41:51 +02:00
public static let newConversationButtonSize: CGFloat = 60
private let viewModel: HomeViewModel = HomeViewModel()
private var dataChangeObservable: DatabaseCancellable?
private var hasLoadedInitialStateData: Bool = false
private var hasLoadedInitialThreadData: Bool = false
private var isLoadingMore: Bool = false
private var isAutoLoadingNextPage: Bool = false
private var viewHasAppeared: Bool = false
// MARK: - Intialization
init() {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
preconditionFailure("Use init() instead.")
deinit {
// MARK: - UI
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00
private var tableViewTopConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private lazy var seedReminderView: SeedReminderView = {
let result = SeedReminderView(hasContinueButton: true)
let title = "You're almost finished! 80%"
let attributedTitle = NSMutableAttributedString(string: title)
attributedTitle.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: Colors.accent, range: (title as NSString).range(of: "80%"))
result.title = attributedTitle
result.subtitle = NSLocalizedString("view_seed_reminder_subtitle_1", comment: "")
result.setProgress(0.8, animated: false)
result.delegate = self
result.isHidden = !self.viewModel.state.showViewedSeedBanner
return result
private lazy var loadingConversationsLabel: UILabel = {
let result: UILabel = UILabel()
result.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
result.text = "LOADING_CONVERSATIONS".localized()
result.textColor = Colors.text
result.textAlignment = .center
result.numberOfLines = 0
return result
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
private lazy var tableView: UITableView = {
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00
let result = UITableView()
result.backgroundColor = .clear
result.separatorStyle = .none
result.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(
top: 0,
left: 0,
bottom: (
Values.newConversationButtonBottomOffset +
Values.largeSpacing +
2022-08-23 07:41:51 +02:00
right: 0
result.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
result.register(view: MessageRequestsCell.self)
result.register(view: FullConversationCell.self)
result.dataSource = self
result.delegate = self
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
result.sectionHeaderTopPadding = 0
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00
return result
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
private lazy var newConversationButton: UIButton = {
let result = UIButton(type: .system)
let iconSize = CGFloat(24)
let icon = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Plus").scaled(to: CGSize(width: iconSize, height: iconSize))
let glowConfiguration = UIView.CircularGlowConfiguration(
size: Self.newConversationButtonSize,
color: Colors.expandedButtonGlowColor,
isAnimated: false,
radius: isLightMode ? 4 : 6
result.setImage(icon, for: .normal)
result.set(.width, to: Self.newConversationButtonSize)
result.set(.height, to: Self.newConversationButtonSize)
result.contentMode = .center
result.backgroundColor = Colors.accent
result.layer.cornerRadius = Self.newConversationButtonSize / 2
result.setCircularGlow(with: glowConfiguration)
result.layer.masksToBounds = false
result.tintColor = .white
result.addTarget(self, action: #selector(createNewDM), for: .touchUpInside)
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
2019-12-02 01:58:15 +01:00
return result
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00
private lazy var fadeView: UIView = {
let result = UIView()
2020-03-17 05:21:32 +01:00
let gradient = Gradients.homeVCFade
result.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
2019-12-02 01:58:15 +01:00
return result
2020-04-20 02:47:38 +02:00
private lazy var emptyStateView: UIView = {
let explanationLabel = UILabel()
explanationLabel.textColor = Colors.text
explanationLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
explanationLabel.numberOfLines = 0
explanationLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
explanationLabel.textAlignment = .center
explanationLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("vc_home_empty_state_message", comment: "")
2020-04-20 02:47:38 +02:00
let createNewPrivateChatButton = Button(style: .prominentOutline, size: .large)
createNewPrivateChatButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("vc_home_empty_state_button_title", comment: ""), for: UIControl.State.normal)
2021-06-03 03:39:52 +02:00
createNewPrivateChatButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(createNewDM), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
2022-03-03 03:35:27 +01:00
createNewPrivateChatButton.set(.width, to: Values.iPadButtonWidth)
2020-04-20 02:47:38 +02:00
let result = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ explanationLabel, createNewPrivateChatButton ])
result.axis = .vertical
result.spacing = Values.mediumSpacing
result.alignment = .center
2021-03-04 03:50:13 +01:00
result.isHidden = true
2020-04-20 02:47:38 +02:00
return result
2019-12-02 01:58:15 +01:00
// MARK: - Lifecycle
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
override func viewDidLoad() {
2020-02-20 04:37:17 +01:00
// Note: This is a hack to ensure `isRTL` is initially gets run on the main thread so the value
// is cached (it gets called on background threads and if it hasn't cached the value then it can
// cause odd performance issues since it accesses UIKit)
_ = CurrentAppContext().isRTL
// Preparation
SessionApp.homeViewController.mutate { $0 = self }
// Gradient & nav bar
if navigationController?.navigationBar != nil {
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
2022-01-13 01:45:05 +01:00
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
// Recovery phrase reminder
view.addSubview(seedReminderView), to: .leading, of: view), to: .top, of: view), to: .trailing, of: view)
// Loading conversations label
view.addSubview(loadingConversationsLabel), to: .top, of: view, withInset: Values.veryLargeSpacing), to: .leading, of: view, withInset: 50), to: .trailing, of: view, withInset: -50)
// Table view
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00
view.addSubview(tableView), to: .leading, of: view)
if self.viewModel.state.showViewedSeedBanner {
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
tableViewTopConstraint =, to: .bottom, of: seedReminderView)
else {
tableViewTopConstraint =, to: .top, of: view)
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
}, to: .trailing, of: view), to: .bottom, of: view)
2020-03-03 04:33:22 +01:00, to: .leading, of: view)
let topInset = 0.15 * view.height(), to: .top, of: view, withInset: topInset), to: .trailing, of: view), to: .bottom, of: view)
// Empty state view
2020-04-20 02:47:38 +02:00
view.addSubview(emptyStateView), in: view)
let verticalCenteringConstraint =, in: view)
verticalCenteringConstraint.constant = -16 // Makes things appear centered visually
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
// New conversation button
view.addSubview(newConversationButton), in: view), to: .bottom, of: view, withInset: -Values.newConversationButtonBottomOffset) // Negative due to how the constraint is set up
// Notifications
selector: #selector(applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)),
name: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationDidResignActive(_:)),
name: UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification, object: nil
2021-03-04 23:18:45 +01:00
// Start polling if needed (i.e. if the user just created or restored their Session ID)
if Identity.userExists(), let appDelegate: AppDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate {
2021-02-24 05:30:20 +01:00
// Do this only if we created a new Session ID, or if we already received the initial configuration message
if UserDefaults.standard[.hasSyncedInitialConfiguration] {
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
// Onion request path countries cache
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
2020-12-14 00:20:10 +01:00
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.viewHasAppeared = true
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
@objc func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: Notification) {
startObservingChanges(didReturnFromBackground: true)
@objc func applicationDidResignActive(_ notification: Notification) {
// MARK: - Updating
private func startObservingChanges(didReturnFromBackground: Bool = false) {
// Start observing for data changes
dataChangeObservable = Storage.shared.start(
// If we haven't done the initial load the trigger it immediately (blocking the main
// thread so we remain on the launch screen until it completes to be consistent with
// the old behaviour)
scheduling: (hasLoadedInitialStateData ?
.async(onQueue: .main) :
onError: { _ in },
onChange: { [weak self] state in
// The default scheduler emits changes on the main thread
self.viewModel.onThreadChange = { [weak self] updatedThreadData in
// Note: When returning from the background we could have received notifications but the
// PagedDatabaseObserver won't have them so we need to force a re-fetch of the current
// data to ensure everything is up to date
if didReturnFromBackground {
private func stopObservingChanges() {
// Stop observing database changes
self.viewModel.onThreadChange = nil
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
private func handleUpdates(_ updatedState: HomeViewModel.State, initialLoad: Bool = false) {
// Ensure the first load runs without animations (if we don't do this the cells will animate
// in from a frame of
guard hasLoadedInitialStateData else {
hasLoadedInitialStateData = true
UIView.performWithoutAnimation { handleUpdates(updatedState, initialLoad: true) }
2020-07-28 02:26:56 +02:00
if updatedState.userProfile != self.viewModel.state.userProfile {
// Update the 'view seed' UI
if updatedState.showViewedSeedBanner != self.viewModel.state.showViewedSeedBanner {
tableViewTopConstraint.isActive = false
seedReminderView.isHidden = !updatedState.showViewedSeedBanner
if updatedState.showViewedSeedBanner {
tableViewTopConstraint =, to: .bottom, of: seedReminderView)
else {
tableViewTopConstraint =, to: .top, of: view, withInset: Values.smallSpacing)
private func handleThreadUpdates(_ updatedData: [HomeViewModel.SectionModel], initialLoad: Bool = false) {
// Ensure the first load runs without animations (if we don't do this the cells will animate
// in from a frame of
guard hasLoadedInitialThreadData else {
hasLoadedInitialThreadData = true
UIView.performWithoutAnimation { handleThreadUpdates(updatedData, initialLoad: true) }
// Hide the 'loading conversations' label (now that we have received conversation data)
loadingConversationsLabel.isHidden = true
// Show the empty state if there is no data
emptyStateView.isHidden = (
!updatedData.isEmpty &&
updatedData.contains(where: { !$0.elements.isEmpty })
CATransaction.setCompletionBlock { [weak self] in
// Complete page loading
self?.isLoadingMore = false
// Reload the table content (animate changes after the first load)
using: StagedChangeset(source: viewModel.threadData, target: updatedData),
deleteSectionsAnimation: .none,
insertSectionsAnimation: .none,
reloadSectionsAnimation: .none,
deleteRowsAnimation: .bottom,
insertRowsAnimation: .none,
reloadRowsAnimation: .none,
interrupt: { $0.changeCount > 100 } // Prevent too many changes from causing performance issues
) { [weak self] updatedData in
2020-07-21 06:18:49 +02:00
private func autoLoadNextPageIfNeeded() {
guard !self.isAutoLoadingNextPage && !self.isLoadingMore else { return }
self.isAutoLoadingNextPage = true
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + PagedData.autoLoadNextPageDelay) { [weak self] in
self?.isAutoLoadingNextPage = false
// Note: We sort the headers as we want to prioritise loading newer pages over older ones
let sections: [(HomeViewModel.Section, CGRect)] = (self?.viewModel.threadData
.map { index, section in (section.model, (self?.tableView.rectForHeader(inSection: index) ?? .zero)) })
.defaulting(to: [])
let shouldLoadMore: Bool = sections
.contains { section, headerRect in
section == .loadMore &&
headerRect != .zero &&
(self?.tableView.bounds.contains(headerRect) == true)
guard shouldLoadMore else { return }
self?.isLoadingMore = true .default).async { [weak self] in
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
private func updateNewConversationButton() {
let glowConfiguration = UIView.CircularGlowConfiguration(
size: Self.newConversationButtonSize,
color: Colors.expandedButtonGlowColor,
isAnimated: false,
radius: isLightMode ? 4 : 6
newConversationButton.setCircularGlow(with: glowConfiguration)
private func updateNavBarButtons() {
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
// Profile picture view
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
let profilePictureSize = Values.verySmallProfilePictureSize
let profilePictureView = ProfilePictureView()
2020-12-17 01:37:53 +01:00
profilePictureView.accessibilityLabel = "Settings button"
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
profilePictureView.size = profilePictureSize
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(),
profile: Profile.fetchOrCreateCurrentUser(),
threadVariant: .contact
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
profilePictureView.set(.width, to: profilePictureSize)
profilePictureView.set(.height, to: profilePictureSize)
2019-12-03 03:21:42 +01:00
let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(openSettings))
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
// Path status indicator
let pathStatusView = PathStatusView()
pathStatusView.accessibilityLabel = "Current onion routing path indicator"
pathStatusView.set(.width, to: PathStatusView.size)
pathStatusView.set(.height, to: PathStatusView.size)
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
// Container view
let profilePictureViewContainer = UIView()
2020-12-17 01:37:53 +01:00
profilePictureViewContainer.accessibilityLabel = "Settings button"
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
profilePictureViewContainer.addSubview(pathStatusView), to: .trailing, of: profilePictureViewContainer), to: .bottom, of: profilePictureViewContainer)
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
// Left bar button item
2020-12-17 01:37:53 +01:00
let leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: profilePictureViewContainer)
leftBarButtonItem.accessibilityLabel = "Settings button"
leftBarButtonItem.isAccessibilityElement = true
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftBarButtonItem
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
// Right bar button item - search button
2022-01-25 05:04:11 +01:00
let rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .search, target: self, action: #selector(showSearchUI))
2022-01-24 23:46:22 +01:00
rightBarButtonItem.accessibilityLabel = "Search button"
2020-12-17 01:37:53 +01:00
rightBarButtonItem.isAccessibilityElement = true
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightBarButtonItem
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
@objc override internal func handleAppModeChangedNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
let gradient = Gradients.homeVCFade
2020-08-24 03:49:08 +02:00
fadeView.setGradient(gradient) // Re-do the gradient
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return viewModel.threadData.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
let section: HomeViewModel.SectionModel = viewModel.threadData[section]
return section.elements.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let section: HomeViewModel.SectionModel = viewModel.threadData[indexPath.section]
switch section.model {
case .messageRequests:
let threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel = section.elements[indexPath.row]
let cell: MessageRequestsCell = tableView.dequeue(type: MessageRequestsCell.self, for: indexPath)
cell.update(with: Int(threadViewModel.threadUnreadCount ?? 0))
return cell
case .threads:
let threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel = section.elements[indexPath.row]
let cell: FullConversationCell = tableView.dequeue(type: FullConversationCell.self, for: indexPath)
cell.update(with: threadViewModel)
return cell
default: preconditionFailure("Other sections should have no content")
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
let section: HomeViewModel.SectionModel = viewModel.threadData[section]
switch section.model {
case .loadMore:
let loadingIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView = UIActivityIndicatorView(style: .medium)
loadingIndicator.tintColor = Colors.text
loadingIndicator.alpha = 0.5
let view: UIView = UIView()
view.addSubview(loadingIndicator) view)
return view
default: return nil
// MARK: - UITableViewDelegate
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
let section: HomeViewModel.SectionModel = viewModel.threadData[section]
switch section.model {
case .loadMore: return HomeVC.loadingHeaderHeight
default: return 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplayHeaderView view: UIView, forSection section: Int) {
guard self.hasLoadedInitialThreadData && self.viewHasAppeared && !self.isLoadingMore else { return }
let section: HomeViewModel.SectionModel = self.viewModel.threadData[section]
switch section.model {
case .loadMore:
self.isLoadingMore = true .default).async { [weak self] in
default: break
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
let section: HomeViewModel.SectionModel = self.viewModel.threadData[indexPath.section]
switch section.model {
case .messageRequests:
let viewController: MessageRequestsViewController = MessageRequestsViewController()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
case .threads:
let threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel = section.elements[indexPath.row]
variant: threadViewModel.threadVariant,
Fixed a number of reported bugs, some cleanup, added animated profile support Added support for animated profile images (no ability to crop/resize) Updated the message trimming to only remove messages if the open group has 2000 messages or more Updated the message trimming setting to default to be on Updated the ContextMenu to fade out the snapshot as well (looked buggy if the device had even minor lag) Updated the ProfileManager to delete and re-download invalid avatar images (and updated the conversation screen to reload when avatars complete downloading) Updated the message request notification logic so it will show notifications when receiving a new message request as long as the user has read all the old ones (previously the user had to accept/reject all the old ones) Fixed a bug where the "trim open group messages" toggle was accessing UI off the main thread Fixed a bug where the "Chats" settings screen had a close button instead of a back button Fixed a bug where the 'viewsToMove' for the reply UI was inconsistent in some places Fixed an issue where the ProfileManager was doing all of it's validation (and writing to disk) within the database write closure which would block database writes unnecessarily Fixed a bug where a message request wouldn't be identified as such just because it wasn't visible in the conversations list Fixed a bug where opening a message request notification would result in the message request being in the wrong state (also wouldn't insert the 'MessageRequestsViewController' into the hierarchy) Fixed a bug where the avatar image wouldn't appear beside incoming closed group message in some situations cases Removed an error log that was essentially just spam Remove the logic to delete old profile images when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly and duplicates GarbageCollection logic) Remove the logic to send a notification when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly) Tweaked the message trimming description to be more accurate Cleaned up some duplicate logic used to determine if a notification should be shown Cleaned up some onion request logic (was passing the version info in some cases when not needed) Moved the push notification notify API call into the PushNotificationAPI class for consistency
2022-07-08 09:53:48 +02:00
isMessageRequest: (threadViewModel.threadIsMessageRequest == true),
with: .none,
focusedInteractionId: nil,
animated: true
default: break
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canEditRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
return true
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, editActionsForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> [UITableViewRowAction]? {
let section: HomeViewModel.SectionModel = self.viewModel.threadData[indexPath.section]
switch section.model {
case .messageRequests:
let hide = UITableViewRowAction(style: .destructive, title: "TXT_HIDE_TITLE".localized()) { _, _ in
Storage.shared.write { db in db[.hasHiddenMessageRequests] = true }
hide.backgroundColor = Colors.destructive
return [hide]
case .threads:
let threadViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel = section.elements[indexPath.row]
let delete: UITableViewRowAction = UITableViewRowAction(
style: .destructive,
title: "TXT_DELETE_TITLE".localized()
) { [weak self] _, _ in
let message = (threadViewModel.currentUserIsClosedGroupAdmin == true ?
"admin_group_leave_warning".localized() :
let alert = UIAlertController(
message: message,
preferredStyle: .alert
title: "TXT_DELETE_TITLE".localized(),
style: .destructive
) { _ in
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
switch threadViewModel.threadVariant {
case .closedGroup:
try MessageSender
.leave(db, groupPublicKey: threadViewModel.threadId)
case .openGroup:
OpenGroupManager.shared.delete(db, openGroupId: threadViewModel.threadId)
default: break
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadViewModel.threadId)
title: "TXT_CANCEL_TITLE".localized(),
style: .default
self?.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
delete.backgroundColor = Colors.destructive
let pin: UITableViewRowAction = UITableViewRowAction(
style: .normal,
title: (threadViewModel.threadIsPinned ?
"UNPIN_BUTTON_TEXT".localized() :
) { _, _ in
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadViewModel.threadId)
.updateAll(db, SessionThread.Columns.isPinned.set(to: !threadViewModel.threadIsPinned))
guard threadViewModel.threadVariant == .contact && !threadViewModel.threadIsNoteToSelf else {
return [ delete, pin ]
let block: UITableViewRowAction = UITableViewRowAction(
style: .normal,
title: (threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true ?
) { _, _ in
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
try Contact
.filter(id: threadViewModel.threadId)
to: (threadViewModel.threadIsBlocked == false ?
try MessageSender.syncConfiguration(db, forceSyncNow: true)
block.backgroundColor = Colors.unimportant
return [ delete, block, pin ]
default: return []
// MARK: - Interaction
func handleContinueButtonTapped(from seedReminderView: SeedReminderView) {
2020-01-30 10:09:02 +01:00
let seedVC = SeedVC()
let navigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: seedVC)
present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func show(
_ threadId: String,
variant: SessionThread.Variant,
Fixed a number of reported bugs, some cleanup, added animated profile support Added support for animated profile images (no ability to crop/resize) Updated the message trimming to only remove messages if the open group has 2000 messages or more Updated the message trimming setting to default to be on Updated the ContextMenu to fade out the snapshot as well (looked buggy if the device had even minor lag) Updated the ProfileManager to delete and re-download invalid avatar images (and updated the conversation screen to reload when avatars complete downloading) Updated the message request notification logic so it will show notifications when receiving a new message request as long as the user has read all the old ones (previously the user had to accept/reject all the old ones) Fixed a bug where the "trim open group messages" toggle was accessing UI off the main thread Fixed a bug where the "Chats" settings screen had a close button instead of a back button Fixed a bug where the 'viewsToMove' for the reply UI was inconsistent in some places Fixed an issue where the ProfileManager was doing all of it's validation (and writing to disk) within the database write closure which would block database writes unnecessarily Fixed a bug where a message request wouldn't be identified as such just because it wasn't visible in the conversations list Fixed a bug where opening a message request notification would result in the message request being in the wrong state (also wouldn't insert the 'MessageRequestsViewController' into the hierarchy) Fixed a bug where the avatar image wouldn't appear beside incoming closed group message in some situations cases Removed an error log that was essentially just spam Remove the logic to delete old profile images when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly and duplicates GarbageCollection logic) Remove the logic to send a notification when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly) Tweaked the message trimming description to be more accurate Cleaned up some duplicate logic used to determine if a notification should be shown Cleaned up some onion request logic (was passing the version info in some cases when not needed) Moved the push notification notify API call into the PushNotificationAPI class for consistency
2022-07-08 09:53:48 +02:00
isMessageRequest: Bool,
with action: ConversationViewModel.Action,
focusedInteractionId: Int64?,
animated: Bool
) {
if let presentedVC = self.presentedViewController {
presentedVC.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
2021-01-13 06:10:06 +01:00
Merge branch 'feature/session-id-blinding-part-2' into feature/database-refactor # Conflicts: # Podfile # Podfile.lock # Session.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj # Session/Closed Groups/EditClosedGroupVC.swift # Session/Closed Groups/NewClosedGroupVC.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC+Action.swift # Session/Conversations/Context Menu/ContextMenuVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationMessageMapping.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationSearch.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC+Interaction.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationVC.swift # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.h # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewItem.m # Session/Conversations/ConversationViewModel.m # Session/Conversations/Input View/InputView.swift # Session/Conversations/Input View/MentionSelectionView.swift # Session/Conversations/LongTextViewController.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/Content Views/LinkPreviewView.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/MessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Message Cells/VisibleMessageCell.swift # Session/Conversations/Settings/OWSConversationSettingsViewController.m # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/ConversationTitleView.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/DownloadAttachmentModal.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/JoinOpenGroupModal.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/LinkPreviewModal.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/MessagesTableView.swift # Session/Conversations/Views & Modals/URLModal.swift # Session/Home/GlobalSearch/GlobalSearchViewController.swift # Session/Home/HomeVC.swift # Session/Home/Message Requests/MessageRequestsViewController.swift # Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaDetailViewController.m # Session/Media Viewing & Editing/MediaPageViewController.swift # Session/Meta/AppDelegate.m # Session/Meta/AppDelegate.swift # Session/Meta/AppEnvironment.swift # Session/Meta/Signal-Bridging-Header.h # Session/Meta/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/hi.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/si.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Meta/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings # Session/Notifications/AppNotifications.swift # Session/Open Groups/JoinOpenGroupVC.swift # Session/Settings/NukeDataModal.swift # Session/Settings/SeedModal.swift # Session/Settings/SettingsVC.swift # Session/Settings/ShareLogsModal.swift # Session/Shared/ConversationCell.swift # Session/Shared/UserSelectionVC.swift # Session/Utilities/BackgroundPoller.swift # Session/Utilities/MentionUtilities.swift # Session/Utilities/MockDataGenerator.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/OWSPrimaryStorage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Database/SSKPreferences.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+Contacts.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+Jobs.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+Messaging.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/Storage+OpenGroups.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Database/TSDatabaseView.m # SessionMessagingKit/File Server/FileServerAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/AttachmentDownloadJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/AttachmentUploadJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/JobQueue.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageReceiveJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/MessageSendJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Jobs/NotifyPNServerJob.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Control Messages/ClosedGroupControlMessage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Control Messages/ConfigurationMessage+Convenience.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Message+Destination.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSIncomingMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSIncomingMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInfoMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInfoMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInteraction.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSInteraction.m # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.h # SessionMessagingKit/Messages/Signal/TSMessage.m # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2+ObjC.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPIV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupManagerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupMessageV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Mentions/MentionsManager.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Decryption.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver+Handling.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageReceiver.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+ClosedGroups.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+Encryption.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Notifications/NotificationsProtocol.h # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/ClosedGroupPoller.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/OpenGroupPollerV2.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/Poller.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Storage.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/Notification+Thread.swift # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSContactThread.h # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSContactThread.m # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSGroupModel.h # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSGroupModel.m # SessionMessagingKit/Threads/TSGroupThread.m # SessionMessagingKit/Utilities/General.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NSENotificationPresenter.swift # SessionNotificationServiceExtension/NotificationServiceExtension.swift # SessionSnodeKit/OnionRequestAPI+Encryption.swift # SessionSnodeKit/OnionRequestAPI.swift # SessionSnodeKit/SnodeAPI.swift # SessionSnodeKit/SnodeMessage.swift # SessionSnodeKit/Storage+SnodeAPI.swift # SessionSnodeKit/Storage.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/Array+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/Dictionary+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/SNUserDefaults.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/General/Set+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/Meta/SessionUtilitiesKit.h # SessionUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Optional+Utilities.swift # SessionUtilitiesKit/Utilities/Sodium+Conversion.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Configuration.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Database/Migrations/OpenGroupServerIdLookupMigration.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Messaging/FullTextSearcher.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Messaging/Sending & Receiving/MessageSender+Convenience.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Profile Pictures/Identicon+ObjC.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/To Do/OWSProfileManager.m # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/NoopNotificationsManager.swift # SignalUtilitiesKit/Utilities/UIView+OWS.swift
2022-06-08 06:29:51 +02:00
Fixed a number of reported bugs, some cleanup, added animated profile support Added support for animated profile images (no ability to crop/resize) Updated the message trimming to only remove messages if the open group has 2000 messages or more Updated the message trimming setting to default to be on Updated the ContextMenu to fade out the snapshot as well (looked buggy if the device had even minor lag) Updated the ProfileManager to delete and re-download invalid avatar images (and updated the conversation screen to reload when avatars complete downloading) Updated the message request notification logic so it will show notifications when receiving a new message request as long as the user has read all the old ones (previously the user had to accept/reject all the old ones) Fixed a bug where the "trim open group messages" toggle was accessing UI off the main thread Fixed a bug where the "Chats" settings screen had a close button instead of a back button Fixed a bug where the 'viewsToMove' for the reply UI was inconsistent in some places Fixed an issue where the ProfileManager was doing all of it's validation (and writing to disk) within the database write closure which would block database writes unnecessarily Fixed a bug where a message request wouldn't be identified as such just because it wasn't visible in the conversations list Fixed a bug where opening a message request notification would result in the message request being in the wrong state (also wouldn't insert the 'MessageRequestsViewController' into the hierarchy) Fixed a bug where the avatar image wouldn't appear beside incoming closed group message in some situations cases Removed an error log that was essentially just spam Remove the logic to delete old profile images when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly and duplicates GarbageCollection logic) Remove the logic to send a notification when calling save on a Profile (wouldn't get called if the row was modified directly) Tweaked the message trimming description to be more accurate Cleaned up some duplicate logic used to determine if a notification should be shown Cleaned up some onion request logic (was passing the version info in some cases when not needed) Moved the push notification notify API call into the PushNotificationAPI class for consistency
2022-07-08 09:53:48 +02:00
let finalViewControllers: [UIViewController] = [
(isMessageRequest ? MessageRequestsViewController() : nil),
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: variant,
focusedInteractionId: focusedInteractionId
].compactMap { $0 }
self.navigationController?.setViewControllers(finalViewControllers, animated: animated)
2021-01-13 06:10:06 +01:00
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
@objc private func openSettings() {
let settingsVC = SettingsVC()
let navigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: settingsVC)
navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
2022-01-25 05:04:11 +01:00
@objc private func showSearchUI() {
2022-01-25 05:25:48 +01:00
if let presentedVC = self.presentedViewController {
presentedVC.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
2022-01-25 05:04:11 +01:00
let searchController = GlobalSearchViewController()
2022-01-25 05:25:48 +01:00
self.navigationController?.setViewControllers([ self, searchController ], animated: true)
2022-01-25 05:04:11 +01:00
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
// @objc func joinOpenGroup() {
// let joinOpenGroupVC: JoinOpenGroupVC = JoinOpenGroupVC()
// let navigationController: OWSNavigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: joinOpenGroupVC)
// if UIDevice.current.isIPad {
// navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
// }
// present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
// }
2021-03-04 23:18:45 +01:00
@objc func createNewDM() {
let newDMVC = NewDMVC()
let navigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: newDMVC)
if UIDevice.current.isIPad {
navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
2022-08-23 07:41:51 +02:00
navigationController.modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = true
2020-01-28 05:08:42 +01:00
present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
2019-11-29 06:30:01 +01:00
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00
2021-06-03 03:39:52 +02:00
func createNewDMFromDeepLink(sessionID: String) {
2021-06-01 09:39:11 +02:00
let newDMVC = NewDMVC(sessionID: sessionID)
let navigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: newDMVC)
if UIDevice.current.isIPad {
navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
2022-08-23 06:38:35 +02:00
navigationController.modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = true
2021-06-01 09:39:11 +02:00
present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
2022-08-22 07:48:52 +02:00
// @objc func createClosedGroup() {
// let newClosedGroupVC = NewClosedGroupVC()
// let navigationController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: newClosedGroupVC)
// if UIDevice.current.isIPad {
// navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
// }
// present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
// }
2019-11-28 06:42:07 +01:00