session-ios/SessionMessagingKitTests/Open Groups/OpenGroupAPISpec.swift

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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
import GRDB
import Sodium
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import SessionMessagingKit
class OpenGroupAPISpec: QuickSpec {
// MARK: - Spec
override func spec() {
var mockStorage: Storage!
var mockSodium: MockSodium!
var mockAeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf: MockAeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf!
var mockSign: MockSign!
var mockGenericHash: MockGenericHash!
var mockEd25519: MockEd25519!
var mockNonce16Generator: MockNonce16Generator!
var mockNonce24Generator: MockNonce24Generator!
var dependencies: SMKDependencies!
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
var disposables: [AnyCancellable] = []
var response: (ResponseInfoType, Codable)? = nil
var pollResponse: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: [OpenGroupAPI.Endpoint: Codable])?
var error: Error?
describe("an OpenGroupAPI") {
// MARK: - Configuration
beforeEach {
mockStorage = Storage(
customWriter: try! DatabaseQueue(),
customMigrations: [
mockSodium = MockSodium()
mockAeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf = MockAeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf()
mockSign = MockSign()
mockGenericHash = MockGenericHash()
mockNonce16Generator = MockNonce16Generator()
mockNonce24Generator = MockNonce24Generator()
mockEd25519 = MockEd25519()
dependencies = SMKDependencies(
onionApi: TestOnionRequestAPI.self,
storage: mockStorage,
sodium: mockSodium,
genericHash: mockGenericHash,
sign: mockSign,
aeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf: mockAeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf,
ed25519: mockEd25519,
nonceGenerator16: mockNonce16Generator,
nonceGenerator24: mockNonce24Generator,
date: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1234567890)
mockStorage.write { db in
try Identity(variant: .x25519PublicKey, data: TestConstants.publicKey)!).insert(db)
try Identity(variant: .x25519PrivateKey, data: TestConstants.privateKey)!).insert(db)
try Identity(variant: .ed25519PublicKey, data: TestConstants.edPublicKey)!).insert(db)
try Identity(variant: .ed25519SecretKey, data: TestConstants.edSecretKey)!).insert(db)
try OpenGroup(
server: "testServer",
roomToken: "testRoom",
publicKey: TestConstants.publicKey,
isActive: true,
name: "Test",
roomDescription: nil,
imageId: nil,
userCount: 0,
infoUpdates: 0,
sequenceNumber: 0,
inboxLatestMessageId: 0,
outboxLatestMessageId: 0
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
mockGenericHash.when { $0.hash(message: anyArray(), outputLength: any()) }.thenReturn([])
.when { $0.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey: any(), edKeyPair: any(), genericHash: mockGenericHash) }
publicKey: TestConstants.publicKey)!.bytes,
secretKey: TestConstants.edSecretKey)!.bytes
.when {
message: anyArray(),
secretKey: anyArray(),
blindedSecretKey: anyArray(),
blindedPublicKey: anyArray()
mockSign.when { $0.signature(message: anyArray(), secretKey: anyArray()) }.thenReturn("TestSignature".bytes)
mockEd25519.when { try $0.sign(data: anyArray(), keyPair: any()) }.thenReturn("TestStandardSignature".bytes)
.when { $0.nonce() }
.thenReturn(Data(base64Encoded: "pK6YRtQApl4NhECGizF0Cg==")!.bytes)
.when { $0.nonce() }
.thenReturn(Data(base64Encoded: "pbTUizreT0sqJ2R2LloseQDyVL2RYztD")!.bytes)
afterEach {
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
disposables.forEach { $0.cancel() }
mockStorage = nil
mockSodium = nil
mockAeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf = nil
mockSign = nil
mockGenericHash = nil
mockEd25519 = nil
dependencies = nil
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
disposables = []
response = nil
pollResponse = nil
error = nil
// MARK: - Batching & Polling
context("when polling") {
context("and given a correct response") {
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [], missing: nil),
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: try! JSONDecoder().decode(
from: """
""".data(using: .utf8)!
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: [OpenGroupAPI.Message](),
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
it("generates the correct request") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
expect(pollResponse?.data.keys).to(contain(.roomPollInfo("testRoom", 0)))
// Validate request data
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (pollResponse?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("retrieves recent messages if there was no last message") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("retrieves recent messages if there was a last message and it has not performed the initial poll and the last message was too long ago") {
mockStorage.write { db in
try OpenGroup
.updateAll(db, OpenGroup.Columns.sequenceNumber.set(to: 123))
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: (OpenGroupAPI.Poller.maxInactivityPeriod + 1),
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("retrieves recent messages if there was a last message and it has performed an initial poll but it was not too long ago") {
mockStorage.write { db in
try OpenGroup
.updateAll(db, OpenGroup.Columns.sequenceNumber.set(to: 123))
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
expect(pollResponse?.data.keys).to(contain(.roomMessagesSince("testRoom", seqNo: 123)))
it("retrieves recent messages if there was a last message and there has already been a poll this session") {
mockStorage.write { db in
try OpenGroup
.updateAll(db, OpenGroup.Columns.sequenceNumber.set(to: 123))
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: true,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
expect(pollResponse?.data.keys).to(contain(.roomMessagesSince("testRoom", seqNo: 123)))
context("when unblinded") {
beforeEach {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("does not call the inbox and outbox endpoints") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
context("when blinded") {
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [], missing: nil),
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: try! JSONDecoder().decode(
from: """
""".data(using: .utf8)!
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: [OpenGroupAPI.Message](),
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: [OpenGroupAPI.DirectMessage](),
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: [OpenGroupAPI.DirectMessage](),
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .blind, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("includes the inbox and outbox endpoints") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
it("retrieves recent inbox messages if there was no last message") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: true,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("retrieves inbox messages since the last message if there was one") {
mockStorage.write { db in
try OpenGroup
.updateAll(db, OpenGroup.Columns.inboxLatestMessageId.set(to: 124))
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: true,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
expect(pollResponse?.data.keys).to(contain(.inboxSince(id: 124)))
it("retrieves recent outbox messages if there was no last message") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: true,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("retrieves outbox messages since the last message if there was one") {
mockStorage.write { db in
try OpenGroup
.updateAll(db, OpenGroup.Columns.outboxLatestMessageId.set(to: 125))
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: true,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
expect(pollResponse?.data.keys).to(contain(.outboxSince(id: 125)))
context("and given an invalid response") {
it("succeeds but flags the bodies it failed to parse when an unexpected response is returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [], missing: nil),
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: OpenGroupAPI.PinnedMessage(id: 1, pinnedAt: 1, pinnedBy: ""),
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: OpenGroupAPI.PinnedMessage(id: 1, pinnedAt: 1, pinnedBy: ""),
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
let capabilitiesResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse<OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities>? = (pollResponse?.data[.capabilities] as? HTTP.BatchSubResponse<OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities>)
let pollInfoResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse<OpenGroupAPI.RoomPollInfo>? = (pollResponse?.data[.roomPollInfo("testRoom", 0)] as? HTTP.BatchSubResponse<OpenGroupAPI.RoomPollInfo>)
let messagesResponse: HTTP.BatchSubResponse<[Failable<OpenGroupAPI.Message>]>? = (pollResponse?.data[.roomMessagesRecent("testRoom")] as? HTTP.BatchSubResponse<[Failable<OpenGroupAPI.Message>]>)
it("errors when no data is returned") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("errors when invalid data is returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("errors when an empty array is returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return "[]".data(using: .utf8) }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("errors when an empty object is returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return "{}".data(using: .utf8) }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("errors when a different number of responses are returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [], missing: nil),
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: try! JSONDecoder().decode(
from: """
""".data(using: .utf8)!
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
server: "testserver",
hasPerformedInitialPoll: false,
timeSinceLastPoll: 0,
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in pollResponse = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// MARK: - Capabilities
context("when doing a capabilities request") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let data: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities = OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [.sogs], missing: nil)
override class var mockResponse: Data? { try! JSONEncoder().encode(data) }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI.preparedCapabilities(
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
// MARK: - Rooms
context("when doing a rooms request") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let data: [OpenGroupAPI.Room] = [
token: "test",
name: "test",
roomDescription: nil,
infoUpdates: 0,
messageSequence: 0,
created: 0,
activeUsers: 0,
activeUsersCutoff: 0,
imageId: nil,
pinnedMessages: nil,
admin: false,
globalAdmin: false,
admins: [],
hiddenAdmins: nil,
moderator: false,
globalModerator: false,
moderators: [],
hiddenModerators: nil,
read: false,
defaultRead: nil,
defaultAccessible: nil,
write: false,
defaultWrite: nil,
upload: false,
defaultUpload: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return try! JSONEncoder().encode(data) }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: [OpenGroupAPI.Room])?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI.preparedRooms(
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
// MARK: - CapabilitiesAndRoom
context("when doing a capabilitiesAndRoom request") {
context("and given a correct response") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let capabilitiesData: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities = OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [.sogs], missing: nil)
static let roomData: OpenGroupAPI.Room = OpenGroupAPI.Room(
token: "test",
name: "test",
roomDescription: nil,
infoUpdates: 0,
messageSequence: 0,
created: 0,
activeUsers: 0,
activeUsersCutoff: 0,
imageId: nil,
pinnedMessages: nil,
admin: false,
globalAdmin: false,
admins: [],
hiddenAdmins: nil,
moderator: false,
globalModerator: false,
moderators: [],
hiddenModerators: nil,
read: false,
defaultRead: nil,
defaultAccessible: nil,
write: false,
defaultWrite: nil,
upload: false,
defaultUpload: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: capabilitiesData,
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: roomData,
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
var response: OpenGroupAPI.CapabilitiesAndRoomResponse?
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
for: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
// Validate request data
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("and given an invalid response") {
it("errors when only a capabilities response is returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let capabilitiesData: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities = OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [.sogs], missing: nil)
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: capabilitiesData,
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
var response: OpenGroupAPI.CapabilitiesAndRoomResponse?
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
for: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("errors when only a room response is returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let roomData: OpenGroupAPI.Room = OpenGroupAPI.Room(
token: "test",
name: "test",
roomDescription: nil,
infoUpdates: 0,
messageSequence: 0,
created: 0,
activeUsers: 0,
activeUsersCutoff: 0,
imageId: nil,
pinnedMessages: nil,
admin: false,
globalAdmin: false,
admins: [],
hiddenAdmins: nil,
moderator: false,
globalModerator: false,
moderators: [],
hiddenModerators: nil,
read: false,
defaultRead: nil,
defaultAccessible: nil,
write: false,
defaultWrite: nil,
upload: false,
defaultUpload: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: roomData,
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
var response: OpenGroupAPI.CapabilitiesAndRoomResponse?
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
for: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("errors when an extra response is returned") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let capabilitiesData: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities = OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities(capabilities: [.sogs], missing: nil)
static let roomData: OpenGroupAPI.Room = OpenGroupAPI.Room(
token: "test",
name: "test",
roomDescription: nil,
infoUpdates: 0,
messageSequence: 0,
created: 0,
activeUsers: 0,
activeUsersCutoff: 0,
imageId: nil,
pinnedMessages: nil,
admin: false,
globalAdmin: false,
admins: [],
hiddenAdmins: nil,
moderator: false,
globalModerator: false,
moderators: [],
hiddenModerators: nil,
read: false,
defaultRead: nil,
defaultAccessible: nil,
write: false,
defaultWrite: nil,
upload: false,
defaultUpload: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: capabilitiesData,
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: roomData,
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: OpenGroupAPI.PinnedMessage(id: 1, pinnedAt: 1, pinnedBy: ""),
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
var response: OpenGroupAPI.CapabilitiesAndRoomResponse?
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
for: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// MARK: - Messages
context("when sending messages") {
var messageData: OpenGroupAPI.Message!
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let data: OpenGroupAPI.Message = OpenGroupAPI.Message(
id: 126,
sender: "testSender",
posted: 321,
edited: nil,
deleted: nil,
seqNo: 10,
whisper: false,
whisperMods: false,
whisperTo: nil,
base64EncodedData: nil,
base64EncodedSignature: nil,
reactions: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return try! JSONEncoder().encode(data) }
messageData =
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
afterEach {
messageData = nil
it("correctly sends the message") {
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testServer",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("when unblinded") {
beforeEach {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("signs the message correctly") {
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testServer",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request body
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.SendMessageRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.SendMessageRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
expect("test".data(using: .utf8)))
expect(requestBody.signature).to(equal("TestStandardSignature".data(using: .utf8)))
it("fails to sign if there is no open group") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try OpenGroup.deleteAll(db)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if there is no user key pair") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .x25519PublicKey).deleteAll(db)
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .x25519PrivateKey).deleteAll(db)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if no signature is generated") {
mockEd25519.reset() // The 'keyPair' value doesn't equate so have to explicitly reset
mockEd25519.when { try $0.sign(data: anyArray(), keyPair: any()) }.thenReturn(nil)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
context("when blinded") {
beforeEach {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .blind, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("signs the message correctly") {
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request body
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.SendMessageRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.SendMessageRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
expect("test".data(using: .utf8)))
expect(requestBody.signature).to(equal("TestSogsSignature".data(using: .utf8)))
it("fails to sign if there is no open group") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try OpenGroup.deleteAll(db)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testServer",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if there is no ed key pair key") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519PublicKey).deleteAll(db)
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519SecretKey).deleteAll(db)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if no signature is generated") {
.when {
message: anyArray(),
secretKey: anyArray(),
blindedSecretKey: anyArray(),
blindedPublicKey: anyArray()
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
whisperTo: nil,
whisperMods: false,
fileIds: nil,
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
context("when getting an individual message") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let data: OpenGroupAPI.Message = OpenGroupAPI.Message(
id: 126,
sender: "testSender",
posted: 321,
edited: nil,
deleted: nil,
seqNo: 10,
whisper: false,
whisperMods: false,
whisperTo: nil,
base64EncodedData: nil,
base64EncodedSignature: nil,
reactions: nil
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return try! JSONEncoder().encode(data) }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.Message)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("when updating a message") {
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Identity
.filter(id: .ed25519PublicKey)
.updateAll(db, Data()))
_ = try Identity
.filter(id: .ed25519SecretKey)
.updateAll(db, Data()))
it("correctly sends the update") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("when unblinded") {
beforeEach {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("signs the message correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request body
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UpdateMessageRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UpdateMessageRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
expect("test".data(using: .utf8)))
expect(requestBody.signature).to(equal("TestStandardSignature".data(using: .utf8)))
it("fails to sign if there is no open group") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try OpenGroup.deleteAll(db)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if there is no user key pair") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .x25519PublicKey).deleteAll(db)
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .x25519PrivateKey).deleteAll(db)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if no signature is generated") {
mockEd25519.reset() // The 'keyPair' value doesn't equate so have to explicitly reset
mockEd25519.when { try $0.sign(data: anyArray(), keyPair: any()) }.thenReturn(nil)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testServer",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
context("when blinded") {
beforeEach {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .blind, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("signs the message correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request body
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UpdateMessageRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UpdateMessageRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
expect("test".data(using: .utf8)))
expect(requestBody.signature).to(equal("TestSogsSignature".data(using: .utf8)))
it("fails to sign if there is no open group") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try OpenGroup.deleteAll(db)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if there is no ed key pair key") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519PublicKey).deleteAll(db)
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519SecretKey).deleteAll(db)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails to sign if no signature is generated") {
.when {
message: anyArray(),
secretKey: anyArray(),
blindedSecretKey: anyArray(),
blindedPublicKey: anyArray()
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
plaintext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
fileIds: nil,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
context("when deleting a message") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("when deleting all messages for a user") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
afterEach {
response = nil
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
// MARK: - Pinning
context("when pinning a message") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("when unpinning a message") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
id: 123,
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("when unpinning all messages") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
// MARK: - Files
context("when uploading files") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
return try! JSONEncoder().encode(FileUploadResponse(id: "1"))
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
bytes: [],
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("doesn't add a fileName to the content-disposition header when not provided") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
return try! JSONEncoder().encode(FileUploadResponse(id: "1"))
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
bytes: [],
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("adds the fileName to the content-disposition header when provided") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
return try! JSONEncoder().encode(FileUploadResponse(id: "1"))
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
bytes: [],
fileName: "TestFileName",
to: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
context("when downloading files") {
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
return Data()
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
2022-07-19 01:22:15 +02:00
fileId: "1",
from: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
// MARK: - Inbox/Outbox (Message Requests)
context("when sending message requests") {
var messageData: OpenGroupAPI.SendDirectMessageResponse!
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
static let data: OpenGroupAPI.SendDirectMessageResponse = OpenGroupAPI.SendDirectMessageResponse(
id: 126,
sender: "testSender",
recipient: "testRecipient",
posted: 321,
expires: 456
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return try! JSONEncoder().encode(data) }
messageData =
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
afterEach {
messageData = nil
it("correctly sends the message request") {
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: OpenGroupAPI.SendDirectMessageResponse)?
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
ciphertext: "test".data(using: .utf8)!,
toInboxFor: "testUserId",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate the response data
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
// MARK: - Users
context("when banning a user") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
afterEach {
response = nil
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
for: nil,
from: nil,
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("does a global ban if no room tokens are provided") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
for: nil,
from: nil,
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UserBanRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UserBanRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
it("does room specific bans if room tokens are provided") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
for: nil,
from: ["testRoom"],
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UserBanRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UserBanRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
context("when unbanning a user") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
afterEach {
response = nil
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
from: nil,
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("does a global ban if no room tokens are provided") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
from: nil,
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UserUnbanRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UserUnbanRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
it("does room specific bans if room tokens are provided") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
from: ["testRoom"],
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UserUnbanRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UserUnbanRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
context("when updating a users permissions") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: NoResponse)?
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? { return Data() }
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
afterEach {
response = nil
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
moderator: true,
admin: nil,
visible: true,
for: nil,
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("does a global update if no room tokens are provided") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
moderator: true,
admin: nil,
visible: true,
for: nil,
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UserModeratorRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UserModeratorRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
it("does room specific updates if room tokens are provided") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
moderator: true,
admin: nil,
visible: true,
for: ["testRoom"],
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let requestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UserModeratorRequest = try! JSONDecoder().decode(OpenGroupAPI.UserModeratorRequest.self, from: requestData!.body!)
it("fails if neither moderator or admin are set") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
sessionId: "testUserId",
moderator: nil,
admin: nil,
visible: true,
for: nil,
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
context("when banning and deleting all messages for a user") {
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
var response: (info: ResponseInfoType, data: [OpenGroupAPI.Endpoint: ResponseInfoType])?
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
let responses: [Data] = [
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: nil,
failedToParseBody: false
try! JSONEncoder().encode(
code: 200,
headers: [:],
body: nil,
failedToParseBody: false
return "[\( { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8)! }.joined(separator: ","))]".data(using: .utf8)
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
afterEach {
response = nil
it("generates the request and handles the response correctly") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
sessionId: "testUserId",
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("bans the user from the specified room rather than globally") {
.readPublisherFlatMap { db in
sessionId: "testUserId",
in: "testRoom",
on: "testserver",
using: dependencies
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate request data
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.info as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
let jsonObject: Any = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(
with: requestData!.body!,
options: [.fragmentsAllowed]
let firstJsonObject: Any = ((jsonObject as! [Any]).first as! [String: Any])["json"]!
let firstJsonData: Data = try! firstJsonObject)
let firstRequestBody: OpenGroupAPI.UserBanRequest = try! JSONDecoder()
.decode(OpenGroupAPI.UserBanRequest.self, from: firstJsonData)
// MARK: - Authentication
context("when signing") {
beforeEach {
class TestApi: TestOnionRequestAPI {
override class var mockResponse: Data? {
return try! JSONEncoder().encode([OpenGroupAPI.Room]())
dependencies = dependencies.with(onionApi: TestApi.self)
it("fails when there is no userEdKeyPair") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519PublicKey).deleteAll(db)
_ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519SecretKey).deleteAll(db)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails when there is no serverPublicKey") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try OpenGroup.deleteAll(db)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails when the serverPublicKey is not a hex string") {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try OpenGroup.updateAll(db, OpenGroup.Columns.publicKey.set(to: "TestString!!!"))
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
context("when unblinded") {
beforeEach {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("signs correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("fails when the signature is not generated") {
mockSign.when { $0.signature(message: anyArray(), secretKey: anyArray()) }.thenReturn(nil)
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
context("when blinded") {
beforeEach {
mockStorage.write { db in
_ = try Capability.deleteAll(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .sogs, isMissing: false).insert(db)
try Capability(openGroupServer: "testserver", variant: .blind, isMissing: false).insert(db)
it("signs correctly") {
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
// Validate signature headers
let requestData: TestOnionRequestAPI.RequestData? = (response?.0 as? TestOnionRequestAPI.ResponseInfo)?.requestData
it("fails when the blindedKeyPair is not generated") {
.when { $0.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey: any(), edKeyPair: any(), genericHash: mockGenericHash) }
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)
it("fails when the sogsSignature is not generated") {
.when { $0.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey: any(), edKeyPair: any(), genericHash: mockGenericHash) }
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.readPublisher { db in
try OpenGroupAPI
server: "testserver",
using: dependencies
Fixed a number of issues found during internal testing Added copy for an unrecoverable startup case Added some additional logs to better debug ValueObservation query errors Increased the pageSize to 20 on iPad devices (to prevent it immediately loading a second page) Cleaned up a bunch of threading logic (try to avoid overriding subscribe/receive threads specified at subscription) Consolidated the 'sendMessage' and 'sendAttachments' functions Updated the various frameworks to use 'DAWRF with DSYM' to allow for better debugging during debug mode (at the cost of a longer build time) Updated the logic to optimistically insert messages when sending to avoid any database write delays Updated the logic to avoid sending notifications for messages which are already marked as read by the config Fixed an issue where multiple paths could incorrectly get built at the same time in some cases Fixed an issue where other job queues could be started before the blockingQueue finishes Fixed a potential bug with the snode version comparison (was just a string comparison which would fail when getting to double-digit values) Fixed a bug where you couldn't remove the last reaction on a message Fixed the broken media message zoom animations Fixed a bug where the last message read in a conversation wouldn't be correctly detected as already read Fixed a bug where the QuoteView had no line limits (resulting in the '@You' mention background highlight being incorrectly positioned in the quote preview) Fixed a bug where a large number of configSyncJobs could be scheduled (only one would run at a time but this could result in performance impacts)
2023-06-23 09:54:29 +02:00
.flatMap { OpenGroupAPI.send(data: $0, using: dependencies) }
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { result in response = result })
.mapError { error.setting(to: $0) }
2023-01-05 02:36:47 +01:00
.sinkAndStore(in: &disposables)
timeout: .milliseconds(100)