
236 lines
9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public struct LinkPreview: Codable, Equatable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "linkPreview" }
internal static let interactionForeignKey = ForeignKey(
to: [Interaction.Columns.linkPreviewUrl]
internal static let interactions = hasMany(Interaction.self, using: Interaction.linkPreviewForeignKey)
public static let attachment = hasOne(Attachment.self, using: Attachment.linkPreviewForeignKey)
/// We want to cache url previews to the nearest 100,000 seconds (~28 hours - simpler than 86,400) to ensure the user isn't shown a preview that is too stale
internal static let timstampResolution: Double = 100000
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
case url
case timestamp
case variant
case title
case attachmentId
public enum Variant: Int, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible {
case standard
case openGroupInvitation
/// The url for the link preview
public let url: String
/// The number of seconds since epoch rounded down to the nearest 100,000 seconds (~day) - This
/// allows us to optimise against duplicate urls without having stale data last too long
public let timestamp: TimeInterval
/// The type of link preview
public let variant: Variant
/// The title for the link
public let title: String?
/// The id for the attachment for the link preview image
public let attachmentId: String?
// MARK: - Relationships
public var attachment: QueryInterfaceRequest<Attachment> {
request(for: LinkPreview.attachment)
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
url: String,
timestamp: TimeInterval = LinkPreview.timestampFor(
sentTimestampMs: (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000) // Default to now
variant: Variant = .standard,
title: String?,
attachmentId: String? = nil
) {
self.url = url
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.variant = variant
self.title = title
self.attachmentId = attachmentId
// MARK: - Custom Database Interaction
public func delete(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool {
// If we have an Attachment then check if this is the only type that is referencing it
// and delete the Attachment if so
if let attachmentId: String = attachmentId {
let interactionUses: Int? = try? InteractionAttachment
.filter(InteractionAttachment.Columns.attachmentId == attachmentId)
let quoteUses: Int? = try? Quote
.filter(Quote.Columns.attachmentId == attachmentId)
if (interactionUses ?? 0) == 0 && (quoteUses ?? 0) == 0 {
try attachment.deleteAll(db)
return try performDelete(db)
// MARK: - Protobuf
public extension LinkPreview {
init?(_ db: Database, proto: SNProtoDataMessage, body: String?) throws {
guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview }
guard let previewProto = proto.preview.first else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview }
guard proto.attachments.count < 1 else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput }
guard URL(string: previewProto.url) != nil else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput }
guard LinkPreview.isValidLinkUrl(previewProto.url) else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput }
guard let body: String = body else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput }
guard LinkPreview.allPreviewUrls(forMessageBodyText: body).contains(previewProto.url) else {
throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput
// Try to get an existing link preview first
let timestamp: TimeInterval = LinkPreview.timestampFor(sentTimestampMs: Double(proto.timestamp))
let maybeLinkPreview: LinkPreview? = try? LinkPreview
.filter(LinkPreview.Columns.url == previewProto.url)
.filter(LinkPreview.Columns.timestamp == LinkPreview.timestampFor(
sentTimestampMs: Double(proto.timestamp)
if let linkPreview: LinkPreview = maybeLinkPreview {
self = linkPreview
self.url = previewProto.url
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.variant = .standard
self.title = LinkPreview.normalizeTitle(title: previewProto.title)
if let imageProto = previewProto.image {
let attachment: Attachment = Attachment(proto: imageProto)
try attachment.insert(db)
self.attachmentId =
else {
self.attachmentId = nil
// Make sure the quote is valid before completing
guard self.title != nil || self.attachmentId != nil else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput }
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension LinkPreview {
struct URLMatchResult {
let urlString: String
let matchRange: NSRange
static func timestampFor(sentTimestampMs: Double) -> TimeInterval {
// We want to round the timestamp down to the nearest 100,000 seconds (~28 hours - simpler
// than 86,400) to optimise LinkPreview storage without having too stale data
return (floor(sentTimestampMs / 1000 / LinkPreview.timstampResolution) * LinkPreview.timstampResolution)
@discardableResult static func saveAttachmentIfPossible(_ db: Database, imageData: Data?, mimeType: String) throws -> String? {
guard let imageData: Data = imageData, !imageData.isEmpty else { return nil }
guard let fileExtension: String = MIMETypeUtil.fileExtension(forMIMEType: mimeType) else { return nil }
let filePath = OWSFileSystem.temporaryFilePath(withFileExtension: fileExtension)
try imageData.write(to: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filePath), options: .atomicWrite)
guard let dataSource = DataSourcePath.dataSource(withFilePath: filePath, shouldDeleteOnDeallocation: true) else {
return nil
return try Attachment(contentType: mimeType, dataSource: dataSource)?
static func isValidLinkUrl(_ urlString: String) -> Bool {
return URL(string: urlString) != nil
static func allPreviewUrls(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [String] {
return allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText: body).map { $0.urlString }
// MARK: - Private Methods
private static func allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [URLMatchResult] {
let detector: NSDataDetector
do {
detector = try NSDataDetector(types:
catch {
return []
var urlMatches: [URLMatchResult] = []
let matches = detector.matches(in: body, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: body.count))
for match in matches {
guard let matchURL = match.url else { continue }
// If the URL entered didn't have a scheme it will default to 'http', we want to catch this and
// set the scheme to 'https' instead as we don't load previews for 'http' so this will result
// in more previews actually getting loaded without forcing the user to enter 'https://' before
// every URL they enter
let urlString: String = (matchURL.absoluteString == "http://\(body)" ?
"https://\(body)" :
if isValidLinkUrl(urlString) {
let matchResult = URLMatchResult(urlString: urlString, matchRange: match.range)
return urlMatches
fileprivate static func normalizeTitle(title: String?) -> String? {
guard var result: String = title, !result.isEmpty else { return nil }
// Truncate title after 2 lines of text.
let maxLineCount = 2
var components = result.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
if components.count > maxLineCount {
components = Array(components[0..<maxLineCount])
result = components.joined(separator: "\n")
let maxCharacterCount = 2048
if result.count > maxCharacterCount {
let endIndex = result.index(result.startIndex, offsetBy: maxCharacterCount)
result = String(result[..<endIndex])
return result.filterStringForDisplay()